Higher Alsatia
Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.
THE LANTGRAVIATE of the higher ALSATIA, vvith SVNTGOVIA and GRISGOIA. (Book Higher Alsatia)
IN this Table or Chart, Alsatia the higher with Suntgovia and Brisgoia are delineated.* 1.1 The higher Alsatia commonly called Ober Elsaz is first placed, the Metropolis whereof is Einshemum.* 1.2 The chiefe Senate is held there, whither they appeale from the Lower Courts of Suntgoia, Brisgoia, and the foure Townes neere the Rhene a little above Basill, which are subject to the Archduke of Austria. It came in the yeere 1000, to belong to the Territories of Albert Earle of Harspurg, Father of King Rudolphus. Rubeacum or Ruffatum commonly called Ruffach, is an auncient Towne in Alsatia, which was built by the Romanes, and was so named from a Rivulet, which in regard of her red water was called Rotbatch, now the inhabitants call it Ombach, which riseth in a Valley not farre from Lutsmach, and sliding through the fieldes and Vineyards, with a red colour'd Channell, doth serve the Citty for many uses. This Citty had at first many magnificent buildings, and a double Suburbs, the Romane Nobilitie did a long time keepe their residence here, in regard of the fruitfulnesse thereof, and plenty of all things necessary for mans use: here were excellent lawes made against theeves, which were so severely executed, that it is a Proverb in Germanie: Der alt Galghen zu Rufach, hatt gut Eichen holtz: that is, The old Gibbet of Rubeacum was made of strong Oake Wood. Colmar was built out of the ruines of Argentuaria, it is a neate Imperiall Cittie situated on a fertile Plaine, being an houres journey distant from the Mountaines; it standeth in the middle of Alsatia, and it is watered with many Rivers, especially these, Louche, Duro, Fetchto, Illa, and others of lesse note, some whereof doe runne by the field, some of which doe runne by the houses, and doe fertilize the soyle and make it fruitfull. Selestadium is walled about as Colmar, in the yeare of Christ 1216, or about that time, in the reigne of Fredericke the second. But before that, namely about the yeare 1404, in the reigne of Henry the fourth, Hildegard Dutchesse of Suevia, built a Temple there according to the figure and forme of the Temple of Ierusalem, which not long after her sonne Otto Bishop of Argentine, did dedicate to the blessed Virgin, and made it a Monasterie, which in short time grew so rich, that of a Monastery it became a Provostship, concerning which see Rhenanus who was borne at Selestade. Selestadium is firmely situated, having on the one side namely towards the Rhene unpassable Moores: and on the other side toward the West, even to the Mountaines of Lotharingia, it hath a fruitfull soyle, there are Vines and Chesnuts growing on these Mountaines; and great store of Corne is reaped on the plaine. Gebwiler is a Towne situated in the jawes of the Mountaines, it is thought that it was founded in the yeere 1124. It hath abundance of Vines round about it, and is subject to the Abbot of Murbacum, who keepeth his residence there. There is also another Towne called Watveil situated neere the Mountaines, which is governed by the aforesayd Abbot. Mercator reckoneth these Countries in higher Alsatia, of Horburg, which is a pleasant Country belonging to the Earle of Wirtemberg, under whose Dominion is the Towne Reychenwyer, where excellent Wines are made: there is also the County of Egisheim, and de Sultz: the Lordships of Bolwiller, of Landsperg, of Hohen, of Hatstat, of Hobenack, of Rap•stain, under whose dominion are Rapoltzwil, Gemer, the Towne and Castle of Cellenberg. And the Imperiall Citties, of the fift circle. Also Munster, in the S. Gregorin Vale, called Gregoris Munster, also Durkheim, Colmar, Milhausen, famous for good Wine, and Keisersperg. Sungovia or Sunggoja, commonly called Sungow, on the North cleaveth to Alsatia: on the East it hath the Rhene, on the West the borders of France: on the South it confineth on Helvetia. It hath Vines in many places, and every where great store of Corne, which is transported into Neighbouring Countries, namely into Helvetia, the blacke Wood, Lotharingia, and sometimes into more remote Countries. Sungoja doth containe the Countie of Pfirten, the last Earle whereof Vlrick, dyed at Basill in the yeare of Christ 1024; leaving two Daughters behind him, the one whereof called Ioane, Albert Duke of Austria marryed, and gave to Vrsula his wives sister, for her Portion eight thousand markes of silver. The Lordships are Befort, and Mospurg. These places also belong to the Countie, Altki•ch, Dattenri•t, Befort, Rosenfels, Maszmunster, Thanu, and Senheim: which now the Princes of Austria have divided into Praefectureships. In Befort there is a Collegiate Church which the Earles of Pfirt founded, together with the Nunnery Veldpachus, where thirty Earles, and as many Countes•es have beene interred. In Maszmunster there is a famous Nunnery of Vestall Virgins, and Cannons, which was founded by Mason Duke of Alemaine, from whom that Vale was called Vallis Masonis, otherwise called Wast. Thannum is a neate towne, and is joyned to the County of Pfirt. There is a Castell that