
From The World in 17th Century
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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.

THE Indies is the greatest Country in Asia, it is so called from the River Indus. Ptolemie devideth it into two parts, namely India on this side Ganges, and India beyond Ganges. It is thought that the latter is called in the sacred Scriptures Hevila, or as some write Havilah, or Evilath, and the former Seria. But wee reade in Marius that the Inhabitants doe call it Macyn or Magin: others that follow Mercator doe call it Mangi and China. Iohn Barrius affirmeth that the Inhabitants doe call the former •ndostan. It is the largest Country of all the world. Pomponius writeth that a ship may sayle 60. dayes and nights along the coast of it. But it is bounderd, (according to Pliny and Strabo) on the West with the River Indus, which divideth Persia from India: on the North is the Mountaine Taurus: on the East it is encompassed with the Easterne Ocean: on the South with the Indian Ocean. The Country hath a wholsome gentle ayre, yet it is so great that it hath a different climate in many places; for in some places it is hott namely toward the Aequator, and in other places temperate enough and rather cold towards the North. But the Countrey it selfe in generall both for the Situation, the ayre, and the fertility of the Soyle, doth farre exceede other parts of the world. Here new Starres doe rise and set, and here are two Harvests in a yeare and two Summers, and the Winter is in the middle betweene them, and the Estesian or East windes doe coole and qualifie the heate. Although this Countrey for the most part hath no Wheate, yet it yeeldeth plenty of Pulse, and other graines, and especially of Barley, and Rice. It doth also bring forth divers other fruits, as Pepper, Franckincense, Myrrhe, Ginger, and in the most Southerne parts Cinnamon, Spicknard, and other Aromaticks and sweet spices, as Arabia and AEthiopia. There are also Honey or Sugar Canes. Besides it hath many Druggs, and rootes of trees, some of which are wholsome, and some hurtfull. What should I speake of their Mettalls, stones, and Mineralls. For there is great store of gold and silver in the Countrey, as also of Brasse, Iron, and Copper as Diadorus witnesseth: But Plinny saith that it hath neither Brasse nor Leade, but instead thereof, Precious stones and Pearles, which the Sea casteth up upon the shoare. For it hath abundance of Berills, Adamants, Carbuncles, and Pearles. Here is silke enough to furnish all the world. Here are greater beasts than in others parts of the world, as Oxen, Cammels, Lions, Dogs, and Elephants. There are great store of Elephants. And great Dragons in the Wildernesse, that are as bigge as Elephants, and doe fight continually with them. And Dogs as fierce as Lions. And great store of Serpents, which the Inhabitants doe roast and eate, and a kind of Ants, which they eate with Pepper as we doe Crabfishes. Here are white Apes, and Cameleons, which were heretofore thought to live by aire. Moreover there are divers sorts of Birds not knowne to other Nations, besides great store of Hens, Pheasants, and Partridges: and also Parrets of divers colours. Plinny writeth thus of the Indies. The Indians alone of all nations were never droven out of their Countrey, they had from Bacchus to Alexander the great 153. Kings, in 6402. yeares, and 3. monethes. And Strabo writeth that never any but Bacchus, Hercules, and Alexander got the victory against them, although Cirus and S•mirami• assailed them often. But leaving these matters let us passe to the Citties. The companions of Alexander the great doe write, that there were 5000. Townes in that part of India which they conquer'd, and every one as bigge as Co, whence you may easily collect the vast largenesse of this Countrey. The chiefe Citty is Calechut, which is the famous Mart of all the East. There are also other Citttes,* 1.1 as Cambaja, Dec•n, Batticalla, Canonor, and many others. There are also many great Lakes. In the history of Alexander there is a mention made of a Lake,* 1.2 which hath great old wood in it, here Alexanders army was like to perish for thirst. But the greatest Lake of all is Chiamy, which is 400. Miles in compasse, and is 600 Miles distant from the Sea. Hence many chiefe Rivers doe issue: the next unto this Lake is •incuthay and others.* 1.3 Here are many great Rivers. It is reported that Alexander the great did sayle every day 600. Furlongs in the River Indus, yet he could but sayle over it in 5. moneths and odde dayes: and yet it is lesser than Ganges. It riseth out of the Mountaine Ca•sasus which is called Paropamissus, and now Naugocrot, and so having runne 900. miles it dischargeth it selfe into the Southerne or Indian Ocean. In which compasse of ground it receiveth 20. Rivers, but the famousest are Hydaspes, which bringeth 4. others with it, and Cantabra, which bringeth three with it. Some say that the Rivers Ganges doe issue from unknowne Springs, as Nilus, and that it watereth the Country round about as Nilus doth: some say that it riseth out of the Scythian Mountaines, and that 19. Rivers doe runne into it: Some say that the Springs thereof doe breake forth with great violence: and so rowling down thorow the Rocks, it runneth first thorow the Plaines, and from thence glideth gently forward, and that it is 8. miles broad in the narrowest part of it: and in other places 100. Furlongs broad, and is no where lesse then 20. yards deepe. This River in the Scriptures is called Phison. But now Geographers doe seeke for it. For some suppose it is that River which floweth into the Bay of Bengala, perhaps in regard of the affinity betweene their names, for the Inhabitants doe call it Guengua. But our Mercator sheweth by good probable reasons that Ganges is that River which is called Rio de Cantaon. Next to these Rivers, there are the Rivers Mandona, Chaberis, Ava, Campumo, Menam, Menon, and many others. Megasthenes reporteth that there are 60. Rivers in the Indies, many of which doe overflow their bankes in the Summer like Nilus, which is the chiefe cause of the fruitfulnesse and fertility of this Country. It is said that Ganges hath Crocodiles as well as Nilus, also Dolphins, and Eeles 30. foote long, as Pliny witnesseth. Moreover the chiefest part of the East-Indies lieth over against the Southerne or Indian Ocean, by the Shore or Sea Coast: which although for the most part it hath Havens, yet in many places it is so environd with Ilands, Rocks, and Sands, that it is dangerous sayling that way. Solinus saith that the Indian Seas have Whales as bigge as 4. Acres of ground. There is also a kinde of Fish called a Whirle-poole, which are very great, and will lift themselves above the Hatches of a Ship, and will so spout Sea-water out of their spouts, that the waight of it falling downe againe is ready to overset Ships. Here are many Mountaines,* 1.4 so that it would bee troublesome to reckon them, many of which have no greene things on them. Imaus, Emodus, Par•pamissus, doe joyne together being parts of Caucasus.* 1.5 The Woods in the Indies as Solinus writeth are so thick that you cannot shoote an Arrow into them: their Orchards have Figge-trees which are 60. yards about. And the shadow of their boughs doe reach two Furlongs. Their leaves are like an Amazonian Bucklar. Their Apples are very sweete. The Marshes have a kinde of Reede which is so thick that being cleft, and hallowed, it doth serve for a Boate to sayle with. The Indies have onely the Ebon-tree, and on the Rocks there are some Trees, which doe sweat forth Frankincense. It hath also another Tree that beareth Indian Nuts. All this Nation was devided heretofore into 7. orders or rankes,* 1.6 the first was the Philosophers: the second the Husbandmen: the third the Shepheards: the fourth the Artificers: the fifth the Souldiers: and the sixth the Epophors or Spies, who informe the King of all things done in India. The seventh were publike Counsels, being few in number, but famous for Nobility and wisedome. For out of them they were chosen to be of the Kings Counsell, and to judge of doubtfull matters. Moreover the Captaines and Princes were chosen out of them. Concerning their Lawes and Statutes: the most of them have unwritten Lawes: and some of them written, in which as in their contracts and bargaines they are very plaine, neither are they litigious and desirous of controversies. For they know not what belongs to Bonds and Morgages, and they lend without witnesses or sealing of Bonds, even upon their owne words. Hee that is found and convinced do have borne false witnesse, hath the tops of his fingers cut off. Hee that depriveth another of any members, is not onely punished in the same member, but his hand is also cut off. But if any man deprive an Artificer or Tradesman of his hand or eye, it is death. Nobility of blood is much esteemed among them, and that anciently. The most of them have noe learning, but doe all things by memory. The Gymnosophists who are called Brachmani, are their Priests: and they toe study Astrologie, Philosophie, and Physicke. And besides these, there are also the Abduti, who are very abstainous for a time, and afterward they thinke they may freely commit all manner of wickednesse. The Indians doe all weare long haire, their chiefe bravery consists in Pretious Stones, and their habit is various and different. Some doe goe in Linnen or Woollen: some are clothed with Beasts skins, or Birds Feathers, some goe naked, and doe cover onely their secret parts. Their bodies are black, which is not accidentall but naturall arising from the quality of the seed of which they are begotten. They are of a great large stature. They have many Wives which they buy of their Parents for a paire of Oxen, and some they keepe to be their slaves, others for issue sake and pleasure, and unlesse they enforce them to be chaste, they may lawfully play the Harlots. Artificers and Tradsmen are in great esteeme in the Indies, for they are not onely free from tribute, but they have corne allowd them by the King. And there is great trading here in many places, especially for sweet Spices Precious Stones, Cotton, and Silke.

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

Of INDIA, and the Provinces thereof.

India is bounded on the East with China, on the West with the River Indus, on the North with Tartaria above mentioned, on the South with the Ocean, taking his name of Indus, a famous River heere running 1000 miles ere it meet the Ocean; it lay after the conquest thereof by Alexander the Great for many yeares undiscovered, the Merchants only thereof were found to bring their native commodities to Sarmacand, and Cambalu aforementioned, to exchange against such commodities as those countries afforded, as to the common Empories, and likewise to Ormus where they provided themselves of all Egyptian and Arabian commodities: by which meanes knowledge was got of their countries; but the great worth and wealth thereof was not fully knowne and discovered to us till of late yeares, by the navigation first of the Portugalls, then of the Dutch and English, this Countrey became better surveighed, finding that the same afforded and abounded in all manner of minerals, (lead and copper onely excepted) with all manner of cattell (horse excepted;) with all manner of precious stones, with all manner of spices, some druggs, and other commodities, as in their particular Provinces shall bee more particularly remembred.

The famous River Ganges runneth through this Countrey, to which the Indians goe in pilgrimage, as if the water washed in or drunk could bring salvation to them: this divideth India into two parts, called India intra Gangem & India extra Gangem, both which include many large Provinces and Kingdomes; and first India intra Gangem hath 9 principall Kingdomes, which I will briefly following some Authours opinion passe cursorily through.

First Narsinga, the chiefe City Maleaper or St. Thomas, where they hold the body of this Apostle was burnt, though the Spaniards hold his body was found under I know not how many fathome of ground in Calamana, by devout Fryers, that after the religions receit of the Sacrament of their wafer god, digged for him and found it; vide Mafe Iesuit. The second is Malavar, and the third Ballasia, in which are found 3 famous Mart Townes, Cochin and Calicute, and Conanor: the last having a large and safe Haven commodious for the trade of these Countries, distant from Calicute 30 miles, and Calicute distant from Cochin 80 miles: Calicute by reason of its great concourse of Merchants is here a famous Mart, and extendeth it selfe for 3 miles all along the shore, principally affording to Christendome that sort of pepper taking its name hence of Calicute pepper, also callicoes cloth, and the other sort of pepper of the name of this Countrey of Malavar.

The fourth is Cambaia, a famous Kingdome, very rich and populous, the chief City is also of the same name, and one of the richest of these Countries containing 800000 persons.

The fifth is Mandao, wherein is the City Mandao, being 30 miles in compasse, which held out a siege of 12 yeares against the Mogul, who is King hereof, as likewise of those former Provinces named.

The sixth and seventh is Bengala and Aristan, where is found the Cities of Cattigan and Satigan, and principally for trade that of Ben gala, on the bankes of a gulph knowne by that name; and Orissa inhabited by Christians of St. Thomas so called, because he converted them.

The eighth is Canora, under command of the Mogull; the most famous Cities are Ultabat, Lispor, Melinda, &c.

The ninth is Dellia, the chiefe City being Dellie, the sometimes residence of the great Mogull; the other famous Cities are Tremel, Fatabar, and Chesmer famous for the studie here of Magiqu•…: all these mighty Provinces have been conquered by the Great Moguls forces within these 90 yeeres, to the astonishment of all India.

India extra Gangem containes 12 potent Kingdomes, and all under command of the potent Kings of Barma, which cursorily I will also run over.

The first is Macin, famous for that sweet wood which this Countrey doth produce, called Aloes or lignum vitae, valued at its weight n pure silver, serviceable onely here for the pompous funeralls of great Princes; the chief City for trade is the said Macin.

The second is Aracan, wherein is the City of Ava, which through the World is so famous for the aboundance of gems.

The third is Camboia, famous for the City of Camboia, a place of great traffique, which affords plenty of gold, silver, aloes, and many other commodities of great worth.

The fourth is Cauchin China, aboundeth with the like commodities brought to Cauchin China, the chiefe City of this Kingdome, and much frequented by Merchants of all Countries for Porcelane and China dishes here made, and much in esteeme and use in these Countries.

The fifth is Barma, made famous onely within 60 yeares, for the Princes hereof have vanquished all the former Kingdomes, and made them tributaries to this Kingdome and this Scepter.

The sixth is Siam, once the Lady of all India, now subject to Barma; the principall Cities are Mollacia in compasse 20 miles, a Town of great resort for Merchants, for the traffique of spices, and now in subjection to the Portugals: the next is Siam, scituate on the River Mean, which every yeere overfloweth the Countrey for 120 miles: and lastly Odin, on the River Cuipomo, on which 200000 boates are found daily to be set on worke, and containes 400000 families: and is now knowne the residende of that famous and fortunate King of Barma before-mentioned.

The seventh is Pegu, which gives name to a principall City, having a rich soile and harberous Sea shore, the principall known Haven is Mar•…ban; and here is also Lasmin a City of great commerce. This Countrey hath suffered much by sword, pestilence and famine, within these late yeares, and is now as the rest a Province of this a foresaid powerfull King of Barma.

Now having thus survaid India in the generall and in grosse, as it is divided into Kingdomes and Provinces, it will be requisite it should next be surveyed in the particular, so farre as it may concerne our present purpose, which is the commerce and trade thereof, so farre forth as it is at this day knowne to our Nation, wherein I could wish my experience better to shew the particulars thereof, in consideration of the large extent of ground that is comprized under this name of India, stretching it selfe from Taurus to the Ocean one way, and from China to Persia, which is neere 4000 miles another way, at which place it wil be fittest for me to begin my trade, and see what may be observed therein. Yet before I enter into this discovery, and give a particular relation of such materialls, wherewith trade is in it selfe practised through this large tract of Lands, Ilands and Seas; and before I shew the matter wherewith this trade is in all this Countrey driven, it will not be improper I should also see who they principally are that manage this trade, and to whom this great traffique appertaineth, either as they are natives and here borne, or as they are strangers and here are induced to reside, attracted thereto by the sole motive of the great commerce and rich commodities found either naturally here growing, or artificially here made and produced.

This Countrey then as I said before aboundeth in the generall with all manner of mineralls, copper and lead excepted; with all sorts of cattell, Horses excepted, with all manner of spices, with many sorts of drugges, cotton cloth, precious stones, &c. to which may be added the want of Wine and Wheate that here they have, that so this Countrey might be beholding in some sort to others, as others are for her commodities to this. These being then the prime commodities wherewith trade is here maintained, I will note the traders and native Merchants that are here resident, which properly I may account to be of 5 severall sorts, all acknowledging severall rites, religions and customes; and therefore partake of so many severall formes and manners in the mannaging of their affaires of merchandizing. The Gentile Merchants are the first, and are found of great eminencie in some parts of this Tract. The natives Christians converted by the discipline of St. Thomas are the second, who in many places are found to mannage a great and ample trade through this Countrey: the third are the Mahumetans, Persians and Tartarians, especially since the great victories of the Mogur found here also of grat quality and estates. The 4th are the Jewes, who live strag lingly dispersed over and through all the parts of this Countrey, and in every Princes dominions exercise the same. The 5th are Moores and Arabians, who some 200 yeares past, seased on some Haven Townes here alongst this coast, driving the natives unto the inland parts, and at this day are seene to be very great Merchants. The 6th are the Portugals, who possessing some few Sea-townes commodious for traffique, bragge of the conquest of the whole Countrie, which they are in no more possibility intirely to conquer and possesse, then the French were to subdue Spaine when they were possessed of the Fort of Perpignan, or the English to be Masters of France when they were onely Soveraignes of Calis. And now to the Cities of this Tract, where at this day is found a trade to be practised, and first of Diu.

Of the Trade in generall practised alongst the Coast of INDIA.

The Coast of India knowne in these Regions, is only so accounted from the Ilands called las Vachas, or from the Towne of deman to the Cape of Comorin, not above 200 miles in length, wherein besides the Metropolis Goa, is found sundry others in subjection to the Crowne of Portugall; as first Daman to the North of Goa; then Basain, then Chaul, Dabull, and then Goa: and to the South-ward, which some call the coast of Mallubar, they hold Romes, Onor; Barselor, Mangalor, Cananor, Calicut, Cranganor, Cochin, Coulon, and cape de Comeri, which is accompted the last end of the Coast of Mallabar and India, for the better understanding of the trade of these Sea-ports, it will bee needfull I should somewhat more particularly survey the same.

First then, it is to be understood that the Northerne part of this Coast is held the wholsomest and purest ayre for habitation, the principall places being Daman, Basasen, and Chaul, which are found in themselves to have good havens, whereto great traffique is maintained throughout India; the Countrey hereabouts abounding in rice, pease, and other graines, butter and oyle of nuts, also cotton cloth great quantity, especially Baroches, taking the name from a Citie of this coast; and in Chaul is found very great concourse of Merchants and traffique to Ormus, Cambaia, Sinde, Masquate, Bengala, having therein many rich Merchants, and ships of great burthen; and heere is also made divers kinds of silke stuffes, as grograms, sattins, taffata's, and such like in such aboundance, that India, and all other places bordering, are served therewith, and beholding thereto, which brings a great trade to the said Citie of Chaul; for they bring in the raw silke of China, and being heere spunne, woven, and wrought, carry it out againe, and distribute it throughout India, and the neighbouring Countries; here also they make faire and excellent wrought bedsteds, boxes, desks, stooles, and other woodden arts, which brings them great profit, and makes this place famous throughout these parts.

As for the coast of Mallabar, Onor is of good esteeme, where there is a great quantity of pepper yearely laden by the Portugals factors, accounted the best and fullest berry in all India, the Countrey hereabouts belonging to a Queene rich in pepper, who selleth the said commoditie only to the Portugals; but receiveth her money 6 moneths beforehand, and at the season delivereth the said contracted pepper, which by the Portugals is housed in their Fort, which (by her leave) they have heere built, till their shipping come to fetch it away, which is commonly but once a yeare.

Cananor is held the best fort they have upon all this coast, and doth, abound with rice and pepper, and neere the fort is a faire Towne which is plentifully stored with all the commodities of this coast and shoare, especially abounding in all manner of victuals and provision and masts for ships of all sizes and sorts.

