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(Created page with "== Sources from old books: == === 1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXXXV. === <blockquote>DAcia is bounded on the East with the Euxine, on the West with Hungary, on the North with the Carpathian Mountains, on the South with Hemus, dividing it from Greece. The Rivers that inrich this Country are Danubius, 2 Alata, 3. Salvata, 4. Cockle, 5. Mor•…, and some others. The Commodities that this Country affordeth for Merchandize, is Butter, Ch...")
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== Sources from old books: ==
== Sources from old books: ==

=== 1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXXXV. ===
=== 1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts. ===
<blockquote>Of Dacia and the Provinces and Cities thereof.
<blockquote>DAcia is bounded on the East with the Euxine, on the West with Hungary, on the North with the Carpathian Mountains, on the South with Hemus, dividing it from Greece.

Dacia is bounded on the East with the Euxine, on the West with [[Hungary]], on the North with the Carpathian mountaines, on the South with He•…us dividing it from [[Greece]].
The Rivers that inrich this Country are Danubius, 2 Alata, 3. Salvata, 4. Cockle, 5. Mor•…, and some others.

The Commodities that this Country affordeth for Merchandize, is Butter, Cheese, Honey, Wax, Hides, Oxen, Tallow, and Warlike Horses of great worth.
The rivers that inrich this Countrey are Danubius, 2 Aluta, 3 Salvata, 4 Cockle, 5 Morus, and some others.

The commodities that this countrey affoordeth for merchandise, is Butter, Cheese, Hony, Wax, Hides, Oxen, Tallow, and warlicke horses of great worth.
The Provinces are these, and are all under the command of the Grand Seignior.

The provinces are these, and are all under the command of the Grand Signiour.
Transilvania, the chief Towns thereof are, 1 Wisenberg, 2. Clasenberg, 3. Bristitia, 4. Fogar•…, and others, and now in possession of Bethlem Gabar the Vaivode thereof.

[[Transylvania|Transilvania]] the chiefe townes thereof are, 1 Wisenberg, 2 Clansenberg, 3 Bristitia, 4 Fogares, and others, and now in possession of Bethlem Gabor the Vaviode thereof.
Moldavia is the next, the chief Cities are Saccania, the second is Falsing, 3. Kilim, 4. Cher∣mon, &c. under a Vavoide, who is Tributary to the Great Turk.

Moldavia is the next, the chiefe Cities are Saccania, the second is Falsing, 3 Kilim, 4 Chermon, &c. under a Vaviod who is tributary to the great Turke.
Valachia is the third Province, the principal Towns whereof are, 1. Salnium, 2. Pracklabs, 3. Tergovista, the Vavoides Seat, who is Tributary to the Turk. This Country abounds in Mines of Gold, Silver, Salt-pits, Wines, Cattle, and Brimstone, and esteemed the richest of these Provinces.

Valachia is the third province, the principall townes whereof are 1 Salnium, 2 Praclaba 3 Terg•…vista, the Vaviods seat, who is tributary to the Turke. This countrey abounds in mines of Gold, Silver, Iron, Salt-pits, Wines Cattle, and Brimstone, and esteemed the richest of these provinces.
Servia is the fourth, and hath these Cities, 1. Stoneburg, the Seat of the Despot, Tributary to the Turk, 2. Samandria, 3. Belgrade, a famous Town, which cost the Great Turk much Blood and Money the getting, and was accounted before the Bulwark of Christendom on this side.

Servia is the fourth, and hath these Cities. 1 Stoneburg the seate of the Despot, tributary to the [[The Turkish Empire|Turke]], 2 Somandria, 3 Belgrade a famous towne, which cost the great Turkes much blood and money the getting, and was accounted before as the Bulwarke of Christendome on this side.
Rasia is the fifth, the chief City is Bodin, a famous Mart.

Rasia is the fifth, the chiefe Citie is Bodin, a famous Mart.
Bulgaria is the next, wherein is found Sophia, the Seat of the Beglerbeg of Greece, who hath under him 21 Sansacks. Next is Nicopolis, and some others of lesser note.

[[Bulgaria]] is the next, wherein is found Sophia, the seat of the Beglerbeg of [[Greece]], who hath under him 21 Sansakes. Next is Nicopolis, and some others of lesser note.
Bosna is the last Province, wherein is Casachium, and Jasiga, the residence of their former Despots. All which afford not further matter of Trade: for where the Great Turk once commandeth, Traffick is accounted very rare, and is seldom found of import, and being ignorant in that little there is, I am constrained to omit it.</blockquote>

Bosna is the last province, wherein is Casachium and •…siga, the residence of their former Despots. All which affoord not further matter of trade: for where the great Turke once commandeth, traffique is accounted very rare, and is seldome found of import, and being ignorant in that little there is, I am constrained to omit it.</blockquote>

Latest revision as of 21:43, 27 December 2024

Sources from old books:

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

Of Dacia and the Provinces and Cities thereof.

Dacia is bounded on the East with the Euxine, on the West with Hungary, on the North with the Carpathian mountaines, on the South with He•…us dividing it from Greece.

The rivers that inrich this Countrey are Danubius, 2 Aluta, 3 Salvata, 4 Cockle, 5 Morus, and some others.

The commodities that this countrey affoordeth for merchandise, is Butter, Cheese, Hony, Wax, Hides, Oxen, Tallow, and warlicke horses of great worth.

The provinces are these, and are all under the command of the Grand Signiour.

Transilvania the chiefe townes thereof are, 1 Wisenberg, 2 Clansenberg, 3 Bristitia, 4 Fogares, and others, and now in possession of Bethlem Gabor the Vaviode thereof.

Moldavia is the next, the chiefe Cities are Saccania, the second is Falsing, 3 Kilim, 4 Chermon, &c. under a Vaviod who is tributary to the great Turke.

Valachia is the third province, the principall townes whereof are 1 Salnium, 2 Praclaba 3 Terg•…vista, the Vaviods seat, who is tributary to the Turke. This countrey abounds in mines of Gold, Silver, Iron, Salt-pits, Wines Cattle, and Brimstone, and esteemed the richest of these provinces.

Servia is the fourth, and hath these Cities. 1 Stoneburg the seate of the Despot, tributary to the Turke, 2 Somandria, 3 Belgrade a famous towne, which cost the great Turkes much blood and money the getting, and was accounted before as the Bulwarke of Christendome on this side.

Rasia is the fifth, the chiefe Citie is Bodin, a famous Mart.

Bulgaria is the next, wherein is found Sophia, the seat of the Beglerbeg of Greece, who hath under him 21 Sansakes. Next is Nicopolis, and some others of lesser note.

Bosna is the last province, wherein is Casachium and •…siga, the residence of their former Despots. All which affoord not further matter of trade: for where the great Turke once commandeth, traffique is accounted very rare, and is seldome found of import, and being ignorant in that little there is, I am constrained to omit it.