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=== 1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child. ===
=== 1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child. ===
<blockquote>AMAZONIA, or the Country of the AMAZONS, Amazonum Regio.
<blockquote>We call those Countries Amazonia at this day not only which the Ancients call'd Guiana, but all those Regions which lye along by the River of the Amazons, which excels all the Rivers in the World in length and breadth. This vast Country is not throughly known by us, no more than above half America. It reaches from the 1 deg. of Northern' Latitude, to the 16 deg. of Southern, which make 340 Leagues; And from the 300 degree to the 328 of Longitude, which contains 570 Leagues in the greatest length. It is bounded on the North with Terra Firma, on the West with Peru, on the South with part of Peru, and Rio de la Plata, and on the East with Brasil.

We call those Countries Amazonia at this day not only which the Ancients call'd Guiana, but all those Regions which lye along by the River of the Amazons, which excels all the Rivers in the World in length and breadth. This vast Country is not throughly known by us, no more than above half America. It reaches from the 1 deg. of Northern' Latitude, to the 16 deg. of Southern, which make 340 Leagues; And from the 300 degree to the 328 of Longitude, which contains 570 Leagues in the greatest length. It is bounded on the North with Terra Firma, on the West with Peru, on the South with part of Peru, and Rio de la Plata, and on the East with Brasil.
The Air is extream hot, the Soil fruitf•l in all things, particularly in Meadows, by the River-side. Some think the Soil to be of the same nature with that of Brasil, because they have the same kinds of Fruits and Creatures, besides those that are transported out of Europe into America. This Country is Water'd with several Rivers, particularly that of the Amazons, which rises in the Mountains near Quito in Peru, and runs from West to East 1000 Leagues, making several Islands in its Course; and among others, those where the Hamagues, Topinambous, and several others dwell, especially about the mouth of it, which is 50 or 60 Leagues over. On the right-side it receives into it several other Rivers chiefly, those of Maragnon, Amarumage, Cusignares, Gayane, Topaysa, Paranayba. The River Para, or Orincque, parts Terra Firma and Amazonia.
The Air is extream hot, the Soil fruitf•l in all things, particularly in Meadows, by the River-side. Some think the Soil to be of the same nature with that of Brasil, because they have the same kinds of Fruits and Creatures, besides those that are transported out of Europe into America. This Country is Water'd with several Rivers, particularly that of the Amazons, which rises in the Mountains near Quito in Peru, and runs from West to East 1000 Leagues, making several Islands in its Course; and among others, those where the Hamagues, Topinambous, and several others dwell, especially about the mouth of it, which is 50 or 60 Leagues over. On the right-side it receives into it several other Rivers chiefly, those of Maragnon, Amarumage, Cusignares, Gayane, Topaysa, Paranayba. The River Para, or Orincque, parts Terra Firma and Amazonia.

Latest revision as of 00:59, 21 January 2025

Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1685. Geographia universalis: the present state of the whole world by Pierre Duval.


THis Countrey has been named by some, the Savage Coast, the Countrey of the Amazons, El-Dorado, and Guayna; this last Name, which is Indian, has prevailed over the rest. L'Orenoque bounds it on the West, the Amazon River on the East, the North Sea on the North, and the high Mountains towards the South; and all these bounds leave it a figure, which approaches very much to Oval. L'Oronoque, called also Paria, which in the Indian Tongue, signifies River, does often constrain its Inhabitants, by its over-flowings, to make lodgings upon Trees, which resemble the Nests of great Birds. Amongst other Rivers of Guayna, Surinam is the most Navigable: Cayenne forms the Island of the same Name.

At the Mouth of these Rivers, and all along the Coast, which is generally low, and extends above two hundred and fifty Leagues, there are several Colonies of English, French, and Hollanders.

The Territories that lie near the Lake Parima, which is in the mid'st of Guayna, are said to acknowledge for their Soveraign, a a Successour of Guainacapa, of the Family of the Incas of Peru, and compose the true Kingdom of the Golden King. The rest drawing towards the Sea, is possessed by divers Nations, who are Idolaters, and obey the most ancient of their Families. Some Relations make mention of Amazons inhabiting there, or rather great Women, who make War with an admirable Dexterity and Valour; that those of the Isle of Arowen, which is at the Mouth of the Amazon River, go particularly under that Name, by reason of their long Hair: that there are some Nations in those Parts, where they truck their Women, and where the Men commonly seek after the oldest, because they are more laborious, and fitter than the young for the management of their business.

