Asia Minor

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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.

Asia, properly so called, now Sarchan or Proconsula;

Asia E. N. Lydia and Mysia S. W. Caria and the Aegean; where

  1. Pitane on a River of that name, where they made bricks to swim.
  2. Acarnea, where the Tyrant Hermias was baited in Oxes hide.
  3. Elea, on the mouth of Caicus, Port to Pergamus.
  4. Cene, or Canna.
  5. Cuma, where Sybilla Cumaea.
  6. Phocaa, called so from the Sea-calves, there called Phocae.
  7. Myas destroyed by Flyes.
  8. Erythra, whence Sybilla Erithaea.
  9. Lebedos.
  10. Clazomone of much esteem for good wines
  11. Prieno.
  12. Ipsus.
  13. Teos Anacreons birth place.
  14. Smyrna, a fair City on a Bay of the name, hanging over the Sea hill-wayes. One of the 7 Churches in the Revelations, and much traded to for Chamlets, Grograins, and such Stuffs, made at Ancyra, besides wines; here the English have a Consul.
  15. Colophon, which put an end to any war that they were ingaged in, whence the phrase Colophonem addere: Septem Ʋrbes certant de stirpe insignis homeri,Smyrna, Rhodos, Colophon, Salamis, Chios, Argos Athenae.
  16. Ephesus, metropolis of Asia, one of the seven Churches, and memorable for Diana's Temple, 425 foot long, 220 broad, supported with 127 Marble Pillars 70 foot high. 200 years in building; 7 times fired,

Asia minor, a Peninsula, between 51 and 72 degrees of longitude, 36 and 45 of Latitude, 630 miles long from the Helespont, to Euphrates, and 260 broad from Sinus Issicus to Trapezond; healthful and fruitful between the middle parallel of the 4•h clime, and the middle parallel of the 6th, as good for Horses, according to the Turkish Proverb, as Europe is for horsemen. Here's 1. Pontus, where are 1 the mid-land towns, Claudiopolis, Flaviopolis, Juliopolis, called so from the Roman Emperours that built them. 2. the Sea-towns, as 1 Heraclea Ponti, the seat and residence of an Emperour formerly, and now a place of good Trade. 2 Diospolis on the Euxine Sea. 3 Amastris. 4 Sinope on a Promontory shooting into the Main. 5 Castamona. 6 Favagoria. 7 Amasia, where the Grandsigniour's Eldest Son is kept alwayes as soon as circumcised till his Fathers death. 8 Diopolis, where Mithredates escaped Lucullus, by strewing treasure in his way. 9 Polemonium. 10 Hermanassa. 11 Nixana. 12 Sebastia; hereabouts were the war-like Amazons, that had noMales among them; going to their Neighbour Nations once in three years for copulation, and if they brought forth Males, they sent them to their Fathers, if Females they kept them. 13 Cerasus, whence Cherries were brought to Rome A.V.C. 680. 14 Ischopolis. 15. Trapezond on the Euxine Sea, a famous Empory for Salt-fish, an adjoyning Mountain affording a black stone, that when beaten serves for salt; and for being the station of the Turkish Gallies, that are to clear the black Sea.