Calicut was once the most famous town of trade of all this shore, and gave name not onely to the sorts of pepper that here grow, but also to that sort of cotton cloth that was first hence transported for Europe; but the Emperour the then Soveraigne, being enemie to the King of Couchin, with whom the Portugals at their first arivall heere sided, and prosperd, by that meanes, overthrew the great traffique of Calicut, and advanced the traffique of Cochin, whose * 1.6 Soveraigne by meanes of the trade is now become a mighty and rich Prince in this Countrey, the City of Cochin it selfe thereby so inlarged, inriched, and so well inhabited by Portugals, who are in part the new Masters, by native Mallabars and other Nations, and seated upon a pleasant River, and injoying the commodity of a good Channell and Haven; that it is accounted in these parts for trade and concourse of Merchants the onely second to Goa: here is laden yearely great quantity of pepper, and a course sort of cynamon, vulgarly called de Matte, nothing comparable to cynamon of Seylon accounted the best; and hither come all the Portugall ships to lade homewards, after that they have unladen their European commodities in Goa, which addes much to the trade of this Citie. Two commodities hither imported do much inrich this place, 1 the great store of silke that cometh hither raw from China to be wrought, and next the great store of sugar that cometh from Bengala to be spent, for which the marryed citizens are found to pay no custome to the King of Cochin, though for all others they pay 4 per cent. but the stranger and unmarryed pay at Cochin nothing to the King; but to the Portugall 8 per cent. And because this great traffique for pepper is onely peculiar to some private Merchants or Farmers authorized by the Kings of Spaine, it will not be unproper I should here relate the manner thereof: It is to be understood then that the Kings of Portugall, the first European traders into these parts, in all their navigations and discoveries, ever added the benefit of commerce towards the supportation of the expences of their conquests; and having here built for conveniencie of trade, and protection of their Merchants, and subjects many Fortresses and Castles; they ever so setled them, that the commodiousnesse of the Haven, Port or harbour, joyned to the native commodities of the place, might adde meanes and faire inducements to make by traffique their conquests profitable. This coast then being found to abound with pepper, a principall commodity then requested in Europe, designed it to be converted to his peculiar profit, by all the provident waies of a circumspect Merchant; but Princes that will imbrace all, sometimes graspe but a little; for the same could not be so profitably contrived, considering the distance of way, length of time, and trust to be committed to factors, Captaines of Forts, and others; but he found himselfe to come farre short of his expectation in this point, whereupon he was advised to let out the same to Farme, and contracted it at certaine conditions to certaine great and eminent Merchants, who should stand in his place strongly and amply priviledged, and should injoy a part of the gaines for themselves, and yet bring the greatest croppe of their labours into his coffers; hereupon it was first let out for five yeeres, the farmers and contracters binding themselves to send such a stocke to India in ready money, as would extend for 30 thousand quintalls of pepper yearely, conceived to be in those daies as much as all Europe could annually vent in that commodity; but then the King was bound to send his Ships to India to lade the same, in number five Ships of sufficient burthen yearely; the Farmers bearing the adventure both of their moneys outward, and of the said pepper homeward, lading it in India into the said Ships at their own costs and charges, all which brought into Portugall, they were to deliver to the King at the price of 12 duccats per quintall, and what was either cast away, lost, or taken, was to be borne by the Farmers; the King paying for no more then what was thus fairely laid on land into his store-house at Lixborne, neither yet payd he ready money for the same, but payd them with their owne money when the pepper was sold; so that the King without disbursement or hazzard, had and hath a certaine great gaine without the losse of a penny; in consideration whereof the farmers have many great and strong immunities and priviledges; as first, that no man upon paine of death, of what estate or condition soever he be, may any waies deale or trade in pepper but themselves, which is still strictly observed; secondly, that they may not upon any occasion or necessity whatsoever, diminish or lessen the said ordinary stocke of money, nor the King his said stint of shipping; neither hinder nor let them in any sort concerning the lading thereof, which is also strictly looked into; for though the pepper were for the Kings owne person or proper account, yet must the Farmers pepper be first laden; thirdly that the Uiceroy, and all other the Officers and Captaines in India shall give them all assistance, helpe and favour, with safe keeping guarding and watching the same, with all other needfull offices as shalbe by them required, for the safety and benefit of the said pepper: fourthly, that for the lading and providing thereof, the said Farmers may send their Factors into India with their servants and assistants of what nation soever they be, (English, French, and Spaniards onely excepted) and that unto every place to see the same laden and dispatched away: and in latter times it is observed that they have also farmed of the King the ships and their fraightment, with large conditions to build them, and make the provision of all necessaries for them, and all at their owne adventures; and if the Ship come safe home, they give the King in lieu of licence a certaine summe of money for every Ship, and annually do furnish these five Ships at their owne charges: but for such Souldiers as are appointed to goe in them, they are bound to saile for the King and at his charge, and have but onely their meate and drinke at the Farmers charges, the officers and saylers being placed therein by the Kings admiralty, which the Farmers may not once deny or refuse; so that the King adventureth nothing, neither in pepper nor in Shippes; but onely if the Ships be cast away, he loseth the money that he should have, and otherwise gain by the farm of every Ship, if it had returned safe; and the profit of the pepper that should have beene delivered him at a certaine price, which is the cause now that the King doth not send out his Fleets to meet and waft them from the Flemish Ilands, as for long time he was accustomed to doe; and the King is found so nearely to look to this Farme, that he will not abate the Farmers a penny, how great soever their losses happen otherwise to be: And thus much shall serve for Goa and the trade of the Portugalls in India; now in the next place I will come to the coast of Chormandel.

1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn.

INDIA is bounded on the East, with the Orientall Ocean, and some part of China; on the West, with the Persian Empire; on the North, with some branches of Mount Taurus, which divide it from Tartary; and on the South, with the Indian Ocean. So called from the River Indus, the neerest of esteem and note in all the Country, towards these parts of the world.

It is conceived to be the largest Country of any one name in the world, except China and Tartaria; affirmed by Pomponius Mela, to be of such a great extent on the Sea-coasts of it, that it was as much as a ship could sail in 40 daies. Extended from 106, to 159 Degrees of Longitude; and from the Aequator to the 44th degree of Northern Latitude. By which accompt it lieth from the beginning of the first, to the end of the sixt Clime: the longest Summers-day in the Southern parts being 12 hours only, and in the parts most North, 15 hours and an half.

Concerning the monstrous Fables which the ages foregoing have delivered to us of this Countrey, give me leave to say, that as the Poets used of old to fill up the times of which they were ignorant, with strange fictions, and prodigious metamorphoses; or as our modern Geographers, in the Maps of the world, fill up those unknown parts thereof, of which they can give us no certain description, with strange pictures and uncouth shapes of beasts and trees: so also the writers in former ages have filled the more remote Countries, of which they knew little, with such impossible and incredible relations. Hence there have been attributed to this India, the fables of men with dogs heads; of men with one leg only, yet of great swiftness; of such as live by sent; of men that had but one eye, and that in their foreheads; and of others, whose ears did reach unto the ground. It is reported also that this people by eating a dragons heart and liver, attain to the understanding of the languages of beasts; that they can make themselves, when they list, invisible; that they have two tubs, whereof the one opened yields wind, the other rain, and the like. But these relations, and the rest of this strain, I doubt not but the understanding Reader knoweth how to judge of, and what to believe. For my part I am of the same mind with Curtius, Plura equidem transcribo quam credo; nec enim affirmare aus•us sum quae dubito, nec subducere sustineo quae accepi: I may perhaps relate some things which I do not credit, but shall not let them pass without some censure; that so I neither may impose any thing on the Readers belief, nor defraud him any thing conducible to his contentation.

The Countrey, to report no more of it than it doth deserve, enjoyeth an exact temperature of the air; two Summers, (or one as long as two,) and a double encrease: blest with all things which are either necessary to the life of man, or of convenience and delight; particularly with mines of Gold and Silver, and with precious stones; with spices of all sorts, and Civets; with the best medicinable drugs; metals of all kinds, except Copper and Lead; abundance of all sorts of Cattel, except horses. Somewhat defective also in Wheat and Vines, that so this Countrey might be beholding unto others, as well as others to this. Famed also for abundance of Camels, Apes, Dragons, Serpents, Rhinocerots, Elephants. These last more savouring of reason and human ingenuity, or else more tractable and docile, than any brute Creature whatsoever. Of this we have a fair instance in the story of the Acts of Alexander. The Elephant which King Porus sate on, finding his Master strong and lusly, rushed boldly into the thickest of the Enemies Army: but when he once perceived him to be faint and weary, he withdrew himself out of the battell, kneeled down, and into his own trunk received all the Arrows which were directed at his master.

The greatness of the Creature makes it yet more admirable, that either he should have soul enough of his own, to actuate so vast a body; or being of such strength and bigness should submit himself to the instructions of another: some of these Indian Elephants, as Aelianus hath affirmed, being nine Cubits high, and as many long, and in breadth or thickness about five Cubits. Nor doth the Sea afford less plenty or variety, than we find on shore: yielding abundance of the richest and fairest Pearls, huge sholes of fish, and amongst them the Whale or great Leviathan; exceeding the proportion of that land-monster the Elephant. For though the ordinary dimension of the Whale be but 36 Cubits in length, and eight in thickness: yet Nearchus in Arianus is said to have measured one in these Indian Seas, which was of the length of 50 Cubits, and of breadth proportionable: not to say any thing of that incredible report of Plinie, who speaketh of some Indian Whales which were nine hundred and threescore Foot, or four Acres long.

The people are of five sorts, and as many Religions, that is to say the Naturall Indians, derived from the Original Inhabitants of it▪ 2. Moors, or Arabians, who more than two hundred years ago possessed themselves of some Sea-Towns driving the Natives up higher into the Countrey; 3. Jews, scattered and dispersed (as in other places) into all parts of it; 4. Tartars, in those parts and Provinces which are under the Great Mongul; and 5. Portugueze, who have many Colonies and Factories in the Ports and Islands; but brag as if they had made a conquest of all the Countrey. Which notwithstanding, considering that the Naturall Indians are by far the greatest number, we must relate to them only in the Character, which is made of this people. Affirmed to be tall of stature, strong of body, and of complexion inclining to that of the Negroes: of manners Civill, and ingenuous, free from fraud in their dealings, and exact keepers of their words. The Common sort but meanly clad, for the most part naked, content with no more covering than to hide their shame. But those of greater estates and fortunes (as they have amongst them many antient and Noble families) observe a majesty in both Sexes, both in their Attendants and Apparel; sweetning the last with oils, and perfumes, and adorning themselves with Jewels, Pearls, and other Ornaments befitting. They eat no flesh, but live on Barley, Rice, Milk, Honey, and other things without life.

The W•me• not of much fairer complexion than the men, yet of lovely countenances, wear their hair long and loose, but covered with a thin vail of Calicut Lawn. Their ears hung with many rings, so great and heavy, that they are torn, and stretched to much disproportion; their noses also ringed, and behung with Jewels according to their estate and quality. Servilely obsequious to their husbands, whose affections they divide amongst them without jarre or jealousy: the men allowed here, as in all the East, the use of many wives, whom they buy of their parents for a yoke of Oxen; and may mary as often as they list. In which they have too great a privilege above the women, who after the decease of their common husband, do either burn in the same flame with him, or else are forced to doom themselves to perpetuall Widow-Hood. But of this we may speak more hereafter when we come to the particulars.

The Christian faith was first planted in these Countries by Saint Thomas, from whom the remainders of Christianity take denomination; and unto whom the Records and Miniments of that Church do ascribe their conversion. For in one of their Treviaries written in the Chaldaean tongue, and translated into Latine by Father John Maria Campa•• a Jesuite, we find it thus, Per D. Thomam evanuit error Idololatriae ab Indis, &c. i. e. By Saint Thomas, the errors of Idolatry vanquished out of the Indies; by Saint Thomas, they received the Sacrament of Baptism, and the Adoption of Sonnes; by Saint Thomas, they believed and confessed the Father, the Son, and Holy-Ghost; by Saint Thomas, they kept the faith received of one God: And finally by Saint Thomas, the splendour of saying doctrine did appear to all India. His body as they say, in•ombed in the City of Maliapar, upon the Coast of Choromand•ll; the truth of which tradition I dispute not here. But this plantation of the Gospel by the hand of Saint Thomas was not universal over all the Countrey; but in some parts and Provinces only: or else was forced to give ground a while to prevailing Heathenism. For in the reign of Constantine, we read how the Indians living on the further-side of the Rive Ganges (for so I understand the Indi interiores of my Author) were converted to the Faith byr• the ministery of one Frumentius, of the City of Tyr••, who having spent the greatest part of his time amongst them, was employed in that service, and consecrated the first Bishop (for those Churches) by the great Athanasius of Alexandria. But being the foundation of this building was laid by Saint Thomas, the remainder of Christians here being, ascribe the whole work to him; called therefore Christians of Saint Thomas. Governed originally by their own Bishops, subordinate to an Archbishop of their own also, residing at Augamale fifteen miles from Cochin, one of the chief Cities of this Countrey: who for long time acknowledged obedience to the Patriarch of Musal, by the name of the Patriarch of Babylon, as by these Christians of India he is still termed. The number of these Christians computed at 15 or 16 thousand families; or at 70000 persons in the accompt of others: inhabiting for the most part in that large tract of ground, which beginning at the outlets of Ind••s and Ganges, stretcheth unto the Cape or Promontory called Cape Comari. The points wherein they differed from the Church of Rome, 1. Their administring the Sacrament of the Eucharist in bread seasoned with salt; 2. Administring in both kinds, but using instead of wine (which is scatce or not at all to be had in this Countrie) the juice of raisins softn•d in water over night, and so pressed forth; 3. Not baptizing children untill 40 dayes old, xcept it be in danger of death; 4. Permitting no Images in their Churches, but that of the Cross; 5. Allowing one mariage to their Priests, but debaring the second; 6. In painting God with three heads on one body to denote the Trinity. 7. Denying the use of extreme Vnction; and 8. Not acknowledging the Popes Supremacie. And in this State they stood till the year 1599, when by the sollicitation of the Portugals, they renounced their obedience to the Pa•riarch of Musall, and submitted their Churches to the jurisdiction of the Pope of Rome, in a National Synod held at Diamper, not farre from Maliapar by the Arch-bishop of Goa (the Primate of the Portugals in those parts) not onely rejecting all opinions contrary to the Romish Tenets, but delivering all their Books and Liturgies to be altered and reformed by the said Arch-bishop, according to the Rites and doctrines of the Church of Rome, which was done accordingly.

But these comparatively to the rest, come not to an handfull; the main body of the People wallowing in their Gentilism; and still retaining many of those antient Customes, which they used of old: as viz. 1. Not knowing their wives after they have born them two children; 2. Nor keeping them, if after five years ••habitation, they can raise no issue by them; but then exchanging them for others; 3. Rewarding none for any military exploit, if they bring not with them in their hands the head of an enemy; 4. Killing their Friends, before they were withered or decaied by Age, or sickness. To these they have since added others of a later invention, perhaps more barbarous, of which we may have opportunity to speak anon. Their Priests or learned men, in the time of old were called Brachmanes from one Brachman, the prescriber of their Rites and Laws, by whom instructed in the Rudiments of their Philosophy; a Sect of which, from their going naked, had the name of Gymnosophists; who were to them as the Chaldaei, to the Assyrians; the Magi, to the Persians; and the Druides, to the antient Britans. Had in great Reverence by the People, and living for the most part an austere and solitary life in Caves and Desarts; feeding on herbs, poorly apparelled, and for a time abstaining from all carnall pleasures: but that time past, they may indulge themselves more liberty, and admit the company of women. Others of them live together with the common-people, as being their ordinary Priests. Of these, the great Alexander, when he was in this Countrey, surprized ten; one of them called by the name of Calanus, with whom he had a great deal of communication: propounding to him many strange questions, and receiving back to many of them, (as himself confessed) some not unsatisfying though strange answers. To these Gymnosophists, or Brachmans the Bramines do now succeed, both in place and authority; but differ from them most extremely in point of learning, and the civilities of their lives: these Bramines being the most impure, libidinous, and sensuall beasts in all the Countrey; privileged with the first nights lodging of every Bride, which when sated with their filthy lust, they sell, or trafick with, to strangers; serving as Stallions to old men, and as Pandars to young; so flesh'd in wickedness, and ignorant of all good letters, that they have nothing of a man but the voice and shape. Mahometanism is also entertained in a great part of the Countrey, first brought in by the Tartars, and neighbouring Persians unto whom conter••nous; but much increased by the victories of the Great Mongul: who being originally a Tartar, and of that Religion, hath caused it to be propagated in most parts of his large dominions.

Mountains of most note in it, besides Caucasus, and some other of the branches of Taurus or Arara•, common to this, and the Tartarian and Persian Empires, 1. Sardonix, full of mines of those precious stones which are called after the name of the Mountain. 2. Vindius. 3. Bittigo. 4. Adisathras. 5. Those called Apocopi, and 6. Those named Orodii. And on the further side of Ganges. 7. Se•yrrus. 8. Maeandrus. 9. Those called Damusi, and 10. Semanthinus; part of this last extending also unto China. All of them very fruitfull in the production of mines, and Rivers, as will appear by looking over the particulars when we come unto them.

But the Mountain of Chief note of all is that which Ptolomy calleth Bitigo, and is now named Gates, the Southern part of the great Mountain Imaus spoken of before: extended from Mount Caucasus, where it crosseth the Taurus in right Angels, to Cape Comari, a known Promontory of Industan, or the Hither India (which it divideth into East and West) for the space of 400 leagues and upwards. Conceived by Postellus a learned Writer, to be that Mount Sephar, mention whereof is made in the 10th of Genesis, where it is said to be the utmost Eastern limit of the Sonnes of Joktan, Gen. 10. v. 30. With probability enough, for ought I can see, the sonnes of Joktan being settled in these parts of India, and the Provinces of the Persian Empire which lie neerest to them. And so farre Stephanus doth concurre with Postell, as to affirm of this Mount Sephar, that it is Mons Indiae, an Indian Mountain: both of them grounding on Saint Hierom, who expressly saith, Sopheramons Orientis in India, juxta quem habitaverunt filii Jectam, i. e. that Sephar, or Sopher, is the name of a Mountain of the East in India; neer to which dwelt the sonnes of Jocktan. More probably, without doubt, than that we should transfer it into Amercia, as I see some do; and make it there to be the great Mountain of the Andes, which runneth the whole length of Peru, from one end to the other; and thence as some will have it to the Streights of Magellan. Which should we grant, we must not look for Joktan, or the sons of Joktan, either in Arabia Felix, where Bochartus placeth them; nor in the Eastern parts of Asia, where most probably they may be found: but we must cross the vast Orientall Ocean, and look for them in a place where they never were: besides, that granting this for true, we must allow America to have been known in the time of Moses; which no Author that I ever met with did so much as dream of.

