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Sources from old books
1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXXXVII. Of Rhagusa and Spallatta, and the Trade thereof.
THE Trade of Sclavonia is at this day but of small Account, and little to our Mation: the two Cities of Spalatta and Rhagusa seated therein, merit the principal consideration.
- 1.1Rhagusa then, formerly called Epidaurus, being situated on the Adriatick Sea, a Commonwealth of great Traffick and Riches, was in times past of far greater Fame and Name, both in Trade and Navigation than now it is: for from hence was the Original of those great Ships here built, and in old times famous, as then vulgarly called Argoses, properly * 1.2Rhaguses; the last which they were noted to have, they lent Philip the Second King of Spain, in 1588 to invade England, and hath her burial in our British Seas, and may all others so thrive that envy the Prosperity of England; since which I hear not of any they have of any consequence. They now pay 12000 Ducats yearly to the Turk for Tribute of that Trade and Liberty they now enjoy, which notwithstanding is of no great consequence.
The Country affords not any Commodities of moment for our Nation, and we only send thither some blue Hampshire Kersies, some Lead, Tin, and little else.
- 1.3The Moneys thereof are such as pass current through the State of Venice and Turkey their Neighbours, and their own being in correspondence therewith, and accompted by Grosses.
Grosses 6 is a Livre Grosses 59 is a Hungar Grosses 38 is a Rial ⅜ Grosses 1 is 2 Gassets A Gasset is 2 Saldes Grosses 62 is a Venice Chicquin Grosses 40 is a Naples Ducat Grosses 59 is also a Sultain, accounted in England for 8 s. sterl.
- 1.4The Weight is a pound of (…) ℥ and 100 l. is the Quintal.
The 100 l. is English 80 l. and is Venice suttle 120 l. and is Venice gross 76 l. 1 l. Rhagusa is 9 ℥ gross Ven. 1 l. Rhagusa is 14 ℥ sac. 2⅔ suttle.
- 1.5The Measure is the Brace, which agreeth with the Brace of Venice: thus the 100 Cloth Braces is in Rhagusa 124, and of Silk 116 Braces, and is in England (…) inches.