Prussia: Difference between revisions
(Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>BORVSSIA, OR PRVSSIA. (Book Prussia) BORVSSIA being the farthest coast of Germany, taketh its name from the people called Borussians, as Erasmus Stella witnesseth. These, as Pt...") |
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Latest revision as of 02:12, 16 January 2025
Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.
BORVSSIA being the farthest coast of Germany, taketh its name from the people called Borussians, as Erasmus Stella witnesseth. These, as Ptolemy affirmeth, placed themselves by the Riphaean Hills, where they runne out Northward, not far from the head of Tanais arising out of them, and weary of their owne habitations, with a strong head and violent force, they seated themselves in these places, and called the whole Country from their owne name Borussia, which now by wiping out one letter, and pronouncing another more softly, is called Prussia. Borussia beginning from the River Vistula, which boundeth it on the West, and running to the Balticke Sea, which compasseth the Northerne side thereof, hath the Alani or Lituanians, on the East, and on the South the Hamaxobij, i. the Scythians inhabiting the European Sarmatia. It hath a pleasant ayre, but somewhat cold All the Country is more fruitfull than the neighbour Provinces. The ground is very fertile in bearing of corne, and such as farre excells the corne of Poland and Lithuania. It hath as great store of Bees and Honey, as any of the other Northerne Countries. There is also in it much cattle, and great store of game for hunting. The great and vast woods bring forth many kindes of wild beasts, as Beares & Boares, with which they abound, yeelding a sort of Beares very strong and swift, called Bubali. They bring forth Buffons being a wilde kinde of Oxen, and wilde Horses, whose flesh the Inhabitants do eate. They bring forth Alces, which they commonly call Elandes: and white Weesels or Ferrets. The Borussians for the most part were Idolaters untill the time of the Emperour Fredericke the second, in whose raigne, and in the yeare 1215. some Knights of the Dutch order, or the order of the Crosse did overcome them, and taught them the Christian Religion. After the Provinces and Cities of Borussia, An. 1419. being mooved thereunto by the covetousnesse and cruelty of those of the order of the Crosse, did revolt to Casimirus King of Polonia. And 30 yeares after the first defection revolting againe, they sold Mariburg with other Castles and Cities to the King for 476000 Florens. But the Marians refusing to yeeld obedience to the King, they a long while contended by a doubtfull and uncertaine warre, untill at last the whole Country came into the hands of Albert Marquesse of Brandenburg, the last Governour of that Order, who afterward at Cacrovia was made a Duke, and a secular Prince by Sigismund King of Polonia. They report that Prince Venedusus did divide Borussia into twelve Dukedomes, whereof these are the names: Sudavia, Sambia, Natangia, Nadravia, Slavonia, Bartonia, Galinda, Warmia, Hokerlandia, Culmigeria, Pomesania, and Michlovia.
