
From The World in 17th Century
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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

Of TAURIS and the trade thereof. Tauris, is the Metropolis of Media, and the summer seates of the Persian Sophies containing 16 miles in compasse, and including 100 thousand Inhabitants; it hath within late yeares beene three times conquered by the Turkes, and hath as often againe returned to the Persians, under whom now it resteth: first, by Selimus, then, by Soliman the magnificent, and lastly, by Osman Generall to Amurath the third; it is now in the possession of the Persian, and strongly fortified, and seated in a cold, yet wholsome Countrey, the Inhabitants more addicted to the making of silke, than to the sword; distant six dayes journey from the Caspian Sea; and indeed incompassed by severall great Townes of note, whose manuall labours are famoused over the world, as first Eres, whence came the fine silke called the Mamodean, now out of use; then Gilan abounding with lege silke; Sumachia, abounding in excellent carpets, whereto the people wholly addict themselves; then Arasse, the most eminent and opulent Citie in the trade of merchandise throughout all Servania, partly by the abundant growth of silke there nourished, and hence called Arasse, vulgarly Ardasse (2000 summes yearly going hence to Aleppo in Syria) and partly by the growth thereof; Galles, cottons, wooll, allom, some spices, drugges, and sundry other commodities; so that to make this place the happie scale of merchandise, Nature having plaid her part, there wanteth onely peace betweene the Kings of Persia and Turkie, which at present is denied them: the further manner of trade of that place, I am constrained for want of due information to omit, and referre what I have thereof collected to Persia.