Rivers of most note are, 1. Indus, which ariseth out of that part of Taurus which the Antients called Paropamisus, the Moderns, Naugrocot; and having received into it 19 other Rivers, after a course of 900 miles, falleth into the Ocean at seven Mouths, that is to say 1. Sagappa, being the most Western, 2. Sinthum, 3. Aureum, 4. Cariphi, 5. Sappara, 6. Sabalassa, 7. Lonibare, the most Eastward. But five of these being chaoked with sands, or drawn into the neighbouring Chanells, there now remains but only two. A River famous in Records and antient stories for giving name unto the Country, and that so celebrated voyage of Alexander, who sayled down it towards the Indian Ocean: the voyage holding above five moneths, of which there is said to have passed no day wherein he sai•ed not 15 miles, or 600 Furlongs. 2. Ganges, which riseth as some say from the Mountain Imaus, (or rather from that part of Taurus, where Imaus falleth right upon it,) and falling headlong down the Rocks, is first collected into a Lake, or Pool (supposed by others for the fountain and Original of it) whence with a gentler pace it passeth towards the Ocean; taking in by the way, as is said by Pliny, 30 navigable Rivers. In the narrowest place of eight miles breadth, in the broadest 20. seldome so shallow but that the depth thereof is 100 foot, or 20 Geometrical paces. Parted into five great Chanels it falleth at last into the Sea; the first of which most towards the West, is called Cambysum, 2. Magnum, 3. Camberychum, 4. Psendostomum, and 5. that which lyeth furthest towards the East, called Autiboli. This River erroneously supposed to be that Pison which watered Paradise: and to encrease the reputation of the error, we find it countenanced by Josephus, and other no less eminent names; and also backed by some traditions of the people which inhabit neer it. By whom it is affirmed that one of the Bengalan Kings sent men up the River, who came at last to a pleasant place, blest with a fragrant Earth, sweet air, and quiet waters; beyond which they could go no further. The truth and reality whereof doth so possess them, that at the mouth of this River called Gangasagie, such as are weary of this world use to cast themselves into the current, and are presently devoured by a fish called Sea-dogs, by whom they hope to find a quick passage to Paradise. The occasion of which error among the Antients proceeded from those words of the Scripture, in which it is affirmed of Pison, that it compassed the land of Havilah: which granting that it did, inferreth not that either this River must be Pison, or that India is intended by that Havilah. For besides Havilah the sonne of Jocktan, planted in some part of India; there was another Havilah the sonne of Chus, settled in the land of Havilah or Chasiana, not far from Babylon: this last indeed watered by the River Pison, and the first by Ganges; too farr asunder, and divided by too many Nations, to be taken or mistaken one for another. But not less famous, because none of those which neighboured the garden of Eden: perhaps of greater fame than any of those which did. For to this River do the superstitious Indians make their solemn Pilgrimages, vainly conceiving that they shall be sure of their eternity, if at the time of their death they may drink of this water. To the overflowings of this River do the People ascribe the fertility of the Countreys adjoining, as the Aegyptians do to Nilus. And finally, by this River was the whole Countrey antiently, and at this present is, divided into two main parts, (each subdivided into many particular Provinces) viz. 1. India intra Gangem, 2. India extra Gangem. Of each of which we will first take a brief survey with reference to the state and story of it in preceding times; and then consider them with reference to the present age.


INDIA INTRA GANGEM, is bounded on the East, with the River Ganges till the fall thereof into the Sea, and after that with that large and spacious Bay, called antiently Sinus Gangeticus, now the Gulf of Bengala; on the West, with Paropamisus, Arachosia, Gedrosia, Provinces of the Persian Empire; and part of the Arabian Seas: on the North, where it is broadest, with Mount Taurus, branched into Paropamisus, Caucasus, and other parts; and on the South, where it endeth in a sharp point or Promontory, by Ptolomy called Commaria extrema, but now Cape Commari, with the Indian Ocean. So named from being situate on this side of Ganges; by the moderns Indostan.

The Countrey of the same nature formerly, as it is at the present, not altered but by changing of the chanels of Indus; which being shifted by an Earthquake, turned a great part of the once neighbouring Region to a sandy Desart: Indus (as many other of the Indian Rivers) fatning and enriching all the land which it overfloweth. The people of those elder times much like the Scythians, especially in their course of life, living without Cities, Temples, Houses, in their moveable tents: their food the bark of a tree called Tala, which served for bread; and the flesh of bucks, does, and other venison, with the skins whereof they made their Garments. All of them Free-men, but no Slaves to be found amongst them. Less warlike than the Scythians, but as great Contemners of death as they: the very women contending eagerly amongst themselves, which should accompany their Husband (one husband having many wives) to his Funerall Pile. Of which thus Saint Hierome, Hae igitur contendunt de amore viri, & ambitio summa certantium est ac testimonium castitatis dignam morte censeri. A custome still retained amongst them; of which somewhat hath been said already, and more is to be said in another place.

Principall Rivers of this part, 1. Hydaspes, by Ptolomy (and by him only) called Bidaspes, one of the furthest bounds of Alexanders conquests. 2. Suastus, 3. Coa, 4. Acesines, very memorable in the Gests of Alexander. 5. Sandabilis, 6. Zaradrus: all comming from the Northern Mountains, and all falling (Hydaspes with three other Rivers first received into it) into the greater bed of Indus. 7. Diamna, 8. Sorabus, and 9. Soa, falling from the like Northern Mountains, into the main Chanell of Ganges. 10. Naragonas, issuing from Mount Vindius. 11. Baris, from Bittigo. 12. Chaberis, from Adisathras. 13. Tindis, from the hill called Vxentus; and 14. Tina, from the Orodian Mountains, with many others of less note. By what names called at the present, I determine not; nor find I any which have dared to adventure on it. But doubtless to be found in 1. Catamul, 2. Cebcha, 3. Ray, 4. Chenao, 5. Rebeth, all tributaries unto Indus, which is now called Schind. 6. Taphi, 7. Harunda, 8. Chambel, 9. Jamena, which empty their waters into Ganges; the which, with such others of the principal Rivers as are now known by name unto us, shall occasionally be touched on in that which followeth. Besides which Rivers, here is a famous Lake mentioned in the Gests of Alexander, (but the name occureth not) not much above a mile in circuit, but exceeding pleasant, shaded on every side with woods; memorable for the great refreshment which it gave to Alexanders Army, when even pined with thirst.

The Countrey so exceeding populous in the time of Ptolomy, that it afforded him the names of more noted Cities, than any one Countrey in the world. Of which 1. Cottiara, 2. Nigama, 3. Sa••da, 4. Rarassa, 5. Masopelle, and 6. Pityndra, are honoured with the name of Metropoles; as being the head Cities of their severall and respective Nations. 7. Ozene, 8. Sora, 9. Palibothra, 10. Gange, 11. Batana, 12. Hippocura, 13. Carara, 14. Modura, 15. Orthura, and 16. Mala•ga, mentioned as the Royall seats of severall Princes; by the name of Regiae. 17. •ardaxem•, 18. T••dis, 19. A•gari, 20. Curula, 21. Chaberis, on the River so called. 22. Palura, on the shores of the Golf of Bengala, and 23. Palura, on the banks of Cambysum. 24. Tilegramocum; marked out above the rest with the name of Civitates, (Cities) and therefore probably of more note than others not so distinguished. And finally 25. Monogsassum, 26. Simylla, neer a Promontory of the same name; 27. Nitra, 28. Maziris, 29. Elancorum, 30. Colchi, 31. Salur, 32. Sobura, 33. Poduca, 34. Melange, 35. Maliarpha, 36. Contacissyla, 37. Nosygne. 38. Barygaza. Specifyed as the most noted and celebrious Empories; besides 39. Canthimus, 40. Stathmus, (and 41 a Road opposite to Chrysas) two commodious Stations or Roads for shipping. The names and situation of these places is the most we find of them, which makes me pass them over with a bare recitall, only to shew how populous and well planted this Countrey was in the time of my Author.

Of less name, but of more note in the course of story; 1. Nysa, built by Bacchus at the time of his Indian conquest, and called thus by the name of his Nurse, to preserve her memory, his mother dying in Child-birth of him. Replenished by him with his sick and wounded Souldiers, whose posterity continued here till the time of Alexander, who spared the City and the people for his love to Bacchus, who was therein worshipped in a Temple of his own foundation, planted about with Baies, Vines, and Ivy, whose shidie branches covered the roof of it. In the middest thereof an Image, with all the Instruments belonging to a plentiful Vintage, all of Gold or Silver. 2. Taxilla, or Taxiala as Ptolomy calleth it, seated betwix• Indus and Hydaspes in the Region called Varsa, and built most probably by Taxiles a puissant King of India, in the time of Alexander. Adorned in elder times with a Temple dedicated to the Sunne, and therein with an Ivory image of A•ax, a Golden Statua of Alexander, and the portraiture of King Porus made in copper. The floor of Mosaical work pouldred with Pearls, the walls of red marble interlaied with gold, which made it shine a far off, like a flash of lightning. 3. Nagarna, called also Dionysiopolis; in memory of Bacchus who was also called Dionysius, and Liber Pater. 4. Adorne, by Diodorus called Aornos, and Avernus by Strabo; so strongly seated on a Rock, that Hercules was not able to force it: which made Alexander, imitating, and therein out-going the Acts of Hercules, assault it with the greater force, and at last he carried it. 5. Bucephala, built by Alexander on the banks of Hyd•spes, and named thus in memory of Bucephalus his beloved horse, which had served him in all the course of his Fortunes, and dyed hereabouts, being then thirty years old. 6. Pireta, another of his foundations, so called by the name of his dog, whom he dearly loved. 7. Alexandria, on the banks of Indus, another of his foundations also. 8. Mazage, on the West of Indus, one of the first Towns of India taken by the Macedonians, though garrisoned within, and environed without by an host of 300000 men: but yielded after some resistance, with the use of her own body, by Cleophe the Queen the•eof, who received it back with other favours from the hands of the Conqueror. 9. Nora, a strong City on the same side of Indus, taken by Polysperchon, one of his Commanders. 10. Samus, on the banks of the same River, taken by Alexander in the course of his navigation down that sea of waters; the Inhabitants whereof fought against him with poisoned Arrows, with one of which Ptolomy, afterward King of Aegypt, was dangerously wounded, and cured with an herb which Alexander dreamt he had seen in the mouth of a Serpent. 11. Oxydrace, the chief City of the Oxydracans, at the siege whereof Alexander is said to be the first that scaled the walls, and the last that could do so: the ladder breaking as soon as he was at the top. Standing thus alone as a mark to all their darts, he was by the Souldiers desired to leap down amongst them; but he in a daring bravado leaped into the Town among his enemies, where it was not only his good hap to light upon his feet, but to have an old tree at his back to defend him behind. In this posture he is said to have maintained the fight a long time against all the Souldiers of the Town; killing two of them with his own hands, and by that example teaching the rest to be more mannerly: till being wearyed, and dangerously wounded, he was forced to leave his feet, and commit the weight of of his body to his knees. In this case Leonatus, Peucestes, and some other of his Captains, came to assist him; who defended their dying Master, till the whole Army entred the Town, and put all the people to the sword, in revenge of their King, whose life they had little hope to enjoy, though he with much danger did afterward recover. For my part I give little or no credence to this story, ranging it in the same Catalogue of truth with the Adventures of Donzel del Phoebo, Rosicleer, Beliams, Amadis, and the rest of the rabble of Knights errant. Neither is this the first time that Curtius hath disgraced the soundness of Alexanders judgement, and the truth of his actions, with the like idle and impossible fables: though indeed in that particular, he saith that it was multo magis ad temeritatis quam ad gloriae famam. And 12. Nicaea, built by Alexander on the banks of Acesines, in memory of his many great and signal victories. Not far from which finding how unwilling his Souldiers were to pass further East, he purposed to leave behind him some Monument of his great exploits, and to make his fame immortall amongst the Indians. And to that end he caused the form of his Camp to be inlarged, and the Cabbins to be made bigger than sufficed for his men to lodge in, the Mangers to be set higher than his horses could reach, Armour and Bits for horses of too great a •ize (made not for use, but ostentation of his might,) to be scattered up and down the Camp for the savage people to wonder at in the times to come. By means whereof he got nothing amongst knowing men but a suspicion that his Actions were indeed less memorable than they are reported to have been, since he so vainly laboured to have them thought greater than indeed they were.

The old Inhabitants hereof were the Indo-Scythae, inhabiting on the North-West of Indus, the Mazagae, Sadani, Piratae, Limyrices, Aii, the Soringi, Arvari, Oxydracae, Malli, and Lambatae; the Gandarides, or Gangarides, neer the mouch of Ganges; the Caspiraei, under the shades of Mount Vindius. The Musicani, Chatziaei, Polindae, Phyllitae, Bittigi, Chadramotitae, Pezuari, Adisathri, Mandalae, Dryllophitae, Sabarae, Pandioni, with many others to the number 122 several nations, if Megasthenes be not out in his reckoning; too many and too impertinent to be mustered here.

Originally descended from the Sonnes of Noah before they left these Eastern parts to go towards the unfortunate valley of Shinaar. We could not else have found this Countrey so full of people in the days of Semiramis, the wife of Ninus: who leading an Army compounded of several nations to the number of four millions and upwards (if Ctesias, and Diodorus Siculus who reports it from him be of any credit, but certainly the greatest Army that was ever raised) was encountred by Staurobates King of India, with greater forces made up of naturall Indians onely, by whom she was vanquished and slain. A matter beyond all belief, though neither Army could make up a fourth part of that number, if the Indians had been no other than some one of those Colonies which were sent from BABEL; or rather a second or third Swarm of those former Colonies, which went thence under the command of the first Adventurers. For that any of the first Adventurers, who were present at the building of the Tower of BABEL, travelled so far East, is not affirmed by any who have laboured in the search of their plantations. So that I take it for a matter undeniable, that the plantation of India preceded the attempt of BABEL; though by whom made there is nothing to be said for certain. Yet if I might have liberty to express my own conceptions, I am inclinable to believe that all the Eastern parts of Persia, with China, and both the Indiaes, were peopled by such of the sons of Sem, as went not with the rest to the Valley of Shinaar. For otherwise I can see no reason, that the posterity of Japher should plant the greatest part of the Lesser Asia, and the whole Continent of Europe, with the Isles thereof; and that the sonnes of Cham should spread themselves over Babylonia, Palestine, the three Arabiaes, and the whole Continent of Africk; the posterity of Sem being shut up in a corner of the Greater Asia, hardly so big as some one Province taken up by the other Adventurers. And therefore that I may allow to the sonnes of Sem an equall Latitude, I think it not improbable to fix them in these Eastern Countreys, spreading themselves this way as they grew in numbers, before the rest of the Adventurers went to seek new fortunes at the Tower of BABEL. And being that the Countrey was large and wealthy, and might have room enough to spare for some second commers (especially descending from the same root with them) I doubt not but to place here also all the sonnes of Jocktan, Havilah, Chatsarmaveth, Saba, Abimail, who have left here some tract or monument of themselves, as hath been shewn at large in our GENERALL PREFACE; and as concerning Ophyr, shall be shewed hereafter. To proceed therefore to our Story, the next who made any invasion on this Countrey, after that of Semiramis, was Bacchus or Liber Pater, the sonne of Jupiter and Semele, accompanyed with Hercules Aegyptius; not much more fortunate than she: the forces of Bacchus being defeated, and Hercules forced to throw away his Golden Shield. But what they could not do by Arms, they effected by Arts. Bacchus instructing them in the use of wine, oyl, sacrifices, and the Art of Architecture, and drawing them into Towns and Cities, for that cause honoured as a GOD. To Hercules they ascribe the Nation of the Pandioni, proceeding from a daughter of his called PANDAEA: the memory of both preserved in Statuaes and Pillars erected by them.

After this unattempted till the time of Alexander, who having made a full conquest of the Persian Empire, invaded India with an Army of an 120000 fighting men. Beginning with CLEOPHE, Queen of the Mazagae, a people of Indo-Scythia, he brought her to conformity, possessed himself both of her person and estate; on whom he begot a sonne called Alexander, who is said to have succeeded in her Dominions. Being passed over the River Indus, Taxiles (by some called Omphis) a prudent Prince, whose Kingdome is affirmed to be bigger than Aegypt, submitted of his own accord, offering his service and assistance to promote his conquest, and presenting him with a Crown of Gold, and 80 Talents of ready money. The King made welcome, but his money not so much as looked on: the Macedonian being so far from fingring of this Indian gold, that he gave him a thousand Talents of his own treasure. Encouraged by this Royall dealing, Abiajares, another puissant Prince of the opposite faction unto Taxiles, submitted also, and was as graciously received: Porus, whose Kingdome lay on the other side of Hydaspes, would not be so conquered, and therefore mustereth up his forces, and valiantly made good the banks of the River. But vanquished at the last, not without much difficultie, he was made a Prisoner to the Victor; who honouring the man for his brave resistance, gave him his liberty and Kingdome with a great inlargement. The Conqueror had a great desire to go further East, but the Souldiers would not be perswaded: sufficiently taught by Porus, what they were to look for, if the Indiansshould unite their forces. Unable to prevail, he erected in the place twelve Altars, as high as Towers, where he observed many solemn Games and Sacrifices: and having sacrifised to Hydaspes, Indus, and Acesines, he sailed down Indus towards the Southern Ocean; which seen at distance, he turned towards Gedrosia, and thence to Babylon, where he died.

