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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1685. Geographia universalis: the present state of the whole world by Pierre Duval.

Zanguebar of Barbary, is a great Coast in the Oriental part of Africa, along the Indian-Sea, on each side the Equinoctial. 'Tis a low, fenny, woody Countrey, which by the extremity of the moisture, causes the Air to be unhealthy and intemperate. The Inhabitants are Idolaters, and are swayed by several Sove∣raigns: they addict 'emfelves to trade, as well as the Arabians, and Mahometans, who are among 'em. What is towards the South, bears principally the Name of Zanguebar, wherein are the little Kingdoms of Mozambique, Quiloa, Mombaze, and Melinde. What is towards the North, is called Ayen, and sometimes New Arabia: It comprehends the Territories of Brava, Magadoxo, Adea, and Adel. There is in Mozambique the best Government, and the best Town, which the Portugals have in those parts. They have there a strong Castle, in the Island of the same Name, which is half a League in length. This is the place where their Ships wait for a fair Wind and Weather in their East-India Voyages. The Inhabitants wou'd be much more numerous, if the Air was not so distemperate. Quiloa is in a Peninsula. Its King was the first amongst those of Zanguebar, who became a tributary of the Portuguese. There are very delicate Hens in and about Quiloa, tho' their Feathers, their Flesh, their Blood and their Bones be black. Mombaze is in an Island upon a Rock. The Portuguese go often thither to winter in the later season, because that Victuals are cheap and in great plenty in this Countrey: the entrance of the Haven is so narrow, and so full of Rocks, that in several places there is only passage for a Ship. Melinde does often give its Name to all the Coast; Where are found several Parks of above a League round, enclos'd with Elephants Teeth. Bra∣va is a small Republick, with a City, built after the manner of those of the Moors. The King, and Inhabitants of Magadoxo, are Mahometans. Adea has a good Harbour, cal∣led Barraboa. Adel, wherein is the City of Arat; it obeys a King, who is a great Enemy of the Christians. Barbora, and Zela, drive a great Trade, by reason of the conve∣niency of their Havens towards the entrance of the Red Sea.

1694. The great historical, geographical and poetical dictionary by Louis Moreri.

Zanquebar, a great Country of Africa, between the Coast of Ajan and the Cofres, in Lower Ethiopia. It comprehends se∣veral Kingdoms, whereof the chief are those of Lamon, Melinde, Mombaza, Mongalo, Mozambique, and Quiolo, whose Capitals have the same Names. The Portuguese are Master of Mozambique and Mombaza, and have other Fortresses. The Country is full of Forests and Marshes, that render the Air very unwholsome. The Inhabitants are Black, and have all curled Hair. They are Idolaters, much given to Divination and Witchcraft. Magin. in Geogn.