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  • [[Category:Cities]] [[Category:African Cities]]
    1 KB (164 words) - 19:21, 26 January 2025
  • ...RBARY, which make up the fifth and last part thereof, are situate neer the African shores of the Mediterranean, assigned by Ptolomy to the Province of Africa in low Cottages, and but simply apparelled. It had in it anciently two Cities, 1 Meninx, which sometimes gave name unto the Iland, called Meninx by some
    12 KB (2,184 words) - 23:43, 21 December 2024
  • ...s posterity; the most potent Prince of all these parts: who falling in the African war against Julius Casar, Numidia was forthwith made a Province of the Roma ...ce materials for the finest Chamlets, which are here made in most of their Cities. The whole Country divided commonly into these seven parts, viz. 1. Guzzula
    43 KB (7,513 words) - 02:06, 20 January 2025
  • ...Emperor was ashamed to hear it. And though the Sermons of S. Augustine, an African Bishop, were preached in Latine, because preached in Hippo his Episcopal Se These Bishops ranked into six Classes, according to the number of the African Provinces: the Bishops of each Province subject to their own Metropolitan,
    46 KB (7,851 words) - 03:05, 24 January 2025
  • ...d, and which are well furnished with Water. They count three little walled Cities and some Towns, the chief bearing the name of the part. ...t examination: Their Language is rude and barbarous, having a touch of the African.
    19 KB (3,447 words) - 02:08, 20 January 2025
  • ...led Magnus Portus, the other Portus Perphosius; besides 43 other Towns and Cities (twelve of these on the banks of the River Niger:) whose names and situatio It was thus first called by John Leo, an African Writer, to whose description of all Africk we are much beholding; because o
    21 KB (3,705 words) - 03:54, 3 January 2025
  • ...s posterity; the most potent Prince of all these parts: who falling in the African war against Julius Casar, Numidia was forthwith made a Province of the Roma ...A champain Country, very level; and once so populous, that it contained 40 Cities, and 300 Castles; most of them ruined by the wars, and the wild Arabians, t
    70 KB (12,387 words) - 02:05, 20 January 2025
  • ...ght with them hither out of Europe; and these are onely they that in these Cities professe Merchandizing, and are found to use some trade alongst this coast ...and the mariners joy: and thus leaving these two piraticall Kingdomes and Cities, with this Maritime coast, I come in the next place to the famous Kingdomes
    48 KB (8,122 words) - 02:04, 20 January 2025
  • ...res which by thousands were banished from Spaine, who have here built many Cities, and Temples, according to their superstitious use, planted Vines, Oranges, ...ght with them hither out of Europe; and these are onely they that in these Cities professe Merchandizing, and are found to use some trade alongst this coast
    54 KB (9,470 words) - 19:18, 26 January 2025
  • the Sixpenny forfeitures for bringing their Weapons within any of their Cities: Neither do they live in great pomp and grandure; a poor Cottage with us, b ...Factories, and are incorporated into a Society at London, called the Royal African Company, who have many Factories and settlements, driving a very considerab
    25 KB (4,435 words) - 02:11, 20 January 2025
  • ...ome. It was first of all inhabited by the Cyclops; afterwards, most of the Cities were swayed by some Princes or other, and the Republick of Syracuse was ver ...resses. Syragousa, or rather Saracousa, formerly Syracusa, one of the best Cities of the Roman Empire, is noted in History for its Wars, for its Tyrants, for
    30 KB (5,119 words) - 03:20, 13 January 2025
  • <blockquote>AFRICA, AND THE PROVINCES AND CITIES OF TRADE THEREOF. ...rican, which comes from the Ancient Punick, the Arabick and Ethiopian. The African and Arabick extend themselves through all Barbary, Billedulgerid, Egypt, an
    78 KB (12,549 words) - 02:09, 20 January 2025
  • 1. Spanish Brabant, properly so call'd, in which are included these principal Cities and Towns. King of Bohemia and his Queen, the Queens of France and Hungary, and an African King. Adjoining to this Palace is a pleasant Park, well stor'd with Deers,
    42 KB (7,065 words) - 01:31, 18 January 2025
  • ...ich were kept and held in the hithermost Spaine, so that foure and twentie Cities, as Plinie reporteth, did bring their suits and causes hither to have them ...(that is, Courts of Audience, or for the Receipt of the Kings Revenue) 18 Cities, more than 400 walled Towns, 200 Boroughs, 4000 Parishes. The Regions are
    46 KB (7,685 words) - 02:15, 16 January 2025
  • ...wo parishes, and is the residence of the Governor of the Island. The other Cities, are Sancta Crux, Rotana, Rajalesa, Carachico, and Adeca. When it was disco ...and uncivil people, of complexion, not less tawny then the Moors; use the African Language, but follow the Religion of the Church of Rome, which the Knights
    93 KB (16,183 words) - 02:25, 20 January 2025
  • ...he Kingdome of Portugall is comprehended, besides Portugall, Algarbia. The Cities which are in the whole Kingdome are almost innumerable. ...nd glided by Meri•la (where it hath a long stone-bridge over it) and other Cities toward the South, it •owleth it selfe into the Sea neare the Castle of Ma
    178 KB (29,359 words) - 02:15, 16 January 2025
  • ...e principall channell of Nilus, and in a triangle from the two above-named Cities of Alexandria •…nd Cairo, serving for a Scale for both. sorts of spices; the observations made thereon, with some other eminent Cities, are these:
    182 KB (31,536 words) - 01:58, 20 January 2025