Sudavia was so wasted by those of the order of the Crosse, that now of a Noble Dukedome at this day there are scarce seven Townes remaining, and those very meane. In Sambia are many Cities, as Lebenicht built in the yeare 1256: Kneyback built in the yeare 1380. Regimount, called by the Germans Keningsberg, and built in the year 1260 by Duke Albert. Fischusen built in the yeare 1269: & lastly Lechstet, built in the yeare 1289. In Natangia there are these Cities, Valdonia, Girania, Zinten, Crentzburg, Heiligenbeil, Fridland, Shippenbeil, & Brandenburg. In Nadravia there are a few Cottages onely remaining, but all the Townes of note wasted. In Slavonia are these Cities, Ragnet, Tilse, Renum, Liccow, Salaw, Labia, Tapia, Vintburg, Christaderder, Baytia, Cestia, Norbeitia, Vensdorfe, Angerbury, and Dringford. In Bartonia are these Townes, Nordenburg, Iabansburg, Iurgburg, Insterburg, Richtenerder, Barton, and Rhenum. In Galindia are these Towns, Ortleburg, Rastenburg, Neyburg, Passenhume, Dreschdow, and Luzenburg. In Warmia are Ressen, Seburg, Bitstein, Wartenburg, Allensteyn, Melsak, Heilsberg, Werinedit, and Gustat. In Hockerlandia are Brunsburg, Tolkemit, Munhuse, Scorpow, and Elbing the greatest of them all, being built on the Sea shoare, and famous for the wealth of the Citizens, and frequencie of Merchants. In Culmigeria are Turuma, or Thorn, a famous Marti Towne, built neare the River Vistula, or Weisel, in the yeare 1235. Also Culmina or Culine, Wentslaw, Althasis, Graudentz, Gilgehburg, Schonsee, Strasburg, Bretchen, Neumarckt, Pappaw, Fridech, Leippe, Lesen, Golb, Reden, Berglaw, and Lantenburg. In Pomerania is Marienburg, a large City, built in the yeare 1402. Also Newtich, Stum, Christburg, Preusmarck, Salfeld, Merine, Holand, Lichstad, Osterod, Rosenburg, Mariemweder, Garnesie, Lebmul, Hohenstein, Schonenberg, Culenburg, Neunburg, and Salaw. In Michlovia all is wasted and destroyed, except Straburg,* 1.8 onely. Prussia is a Country, in regard of the navigable Rivers, Bayes, and Havens, fit for the importation or exportation of divers commodities and merchandises. The chiefe Rivers are a 1.9 Vistula, Nemeni, Cronon, Nogent, Elbing, Vusera, Passerg, Alla, Pregel, Ossa, Vreibnitz, Lua, and Lavia. In which, as in the Lakes there are great store of fish, Moreover, on the shoares of Borussta neare the Balticke Sea, a certaine kinde of Amber is gathered, which the Inhabitants call Barstein from burning, and Augstein, because it is very good for the Eyes. The Greeks call it Electrum, because the Sunne is called Elector, having recourse as it were to the fable of Phaethon. Servius upon the eighth Aeneid saith, that there are three kindes of Amber, one of which commeth out of trees, another which is found in the earth: a third which is made of three parts gold, and one part silver. Plinie writeth that the Germanes called it Glessum or Glesse, because it is not unlike unto it, seeing both of them are perspicuous and transparent; and from thence the Romans did call this Country Glessaria. There are many kindes of it, the white hath the best smell, which was cheape at the first, the next are the yellow and waxe-colour: the yellow is the best of all, having a translucent shining colour like flames of fire. There is some which is as soft as boyled or decocted Honey, and therefore is called Honey-Amber: there is much used of this Amber in many things; being heated with rubbing, it draweth unto it chaffe and drie leaves, as the Load-stone doth Iron. Borussia hath also woods which were never cut,* 1.10 whence great store of wood is carryed away for the building of shippes and houses: they have streight trees to make Mastes for Shippes, which are carried from thence into farre Countries, and lastly they have other riches of their owne, from which the Inhabitants receive great profit; as Bees and wilde Beasts of which wee spoke before. The Country is divided at this day into Russia Regis, and Russia Ducalis. The King of Poland doth immediatly possesse either banke of the River Vistula, even to the mouth therof. Also the Island which is enclosed with Vistula and Nogo, the Towns and Castles to the new Bay, as Elbing, Tolkenit, Frawenberg, and Brunsberg, even to the mouth of Passaria, and the whole Diocese of Warmia, being large toward the South, and adorned with Townes and fields, hanging like a Bladder, in the middle part of Borussia.