Sources from old books
1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.
The trade of Sclavonia is at this day but of small accompt, and little to our Nation: the two cities of Spallotta and Rhagusa seated therein, merit the principall consideration.
Note that the weights and measures of Spallata doe wholly agree with those in Venetia, therefore I neede not to say further thereof in this place; and by the way, note, that for the weights of Rhagusa, I find this observation made: the 100 Rot. of Alexandria Zero is in Rhagusa 260l^' the 100l^' forfori is in Rhagusa 116 l' the 100 ℞ laidin, is in Rhagusa 165 l' the 100 ℞ of Damietta, is in Rhagusa 120 l', the 100 ℞ of Roma, is in Rhagusa 666 l', the 100 ℞ of Baruti is in Rhagusa 625 l' the 100 ℞ Damasco, is in Rhagusa 600 l', the 100 ℞ of Tripost in Soria, is in Rhagusa 500 l', the 100 ℞ of Alleppo is in Rhagusa 600 l', the 100 ℞ of Rhodes and Gasa, is in Rhagusa 666⅓ l', the 100 ℞ of Cyprus, is in Rhagusa 625 l', the 100 ℞ of Bursia in Natolia, is in Rhagusa 146 l' the 100 ℞ of Constantinople, is in Rhagusa 146 l', and the 100 l' in Rhagusa doth make as followeth:
In Puglia 39 ℞ Puglia 110 l' Rome 101 Florence 105 Perosa 95 Siena 108 Acquilla 107 Lansan•… 106 Vrbino 106 Crema 111 Piemont 101 Forli 111 Faensa 110 In Cesena 106 l' Ricanati 107 Camerino 108 Bollonia 110 Lucca 106 Millano 111 Verona 108 Bressia 111 Ferara 106 Modena 109 Genoa 114 Fanno 106 Further matter worthy mentioning that concernes either the weight, measure, or trade of this place I have not observed, therefore I passe it over; and hence take my journey to Grecia, the next place which challengeth my survey.