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(Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. OF THE ORIENTAL ILANDS. === <blockquote>THe Isles of BANDAN are in number seven, that is to say 1. Mira, 2. Rosalargium, 3. A••, 4. Rom, 5. Nerra, 6 Ganuape, the least of all, continually burning, and for that cause deserted of its inhabitants, and 7. Bandan, bigger than any of the rest, and therefore giving name to all. Situate South of the Philippines, in the seventh degree of South...")
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There is not far off another Iland, not in this accompt, called Timor,situate in the tenth degree of Southern Latitude; the chief of many little Ilands which lye round about it; but not else observable, except it be for that ab•ndance of Sanders both white and yellow, which growing there, is greedily exchanged by the Inhabiants for I•on, Hatchets, Swords, Knives, and the like commodities.</blockquote>
There is not far off another Iland, not in this accompt, called Timor,situate in the tenth degree of Southern Latitude; the chief of many little Ilands which lye round about it; but not else observable, except it be for that ab•ndance of Sanders both white and yellow, which growing there, is greedily exchanged by the Inhabiants for I•on, Hatchets, Swords, Knives, and the like commodities.</blockquote>

=== 1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton. ===
<blockquote>The burning seven Isles of Bandan, where are the best Nutmegs growing like Peaches or Malacatoons, where are Dutch Factories, and some English Merchants, the place being yielded to the Protection of King James, November 24, 1620, both the Dutch and we taking advantage of their divisions, though they are more inclined to us than the Dutch.</blockquote>

Latest revision as of 16:14, 11 January 2025

Sources from old books

1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. OF THE ORIENTAL ILANDS.

THe Isles of BANDAN are in number seven, that is to say 1. Mira, 2. Rosalargium, 3. A••, 4. Rom, 5. Nerra, 6 Ganuape, the least of all, continually burning, and for that cause deserted of its inhabitants, and 7. Bandan, bigger than any of the rest, and therefore giving name to all. Situate South of the Philippines, in the seventh degree of Southern Latitude. More fruitful of Nutmegs, than any other of all these parts, for which cause never without the concourse of forein Merchants from Java, Malaca, and China; and of late times from these Northern Countreys of Europe also. Where by the way, the Nutmeg-tree is like a Peach or Peach-tree, the innermost part where of is the Nutmeg it self, covered over with a thin film or coat, which we call by the Arabian name of Mac•z or Mace; and over that the fruit itself, as it is in Peaches, Malacotons,, and such fruits as those.

The people barbarous and rude, slothfull, of weak bodies, and dull of wit; living contusedly together without rule or order. Some of them still continue in their antient Paganism; but the greatest part are thought to be Mahometans, in which Religion very zealous, and so devout that they will not go unto their work or wordly businesses, till they have visited the M•squits, and there done their devotions. A shame or Pattern shall I say in this, unto many Christians. All of them bloody and revengefull, but yet so farre from wronging the body of a dead Enemy, that they use to bury it with sweet odours.

Some Towns they have, of which the principall, 1. Nera, and 2. Lontoor, joined in a league against the rest; the quarrell rising from the cutting down of certain trees, proceeding to the butchery of one another, and ending in the loss of their common liberty. Subject in shew to the King of Botone one of the Moluccoes; but too much at their own disposing They had not else entred into quarrels with one another. Which opportunity being taken by the watchfull Hollanders, they did not only settle four Faatories there; but for the security of their trade, and to awe the Natives, they have built three Forts. They had also turned one of their Mesquits to a Fortress. Whereat the people were so incensed that they promised liberty to their Slaves, to get them out of i•: who falling desperately on fired it over their heads, and killed every man of them. The English Merchants have some trading also in these Ilands, more acceptable than the other, because not so insolent.

There is not far off another Iland, not in this accompt, called Timor,situate in the tenth degree of Southern Latitude; the chief of many little Ilands which lye round about it; but not else observable, except it be for that ab•ndance of Sanders both white and yellow, which growing there, is greedily exchanged by the Inhabiants for I•on, Hatchets, Swords, Knives, and the like commodities.

1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.

The burning seven Isles of Bandan, where are the best Nutmegs growing like Peaches or Malacatoons, where are Dutch Factories, and some English Merchants, the place being yielded to the Protection of King James, November 24, 1620, both the Dutch and we taking advantage of their divisions, though they are more inclined to us than the Dutch.