
From The World in 17th Century
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Etymology and other names









Notable People

Sources from old books:

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

Of VNA, and the Trade thereof.

VNA is also seated upon this coast, and dependeth for the most part in matter of trade, upon the inland Inhabitants; affording for transportation the common commodities of Barbarie, and by reason of the scituation little knowne to our nation, therfore I shall the more briefly passe over the same.

The coines before mentioned are here current, onely with little alteration, as also the same is found to be in Bona (anciently Hippona the seat of Saint Augustin that learned Father) in Cola, Tabara•…ha, Bugia, Constantine, and other townes of trade upon this coast, therefore I will omit the repetition thereof, having all a reference in trade one to the other.

But in weights they much differ; for here is found in use three severall quintals composed of one l. or Rotolo, one for cotton wooll, another for spices, and the third for corne; thus agreeing with London.

The 100 l. of London makes 63 Rotolos for weight of wooll.

The 100 l. of London makes 72 Rotolos for weight of spices.

The 100 l. of London makes 91 Rotolos in the weight of corne.

All which is to be observed by him that trades into this port, in the sale of these and the like commodities.

The measure of length is here the pico Morisco, which generally •…s used in all commodities and containes 26 ynches English in circa.