* 1.11 But although Borussia be immediatly subject to the King, and is but one Kingdome with Poland, yet it hath a publike Councell, Lawes and Judgements, an Exchequer, and the management of warres peculiar to it selfe. There are two Bishops in it, one of Warmia, who hath his residence at Brunsburg, and the other at Culmes. There are three Palatines, as the Palatine of Culmes, of Marienburg, and of Pomeran. Three Castles, as the Castle of Culmes, Elbing, and Gedane, commonly called Dantzick, and so many Under-chamberlaines. There are three chiefe and prime Cities, Turuma, Elbing, Dantzick. These assemble themselves together to deliberate and give Judgement in matters of controversie twice every yeare, in the moneth of May at Margenburg, and at Michaelmas at Graudents. There are eighteene Captaines or Prefects of the Kings Castles and revenues. As in the Palatinate of Marienburg, the Captaine of Stuma, Gneva, Meva, Stargardia. In Pomeran the Captaine of Slochovia above Tuchol, neare the River Bro, the Captaine of Sueza, Tuchol, Dernias, and Puske. In the Palatinate of Culmes the Captaines of Brodnicke, Graudents, Radine or Reden, Colba, Rogosna, Rogenhausen, and three others. The Dukedome of Borussia belonged heretofore to the Germane Order, or the order of the Crosse, being converted into an hereditary Dukedome by Albert of Brandenburg Master of the Order, and being rent away from the Germane Empire, it came into the protection and obedience of the King of Poland, in the yeare 1525. The Prince thereof taking his place in all Counsells, meetings, and assemblies next to the King. If any contention arise betweene the King and the Duke, it is decided at Marienburg or Elbing by the Kings Counsell, who are sworne by a new oath to Judge rightly.* 1.13 But the Nobles or others having an action against the Duke doe commence it before the Dukes Vassalls, being deputed and appointed by the Duke to give judgement, and from them an appeale is permitted to the Kings and the Dukes Counsell residing at Martenburg. Every one ought there to be called into judgement where his goods are, or where hee dwelleth, neither can he be compelled to stand to forraine tryalls, and so be kept from his right. The Judges are so placed in the Provinces, that out of three named by every Province, the Duke chuseth one, to judge according to the Law of Culmes, and the Institutions of the Province: But if the Duke doe any thing against then Priviledges, Lawes, or customes, and upon suite made doe not heare their grievances, it is in the choice of the chiefe men in the Province, without being thought to be rebellious and seditious, to flie unto the protection of the Kings Majestie of Poland, and by the vertue of some covenants and agreements betweene the King and the Duke, may request him to defend their Priviledges. There are in the Dukedome of Borussia two Bishops, one of Sambia,* 1.14 who hath his residence at Kings Mount, commonly called Konningsperg: the other of Pomesania, whose seat is at Marienwender, and these have all Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction in their owne power. Concerning the Religion and Rites of the ancient Borussians, Meletius telleth wonderfull things in his tenth Epistle to Georgius Sabinus. They worshipped Divells (saith he) instead of Gods, and now also in many places doe secretly worship them. They Religiously worshipped severall uncleane creatures, namely, Serpents and Snakes, as if they had beene the servants and messengers of the Gods; for these they kept within their houses, and sacrific'd unto them as unto their houshold Gods. They held that the Gods did dwell in Woods and Groves, and that they were to please them by sacrificing unto them in those places: and to pray unto them to send them raine or faire weather. They held that all wilde Beasts, especially the Alces living in these Woods, were to be reverenced as the servants of the Gods, and therefore they were to abstain from injuring of them. They beleeved that the Sunne and Moone were the chiefest of all the Gods. They did worship Thunder and Lightning according to the opinion of the Heathens, and were of opinion that they might by prayers raise or calme stormes and tempests. They used a Goate for their sacrifice, in regard of the generative and fruitfull nature of that creature. They said that the Gods did inhabite in excellent faire trees, as Oakes, and the like: wherefore they would not cut downe such trees, but did religiously worship them as the houses and seates of the Gods. In such account also was the Elder tree, and many others. They were heretofore barbarous & ignorant of Learning, so that they would have thought it an incredible thing, if any one should have told them that men could make knowne their mindes one to another by the sending of letters. But of these things enough, hee that desireth to know more, let him have recourse to Erasmus Stella his antiquities of Borussia, in his second booke thereof.