
From The World in 17th Century
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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

Of ADEN, and the Trade thereof.

ADen is the strongest and fairest Towne of Arabia foelix, scituated in a valley and incompassed most part with hills of marble, upon which it is conceived it never raineth; it lieth on the North side of the entrance of the red Sea, reaching 60 miles further inwards then the opposite cape Guardefu; it is fortified with 5 strong Castles, kept by Garrisons, and within late yeares surprized by the Bashaw of Aegypt, for the grand Signior, in whose obedience it now quietly remaineth by the death and slaughter of the naturall Soveraigne therof: it is now by the industry of man from a firme land become an Iland, and yet commanded by a strong Castle, the residence of the Governour seated on an adjoyning hill.

It is accounted to have 6000 houses in it, inhabited by sundry Nations; or more properly a miscelanie of Indians, Persians, Ethiopians, Arabians, and Turkes which heere doe reside for the benefit of that great trade and commerce that is exercised in this Citie. The Portugals had once got the possession thereof, and were masters of it for some few yeares; but finding the charge of the Garrison to exceed the benefit afforded by the trade and neighbouring confines, they willingly surrendred the place to a Moore; who paying them for some yeares certaine tribute, they seated as a Soveraigne to command the same, who ruled heere till the Turkes became to be masters thereof.

This Citie is now the principall Magazine for the commodities of Persia, India, and Arabia, and affording naturally great store of Druggs, as Myrrhe, Balsame, Manna, and many sorts of spices: The heat of this place is so excessive in the day time, that all the bargaines and contracts made heere amongst Merchants, is done by night, as the coolest season to effect the same.

Now for the coines heere currant, the weights and measures heere in use and other needfull further observations of the trade of this place, I am inforced to be silent in, and referre the same to the more experienced, to bee hereafter added, as occasion shall serve heereunto.