
From The World in 17th Century
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Sources from old books

1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXX. Of Mosco, and the Trade thereof.

* 1.1THIS Stetin is the capital City of Pomerania, situate upon the River of Oder, in a pleasant and delightsome Soil, and carrieth in these Northern Regions that Renown, that from hence the Dukes of Stetin in Pomerland have their appellations. The City abounds in all Commodities for Merchandize that the Neighbouring Countries afford; and of it self it yield∣eth to Merehants the Commodities common to Prusen, Sweden, and Polonia. For its defence, it is strengthned on all sides with Ramparts, Ditches, and good Artillery; the River of Oder is bea•tified with many useful and necessary Bridges, the one whereof is purposely made to lead to the Granaries and Store-houses, where the Corn and Grain, either for Store or Exportation, is laid up, and where their Arsenals are seated, in which their warlike Provision is kept, and where Vessels of all sorts both for Sea and River is seen daily to be fabricated; beside the se∣veral Churches and Colleges that adorn this City, the Duke's Palace must be accounted as the principal Ornament, built of that Art and Sumptuousness, that it gives not place to the most excellent in Italy; in fine, Stetin is not to be accounted the least of the Hans-Towns and tho' the Prince be daily there Resident, yet it proveth no way prejudicial to the Privileges thereof.

  • 1.2The Commodities of this City are for Merchandizing, such as all the East Country affordeth, viz. Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Honey, Wax, Hides, Grain, and all kind of Furs.
  • 1.3The Weight of this City is divided into two kinds, derived from the Pound weight here in use, the Quintar is accounted 112 l. of this place, and that is the first, and the second is the Stone, which is also of two sorts; as a Stone of 10 l. being the small Stone, and a Stone of 21 l. ac∣counted the great Stone; and it hath been observed, that the 10 l. of London Averdupois, bath yielded here incirca 92 l.
  • 1.4The common Measure in the use for length is called the Ell, as the usual denomination thereof in all the East parts, and the 100 Yards of London hath been observed to produce here about 141 Ells.

And thus much shall serve to have said of these Cities, which I have entitled under the Names of P•land and Eastland, though in themselves acknowledging several distinct Princes, having taken that liberty to my self in my first method, rather narrowly to observe the maritime Shores, and the principal Cities seated thereupon, though acknowledging divers Sovereigns, than precisely to follow the limits and bounds of Princes Dominions according to the large∣ness and extent of their Command and Power.