Sources from old books
1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.
MITYLENE. (Book Mitylene) LESBUS or Mitylena, which is now called Metelin from the chiefe Citty, lyeth over against Phrygia, and is distant from the Continent 7. miles and an halfe. Some report that the compasse of it is 168. miles. And others say 130. miles. It hath a wholesome ayre, fruitfull fields, and good fruits. Here it the best Corne. It yeel∣deth the best Wine, which is more esteemed at Constantinople than o∣ther wines, and for the most part it is of a pale colour betweene red and white. Here is also Marble, which is bluer than a Touchstone: here is also the Pretious stone call'd Achates, which being worne, cheareth the heart, and driveth away care and sorrow. It doth breed strong lusty Horses. but of low stature. Heretofore there were 5. Towns in it, Ant•ssa, Pyrrha, Eress•s, C•ravi, & Muyl•n•, now Metelino, being the Prince-Towne of the whole Iland, which hath a Castle and a pleasant fruitfull soyle, but now it is for the most part ruinated and fallen downe. This Iland hath two convenient Havens.