After his death Eumenes raised some part of his forces hence. But the Macedonians being plunged in a Civil war, one Androcottus stirred up the Indians to recover their freedomes; making himself at first their Captain, but at last their King. Possessed of all that had been conquered by the Greeks, he was encountred by Seleucus, who had then got the command of Asia: against whom he brought an Army of 600000 fighting men. Frighted wherewith, Seleucus made peace with him, and contracted a solemn League betwixt them; continued with the interchange of friendly Offices amongst their posterity; and more confirmed by an interview betwixt Antiochus the Great, and Saphagasenus, one of the Successors of Andracottus; by whom Antiochus was presented with 150 Elephants, and the promise of some treasure to be sent after him. By the Posterity of Andracottus was the Kingdome held till the prosperity and full height of the ROMAN Empire. The power whereof though they rather knew by report, than trial, yet was it not amiss to entertain a potent, though remote State, in terms of amity. Therefore they sent Embassadours unto Augustus, who presented him with a number of Tigers, (which beasts (saith Dion) till then, the Roman people had never seen) and which was the most pleasing, a little boy born without arms, who with his feet could bend a bow, shoot, and play on wind instruments, as exactly as others with their hands. Tra•an the Emperor had a great desire to see this Countrey, but was diverted from that purpose by matters of more necessary importance to the State of his Empire. Moved with the same of Antoninus, the Roman Emperor, they sent a solemn Ambassie to him; making him Umpire in some Controversies which they had with the Bactrians: from which Ambassadors it is probable that Ptolomy the Geographer who then lived, might receive his informations of the estate of this Countrey. The like they did to Julian the Apostate also, then setting forwards on his expedition against the Persian; desiring his friendship and alliance. How it was with them in the time of Constantine and Justinian, hath been shewn already. After these times by little and little, histories have been in a manner silent concerning the affairs hereof; but for some conquests made on the parts next Persia, by the Chaliphs of Bagdet. For no•withstanding that there was continual traffick from the Red Sea hither; and between the Persians, Turkish, and Indian Merchants for spices, and the other commodities of this Region; yet were not these Merchants acquainted with the state of the Countrey; because they entered not into it, but were met by the Indian Merchants at Sarmachand, being as it were the common Emporie. Neither did the Aegyptians at all enter into India, but were met by the Indians at Ormus, or some other Iland: even as now the Chinois, make some of the Philippinae, the staple of their trade with the Spaniards; whom they licence not to come into the Continent among them. But our modern navigators have withdrawn this mask of obscurity, and shew us her lively portraiture in as lively colours. One of the first which brake the ice, and gave us any certainty of their affairs, was Sir John Mandeville, accompted at his comming back for the greatest Fabler in the world: so incredible seemed his reports of the magnificence of those Kings, and the wealth of their Countreys, and the many rarities which he found amongst them. But better thought of by our neighbours, he obtained a Monument in a Convent at Leige, the Friers of which keep some things of his, Comme pour honorable memorie de son excellent, for an honorable memorial of his Excellencies. Many of his Relations since confirmed by the Portugals, who under the conduct of Vasquez de Gama first discovered this Countrey, by the new way of the Cape of good hope, Anno 1497. By whom and some later observations, we have been informed, that in this part of India were no fewer than 47 Kingdomes, whereof some few have still their own natural Kings; the rest all subject to the power of the Great Mogul. Contracted into a lesser number by joining many lesser territories into one Division, we shall look on it as distributed into 15 Provinces. Some have reduced them unto five, but give us neither the bounds nor extent of any of them. And others in the description of their travels, ramble up and down with such uncertainties, (most of them being men of trades and ignorance) that though they tell us where they lodged, and what entertainments they did meet with; yet we shall hardly know by them (for I think they did not know themselves) in what Province they were; or to what part the severall Towns thorow which they passed, did of right belong. So that our passage thorow these Countries (having such blind guides to follow) will be full of difficultie, and not so satisfactory to the Reader as he might expect. Howsoever, I desire him to bear me company, whilest I take the best survey I can of these 15 Provinces, to which the whole may be most handsomely reduced: that is to say, 1. Dulsinda, 2. Pengab, 3. Ma•dao, 4. Delly, 5. Agra, 6. Sanga, 7. Cambaia, 8. Decan, 9. Canara, 10. Malabar, 11. Narsinga, 12. Oristan, 13. Botanter, 14. Patenaw, and 15. Bengala.


DVLSINDA is bounded on the East, with the River Indus; on the West, with Paropamisus, and Arachosia, two Persian Provinces; but for the most part, under the command of the Great Mogul; on the North, with Caucasus, by which parted from Tartary; on the South, with the Kingdom of Cambaia. So that it taketh up all the Northern parts of this Estate, which lie upon the West of the River Indus: from which River called by the Natives Sinda, most probable it is that it took this name: and therefore I have written it with an s, Dulsinda, and not Dulcinda with a c, as I see some do, but on no good reason.

The Countrey by reason of the Northern situation of it more temperat, but less fruitful than the rest of India. The seat, in antient times, of the Mazagae, and Indo-Scythae, when subdued by Alexander. Made up at present, of many lesser Kingdomes, and smaller Provinces, denominated, for the most part, from the principal Tows, and Cities of them, as in other places.

Amongst which those of most esteem, are 1. Caximir, Cascimir, or Chesmur, (for by all these names it is called) the chief of a Kingdome once, unto which it gave name, till subdued by Echebar, the Mogul; who in a pleasant Iland, (in the middest of a great and deep Lake, about three leagues off the City) beset round with Trees, built a Royall Palace: which he honoured sometimes with his Court, removed hither from Lahor, partly the better to assure this new conquered Kingdome; but principally because his Palace at Lahor, and therein an infinite deal to Treasure, had but newly been consumed by fire. The City it self situate in the most healthy Country of all India, encompassed with high Mountains, covered for the most part of the year with snow; the rest a delicate, goodly plain, diversified with Pastures, Woods, Corn-fields, Meadows, Parks, Gardens, and Rivers, even to admiration. The air hereof, and of the Country round about, by reason of the Northern situation of it, and the snowie Mountains, very cool and temperate. The soil abundantly productive of Wheat, Rice, and Vines; which last they plant at the foot of the Mulberry-tree, which seemeth by this means, to bear double fruits. Both Town and Kingdome subdued by Echebar, the Mogul, about the year 1597. their own dissentions more conducing to that subjugation, than any visible force which he brought before it. 2. Roree, a Fort of the M•gul• towards Paropamisus; but bordering upon the Country of Multan, to which People it properly belongeth: garrisoned not so much for fear of the Persian, (for Paropamisus, now called Cabal, is his antient Patrimony,) but to preserve the People from the spoil of Theeves, who alwaies hang about the Mountains. 3. In the most Northern parts hereof, stood the Nagara of Ptolomy; mistook by some for the modern Agra, of which more anon. 4. Sestan, the chief City as I take it, of the Kingdome of Rebat; situate on the East of Caxim•r, betwixt it and the Indus: in the same Latitude with that, but not of so temperate an air; the snowy Mountains much conducing to the Temperature of the Realm of Caximir., 5. Mul•an, a great and antient City, and the chief of a Kindome, on the South of Caximir, or Chesmur, and about three French leagues from the banks of the River Indus. The ordinary thorow-fare of the Caravans, in the way from Lahor to Spahan, (the chief Seat of the Sophy or King of Persia) forced to abide there divers dayes, sometimes ten or twelve, to enrich the Town, which of it self is of no great trading nor otherwise able to subsist but by this device. 6. Duckee, a Fort or Garrison, situate in the Streights of the Mountains to secure the Caravans, and protect other Passengers from the danger of Robbers, hovering in these hill-countr•es, the out-parts of this Empire.


OPposite to Dulsinda, on the Eastern-side of the River Indus, but more inclining towards the South, lieth the Country, or Division rather, which my Author calleth by the name of PENGAB; bounded on the West, with Indus, which divideth it from Dulsinda; on the South, with the Kingdome of Mandoa; on the North, and East, with those many Kingdomes, which we have comprehended under the name of Botanter.

The reason of the name I find not, nor any thing memorable of the Country; but that it was divided in the time of Ptolomy, into the Provinces of the Lambatae, Caspiria, Cylindrine, and Suastene: subdued by Alexander in his expedition into India: the famous Rivers of Acesines, and Hydaspis (but by what names now called I find not) having here their course. So that it seemeth to have been a part of the Kingdom of Porus, or that the Kingdome of Porus was a part of this.

Places of most importance in it, 1. Lahor, on the Eastern banks of Indus, affirmed to be the fairest and most antient City in both the Indies; of most esteem for wealth and greatness. In compass about sixteen miles, and honoured for a while with the ordinary Residence of the Great Mogul, till on the burning of his Palace, spoken of before, he removed his Court to Caximir, from thence to Fatipore, and at last to Agra. Since that time made the Seat of the eldest sonne, or heir apparent, sent hither for avoiding all occasion of factions, which their living in the Court might breed. A City of exceeding great trade, as being the chief Staple for the Spices in these parts, and other commodities of India, from hence transported into Persia by the way of Candahor, the principall Town of Arachosia; and so to Spahan the chief City of the Sophian Empire, where they are sold, by reason of so long and chargeable a journey, at excessive rates. It is said that 12000 Camels at the least pass every year thorow it with their lading, besides what is ferried down the River, and brought up by the Portugals, who therewith traded unto Ormus till that Town was taken. By this we may conjecture at the wealth hereof, but more by that great Mass of treasure which a late Governour hereof did leave behind him. At whose death Echebar the Mogul (for the Mogul is the heir General unto all mens wealth) found in his Coffers three millions of Gold ready coined, great quantity of Gold and Silver uncoined, and some store of Jewels: besides Horses, Elephants, Houshold-furniture, and other goods almost invaluable. 2. Sultan-puare, of more antiquity than beauty; yet of good esteem. 3. Athec, in the common Road from Lahor to China; reported in the description of the travels of Benedictus a Goes, a Portugal Jesuite, to be a moneths journey from Lahor, and yet in the same Province with it. Which if it be true, either the Province must be large, or his journies short: or if not true, we must remember that we had it from the pen of a Jesuite. And yet as great as this Province or Division is affirmed to be, we do not find the names of any more Towns of consideration which may be said with confidence to belong unto it.


THe Kingdome of MANDAO is bounded on the North, with Pengab; on the South, with the Realm of Agra; on the East, with Delly; and on the West, with the River Indus. So called from Mandao, the chief City of it.

The Country more mountainous and rugged than the rest of these Provinces, by reason of the many branches of Mount Bittigo, the Southern part of the Imaus, which do overrun it: in other things partaking of the riches of India. The men, as most of those who live in such mountainous tracts, of a warlike temper; comparatively with the rest of the Indians: the women here antiently as valiant as the men in other places; riding astride, and practised in the Arts of Horsemanship: for that cause called Amazons; some of which are said to be still remaining. Insomuch as it is written in the stories hereof, that the King of this Countrey not long since going to the warres, was accompanied by the Queen his Wife marching in the Front of two thousand women all well mounted and prepared for service.

Chief Cities hereof▪ 1. Mandao, seated on the bankes of the River Mandova, (the Manda of Ptolomy and the Antients) whence it had the name. A City of great note, said to be 30 miles in compass; yet so well fortified, and furnished with all necessaries so: defence and resistance, that it held out twelve years against Mirumudius, or Merhamed, the Great Mogul, who then besieged it. Surrendred at the last, and with it the Kingdome. Memorable for the great battail fought before it betwixt the said Merhamed, then comming to the relief thereof; and Badurius King of Cambaia who had then distressed it: in which fight Badurius lost his tents and Treasures, and was fain to fly disguised unto Diu, to crave aid of the Portugals. 2. Moltan, once the chief City of a Kingdome, or a Kingdome rather of it self, but of no great note: the women whereof though not so good Souldiers as their Ancestors of the female sex, yet to come as neer them as they can, use boots and spurs when they take a journey, and so fitted fit astride the saddle. 3. Scernus, on the River so called, of more Antiquity than greatness; as is also▪ 4. Polymbothie, the Palibothra of Ptolomy and others of the antient writers, then the chief Town of the Palibothei (by Pliny and Strabo, called Prasii) a People of as great authority and power as any in India.

This once a Kingdom of it self of great power and wealth, till Badurius King of Cambaia having conquered the Realm of Citor, and therewith a great part of Sanga, made an attempt upon this also. Galgee then King of Mandao finding himself too weak for so strong an Enemie, craved aid of Merhamed (of Miramudius as the Latines) the Mongul Tartar, then reigning in Chabul or Arachosia, and possessed of some parts of India also since the times of Tamerlane. Who compounding an Army of his own subjects, some mercinary Persians, and a great body of Zagathaian Tartars, from whom originally descended, came in accordingly: discomfited the vast Anny of Badurius, consisting of of 150000 horse, and 500000 foot, in two set battails, the first at Doceti, the next at Mandao; and following his blow possessed himself of the whole Kingdome of Cambaia. But not content with that success, quarrelled the Mandoan King in whose aid he came; besieged him in his principal City, which at last he won, and therewithall the Kingdome also: the wretched King shewing hereby a fair both evidence and example to succeeding ages, that the easiest way for a Prince to ruin his own estate, and endanger his neighbours, is to admit a Forrein power into his own Dominions, which he cannot as easily thrust out, as he hath brought them in.


DELLY is bounded on the West, with Mandao; on the East, with the Kingdome of Botanter; on the North, with the Eastern parts of Pengab; on the South, with the Eastern parts also of the Kingdome of Agra. So named from DELLY the chief City of it, by some called Delin.

The Countrey, besides what is common to it with the rest of India, is said to be more abundantly stored than any other part of it with horses, Elephants and Dromedaries. Of the people nothing singular, except it be that many of them taking more delight in thee very than honest trades, live for the most part upon spoil: but those especially whom they call by the name of Belemi, being such of the nobility or better sort, who since the conquest of their Countrey by the Great Moguls, have lived like Out-Laws on the Mountains. Of the same temper with the Resbutes in Cambaia, and the Agwans in Sanga and Dulsinda; who rather than submit themselves to a forrein yoak, (as they count that of the Mongull) choose to forsake their proper dwellings, and all honest waies and means of living.

Places of most importance in it, 1. Delly, A City not only honoured heretofore with the residence of the Great Moguls, who from hence pass in common appellation, by the names of the Kings of Delly, and that amongst their most knowing Subjects; but beautified with many sepulchres of their antient Kings, whose funerals and Coronations were herein celebrated. And though deserted of late times, by the Great Moguls, moving their Courts from place to place, as they inlarged their Empire, and increased their conquests: yet still a great many of the Nobles, and not a few Captains and Commanders, do frequent the same; and have their houses and pleasure of retirement in it. 2. Tremel, upon the Western side of the River Mandova; but not much observable. 3. Doceti, memorable for the great battel fought neer unto it, in which Merhamed the Mongul overthrew the forces of Badurius, and therby opened a fair way to the Realm of Cambaia.

This Countrey governed a long time by its natural Princes, was at last conquered by some Moores or Saracens, comming from Persia or Arabia, but I find not which, who grew to so great power and wealth, that Sanosaradine, a Mahometan, one of their Descendants, dreamt of no less than the conquest of all India, if not of the whole Continent of Asia also. Having about the year 1300 (memorable for the beginning of the Ottoman Empire) subdued by little and little all the neighbouring Princes which made head against him; he pierced at last into Canora, now called Decan, and conquering a great part of it returned back to Delly. The pursuit of his victories he left un•o one Abdessa his Lieutenant there, who added the rest of that Countrey to his Masters territories; but kept the possession to himself, confirmed therin by Sanosaradine, with the Title of Regent. But Sanosaradine dying in a war against the Persians, left for his Successor a sonne so unlike his Father, that the conquered Provinces revolted from him unto other Masters, more able to govern and protect them. Confined unto its former bounds, it remained notwithstanding of sufficient power to prese•ve it self, from any of their equal neighbors, till the rising of the Great Monguls: whose puissance being unable to withstand, it submitted at the last to Adabar, the son of Merhamed, the second Emperor of this line: who to assure himself of the peoples loyaltie, and confirm his conquests, settled his Court a while at Delly, the chief City of it; from whence removed on the next prosporous emergency, as before was noted.

5. AGRA.

THe Realm of AGRA is bounded on the North, with Delly, and Mandao; on the South, with Sang•, and Cambaia; on the West, with Indus, which parteth it from the Province of Sinda, a part of the Kingdome of Cambaia; on the East, with Oristan, or Orixa. So called from Agra the chief City of it, and the Seat Royall, of late times, of the Great Monguls.

The Country said to be the best and most pleasant of India, plentifull in all things, and such a delicate, even peece of ground, as the like is hardly to be seen. Well watered, as with other Rivers, so most especially with those of Tamtheo and Jemena; which last runneth thorow the middest of it, North and South, or rather from the North-west to the South-east: from whence bending more directly Eastwards, it falleth at last into the Ganges, or that which is supposed to be Ganges, for the bed of that great River is no: ncertainly known. The People for the most part Gentiles; Mahometanism coming in with the Great Mogul; and generally inclining somewhat to the Pythagorean. For such as live upon the banks of the River Jemena, neither eat flesh, nor kill any thing. The waters of which River they esteem so sacred, that thereof they usually make their Temple, and say their prayers therein, but naked (in which posture they both dress their meat and eat it): lodging upon the ground, being imposed by them as a penance, and so conceived.

Places of most esteem herein, 1. Fattpore, or Fettebarri, on the West-side of the River, a very fair and goodly City, once beautified with a Royall Palace here built by Echebar (after the removall of his Court from Cascimar) with many spacious gardens belonging to it, but much decaied, since the fixing of the Court at Agra, to which most of the Stones are carried, and no small quantity of Corn sowed within the Walls. 2. Agra, on the North bank of the River Jemena; inferiour to Lanor for wealth and greatness, but far more populous: the constant residence of the Court here in these latter times, drawing to it great resort of all sorts of People. By some supposed to be the Nagara of Ptolomy; but such a supposition as is built on no better ground, than some resemblance of the names. For Ptolomies Nagara is by him placed on the Western-side of Indus, in the Latitude of 33. whereas this Agra standeth on the East of the River Jemena, five Degrees more Southwards, in the Latitude of 28. But what it loseth in Antiquity, it hath got in honor: the Town and Territory being a peculiar Kingdome, till Echebar the Mogul subdued it, Anno 1598 in his passage from Lahor to Decan. But it lost nothing by the hand. For Echebar delighted in the situation of it (and that withall it stood in the middest of his Kingdomes) made it the Seat Royall of his Empire; fixt there, for the most part ever since: by means whereof exceedingly increased in wealth, beauty and greatness: the very Castle in which the Mogul usually resideth, being two miles in compass, environed with most high and unscalable walls, and fortified with great store of Ordinance. The whole space betwixt it and Fatipore, being 18. miles, affirmed to be a continuall Market: and all the Intervall from hence to the Town of Lahor (from which distant 600 miles towards the South) adorned with continuall Rowes of Trees on both sides of the wayes, most of them bearing a kind of Mulber•y; and at every ten miles end, houses erected by the King or some of the Nobles, for beautifying the way to the Regall City, preserving their own memory, and the safe lodging of Passengers, in danger otherwise, by night of Theeves and Cutthroats. 3. Hendee, a Town more towards the South, beautified with a fair Castle of the Kings, cut out of the main Rock, and wrought with carved work round about, fortified with 50 peeces of Ordinance, and thought impregnable: for that cause made a Prison for great persons. Here are also two Hospitals for such Captains (and Captains only) as are maimed in the wars. 4. Beani, twelve course or 18. miles from Fattipore; the most noted place for Indico in all the Indies; for the making whereof they have here twelve mills. Which Indico, (by the way) groweth on a small shrub like our Goose-berry-bushes, bearing seed like a Cabbage-seed: which being cut down, are laid in heaps for half a year, and when rotten, brought into a vault, to be trodden with Oxen from the Stalks, and being ground small and fine at the Mills, is last of all boiled in furnaces, refined and sorted.


SANGA is bounded on the North, with the East parts of the Realm of Agra; on the South and West, with Cambaia; from which parted on the West, by the Mountain Gate; and on the East, with Oristan. The reason of the name I find not: this Country being too far South to be so called from Sangalassa, a Town of chief note neer the fountains of Indus, where placed by Arianus, lib. 5.

