Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.
It remaineth that wee should speake somewhat of Dalmatia, a part whereof is described in this Table. It was so caled from Deliminium the Metropolis of this Country. Heretofore Dalmatia was a potent Kingdome, and the Dalmatians were heretofore strong and rich, and confident in the situation of their Country. They lived for the most part in Woods, and so were much given to robbing. The Citties are Salanum, and not far from the borders of this Country, the Citty Apollonia is situated by the Sea side, neere unto which there is a Rocke which sendeth forth flashes of fire, and beneath it hot water and Brimstone doth boyle forth, especially when the Rocke blazeth and burneth. The Ecclesiasticall government according to Mercator is in this manner. There is the Archbishop Iadra, who they now call Zara. Under whom are Anzara, Vegla, Arbe: also the Archbishop of Spalato, nuder whom are the Bishops Tragurium, of Teniensis Tina, Sardona, Temnensis, Nenensis, Nonensis, Almisa, Sibinicensis, Farensis. The Archbishop of Ragusine, under whom are Stagnensis, Rossonensis, Tribuniensis, Bacensis, Rosensis, Bidnanensis, Budva. The Archbishop Antiberensis, under whom are the Bishops of Dulcinium, Suacinensis, Drinastensis, Polastrensis, Scodrensis, Sardensis, Surtanensis, or Acutarensis, Arbensis.