
From The World in 17th Century
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Sources from old books:

1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXXV. Of Elbin, and the Trade thereof.

Elbin, a small yet a fair City, and of late days compassed with Walls, grown great and large by the Trade and Residence of the English Merchants, who since upon some Grievance and Discontentment are hence removed. In this City lies the Gross of the Trade of Prussen, especially for all the gruff Goods of that Dukedom; it once appertained to the Testonick Knights, but now to the Kings of Poland, and whom for the present the Citizens acknowledge for their Protector, and otherwise it yields him but little Obedience, being of it self a Free City: from this City towards the North-east is a Channel that runneth up to Conixburg, the Seat of the Dukes of Prusland, by which all Commodities are transported and conveyed from one to the other.

The Coins current, and the manner of their Accounts here kept, I have touch'd before, and the Weight in use here is the Pound, 40 whereof make a stone, and 10 stone of 40 l. make the Ship pound, which is 400 l. and is 350 l. of their great Weight, and the 100 l. of London hath been found to make here 120 l.

The Last of Wheat is here accounted for 5200.

The Measure of Length in use here is the Ell, and the 100 yards of London are found to make here 163 Ells. There are also in this Tract found for eminent Cities of Trade, Conixburg, Stetin, Straelsond, Reuel, Riga, of which a word or two, and first of Conixburg.