Places of most importance in it, 1. Azmere, or Agimer, 180 miles from Agra. At the end of every course (each course a mile and an half) a fair pillar erected, and at every tenth course a fair Seraglio (such as we call Innes) for the entertainment of Travellors. All built by Echebar, who wanting Children, is said to have gone in Pilgrimage, on foot from Arra to Azimere, saying his prayers at the end of every course, and lodging all night at the tenth. 2. Citor, the chief City of Sanga, and once a Kingdome of it self, or the chief of that Kingdome. Situate in the midle way betwixt Surat, a known Port of Cambata, and Agra spoken of before: and most magnificently built on the top of a rocky hill, to which the passage is so narrow, and so well fortified, (there being in it three Gates, at the top, the middle, and the bottom) that thereby, and by other advantages of Art and nature, it was thought impregnable. Affirmed to he 12, miles in compass, beautified with many goodly buildings both publique and private; but once more glorious than it is; here being to be seen the ruins of 100 Temples, and above 100000 houses, either demolished by the wars, or suffered to decay by the great Moguls, who would not willingly have any thing in the Indies of more Antiquity, than themselves; and therefore are rather inclined to build new Cities, than uphold the old. The greatness and Antiquity of it have made some men think that it was the Royall Seat of Porus. Others affirm the same of Delly, but neither rightly: the Kingdome of Porus lying more towards the River Indus, and not so far South. Governed not long since by a Queen called Crementina, not more fair than valiant, who revolting from Badurius King of Cambaia, to whom she formerly had paid tribute; was dispossessed of the Town of Citor, where she had fortified her self with 30000. foot, and 2000 horse: the People in a desperate resolution, laying all their treasures on an heap, which they burnt together with themselves; in which flame it is said that there perished 70000 persons. But the Cambatan did not long enjoy his victory. For not long after both the City and a great part of the Countrey, was conquered by the great Mogul, the mountainous parts hereof being held against him by Ramee, the Sonne or successor of Qu. Crementina: till seeing himself destitute of all better helps, he put himself into the hands of one of the Sonnes of the late Sultan, by whom reconciled unto his Father. Some other Towns there are in this Province, and in that of Agra before mentioned, and those of good esteem perhaps amongst the natives; but of no observation or importance in the course of business.


DECAN is bounded on the East, with Narsinga; on the West, with the Indian Ocean; on the North, with Delly and Cambaia; on the South, with Malavar, and Canara. The reason of the name we shall have anon.

It lieth along the Sea-coast, for the space of 250 miles, betwixt Aliga, and Bate, two noted Rivers; extending East, as farre as the Mountain Gates, and afterwards thrusting into the North betwixt Cambara and those mountains till it meet with Delly. The soil much of the same nature with the rest of India, but not so flourishing as Cambaia. The People for the most part Mahometaus, which Religion was first planted there by the conquests of Sa Nosaradine, 350 years ago; yet not without some entermixture of their antient Gantilism.

Places of most importance in it, 1. Bider, the Seat Royall of Mamudza, once sole King of this Country, who to beautifie and adorn this City, commanded every one of his Prefects, or subordinate Governors, being eighteen in number, to build here a Palace, and to reside therein certain moneths in the year; each one to leave a sonne there in perpetual hostage. Situtate in the most Northern parts of the Countrey neer the borders of Delly; from the King whereof Mamudza had then newly revolted: and therefore would make sure of this place, as most in danger. 2 Visapore, bordering on Cambaia, the Princely Seat of Idalean, one of the Kings of Decan, after it was dismembered into severall Kingdomes. 3. Danager, confiningon Canara, a beautifull and flourishing City, once the chief Seat of Nisalamoccus, or 〈◊〉, another of the Kings hereof after that division. 4. Decan, so called by the name of the Province, of which the chief City next to Bider the Imperiall Seat. Six miles from which there is an hill encompassed with an high wall, and kept by a strong Garrison, because of the great store of Diamonds which are digged out of it. The town so wealthy, that the people generally are attired in silks, or the purest tiffany. 5. Sintacora, on the mouth of the River Aliga, where it falleth into the Sea. 6. Goa, a Sea-Town also, situate in a little but most pleasant Iland called Ticuarinum, fifteen miles in compass; opposite to the mouth or out-let of the River Mandova. A noted Empory, and one of the chief keys which unlock the Indies; for number of Inhabitants, magnificent buildings, and pleasantness of situation, one of most note in all this Country. Possessed by the Portugals, who have here their Arsenall, and harbour for their Indian Fleet; by which they do command these Seas. So strongly fortified withall, that though beleagured by Idalcan (of whom before) with 35000 horse, 6000 Elephants, and 250 peece of Ordance, Anno 1573. yet he could not force it. Made in regard of the convenient situation and strength thereof, the ordinary Residence of the Portugal Vice-Roy, who hath here his Counsell, Chancellor, and other Officers, for the government of such parts of India as belong to that Crown: as also of the Arch-Bishop or Primate of the Indian Churches planted by that nation, who is hence called the Arch-Bishop of Goa. 7. Chaul, a Sea-Town in the hands of the Portugals also; and by them well fortified: Insomuch as Nisamalocco, assaulting it at the same time with a very great Army, was sain to leave it as he found it. 8. Balaguate, in the uplands or Hill-Country, whence it had the name: Bal• in the Persian language signifying a top, or summit of a mountain, and Guate an Hill. 9. Brampore, once the chief seat of another Kingdome; now the chief City of those parts of Decan which are subject to the Great Mongul. Situate on a great River in the middest of a spacious Plain, beautifull, and of very great trading; in bigness equall unto Paris, yet yielded to Echebar the Mogul, without any resistance, Anno 1600. Miram then King thereof forsaking it, and betaking himself to 10. Syra, a strong hold both by art and nature. Situate on the top of an hill, in compass five leagues, and environed with a triple wall, furnished with victuals, and all other necessary provisions, sufficient to maintain 60000 men many years; 3000 great peeces of Ordnance planted on the walls. Besieged herein by Echebar with an Army of 2000•0 fighting men, he held our against him: till over come by promises of fair correspondence, drawn out of his hold (some of his Counsellers being bribed to perswade him to it) he was detained by the Mogull; and the Commanders won by rewards and hopes yielded up the Fort, and therein all the Princes of the Royall family, accustomably kept therein when the Throne was full; which vacant, the next Heir was taken hence, to succeed unto it. Of the same nature as it seemeth with the hill Amara in Ethropia.

The Countrey formerly inhabited by a people called Venaz 〈◊〉, by Religion Gentiles, and held by them till the year 1300, when overcome by 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 and King of Delly: who driving the Inhabitants into the Hill-Countries, possessed himself of a great part of it, compelling them to submit unto his Religion. The residue hereof subdued by Abd••a, whom Sa Nosaradine left here to pursue the warre, was by him governed with great justice for 20 years: when dying, he left his government to his sonne Mamudza, confirmed by the Successor of Sa Nosaradine in his Fathers Regency on the payment of an annuall tribute. Mamudza soon finding that the young King was of no great Spirit, not only refused to pay the tribute imposed upon him, but took unto himself the title of King of Decan: giving this nameunto the Countrey (before called Canara) in regard that he had filled it with a Mungril body of Christians, Mahomet•ins, and Gentiles, acknowledging no common Parent, nor agreeing in language, customes, or Religion; the word 〈◊〉 signifying in that tongue, as much as an illegitimate brood, or a body of Bastards. Out of these he made choice of twelve (others say eighteen) whom he appointed Governors of so many Province: not daring to trust any of the old Nobility, or of the Natives of the Countrey: and hoping that these Slaves thus promoted by him, would be more subject to command. But here his silly hopes deceived him. For these Slaves either governed by their masters example, who had done the like unto the sonne and Heir of Sa Nosaradine, or presuming on their own strength, and some forein aids, left to their master nothing but an empty title, each one becoming absolute in his severall Province. Nor did his Successors for any long time enjoy that title; Daquem the last of them being taken at Bider his chief City: and thereupon the name of King usurped by every one of those petit Tyrants. Reduced at last into fewer hands, such of them as were left became considerable Princes; as appeareth by the great Army raised by Id tlean for the siege of Goa. But in the end, distressed on the one side by the Portugals, who embarred their trade, and invaded on the other side by the Great Mogul with most puissant Armies; Melie entituled King of Decan, and Miram King of Br•mpore, were in fine subdued by Echebar, about the year 1600. Against whom and his Successors, though the Venazarari still hold out, as the Resbutes or 〈◊〉 do in the Realm of Cambaia; and that the King of Amdanager, and perhaps some other petit Princes, are not yet brought under: yet we may look on the Mongul as the Lord of this Country; the residue of these Roytele••, and petit Princes, (if any of them be remaining) being Homagers or Vassals to him. Against whose further Progress to the Cape of Comari, which Echebar so greedily aimed at, the puissant Kings of 〈◊〉, and those of Malabar, have opposed their power: whose Kingdomes and estates we must next survey, before we take a view of those other provinces, which are now under the command of that mighty Monarch.


CANARA is bounded on the North, with Decan (where of antiently it was a part) on the South, with Malabar; on the East, with Narsinga, from which separated by the Mountain Gates; on the West, with the Ocean. The reason of the name I find not; nor much worth the searching.

The Countrey hath a fair Sea-Coast, with many capacious Harbors to it, which cannot but adde much to the wealth thereof; as liberally furnished in the in-land parts, with Rice, Figs, and Sugars; but destitute of Wheat, Pulse, and Barley. Not much the poorer for that want, the people either not knowing or not regarding the use of bread; but living on such fruits as the earth produceth of it self without the charge or care of the husband-man. In other things, but little differing, if at all, from the rest of the 〈◊〉: their Religion for the most part Pagani•h; but intermixt with Mahometans.

Principall Towns and Cities of it, 1. Me•inde, a commodious Haven. 2. Onor, a Port-Town of good note, sometimes held by the Portugals. 3. Buicalia, situate in the richest part of all this Country; never possessed by the Portugals, but under contribution to them. 4. Mangalor, a town of great wealth and trade; fortified with a strong Castle, once destroyed by the Portugueze, but recovered and repaired by the King of Narsinga, who is Lord of this Country. 5. Mayendre, more within the land. And so is also 6. Lispar, famous for her Quarries of Adamant. 7. Solsette, in a Peninsula of 20 miles compass containing 36. Villages, and 80000 Inhabitants: the Town about 9 miles from Goa, and subject with the whole Peninsula to the Portugals.

This Country is now subject to the Kings of Narsinga; but formerly under the command of its own Princes:

the name of Canara, compreheading in those times all that Countrey also, which is now called Decan. Conquered by Sa Nosaradine and Abdessa, and by Mamudza cantoned into many Praefectures, this part reverting to its old name, fell to the Narsingan, who taking his advantages, in the minority of one of their Princes, became Master of it. And when the Idalcan, (for I take that not so much for the name of a man, as a Title of dignity) quarrelled his possession of it, as appertaining properly to the Kingdomes of Decan, Chrismarao then King of Narsinga, brought a powerfull Advocate to defend his right, that is to say, an Army of 606000 Foot, 29650 Horse, and 537 Elephants: every Elephant having a Tower on his back with four men in it, with which strong Argument the Idalean being confuted in the Schooles of war, with much difficulty saved himself, though he lost his cause: the Narsingan ever since continuing quiet in the possession of this Country; except onely some of the Sea-Towns in the power of the Portugals. Who in the year 1567 destroyed in those few places by them possessed no fewer than 200 of their Idol-Temples, with many of their Pagodes, or Idols in them; converting the Rents and Lands which belonged unto them, with the Revenues raised from the severall Ports which they hold herein, to the maintenance of a College of Jesuites in Salsette, and other Religious houses founded by them, in their other Cities.


MALABAR is bounded on the North, with Canara, from which parted by the River Gangeraco; on the East, with the great Mountain Gates, by which divided from the Realm of Narsinga; on the West and South, with the main Ocean. On the Coast whereof it doth extend for the space of 300 miles, that is to say, from the River Gangeraco, to the Cape Comori, which I conceive to be the Commaria Extrema of Ptolomy, though others take it for the Promontory by him called Cory. But the breadth hereof is nothing answerable to the length, not above 50. miles where broadest, and ending towards the Cape in a point or Conus,

The Country more populous, for the bigness, than any in India; enjoying a very temperate Air, and a fruitfull Soyl, well watered, and indented with many Creeks: unfit for Corn, but plentifull in Rice, and all manner of Spices, as Ginger, Cinnamon, Cassia, Pepper, and most excellent fruits. Amongst their Trees, there is one whose name my Author speaks not, which bears Dates like unto the Palm; out of which they have not onely wood for Fewell, but they draw from it, wine, sugar, oyl, fine cloth and cordage: another tree, which beareth Cotton, and Cypress, or Cobweb-lawn, of the leaves whereof they make a fine stuff like to Sattin or Taffata. They have also great store of Apes, and Monkeyes, Parats, Paraquitoes, and other Creatures not known in these parts but from thence: not to say any thing of their Lions, Elephants, Bears, Bugles, common to them with others of their Indian neighbours. The flowers there alwayes in their Verdure, and the Trees perpetually green, by reason that the Air is so sweet and temperate.

The people are of coal-black colour (differing therein from the rest of the Indians, swarth and complexioned like the Olive) well limbed, and wearing their hair long and curled: about their heads an hankerchief wrought with gold and silver, and about their middle a cloth, which hangeth down to conceal their nakedness. Of manners treacherous and bloody, more properly to be termed desperate than stout and valiant; and for more surety in their wars, they use poisoned Arrows, as they do also in their theeving both by Sea and Land, to which more addicted. In Religion for the most part Gentiles, and more besotted generally on their Idolatries, than the rest of these Nations. The Pagode, or Idol which they worship, seated upon a brazen throne, and crowned with a rich Diadem. From his head issue out four horns, from his mouth four Tusks; his eyes fiery like a Glow-worm, his nose flat and ugly, his visage terrible, his hands like claws, his legs and thighs like those of a Lion. In a word, we cannot paint the Devill in a more ugly figure, than they do their God. Unto this Pagode, or his Priest, they offer the virginity of all their daughters: the Pagode having in the place of his privy parts a Bodkin of gold and silver, upon which the Bride (maried most commonly at ten or twelve years of Age) is forcibly set; the sharpness of it being such, that it forceth out the blood in great abundance: and if she prove with child that year, it is said to be of his begetting, and the more esteemed. Others with more humanity, instead of torturing their daughters to this wretched Idol (parallell almost to the offering of their sonnes to Moloch amongst the Syrians) present them to the Bramini, or Idol-Priest, to be deflowred the first night of the wedding: and without one of these two handsels, no man is suffered to enjoy the use of his wife, not their Kings themselves. More privileged yet than many women neighbouring on them, in that they are not compelled to burn themselves with their husbands bodies: but may have many Husbands either successively or at once, as they list themselves: and if at once, she sends her children to that husband (as we know who did) who she thinks to have the best right to them.

The Country very well watered, as we said before, and parted by large Rivers into many Provinces; as if intended naturally to be cantonned into many Kingdomes. Divided at present, and long since, into those of 1. Cononor. 2. Calecut. 3. Granganor, 4. Chochin. 5. Cai-Colam. 6. Coulan, and 7. Travancor.

1. CONONOR, joineth to Canara, extending Southward on the shore about 20 miles, where is bordereth on the Kingdome of Calicut. The chief Cities of which, 1. Cononor, giving name to the whole Kingdom, well built, and beautified with a very fair Haven, not more safe than spacious, capacious of the greatest vessels, and for that cause much frequented by forein Merchants; but specially by the Portugals, who for the assuring of their trade have here a Citadel, erected and well garrisoned with the Kings consent.

2. Cota, not far from Cangeraco, the border betwixt this and Canara. 3. Peripatan, on the confines of Calicute. 4. Marabia. 5. Tramopatan. 6. Main, intermediate Towns, but not much observable.

2. CALICVTE, South from Cononor, extending on the Sea-shore 25 Leagues, and situate in the most pleasant and fruitfull part of all Malabar. Chief Towns whereof, 1. Pandaram, on the skirts of Cononor. 2. Tanor, a retiring place of the Kings. 3. Patangale. 4 Chatua, on the borders of Cranganor. 5. Chale, a strong peece, once in the hands of the Portugueze, but in the year 1601 recovered by the King of Calicute, who had besieged it with an Army of 90000 men. 6. Capacote, the Haven to Calicute. 7. Calicute, the chief City of the Kingdom, to which it gives name, in length upon the Sea three miles, and a mile in breadth; containing about 6000 houses, but standing some of them far asunder, mean and low-built, few of them exceeding the height of a man on horse-back; the soil being so hollow and full of water, that it is not capable of the foundation of an heavier building; for that cause unwalled. Insomuch that Merchants houses are here valued but at 20. Crowns, those of the common sort at no more than ten. Which notwithstanding, of great trading, and much frequented by Arabians, Persians, Syrians, Indians, yea the very Tartars, these last from the furthest parts of Catha• 6000 miles distant. The common Staple in those times of all Indian Merchandise, till distracted into severall Ports by the power of the Portuga•s: who being more industrious, and better Architects, have forced a foundation on the shore for a very strong Castle, by which they do command the Haven, and receive custome of all Merchandise going in and out. The inconvenience whereof being found by the King of Calicute, he besieged it with 100000 men: and though the Portugals held it out a whole winter together, yet in the end they were fain to quit it, but first den olished it to the ground, that it might not be made usefull to those of Calicute. A City of exceeding wealth, and of no less wantonness; the men here using to change wives with one another, to confirm their Amities: & the women spending their whole time in adorning themselves with Rings and Jewels, about their ears, necks, legs, arms, and upon their brests; though going naked for the most part, one would think that a little dressing might suffice them. If covered, it is onely with a smock of Calicut, a kind of linnen cloth here made, and from hence so called: and that not used but by those of the better sort.

3. CRANGANOR, lieth on the South of Calicute, a small Kingdom, and affording little worth the speaking of: but that a great part of the Inha•itants of it are of those old Christians, whom they call Christians of Saint Thomas. Cranganor, the chief City, which gives name to the whole, assumed to be so full of them, that they amount unto the number of 70000; vexed and exposed to publique scorn both by the Id•laters and Mahometans, amongst whom they live. The City rich, commodiously built for trade, at the mouth of a River, which watering with his crooked streams the most part of the Country, makes it fat and flourishing.

4. COCHIN, more South than Cranganor, extended on the shore for the space of 40. Leagues: and therein many Christians of the first plantation, besides some converts made of later times by the Jesu•tes. Towns of most note herein. 1. Augamale, the Arch-Bishops Sce of those antient Christians, fifteen miles from Cochin. 2. Cochin, a Bishops See, but of later erection, and the chief City of this Kingdome, which takes name from hence. Situate on the mouth or out-let of the River Mangat, by which almost encompassed like a Demy-Iland; Of great trade in regard of its Haven, very safe and spacious; as also by the friendship of the Portugal Nation. By whose power and favor they have not onely freed themselves from the King of Calicute, to whom before they did acknowledge some subjection; but drawn from thence a great part of the trafick also: this King permitting them to erect a Castle on the Haven, to secure their trade; which the other on good reasons of State forced them to destroy. The King hereof in some respect superiour unto him of Calicute, when a Vassal to him: this King being the Pipe or Cheif Bishop, as it were, of all the Bramines: for which cause reverenced by all the Kings of Malabar, (as the Pope by many Princes of these Western parts) who look upon him as the head of their superstit•or, no pay him many Annuall duties.