hangeth over the Towne which is called Engelberg, and neere unto it is the Mountaine called Rang, in which there groweth excellent good wine, which is called Rang-wine, well knowne at Basill. Here the River Thuris glideth by out of the Mountaines, and separateth Sungovia from Alsatia Morsmunster, which is a Monasterie in the Countie of Pfirt, being founded by the Earles of Pfirt. The Church of Amarinus, and the Castle of Fridberg, are one mile distant from Thannus, and are subject to the Abbot of Murbacum: not farre from thence the River Mosella riseth. There is also Mulnhausen in Segovia which is an imperiall Cittie, and it was under the protection of the Bishop of Argentine; as also the Townes Colmar, and Kersersperg, in the yeare 1261, but a little after Rudolph the Earle of Habsburg, when he he had tooke Colmar he got the Towne Mulnhausen, and razed the Castle thereof, and those that were in it he tooke Prisoners. But Rudolphus was elected King of the Romans, and those Townes returned againe to the Romaine Empire. The Townesmen doe chiefely give themselves to planting of Vines and sowing of Corne: so that there is very good wine made heere. The Towne Otmarson hath a Nunnery, which was built in Henry the fourths time, by Rudolph Earle of Habspurg. His brother Wernher was Bishop of Argentine, who dyed at Constantinople. On the West the County of Mount Belegard joyneth to Sungoja. It hath the famous Cittie of Mont•s-Beligard, with a faire Castle. Besides, this Country hath many other Towns and Castles: as the Town Grans & the Castle, the Town & Castle of Clarwang, the Town Passewangum with a Castle, all which belong to the Duke of Wirtemberg: the inhabitants doe speake the Burgundian Language. The Towne Bruntant is neere to the County of Mont Beligard, where the Bishop of Basil hath a royall Pallace. And so much concerning Sungovia.
Brisgo•a remaines,* 1.3 which is to bee unfolded and described in this Table: Brisgovja or Brisgoja, is commonly called Brisgow, which signifies in the Germaine Language a faire Towne. And truly this Country doth deserve that title in regard of the fertility and fruitfulnesse thereof, in which it is not inferiour to Alsatia, which we have even now described. But if we have recourse to auncient writers, we shall finde that this Country was so named from the Metropolis Brisacum, of which we shall speake by and by. Brisgoja is ten miles long, and eleven broade: for it beginneth at Nortnaw,* 1.4 and runneth out almost to Basil.* 1.5 It is a fruitefull Country both for tillage and Vines. And here is great store and plenty of Corne and Wine, and of all things necessary for the sustenance of mans life. The Archdukes of Austria, and the Marquesses of Baden, doe joyntly governe this Country. The Metropolis of Brisgoja was heretofore Brisacum, whence the Country is denominated, and Antonius mentioneth it in his Itinerarie of the Mountaine Brisacum, when as he maketh mention of no other Citties beyond the Rhene, but those Provinciall Citties which are seated by the Rhene: Luitprandus Ticinensis, who lived in the time of Otto the first, doth make the Mountaine Brisacum to be in Alsatia, and sheweth that it was an Island of Rhene. This Cittie is situated on a round Mountaine like a Castle, and it hath the Rhene on the West. It is a neate Towne, well fortified and populous, but in processe of time it exceeded Friburg it selfe, for magnificence and riches. This Cittie increased presently, and grew famous in regard of the Minerall Mines, which are neere unto it. In Brisacum there is an auncient Castle, which hath long beene ruinate, yet now at length it hath beene reedified. It hath a strong well fortified Tower, which Bertholdus Ziringensis the third built, as appeareth by these following verses, graven on the stone walls:
Hanc Dux Bertholdus portam struxisse notaturA quo pro fraude Burgundia gens posulatur, The Duke Bertholdus builded up this gate,Which the Burgundians did ruinate.
This Cittie hath but one fountaine, over which there is a Conduit built, in which there is a wheele, in which they goe and draw up water a great depth▪ and the Cittizens do yerely pay for the drawing up of the water. For it hath on every side a great steepe descent to the Rhene and the plaine, from whence it is very hard to draw up water into the Mountaine. Halfe a mile beneath Friburg, there is a ruinate Castle situated on a high Mountaine, which is called Zaringhen, from which the Dukes of Zaringa had their title. Friburg is a famous Towne in Brisgoja, and now the Metropolis thereof; it was built by Duke Ferthold the fourth, the sonne of C•nradus the first, in the reigne of the Emperour Henry the fifth, being formerly but a Village. It is a Cittie pleasantly seated among the Mountaines; being adorned with many magnificent houses, Churches, and Monasteries. There was an Vniversity erected there in the yeere 1459, wherein Vdalrick Zasius, a famour Lawyer did teach and reade publickly. It had heretofore a rich Veine of silver, a mile distant from the Cittie. There also is in Brisgoja Zering, (heeretofore a Dukedome) the County of Friburg, the Marquiship of He••berg, and the Lordships of Badenwille, Staussen, and Burcken.