
From The World in 17th Century
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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.

XXVII. Media,

(E. Parthia and Hircania, W. Arm. major, and Assyria. N. Caspian Sea, Georgia. S. Persia. now Skeir-vun, i. e. Milky-plain, where it was a punishment for the Vulgar men to have less then seven Wives, and Women less then five Husbands; their bread of dryed Almonds, their meat wild flesh; on the North side plenty of Wines, Fruits, Cattle, especially horses on the South side; they poyson their Arrows with Oleum Mediacum, so that nothing can allay the heat of the wound but a little dust, converted by St. Thomas.) hath in it besides the River Canac, between it and Armenia major, and the Lake Argis, whose fish dryed by the wind and sun raise these People a great advantage.

1. In the inhospitable Atropatria between Taurus and the Caspian Sea, whither its thought the Jews Captived by Salmanasser, are placed

  1. Bochu by the Caspian Sea.
  2. Strong Lres possуssed by the Turks, as an in-let to this Country.
  3. Shamaki between Lres and Derbent, notorious for a Pillar of Flint-stones, interwoven with the heads of Persian Noblemen set there barbarously in terrorem.

2. In Media, especially so called, eminent for generous horses, fat Cattle, good Corn and Wine, and and excellent Water; was

  1. Ruined Eobatana as stately as Babylon, formerly out of whose rubbish,
  2. Tauris was built now Baronta under the shadow of Mount Orontes, a hundred and fifty miles from the Caspian Sea, opening S. towards a large and spacious Campagne, six miles round built of brick with flat Roofs and Battlements, as in all the East; well traded, and inhabited at least by 200000 persons, with a strong Citadel.
  3. Caspin on the Ruines of Arsacia, very conveniently and pleasantly Scituated on a Riveret that serves for necessity and pleasure, but not for trade.
  4. Rages.
  5. Nasuana.
  6. Ardoville.
  7. Sultanives ruines and Mosches, environed alwayes with snowy Mountains.
  8. The fair Market Tywan.
  9. Turcoman.
  10. Daman, i. e. a second Plantation at the foot of Taurus, where the Inhabitants think Noahs Ark rested.