5. CAI-COLAM, is on the South of Cochin, with which agreeing both in the temper of the Air, and the fertility of the Earth: which notwithstanding, the King hereof is not so rich as his other neighbours. Here live also mary of the old Christians, taking name from Saint Thomas; but those so destitute of Priests and Ministers to instruct them in the Principles of Christianity, that once in three years there came some formerly from the Patriarch of Muzall, in Assyria, to baptize their children. Better I hope provided for in these later daies: since their embosoming and reconcilement to the Church of Rome. Their chief Town of the same name with the Country, hath a very fair Haven, in the fashion of a Semi-Circle; well traded till destroyed by the Portugals; but since that re-edified. Of less note there are many both Towns and Villages, but such as do deserve here no particular mention.

6. COVLAN, upon the South of Cai-Colam, extended 20. Leagues more Southwards upon the Shores, is said to be destitute of corn, but plentifull of pepper, and most sorts of spices. So stored with Horses, and sit Riders to serve upon them, that the King hereof keeps 20000 Horse in continuall readiness either for invasion or Defence. This Kingdome, as the rest before, takes name from the chief City of it, which is called Coulan, 24. miles from Cochin, and once a member of this Kingdome; of great resort by forein Merchants, by reason of the fair and commodious Haven. In former times the ordinary Seat of the Cobritin, or chief Priest of the Bramines, till removed to Cochin: and held to be the Metropolis or mother City of all Malabar; the rest being thought to be but Colontes of this. Both in the City and the Country there are many Christians, as well of the originall foundation of Christianity, as of the late improvements which are made by the Jesuites.

7. TRAVANCOR, called also TRANCANOR, reacheth from the Kingdome of Coulan, to the Cape of Comarim, and turning towards the East, bendeth again unto the North, as far as Cael, in the Kingdome of Bisnagar or Narsinga. By which accompt it hath the benefit of the Sea on all sides except towards the North: reaching in breadth from the West Seas unto the East about 90 miles. The Country, as the rest before, inhabited by many with the name of Christians, if they may be called so which want Sacraments: the condition of these Thomaean Christians in former times being so unhappy, that in 50 years before the coming of the Jesuites, (if the Jesuites may be believed from whom we have it) they had seen no Priest, nor other Minister of the Gospell. Chief Towns hereof, (for of those many others of less note I shall make no mention) are 1. Travancor, the chief City, which gives name to the Province, but neither well-built, nor of very much trading. 2. Quilacare, the head City of a peculiar Signeury, but held of the Kings of Trancanor, as their next and immediate Lords, though all those Kings also Feudataries of the Crown of Narsinga. And were that the worst Tenure by which they hold, it might be tolerable; but there is a matter of worse consequence which attendeth these besotted Princes. The Kingdome here is but a pomp of twelve years continuance, and then endeth in a sad Catastrophe. For at the end of those twelve years, the King repairs to Quilacare, prayeth before the Id•l above mentioned, then mounteth on a Scaffold covered with s•lk or Tape•try, and in the sight of all his People, gathered together to behold this strange solemnity, cutteth off his nose, ears, lips and other parts, which he casts towards the Idol, and in conclusion cuts his own Throat for his finall Sacrifice: his designed Successor being present at this bloody Sacrifice, who at the twelve years end is to do the like. Never was Scepter bought at so dear a rate: For though all Crowns be lined with thornes, yet here the pomps of soveraignty be less lasting than in other places; the entrance full of fears, and the end, of horrors.

These Kingdomes heretofore but one, till the year 900 or thereabouts, were branched and cantoned into these seven by Sarama pereimal, the sole Monarch. He by the sollicitation of some Arabians, trading to his Ports, became Mahometan; and therein so devout, that he resolved upon a Pilgrimage to Meccha, there to end his daies. At his departure, he divided his estates into these seven parts, distributing them amongst the neerest of his kindred: assigning unto him of Coulan the preheminence in sacred matters, and the Imperiall dignity unto him of Cale•ute, with the title of Samorin, that is to say, Chief Emperor, or as some write, a God on earth. He only privileged with the right and power of coinage; the rest to be subordinate, if not subject to him. From Percimals setting forwards to the City of Meccha, the Malabars accompt their reckonings, and begin their years; as the Christians from the birth of their Lord and Saviour. And for a time his hests were punctually observed. But the Kingdome of Calicute being weakned by the power of the Portugals, the other Kings began to free themselves from that subjection, and in the end to cast off all Relation to him, and to his Prerogatives. Yet still he is esteemed of more power and majestie, than any of the rest of the Kings of Malabar; and looked with more reverence than any of them. The certainty of his Revenues I have no where met with, but conjecture them to be very great; first in regard of that infinite trading which is mannaged from most parts of the World in his Port of Calicute; the customes and imposts upon which must needs be of exceeding value; and secondly in reference to the wealth of private Merchants, many of which are said to equal some Kings in Africk, and Dukes in Europe not a few.

Quid Domini facient? audent cum talia Fures.And if the man such riches have,Then what must he that keeps the Knave?

What Forces he is able to raise may be fully seen by that which hath been said before; wherein we find him with an Army of 90000 men besieging and taking in the Fort of Chalen; with another of 100000. beleagursing the Castle which the Portugals had built neer his City of Calicute. And when the said Portugals stirred up the King of Cochin to make head against him, he fell upon them suddenly both by Sea and Land, with 60000 Land-souldiers, and 200 good Vessels of war for the service at Sea. Sufficient force to reduce the rest of these petit Kings to their old acknowledgements, but that some of them to avoid the danger, have put themselves under the Vassallage, or protection at the least, of the Great Mongul: others by suffering the Portugals to build forts in their Kingdomes, have engaged them in defence of their estate against this pretender. His forces consist most of Foot, Horse being unserviceable in these Countries, by reason of those many Rivers which interlace it. And these Foot are compounded most of Gentry which they there call Nairos, trained to their weapons when they are but seven years of Age; every one to that weapon which he most delighteth in; which makes them very expert and nimble at them: much privileged for that cause by the Lawes of the Countrey; and so esteemed of by the King, that out of them his Sisters choose what men they please to be their Husbands; some of them by that means being made the Fathers of the King succeeding.

Nothing else memorable touching the affairs of Calicute, but the way of succession to the Kingdome: the Crown descending upon none of the Kings Children, but on the sonne of his Eldest Sister, or neerest kinswoman. For being that one of the Bramines hath alwaies the maidenhead of his Queens, and that some of these Stallions are continually allowed to keep them company; it is presumed, or very probably supposed, that the Queens Children are the Bramines, and not the Kings.


NARSINGA is bounded on the South, with Travancor; on the West, with the Mountain Gates; on the North, with Oristan or Orixa; on the East, with the Golf of Bengala. So called from 〈◊〉 the chief City of it, and the Royal residence of the King.

The 〈◊〉 is said to be in length 600 miles, or as some say of as much extent as can be travelled in six Months: plentiful in the same commodities which the rest of India do hafford, except Pepper and some other spices which are proper to Malabar. Not so well furnished with Rivers, as some other places: which want is liberally supplyed by water falling from the Mountains, and received into trenches, meers, and 〈◊〉, which do wonderfully cool, moisten, and enrich the land, causing the Corn and Cattel to prosper above all imagination. Most destitute in this kind is the Province of Choromandel, in which if any year passeth without rain, they fall into such extremities, that they are fain to •ell their children.

The People, in Religion 〈◊〉, so worshipping one God, as the Lord of all, which is taught them by the light of nature, that they join the Devil or their Pagodes in Commission with him, where to induced by the perswasion of their beastly Bramines, who thereout suck no small advantage. Some Christians there are intermixt, of the old plantation, especially in Ma•apur, and the Region of Choromandel: but not to well instructed in the Principles of their own belief, as to be able to convince or convert the Gentiles, nor to disswade them from the use of some Heathenigh customes, though barbarous, inhumane, and against all reason; not used in any place but amongst the Indians. Amongst which I reckon for most savage, the forcing of poor women to burn themselves with their husbands bodies, the womens kindred not the husbands thrusting them on these hard conditions, who reckon it a disgrace to their familie, if she should refuse. And because they will be sure not to have that infamy stick upon them, they have ordered that the woman who shall so refuse, must shave her head, and break her Jewells, and not be suffered to eat, drink, or sleep, or company with any body till her death. A life more miserable than the Flames which they seek to shun. This makes them leap into the fire with joy and greediness, and to contend which shall be formost: she being thought to have been most loving during his life, which is now most willing to accompany him in his death, and offer her self to his Mane, at the funeral pile: whereunto thus alludeth the Poet.

Et 〈…〉, quae viva sequatur〈◊〉 r•est non licuisse mori.〈…〉 & praebent pectora sammae:〈…〉

A shame 'tis not to dy: they therefore strive,Who may be sam'd to follow him alive.The Victor burns, yields to the flame her brest;And her burnt face doth on her husband rest.

Chief Cities of this Countrey, 1. 〈◊〉, on the borders of Travancer, belonging antiently to the Kings of 〈◊〉, now to those of 〈◊〉, the people whereabout called Paravt, are a kind of Christians, who live for the most part by fishing for Pearl, which they fell to the Portugals, and Bengalan Merchants. 2. 〈◊〉, the chief City of the Province called Musulipatan, the Lord whereof is a Moor, of the 〈◊〉 sect; but a Vassal to the Kings of Narsinga. 3. Chamdagrin, one of the Seat-Royals of the King. 4. Prepett, three miles from Chamdag••n, memorable for an yearly feast here celebrated in honour of 〈◊〉 (once s•le King of Malavar) reckoned for a Saint at least in these parts of India: the offerings at which accustomably amount unto 200000 Crowns. 5. Chadambaram, the Mo•he-City of these 〈◊〉 Solemnities, which are done to Pereimal, who hath here a Temple endowed with 30000 Ducats of annual reat, all consumed by the Bramines belonging to it, who pretend to have been born out of P•re••alls head. 6. Madura, honoured with the residence of the Cho•an•t•• or the Chief Prelsc of the Bramines of this Kingdome; so numerous, that in this Town, and the territories of it only, are thought to be no fewer than an hundred thousand. The seat also of one of three 〈◊〉, or tributary Kings of the Crown of Narsinga: the other two residing at 7. 〈◊〉, and S. 〈◊〉, the Chief Towns of their Principalities, but not else observable. 9. Mahapur, called also St. Thomas, from an opinion that the body of that Apostle was here interred: martyred here by the 〈…〉, whose posterity, in other things like unto other men, are said to have one legand foot as big as an Elephants: a punishment inflicted on the whole Generation for the sin of their Ancestors: How true this is I cannot say, but sure I am that Dorotheus faith, that he resteth at Calaem•na, where he was slain with a dart. However, the Portugali, to make some use of the old tradition, removed some bones from this place which were said to be his, and enshrined them in Goa, their own City; much visited by profitable 〈◊〉, to their great enriching. The City once so large and populous, that it contained 330 Temples for the use of divers Nations which resorted thither. In these later daies desolate and forlorn, inhabited onely by some old Christians, till the Portugueze began again to people it with new Colonies. 10. Choromandel, giving name to a large Sea-Coast, lying on the West side of the Golf of Bengala. 11. Casta, a Town of Choromandel, in which the woman is not burned with her Husband, as in other places of this Countrey; but buried quick in the same grave with him. 12. Negapatan, in the same Region, inhabited for the most part by Saint Thomas Christians. 13. Tarnassari, once the head City of a Kingdome to called, the King whereof was able to bring into the field, 100000 horse and foot, and 100 armed Elephants, but now subject to the King of Narsinga. The people black, but so out of love with their own colour, that they willingly prostitute their wives or daughters, to any people of a whiter and more cleer complexion. 14. Bisnagar, once the chief City of this kingdome, whence the King is sometimes called the King of Bisnagar. In those times 24 miles in compass, with nine Gates in it, (amongst others) continually guarded with Souldiers; and a magnificent Palace not elsewhere equalled. In the year 1565. sacked by four of the Mahometan Kings of Decan, who with their joint forces had invaded this kingdome, it became desolate and forsaken; and the Court removed to 15. Penegardc, eight daies journey within the Land (Bisnagar being seated on the borders of Decan) But long it had not staid there when removed to 16. Narsinga, where it hath ever since been fixed, which is now the chief City of this Kingdome, unto which it gives name, though the King many times call himself by the name of that City where he resideth for the present.

Of the Antiquity of this kingdome I have little to say; these Eastern parts not being known at all till these later times, nor well known in these. About the year 1550 their King then reigning was imprisoned by three of his Captains or Commanders; who shewed him only once a year to his Subjects, parting the power and government amongst themselves. He being dead, and his sonne kept in the like restraint, Romaragio the first Captain ascended the Throne, Timaragio mannaged the Estate, and Bengahe commanded the Army. But these Usurpers being overthrown by the kings of Decan, in the year 1565. Timaragio the Survivor took the charge of all; whose sonne, to make himself sure of the kingdome, murdered his imprisoned Soveraign (the life and liberty of kings being much of a date) whence followed many broiles and troubles touching the Succession, till settled in the person of Chrismarao, the undoubted Heir: who did not only restore peace and quiet to Narsinga it self, but recovered Canara out of the hands of the Idalcan, who had before endangered his estate therein. Of the great Army which he led against this Idalcan, we have spoke already: adding here onely, that before he went upon this enterprise (called the journey of Rachiol) he sacrificed in nine daies 2036 Beasts to the Countrey Idols, the flesh whereof he caused to be distributed amongst the poor; Routed at first, and being perswaded by some about him to go out of the field, he is said to have made this Noble Answer, that he had rather the Idalcan should boast that he had slain him, than vanquished him. And thereupon leaping into the thickest of his enemies, and well followed by the valiantest of his Friends, he obtained the victory. But this vast Army of 606000 foot, 30000 Horse, 537 Elephants, with necessaries answerable to such infinite multitudes, speaks only what he can do on extreme necessiry, or when he hath some long time of preparation, as he had in that Action. The power of Kings is better measured by their standing forces, than by premeditated Levies. And herein this Prince comes not much short of his greatest neighbours: his standing bands consisting of 40000 Nairos, or Gentlemen of his own Kingdom, which serve on foot; 20000 Horse, who are either Persians or Arabians, and 200 Elephants; well paid, and kept in continual readiness: his foot defraied out of his Revenues, his Horse maintained like the Turks Timariots out of cerrain lands distributed amongst his Captains (some of which are said to have a million of Crowns per Annum) to furnish him with these stable bands of Horses and Elephants.

As for his Revenue it is reckoned at 12 millions yearly, out of which he is thought to lay up three, defraying with the rest the expence of his houshold, and the entertainment of his Foot. This sum amassed together out of the lands, mines, and forrests of the Countrey, which are wholly his; and the waters of of some Rivers, (sold by him to his subjects) which he monopolizeth; the common people having nothing but their Armes and Labour. Of which, the mines, forrests, and one third of the lands, he retaineth to himself; the other two being divided amongst his Captains. So that it is no marvel if so rich a Countrey yield him such an income, considering it is all his own. I do rather wounder (of the two) it should yield no more.


ORISTAN or ORIXA, is bounded on the South, with Narsinga; on the West, with Delly, and Mandao; on the North, with the Kingdomes of Botanter; on the East, with the Golf of Bengala, and part of Patanaw or Patan•; so called from Orissa, the chief City of it.

The Countrey hath plenty of Rice, cloth of Cotton, and a fine stuff like silk, made of grass, and there called Yerva; with which, together with Long Pepper, Ginger, Mirabolins, and other commodities here growing, they use to load 25 or 30 Ships from the Haven of Orissa only. The people so well governed, or so hating theft, that in the time of their own kings, before they came under the Moguls, a man might have travelled with Gold in his hand without any danger. In other points of the same temper and religion with the rest of the Indians subject to that Prince.

It is generally well watered, and interlaced with many Rivers, which do much moisten and refresh it, but none so beneficial to the Kings hereof, as the River Guangen (of old called Chaberis) the waters whereof esteemed sacred by the Kings of Calicure and Narsinga, and much used by them in their sacrifices and superstitious purgations, are wholly ingrossed by this King, who selleth them to those Princes at excessive rates. Besides which Rivers it is watered with a fair Sea-coast, of 350 miles in length; that is to say, from Cape Guadarino in the South, which divides it from the Realm of Narsinga; to Cape Leogorae in the East, which parts it from Bengala. But for all that not very much traded, because not so well provided of commodious Havens, as many other Indian Provinces of a far less Territory.

Towns of most note herein, 1. Orissa, on the Sea-side, or not far from it, the best traded Port of all this Kingdome; to which the name thereof is to be ascribed, as the Head-City of the Countrey. 2. Cate•ha, six daies journey within the land, the ordinary residence of their Kings, before it was subdued by the Great Monguls. 3. Angeli, a well-frequented Port, at the bottom of the Golf of Bergala, from whence many ships are yearly laden with Indian wares. 4. Bacolli, or Bacola, more within the land, and once the head City of a Kingdome, but a very poor one. 5. Simergan, where they held it an impiety to eat flesh, or kill any beast. 6. Senerpate, of which little memorable. Nor do I find any thing which deserves much memory in the affairs of this Kingdom; but that the Kings hereof were Gentiles, subdued not many yeers since by the K. of Patanaw: and both, grown weaker by that war, by Echebar, the Great Mongul.


BOTANTER (under which name I comprehend all those petit Kingdomes which are crowded together in the North and North-East of this part of 〈◊〉) hath on the South, Oristan and 〈◊〉; on the West, the River Guenga or Chaberis, by which parted from the Realms of Sa•g•; on the North, the Zagathaian Tartars, divided from it by some branches of Mount Taurus; on the East, the famous River Ganges. So called from Bottia, the principall City of Botanter, which is the chief of these small Kingdomes.

The Countrey great, of three moneths journey in extent, full of high Mountains, one of which may be seen five dayes journey off, in which are said to dwell a people with ears of a span long or more, whom otherwise those of the Valleys count as Apes. In those parts which are next Sanga, they are white, and 〈◊〉i in others, more enclined to the Olive Colour. Their garments they wear close to their bod•es, so streight that one cannot see a pleit or wrinckle; and those they never put off by night nor day, whilest they are able to hang on: nor do they wash at any time, for fear of defiling so pure a Creature as the water. Content with one wife (deservedly to be held a miracle in these Eastern parts) and yet cohabit not with her after two or three Children. When any of them dy, the Sooth-sayer is to tell them what to do with his body: according to whose direction (first consulting his Books) they burn, bury, or eat it. Few Tow•s of note there are amongst them. The principall, 1. Bottia, the Metropolis of it. 2. Calamur, and 3. N•gar••t, their Staples for the sale of their cloth, (most of the people being Weavers) bought of them by the Chinors, and 〈◊〉 Merchants, who resort frequently to those markets. This a distinct Kingdome of it self, the Kings whereof are called Dermair, but 〈◊〉 to the great Mongul. And so 〈◊〉

2. 〈◊〉, another Kingdome of this Tract, frontire upon Cauch•-China, beyond 〈◊〉; so called from 〈◊〉, the chief Town of it. The Country rich, by reason that it may be drowned, and dried up again, when the people will; full of good pastures by that means, and those well stored with Sheep, Goats, Swine, Deer, and other Cattel, though the people neither kill nor eat them. But on the contrary build Hospitals for them, in which when lame and old they are kept till they die. Yet many times they eat their money, and I cannot blame them; their small money being▪ Almonds.

