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1701 South Africa by Herman Moll A system of geography

Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1685. Geographia universalis: the present state of the whole world by Pierre Duval.

Mono-Motapa, which is entirely in the Terra firma, is almost environ'd with Cafreria. It goes under the Name of its King, whereas Kings commonly go under the Names of the Countreys, that are subject to 'em. It is fertile, abounding in Ivory, and so rich in Gold, that the King of it is called the Golden Emperour. The Inhabitants (who are very superstitious) have Pikes, Bows and Arrows, for their Arms; several of 'em are so swift o' foot, that they equal Horses in running. The Common People only wear Garments below their middle. A Relation, that was publish'd in the year 1631, tells us, That the King then reigning, was baptiz'd, with all his Court, by the Jesuits. This Prince is commonly adorn'd with Chains and Jewels, like a Bride: He is said to have, for his usual Guard, a Regiment of Women, and another of Doggs; and that in the Armies those Women do not less service than the Men. The Princes, who pay him Tribute, receive every Year firing from him, for a Mark of the Fealty they owe him; the City, which is the most considerable, has the same Name with the Kingdom; Zimbaoe is a square Fortress, and the abode of the Court. Mono-Emugi is a State on the North of Mono-Motapa. The Giaques, otherwise called Galles and Chava, border upon it, and are illustrious for their Valour, and for their Conquests which they have made, in our time, over Abissinia, in the upper Aethiopia.