Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
Sources from old books:
1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.
On the Northeast of Ionia is Lidya, famous onely for the two rivers, Castrus abounding with swannes, and Meander with windings, from hence termed meanders; and if some Authors may be worthy of credit, the natives were anciently the first known men that gave beginning to Merchandize, and exercised buying and selling, and proved the originall of the Tuscans, whose supreame Duke continues the same to this day, and is one of the greatest and most eminent Merchants in the world.
1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.
S. E. Phrygia M. and Coria N. W. Asia propriè dicta, and the greater Mysia; the first Inventors of Coyning, Pedling, Huckstering and Gaming were these people, who found out gaming to divert their hunger. The Hills, 1 Siphylus. 2 Tinolus covered with Vines and Saffron, on the Rivers, 1 Hermus. 2 Caystrus. 3 Pactolus and its golden sands. 4 Crooked Maeander, and inriched with Gold, Silver and Gems;
the Cities,
- Sardis, the taking of which by the Graecians so startled Xerxes, that he caused it to be said every day at his Table, (as it was every year in the Parliament of Paris about Calice) the Graecians have taken Sardis.
- Philadelphia.
- Thyatira.
- Laodiceia.
- Of the Asian Churches.
- The 2 Maynesia's.
- Alabanda, and 7 Trall is on the Banks of Caistrus.