3. GOVREN, a kind of Desart or unpeopled Country, joyneth close to this. In which are few Villages, grass longer than a man, and therein many Buffes, Tigers, and other wild Basts, none wilder than the Theeves who frequent the wildernesses.

In this Tract also are the Kingdoms of RAME, and RECON, joining upon Zag•th••, or endining towards it; possessed by the Mongul Tartars from the time of Tamerlane, if not before: but Fendataries to the Kings of Ch•bul or Arachosie, who commanded in the North-East of Pers••, and these North parts of India: and from those places drew his Army or the greatest part of it, when called unto the aid of G•lgee, the King of M•nd•o. Here is also the Kingdome of TIPPVRA, naturally fenced with hills and mountains; and by that means hitherto defended against the Mongul Tartar•, their bad neighbours; with whom they have continuall warres. But of these Northern Kingdomes lying towards Tartary, there is but little to besaid, and that little of no certain knowledge: those parts being hitherto so untravelled, that they may pass in the Accompt of a Terra Inc•gnita.


PATANE or PATANAW, is bounded on the North, with the Realms of 〈◊〉 on the East, with Ganges; on the West, with Oristan; and on the South, with the Kingdome and Gulf of Bengala. So called from Pata•e the chief City of it. There is another Kingdome of th•• name in the further India: but whether it were so called because a Colony of this; or from some resemblances in the nature of the severall Countries, or from the signification of the word in the Indian language; I am not able to determine. Certain I am, that though they have the same name, yet they are under several Governments, and situate in farre distant places: no other wise agreeing than in some resemblances, as Holland in the Low-Countries doth with Holland in Lincol•shire.

The Country yieldeth veins of Gold which they dig out of the pits, and wash away the earth from it in great Bolls. The people tall, and of slender making, many of them old: great Praters, and as great dissemblers. The women so bedecked with silver and copper, especially about the feet, that they are not able to endure a shooe. Both Sexes use much washing in the open Rivers, and that too interm•xt together in their naturall nakedness; especially such as live neer the banks of the River Jemenae (esteemed more holy than the rest) which from Agra passing thorow this Country, falleth into Ganges.

Chief Towns hereof, 1. Patane, a large town and a long one, built with very broad streets; but the houses very mean and poor, made at the best of earth and hurdles, and thatched over head. The Metropolis of this Kingdom, because the antientest, and that which gives the name unto it. 2. Bannaras, a great Town on Ganges, to which the Gentiles from remote Countries use to come in pilgrimage, to bath themselves in the holy waters of that River. The Country betwixt this and Patanaw, very fair and flourishing, and beautified upon the Rode with handsome Villages. 3. Siripur, the chief Seat of one of the old Princes of this Country; not yet subdued by the Great Mongu's. 4. Ciandecan, on the bottom of the Gulf of Bengala; the Seat of another of their Kings. One of which memorable for a trick put upon the Jesu•es when blamed by them for the worship of so many Pag•des, as contrary both to the law of God and nature. For causing them to rehearse the Decalogue, he told them that he did offead no more against those commandements in worshiping so many Pagodes, than they themselves in worshipping so many Saints. 5. 〈◊〉, a fair City (for a City of Moores) once part of Patanaw, since ascribed to Bengala.

The people of this Country properly called Patanea••, but corruptly Parthians, w•re once of great command and power in these parts of India. Lords for a time, of a great part of the Kingdom of Bengala, into which driven by Baburxa, the Mongul Tartar, the Father of Emanpaxda, and Grand-father of E•hebar. Their last King being slain in that war, twelve of •heir chief Princes joined in an Aristocraty, and warring upon Emanpaxda had the better of him. After this, their Successors attempted Oristan, and added that also to their Estate. But they could not long make good their fortunes; subdued by Ethebar the Mongul, and made subject to him. Three of them, viz. the Prince of Siripur, the King of 〈◊〉, and he whom they call Mausadalion, retain, as yet (for ought I can learn unto the contrary) as well their antient Paganism, as their natural liberty. The other nine, together with Mahometanism, have vassail•d themselves to the great Mongul, now the Lord Paramount of the Country.


BENGALA is bounded on the North, with Patanaw; on the East, with the Kingdoms of Pegu; on the South and West, with the Gulf of Bengala; So called from Bengala the chief City of it.

It containeth in length on the Gulf and River 360 miles, and as much in breadth into the Land A Countrey stored with all things necessary to the life of man, great plenty of Wheat, Rice, Sugar, Ginger, and Long-Pepper. Such aboundance of Silk, & Cotton, and of Flesh and Fish, that it is impossible that any Countrey should exceed it in those commodities. And which crowns all, blest with so temperate and sweet an air, that it draws thither people of all sorts to inhabit it. Here is also, amongst other rarities, a Tree called Moses, which beareth so delicate a fruit, that the Jews and M•hometans who live here, affirm it to be the fruit which made Adam to sin.

The natural Inhabitants for the most part, are of white complexion, like the Europaeans, subtil of wit, and of a courteous disposition, well skill'd in dealing in the world, much given to traffick, and intelligent in the way of Merchandize, if not somewhat deceitful. No• ignorant of other Arts, but with some imattering in Philosophy, Physick, and Astrology. Stately and delicate both in their Diet and Apparell: not naked as in others of these Indian Provinces, but clothed in a shirt or smock reaching to their feet, with some upper Garment over that. The women of an ill name for their unchastity, though Adultery be punished with cutting off of their noses. Neat, if not curious and too costly in this one custom, that they never seeth meat twice in the same Pot, but for every boyling buy a new one. In Religion, for the most part Mahometans, especially on the Sea-shores, which lay most open and commodious to the Arabians; by whom Mahometanism was here planted many ages since.

Of Rivers we need take no care having spoke of Ganges. That with its many Channels may abundantly serve to water so small a Province. But hereof more anon in a place more proper. Proceed we now unto the Cities. The principall whereof, 1. Bengala, which gave name to the whole Kingdom, situate on a branch of the River Ganges, and reckoned for one of the most beautifull Towns of all the Indies. Exceedingly enriched by trade, but more by Pilgrimages, by reason of the holyness and divine operations ascribed by the Indians to the waters of it: there being few years in which not visited by three or four hundred thousand Pilgrims. 2. Gouro, the seat-Royall of the antient Kings. 3. Catig•n, on the bottom of the Gulf of Bengala, a well-traded Port. 4. Taxd•, once a Town of great trafick, and situate in those times on the banks of Ganges; now by the changing of the Channel (occasioned by the frequent overflowings of it) above a league off from the River. 5. Porto Grande, and 6. Por•o P•qu•no, two Towns of the Portugals, but without Forts for defence, or rules for Government. Places like the Asylum, which was built by Romulus; whereunto such as dare not stay in their own Countries, or any well-regulated Cities, use to make their resort; privileged here to live in all kind of licentio•sness.

Here is also in the North parts of this Province, or adjoining to it, the City and Kingdom of ARACHAN. Lying along the banks of Ganges, but so remote from the Sea, that it is 50 miles distant from the neerest branch of it. Wealthy, and populous withall; governed heretofore by a King of its own, so wallowing in wealth and sensuall pleasures, that he had in this City and the parts adjoyning twelve Royall Palaces or Seraglios, all stowed with women for his Iust. Now subject with Bengala and Patanaw, betwixt which it lieth, to the Empire of the great Monguls.

There are also some small Ilands in the Gulf of Bengala, which I account unto that Kindom. 1. Bazacata, now called Basse. 2. Barassae, of which name there are five in Prolomy, three of them by Mercator said to be Mind•nao, Cailon, and Subut. 3. Two, called the Ilands of Good fortune, by him placed under the Ae•uator, and said to be inhabited by Anthropophagi, or man eaters; as also were three more which he calls 4. Sabadibae, now named Cainam. 5. I•sulae Satyrorum, or the 〈◊〉 of Sa••res, three in number, the people whereof were reported to have tails like Satyres▪ And 6. those called Maniolae, in number ten, (now Islas de Pracel) reported by Ptolomy to be so stored with Adamant stones, that they violently drew to them any ships or vessels, which had iron in them: for which cause they which used these Seas fastned the planks of their ships with wooden pins. But our later Navigators find no such matter unless perhaps it be in the exploits of Sir Huon of Bourdeaux, where indeed we meet with such an Iland, in the course of his Errantrie.

But to return again to the Kindome of Bengala, we find it of a different constitution from the rest of the Kingdomes of these parts. Not governed by a family of Successive Princes, descended from the Stemme of a Royall Ancestrie, as the others are. Chance, or necessity, had brought thither many Abassines, or Aethiopians, who made a conquest of the Country; and chose a King out of themselves. To keep whan they had gotten, and perpetuate the Regall honor to the Abassine Nation, they procured thence yearly certain thousands of Slaves, whom they trained up unto the warres, advanced unto the higest commands in civill and military service; and out of them elected one for their Lord and Soveraign: as the Mamalucks in the Kingdome of Egypt, whom her•in they followed. By some Arabians trading with them, they came in time to admit Mahometanism amongst them; on 〈◊〉 Sea-coasts especially. Dispossessed first of some part of their Kingdome, lying about Satagan, by the Pataneans; when driven to seek new dwellings by Baburxa, the Mongul Tartar: and of their whole Kingdom by the valor and good fortune of Echebar, who added it unto the rest of his estate.

Thus have we drawn together all the Indian Provinces on this side of Ganges (the Kingdoms of M•labar and Narsinga being but a Parenthesis in the construction of this sentence) into the hands of the Mo•gul. So called for his descent from the Mongul-Tartars, one of the five great Tribes or Nations into which that People were divided. Derived originally from the famous and mighty Tamerlane, who having added almost all the greater and lesser Asia, unto his estates: left Persia, with the parts of Ind•• which lay neerest to it on the North, to Myrza Charrok, his fourth, sonne. But his issue failing in Abdula, the 4th. of that line, those estates fell to Abusaid, descended from Marom•ha, the third sonne of Tamerlane: Whose sonne and Successor called Zeuzes, by some Malaonchres, being disseized of the greatest part of the Kingdome of Persia, by Ussan-Cassanes: the rights of all, with the possession of Arachosia (now called Chabul) and Paropamisus (now Candahor or Sablestan) together with so much of India as was held by those Princes, remained in Hamed, one of the younger sonnes of Abu•••aid; whose posterity laying hold on such opportunities as were offered to them, have made themselves Masters in few years of this mighty Empire. Whose Successors and their achievements we shall here present.

The Great Monguls.

  • 1473. 1. Hamed, the sonne of Abu•••ul, of the race of Tamerlane, after the conquest of Persia by Vss••-Cassanes, succeeded in Chabus, Candahor, and the parts of the Realms of India subject to the Tartars.
  • 1500. 2. Babor, or Baburxa, in danger to be dispossessed of most of his Estates by the neighbouring V•beques, living upon the borders of Persia, Tartary, and India, whom at last he quieted; enlarged his dominions by the conquest of some part of Patanaw, and other Kingdomes in the North.
  • 1532. 3. Hamoyen, the sonne of Babor, or Baburxa, commonly called Emanpaxda, vanquished by the Parthians, or Pataneans, and their confederates, craved aid of Tamas, the 2d. Persian Monarch of this line, on promise to conform to the Sophian Sect: and by that and confirmed and settled his affairs, but held himself to the former Principles of his Irre••gion.
  • 4. Merhamed, or Miramudius, sonne of Emanpaxda, called in by Galgee the King of Mand•o, against Badurius the Cambaian, vanquished the Cambaian King in two pitched fields, and conquered the Kingdomes of Mandao, and Balassia, with some other Provinces.
  • 5. Adabar, the sonne of Merhamed, added the Realms of Delly and Cambaia, unto his Dominions.
  • 1550. 6. Mahomet Selabdin, commonly called Eohebar, brother of Adabar, the most fortunate and victorious Prince of all this family, subdued the Kingdoms of Caxi••ir, Agra, Decan, Orissa, Bengala, Patanaw, and divers others of less note.
  • 1605. 7. Selim, surnamed Jangheere, the sonne of Echebar, who added nothing that I hear of, to his fathers conquests.
  • 1627. 8. Blockie, the grandchild of Selim by his eldest sonne, (wickedly murdered by the practice of Curroon at Agra) proclamed King on the death of his Grand-father; but shortly after made away by Asaph Chawn, so to make room for
  • 1627. 9. Curroon, the third sonne of Selim or Jangheere, and sonne-in-law unto Assaph Chawn; having by his own Ministers, and the hands of his Father-in-law, murdered the proclamed King his Nephew, and all the other Princes of the Royall blood, succeeded into the Estates, and was crowned at Agra. A wicked and bloody Prince, still living for ought I hear to the contrary.

To look a little on these Princes, their estate and power; in matters of Religion they have generally been Mahometans, that Religion being long since embraced by the Tartars, from whom they originally descended. But not so scrupulous or precise in that profession, as to endeavour the suppressing of any other opinions: both Echebar, and his sonne Jangheere, being so inclined unto Christianity, that they permitted the Jesuites to build Colleges and Churches in Agra it self the Imperiall City, and many other chief Cities in his dominions. Of Echebar it is reported, that being doubtfull what Religian to adhere unto, he caused 30 Infants to be so brought up that neither their Nurses nor any body else should speak unto them; resolving to addict himself to the Religion of that Country, whose language should be spoken by them, as most agreeable to nature: and he did accordingly. For as those Children spoke no language, so was he positive, and resolved in no Religion. Able to see the va•ues of Mahomet, and the horrible impieties of the Gentiles, but not willing to conform unto the strict•••• •t Christianity. And though Selim who succeeded, to content his Mahometan Subjects, declared himself for that Religion; yet his affairs being once settled, and his Throne confirmed, he became as Neutral as his Father. Sultan Curr•on now Reigning, of the same Neutrality, and 'tis well he is so, there being no Religion so impure and bloody, which he would not dishonor by his known ungraciousness.

The Language spoken by these Princes, and their natural Subjects the Mogores, or Mongul-Tartars, is said by some to be the Turkuh. But I think rather that it is some Language near it, than the very same: And that the Language which they speak is the ancient Scythian or Tartarian, from which the Turks (a Scythian people) differ but in Dialect, a sprinkling of the Persian intermixt amongst it. A mixture not to be denied, in regard of their long dwelling in that Countrey, the entercouse which their Subjects of those parts have with these of India, and that the greatest part of their Souldiers, Officers and Commanders, are supplied from thence.

Their Government is absolute, if not Tyrannical, the Great Mongul being Lord of all, and heir to every mans estate which is worth the having: the persons and purses of his Subjects at his sole disposing, so that he may amass what treasures, and raise what forces for the Wars his need requireth, or the Avarice or Ambition of his Ministers shall suggest unto him. First, for his Treasures, it is conceived that his Revenue doth amount yearly to Fifty Millions of Crowns, and there are reasons to perswade that it may be more. The Countrey very rich, and notably well traded from all parts of the world, the Impost upon which is of infinite value, besides the vast sums of money brought into his Dominions from all Countreys whatsoever, which hold traffick here; their commodities not being to be parted with but for ready coyn. The whole Land being also his, he estates it out for no term certain, retaining a third part of the profits to himself, and leaving two thirds to the Occupants, to be held by them during pleasure. Who if they thrive upon their bargains, they thrive not for themselves, but him: it being in his power, if he want patience to expect the Incumbents death, to enter on the whole estate of the Te•ant by the way of Escheat: but if he tarry till the death of the Occupant, it falls to him of course, the wife and children of the deceased being fairly dealt with, if he content himself with the personal estate, and leave the Land to them to begin anew. For instance, of those huge sums which in so rich a Countrey may be had this way, it is said that when the Vice Roy of Lahor dyed, he left to Echebar three millons of Gold, besides Silver, Jewels, Horses, Elephants, Furniture and Goods, almost invaluable: And of one Raga Gagnar, another of his great Officers, that at his death the Great Mongul seized of his into his hands 3300 pound weight of Gold, besides Plate and Jewels. Besides these means of heaping treasure, all the Mines of the Countrey are wholly his, and the Presents given by all sorts of Suters, hardly to be numbered; none being admitted to his presence which comes empty handed. Finally, if Badurius, which was King of Cambaia onely, could bring into the field at once 500 Tun of gold and silver to pay his Army; and after the loss of all that treasuee, advanced upon the sudden the sum of 600000 Crowns, which he sent to Solyman the Magnificent to come to succor him; both which it is well known he did: What infinite Treasures must we think this Prince to be master of, who hath more than four times the estate of the King of Cambaia, and far more trading now than in former times?

By the like Parallel we may conjecture somewhat at his Forces also. Badurius the Cambaian brought into the field against Merhamed, and the King of Mand ae, as was partly touched upon before, 150000 Horse, 500000 Foot, 2000 Elephants armed, 2000 pieces of brass Ordnance, of which were four Basilisks, each of them drawn with 100 yoke of Oxen; and 500 Carts loaded with powder and shot. What then may we conceive of this Prince, who is Lord of so much a greater estate than he, but that his Levies may be raised proportionably to so great Dominions? But because possibly Badurius did extend himself to the utmost of his power, and having lost two Battels, was never able to recruit again, which no wise Prince would do but in great extremities: It is conceived that the Mongul, without running any such hazards on the loss of a Battel, can in an instant raise 50000 Elephants, 300000 Horse, and Foot proportionable; and ye• have stock enough for an After-game, if that he should chance to lose the first. But it is seldom that he hath advanced to so high a Muster. For in his action upon the Kingdoms of Decan, he had but an Hundred thousand men, and a thousand Elephants for fight; though possibly of all sorts of people there might be more than double that number. For in his ordinary removes in time of Progress, it is said that his followers of all sorts amount unto two hundred thousand; and that his Tents do usually take up as much ground as the City of London. Yet notwithstanding this great power, the fortunes of this Empire have not only been at a stand, since the deathof Echebar; But the Rasbooches in Cambaia, the Venazarari in Decan, and other puissant Rebels in other parts of his Dominions, hold out still against him, some of them being said to command as much land as a pretty good Kingdom, and to have always in a readiness 20000 Horse, & 50000 foot, to make good their Mountains. Nature or Divine Providence hath given to Empires, as to men, a determinate growth, beyond which there is no exceeding.


INDIA EXTRA GANGEM is that part of the great Continent of India, which lieth on the further side of the River Ganges, from the spring or fountain of it, wheresoever it be, to the fall thereof into the sea by the first and last mouth thereof, which is called Antholi: The other four being reckoned into the other part of India, on this side of that River. From hence extended Eastward as far as China and the Oriental Ocean, on other parts bounded as before.

