Asia Minor
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Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.
Asia, properly so called, now Sarchan or Procon∣sula;
Asia E. N. Lydia and Mysia S. W. Caria and the Aegean; where
- Pitane on a River of that name, where they made bricks to swim.
- Acarnea, where the Tyrant Hermias was baited in Oxes hide.
- Elea, on the mouth of Caicus, Port to Pergamus.
- Cene, or Canna.
- Cuma, where Sybilla Cumaea.
- Phocaa, called so from the Sea-calves, there called Phocae.
- Myas destroyed by Flyes.
- Erythra, whence Sybilla Erithaea.
- Lebedos.
- Clazomone of much esteem for good wines
- Prieno.
- Ipsus.
- Teos Anacreons birth place.
- Smyrna, a fair City on a Bay of the name, hanging over the Sea hill-wayes. One of the 7 Churches in the Revelations, and much traded to for Chamlets, Grograins, and such Stuffs, made at Ancyra, besides wines; here the English have a Consul.
- Colophon, which put an end to any war that they were ingaged in, whence the phrase Colophonem addere: Septem Ʋrbes certant de stirpe insignis homeri,Smyrna, Rhodos, Colophon, Salamis, Chios, Argos Athenae.
- Ephesus, metropolis of Asia, one of the seven Churches, and memorable for Diana's Temple, 425 foot long, 220 broad, supported with 127 Marble Pil∣lars 70 foot high. 200 years in building; 7 times fired,