The Inhabitants of Guayana are long liv'd, by reason of the good Air they breath. The East Winds are regular there; and it is never excessively hot or cruelly cold. There are places proper for the Cultivating of Manioc, for Cotton, for Sugar and Tobacco, and others, which furnish Gums, Timber, Precious Stones of several sorts, Parrots and Monkeys. Hunting and Fishing are here equally useful and pleasant.

Manoa, near the Lake Panima, the principal City of Guayna, is called Eldorado, by reason of the quantity of Gold, which is said to be there so great, both in Coin, Plate, Armour, and other Furniture, that the Inhabitants make their Arms of it, cover their Bodies with it, after having rubbed them with Oyl or Balm: from whence it comes, that people would make this Town pass for the Richest in the World.

The Island Cayene, the principal Colony of the French in those parts, is sixteen or seventeen Leagues in circumference, whereof it presents five to the Sea, the rest is between the arms of the River of the same Name. It has several Hills and Meadows which are there called Savanes.

1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child.

AMAZONIA, or the Country of the AMAZONS, Amazonum Regio.

We call those Countries Amazonia at this day not only which the Ancients call'd Guiana, but all those Regions which lye along by the River of the Amazons, which excels all the Rivers in the World in length and breadth. This vast Country is not throughly known by us, no more than above half America. It reaches from the 1 deg. of Northern' Latitude, to the 16 deg. of Southern, which make 340 Leagues; And from the 300 degree to the 328 of Longitude, which contains 570 Leagues in the greatest length. It is bounded on the North with Terra Firma, on the West with Peru, on the South with part of Peru, and Rio de la Plata, and on the East with Brasil. The Air is extream hot, the Soil fruitf•l in all things, particularly in Meadows, by the River-side. Some think the Soil to be of the same nature with that of Brasil, because they have the same kinds of Fruits and Creatures, besides those that are transported out of Europe into America. This Country is Water'd with several Rivers, particularly that of the Amazons, which rises in the Mountains near Quito in Peru, and runs from West to East 1000 Leagues, making several Islands in its Course; and among others, those where the Hamagues, Topinambous, and several others dwell, especially about the mouth of it, which is 50 or 60 Leagues over. On the right-side it receives into it several other Rivers chiefly, those of Maragnon, Amarumage, Cusignares, Gayane, Topaysa, Paranayba. The River Para, or Orincque, parts Terra Firma and Amazonia.

The Inhabitants are much like the Brasilians, Fierce, Cruel, Robust, and Anthropophagi. They have neither Shame nor Pity; they go all Naked both Men and Women, painting their Bodies with divers colours, and their Faces chequer'd with several sorts of Stones, which were set in their Skin in their Childhood. They sleep in Sheets of Cotton hang'd up in the Air between two Trees, to avoid the Wild-Beasts, which Custom they use in most parts of America, where the Air is either Hot, or Temperate. It is said they are without Ruler or Governor, every one living as he pleaseth. They acknowledge neither God nor Religion; some People there have only the shape of a Man, without any sort of Humanity. Time will discover this Country better to us, as well as many others, of which we have as yet nothing but the Names; Of which the following Table will give you some.

The Country of the Amazones hath,

Villages, or, Estierro Coropa.


Paranaiba, Tapacos, Aquayras, Canizuaris, Whose Feet are turned backward.

Guayazis, which are Dwarfs.

Ʋrubutigas, Zupugaias, Cayanas, Curares, Cuarinumos, Abacares, Orengienagues, Curianes, C•t•ses, Cusignares, Yorunanes, Zurina, Machioparo, Tagurci•s, Guanares, Parianes, Aparia, Tecunes, Curina, Corosirares, Curis, Yorunes, Ozoanes, Narones, Canomones, Marianes, Topinambous.

  • Lakes,
    • Carosirares, a Lake and People.
  • Rivers,
    • ...Amazones,
    • ...Pacaza,
    • Orin•que, &c.