Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.
THe Country of Vicentia followeth, the soyle whereof as it is pleasant, so it is fruitfull, yeelding greate store of Wine, and other fruites, especially Mulberries, on whose leaves Silke-wormes doe feede. Not farre from the Citty there are two famous stone Quarries in the Mountaine, which the Latines call Cornelius, it is commonly called Covelo. There are also Marble Mines in the Valdanian streete. This Citty was built by the Tuscans, or as Trogus writeth, by the Frenchmen, afterward it continued faithfull to the Romanes, untill Attilas time who wasted it, and afterward it was subject to the Goths, the Langbards, and lastly to the Kings of Italie. They being expulsed, it was subject to the Roman Empire, untill the raigne of the Emperour Frederick the second, by whom being sacked and burnt, it had afterward divers Lords, as the Carrasieni, of Patavini, the Scaligers of Verona, and the Gal•atians of Millan: and also the Venetians. At length being infested and vexed by the forces of the Emperour Maximilian the 1. it was restored at last to the Venetians. This Citty Trogus, Pomponius, Tacitus, & others doe call Vicentia. Plin. and Antoninus doe call it Vicetia: Aelianus Bisetia and Bitetia, Ptol. calls it Ovikenta, and it is commonly called Vicenza. It is seated neere the foote of a Hill, being divided into unequall partes by the two navigable Rivers Rerone and Bachilione. It is not very faire or beautifull, but populous, and abounding with plenty. There are foure things here worthy of noting, the Praetors magnificent Pallace, a Bridge of one Arch, the greate Altar stone in S. Laurences Church, which is of a wonderfull length, and lastly the Theater, which is commonly calld L. Academia. There is also the Monasterie of St. Corona, where there is also a famous Librarie. The Inhabitants are of a lively disposition, prone, and apt to learning, warfare, or merchandising, and Industrious, they live bravely and goe decently in apparrell. It is a Bishoprick. Moreover in the Territory of Vicentia, there are these Townes, Morostica which is a famous rich Towne. Also Brendulum which is rich and populous. Also Le•cium both for wealth, populousnesse, and largenesse, may compare with many Citties of Italie. There is also six Miles about Vicentia, toward the South, the Towne and Castle Custodia, which was so called because delinquents and loose persons, were kept there at worke in greate Quarries of stone, to digge stones for building of houses.