The Countrey in those elder times so renowned for wealth, that one Tract of it had the name of The Silver Region, and an other of The Golden Chersonese: this last supposed to be the Ophir of Solomon, of which more hereafter. The People of the same nature and disposition, in the elder times, as those which did inhabit on the hither side of the Ganges: not so well known to the Greeks or Romans as the others were, by reason of the remoteness of their situation; nor so well discovered at the present. So that the best Accompt we shall be able to give of it, will no: be so exact and punctual as of that before: with reference either to the estate hereof in the times of the Ancients, or the affairs of it in these dates.

Mountains of most note in it, 1. Bepyrrus, 2. Maeandrus, 3. Semanthinus; and 4 these called Damasi, touched upon before, in our general discourse of India. Out of which, and from other Springs, flow these following Rive•s, 1. Catabeda, 2. Bocosanna, 3. Sadus, 4. Temala, 5. Besynga, 6. Chrysaoras, 7. Polanaas, 8. Attabas, these three last in the part hereof called the Golden Chersonese. 9. Daonas, and 10. Dorias, rising out of the Mountains called Damasi. Others there are whose names I meet with in my Author, but of no great note: by what names any of them now distinguished, it is hard to say. Nor find I any who have dared to adventure on it.

Of the chief Towns, 1. Balanga, 2. Cirtatha, 3. Tasile, 4. Tagma, and 5. Malthura, have the name of being the Metropoles of their several Nations. 6. Triglyphon, only honoured with the name of Regia; more memorable perhaps for the white Crows, and bearded Hens, which are said to have been thereabouts, than for being the Seat-Royal of some petit Prince. After these 1. Sada, on the banks of the River Sadus, 2. Samba, 3. Sabara, 4. Col•, 5. Zabae, and 6. Sinda, have the name of Cities. 7. Baracura, 8. Berabonna, 9. Bobynga, 10. Tacola, 11. Sabana, and 12. Thibon b•stus, are marked out for the most noted Emportes, or Towns of trade; the memory of Sabana being still preserved in the Frith of Sabaor, betwixt this Chersonese and Sumatra. Others there are not noted by those special Adjuncts, of which, 1. Cocconagaoa, and 2. Balonoa, in the Golden Chersonese; 3. Rhandamarcotta, in the Midlands, 4. Pentapolis, neer the mouth of Ganges called Antibolum; 5. Agm•gara, neer the Bay called •inus Magnus; and 6. Corygaza, one of the principal Towns of the 〈◊〉, may be some of the chief.

The old Inhabitants hereof, besides the Marandae last spoken of, were the Gangarides, and Gangaent, inhabiting on the banks of Ganges; the Tacorae: bordering on the Mountain Bepyrrus; as the Tilaedae on Maeand•us; and the Ammachae, and Cabo•aeh, neer the hills called Damasi. The Basadae, said to be crooked, short, and thick; but of a cheerful aspect, and cleer complexion: of which composition also the inhabitants of the Golden Chersonese were observed to be: the Barrae, and Cudutae, on the Bay called Sinus Magnus; the Lestori, a Theevish and Piratical people, who lived in Caves, and were affirmed to be of so hard a skin, that it was not penetrable by an Arrow These, with the rest, too many to be here recited, the issue in most likelyhood of Chavilath and Saba the sonnes of Joktan; of whom we find so many footsteps in Sabara Civitate, Sabaraco Sinu, Sabana Emporio, Sobanus Fluvio; and in the Countreys now called Ava, and the Kingdom of Cavelan. Of any of their actions we find little in antient stories, or of the power of any of their former Kings: but that it was given out in the time of Alexander, that beyond the Ganges lived a Prince called Aggramen•s (the most powerfull King of all those Countreys) able to bring into the field 200000 Foot, 20000 Horse, 3000 Elephants, and 2000 armed Chariots. With which report though Alexander was the more inflamed to trie masteries with him; yet his Souldiers were so terrified with it (remembring the hard bout which they had with Porus) that no perswasions could prevail with them to go further Eastward. Nor hear we much of them after this, unless the conversion of the Indians in the time of Constantine, may be applyed to those on that side of the River, as perhaps it may.

As for the later observations and discoveries of it, we find it (as most barbarous Countreys else till reduced to Order) dismembred and subdivided into many estates, almost as many Realms as Cities, and distinct governments amongst them, as Tribes and Nations. Most of them Gentiles in Religion, with whom the name of Christ and Christianity not so much as heard of, till the comming of the Jesuites thither; who have not onely obtained leave, but some invitations, for the promoting of the Gospel. And for Mahometamsm, though it had got some footing on the Sea-coasts of the Golf of Bengala, as lying most convenient for the trade of the Arabian Merchants: yet on the North, and midland parts, and those towards China, and the Oriental Seas, it was as little heard of as Christianity. But for the Kingdoms of this part, I mean the chief of them, to which as many of the rest as are worth the looking after are to be reduced, they are those of, 1. Brama or Barma, 2. Cauchin-China, 3. Camboia, 4. Jangoma, 5. Siam, and 6. Pegu.


THe Kingdomes of BRAMA or BARMA have on the West, the River Ganges; on the North, part of Cathay in Tartarie; on the East, Cauchin-China; and on the South, the Kingdomes of Pegu. So called from the Brachmanes, Bramanes, or Brames, possessed for many ages past of these North, West Countreys. By the transposing of a Letter, they are now called the Kingdomes of Barma.

The Countrey of these Brames or Bramanes, extendeth Northwards from the neerest of the Peguan Kingdomes for the space of 150 Leagues, but far more from West to East: watered with many great and remarkable Rivers, issuing from the Lake Chiamay, which though 600 miles from the Sea, and emptying it self continually into so many Channels, contains four hundred miles in compass, and is nevertheless full of waters for the one or the other.

By the overflowing of which Rivers, and the commodiousness of the Lake, the Countrey is wonderfully enriched, as Ae•ypt by the overflowings of 〈◊〉 Which notwithstanding, there are in it many huge forrests, in the West especially, and therein many Lions, Tigers, Ounces, Serpents, and other Creatures of a mischievous and 〈◊〉 Nature.

The whole Countrey containeth the Kingdomes of 1. Calam, 2. Prom, 3. Melintay, 4. Mirand•, 5. B•cam, 6. Tangu, 7. Av•, and 8. Brama.

Of 1. MELINTAY and 2. MIRANDA, I find little written, but that they were conquered with the rest, by the Vice-Roy of Tangu, in the first rising of his fortunes, becoming the foundation of his following greatness. Of 3. BACAM, it is said that it is plentifully enriched with Mines, both of Gold and Silver. In 4. CAVILAN, commonly and contractedly called CALAM, we find apparent foot-steps of the name of Chavilah the sonne of Jocktan. Of the rest more is to be said, not much.

5. PROM, though it be a little Kingdome, is exceeding populous, and stored with a warlike people. Given by the second King of Pegu of the Tanguan Race, to a younger sonne; who being by his Father commanded to the siege of M•rmolan which had then revolted, not only did decline the service, but rebelled against him; and by the strength of this small Kingdome held it out three years. But seeing his Fathers fortunes in a manner desperate, he repented of his disobedience; and went unto his aid, with an Army of 50000 men of his Natural Subjects. Treacherously poisoned on the way by his chiefest Counseller, for fear the Crime of his Revole would be charged on him.

6. TANGV, is the name of one of these Bramian Kingdoms, so called from the chief Town thereof: formerly subject with the rest to the Kings of Pegu, and governed by their several Vice-Royes. One of which taking his advantage of the warres between the Kings of Pegu and S•am, began to set up for himself, and husbanded his affairs so well, that he became sole Lord of these Bramian Kingdoms; as afterwards of all the rest in this part of India. Not long enjoyed by his successor, when dispossessed and slain by one whom he married to his Sister, and made Governour of this very Province. In which he bore himself so st•ffely, that being sent for by his King to aid him against some of his Rebels, and to bring all the inhabitants of the Country with him; he answered that he would send one half; to send all, unreasonable. Inceased with which denial the King armed against him; but he put the Leaders to the sword, and seized their followers. After this being now in Arms, and dispairing of reconcilement, he took upon himself the title of King of Tangu; and to secure himself therein, joined with the King of Arrachan against his Soveraign, whom he most barbarously slew (after he had put himself into his hands) with his wife and children. Neither enjoyed he long the fruits of his villany, subdued not long after, with the rest of these Indian Princes, by the King of Barma; of which more hereafter.

7. AV A, another of these Kingdoms, and one of the plantations of Chavilah also, is liberally furnished with all things necessary for the life of man. It affordeth also store of Rubies, which they dig out of the Mountains; a certain creature which breeds Musk, together with great plenty of horse and Elephants. Their chief City is called Ava, which name it giveth to the River upon which it is built, issuing out of the Lake of •h•amay, and communicates the same to the whole Province. Subject for many ages past to the Kings of Pegu, till conquered by the Vice-Roy of Tangu, as before is said; and by him given, with the Title of King, unto one of his brothers. Who rebelling against the sonne and successour of his Benefactor, and by him slain in single Combat, this Kingdome was conferred on a sonne of the Conqueror. A Prince of more vertue than his brother, and one which grew at last unto so great power, that in the bustles or combustions of the Kingdome of Pegu, he surprised or forced the Fort of Siri••ngh, formerly given unto the Portugals by the King of Arrachan, slew all the Souldiers, and spitted Philip de Britto, who commanded in it. After which, gathering together the dispersed Peguans, and repairing part of the City for them, he was likely to have made himself a good bargain by it, if the sudden coming of the King of Barma, had not spoiled his markets.

8. BRAMA or BARMA, the most Southern of these Bramian kingdomes, the king where of was Feudatarie to the kings of Pegu, or of their appointment. Of no accompt when the Portugals came first acquainted with India, nor in many years after; now of most renown. For sitting still when all the rest of their neighbours w•re embroiled in wars, they gathered so much power and strength, that in the end, one of the later kings hereof observing how the forces of his neighbouring Princes were consumed, and their treasures wasted; levyed an Army of 300000 fighting men, 40000 Elephants, with all things suitable. And with this power subdued the kingdoms of Macin, and Arrachan; conquered the Cities of Pegu and Odia, (the two chief Cities of these parts) invaded the kingdome of Siam, and possessed himself of it; making in little time all the lesser Princes to become his Tributaries, as they still continue.


CAVCHIN-CHINA is bounded on the West, with the Kingdomes of Brama; on the East, with the Great Realm of China; on the North, extending towards Tartary; and on the South, bordering on Camboia.

The Countrey aboundeth with Gold, Silver, Aloes, and great store of silks, of which the Inhabitants make 〈◊〉, and other stuffes. It affordeth also plenty of Porcellane Earth, which being made into Cups, Dishes, and other Utensils of houshold, is sold by the name of China-ware: well counterfeited of late amongst us, by putting a white crust on our Po••ers earth, as neat for use and shew as the naturall China.

The people very stout and warlike, especially for Foot-service, though they have many horses here, and those fit for warre. Well-practised on their Peeces also, on which they spend great store of powder, but not so much in warre, as in sports and triumphs: yet making much more than they spend, the earth in some parts yielding very fit materials for that commodity. Trained up to Manufactures, especially to the making of Powder, S•lks, and Porcell•ne, which they sell to the Chinese. Idolaters, for the most part, as 〈…〉 whose Characters and language they also use: but so that there appear some inclinations unto Christianity, in many of them, who have erected many Crosses, and do admit the pictures of the Blessed Virgin, and the finall judgement. Men not unlikely to have made a further Progress in the Gospel, if they had met with better Teachers than these Laymens books.

The chief City hereof is called Cauchin-China by the name of the Province, situate on a River coming out of China; and passing hence into the bottom of a large and capacious Bay. The whole Country divided into three Provinces, and as many Kings, over which one Paramount: but he and they the Tributaries of the King of China. Belonging hereunto is a little Iland called Ainao, ten miles from the land, where the Inhabitants have a great trade of fishing for Pearls The onely Province of the Indies, which is wholly subject to the power of a forein Prince; the Portugals holding in this Continent many Towns and Cities, but no whole Provinces.


CAMBOIA is bounded on the North, with Cauchin-Chin•; on the East and South, with the Ocean; on the West, with parts of the Kingdome of Stam, and the Realms of Jangoma. So called from C•mbo•a the chief City of it. Divided commonly into the Kingdom of Champa, and Cambota specially so called.

1. CHAMPA, the Northern part hereof bordereth Cauchin-China, and is liberally provided of all necessaries: besides which, there is plenty of Gold, and of the wood called Lignum Aloes, prized at the weight thereof in silver, much used in Bathes, and at the funeralls of great persons. This a distinct kingdome of it self, but subject with the rest to the king of Barma. The chief City of it, called by the name of Champa, which it communicates to the Country, is situate neer the Sea-side, and of very good trafick.

2. CAMBOIA specially so called, lieth South of Champa, a very great and populous Country, well stored with Elephants and Rhinocerots, which last the Indians call Abades. It yieldeth also great plenty of a sweet-wood which they call Calumba, as precious and as much esteemed of as the wood of Aloes, (if not the same, or some Species of it as I think it is) together with abundance of Rice, Flesh, and Fish; well-watred with the River Mecon issuing out of China, & having received many lesser streams falleth first into a great Lake of 200 miles compass, and thence into the Indian Ocean, making betwixt the Lake and that an hundred Ilands. By the overflowings of this River the whole Country is enriched (as Egypt by the like overflowings of Nilus): the inhabitants at those times betaking themselves to their upper Rooms, and passing altogether by boats from one place to another.

The people are conceived to be strong and warlike, though more enclined to merchandise and navigagation than to deeds of Arms. Idolaters of the worst kind, esteeming Men and Beasts of a like condition in regard of any future judgement; of late beginning to set up, and adore the Cross, which is (it seems) the first Principle of Religion, in which the Friers are wont to instruct their Converts. Not weaned as yet, by these new Teachers, from burning the women with their Husbands, common to them with many other Indian people, not from burning their Nobles with the King, used onely here; but voluntarily to express their loves, not upon constraint.

The chief Towns of it, 1. Camboia, one of the three prime Cities of this part of India; the other two being Od••, and Pegu, of which more anon. Situate on the River Mecon before destroyed: where it hath its fall into the Sea; well traded, as the Staple for all this Country, the commodities whereof are brought hither, and here sold to the Merchant. 2. Cudurmuch, twelve league from Camboia, on the same River also. 3. Coul, on the Sea-side in the very South-west Angle of all the Country. The Kings whereof, once absolute, and at their own disposing, till invaded by a vast Army of the neighbouring Laos; in which their King being slain, and his forces weakned, his sonne and Successor was constrained to become a V•ss• to the crown of Siam. But fearing the loss of his estate, when that Kingdom was made subject to the Kings of Pegu, in the year 1598. he applied himself unto the Portugals, offered them a Peninsula (part of his dominions) extending three leagues into the Sea; and sent to the Jesuites for some of their Society to live and preach amongst his people. Not able for all these honest Policies to preserve himself from being made a Feudatary of the King of Barma.


JANGOMA or the Country of the LAOS, is bounded on the East, with Camboia and Champa, from which parted by the River Menon; on the West, with the River of Pegu, by which divided from that Kingdome; on the South, with the Realm of Siam; on the North, with Brama.

It took this name from Jangoma the chief province of it, the other two (for here be three of them in all) being those of Livet, and Curror. All of them joyned together called the Country of the Laos, by the name of the people, a mighty Nation and a stout, by Religion Gentile; naked from the middle upwards, and t••ssing up their hair like a cap. Their Country very rich and levell, but very ill-neighboured by the Gu•o•• (Paulus Venetus giveth them the name of Gang•gu) who possess the mountains: whence falling in great companies to hunt for men whom they kill and eat, they commit cruel butcheries amongst them. Insomuch as this people, not able to defend themselves against their fury, or rather wanting good leaders to conduct and order them (for it is said that they can make a million of men) were fain to put themselves under the protection of the King of Siam, whom they obeyed no further than the humour took them.

Towns they have none of any note, except those three which give name to the severall Provinces; and those of no note neither but for doing that. The people for the most part live on the banks of their Rivers, where they have Cottages of Timber; or else upon the Rivers in boats and shallops, as the Tartarians of the Desarts in their Carts or wheel-houses. One of their Rivers (commonly called the River of Laos) said to extend 400 Leagues within the land, as far as •artary, and China; and from July to September to invert its course, and flow back strongly toward its fountain. Not governed by any certain rule or order, till they submitted to the Patronage of the king of Siam; and then no oftner than they listed: though for their sakes, that king engaged himself in a war against the Cannibals, their most deadly enemies, accompanyed with 25000 foot, 20000 Horse, and 10000 Elephants. Secured by his protection from the 〈◊〉 of those Cannibals (of whom otherwise they had been devoured) in the year 1578 they descended the River in great multitudes, to the number of 200000, and fell into the Realm of Camboia. But they made an unprosperous adventure of it. For though the king of Camboia lost his life in the battel, ye he gave •hem such a fatal blow, that they were almost all slain, drowned, or captived in the fight. Weakned wherewith they became an easie prey to the Vice-Roy of Tangu, when he first made himself sole Master of this part of India. Who giving to his brother the kingdome of Ava, and leaving to his eldest sonne the kingdome of Pegu, with the Soveraignty over all the rest, conferred this Countrey, with the title of king of Jangoma, on a younger Sonne. But he, begotten on a daughter of the king of Pegu, and born after his Father had attained this whole Indian Empire, was easily perswaded by the •alapoies, (so they call their Priests) that his Title was better than that of his Elder Brother, who was born before it. Prevented in his claim by the kings of Arrachan and Tangu, by whom that king was slain, and his kingdome wasted. How he sped afterwards I find not. But probable it is, that he submitted with the rest to the king of Barma.

5. SIAM.

SIAM, is bounded on the North, with Jangoma, and part of Pegu; on all other parts, with the wide Ocean, save that it toucheth on the East, with a part of Camboia, and on the West, with a poin• of Pegu. So called from Siam the chief of all those kingdomes which pass under this name, as that from Siam the chief City of it.

The Countrey of greater length than breadth, stretcheth it self South-wards into the Sea many hundred miles, in form of a Peninsula or Denty-Iland, called antiently Aurea Chersonesus, or the Golden Chersonese: one of the five famous Chersoneses or Peninsulaes of the elder writers; the other four being Peloponnesus in Greece, the Thracian Chersonese neer Propontis, the Taurican Chersonese in the Euxine, and the Cimbrian Chersonese in the North of Germany, now part of Denmark. It had the name of Aurea, or the Golden, super-added to it, from its plenty of Gold, for which much celebrated by the Antients, both Greeks, and Romans (and therefore not improbably thought by some to be Solomons Ophir) stil famous with the rest of the Countries of the kingdome of Siam, for abundance of Gold, Silver, Tinn, and other metals; great quantity of Pepper sent yearly thence, with store of Elephants, and horses: the whole Countrey very fat, and fertile, well stored with Rice, Corn, Grass, and all other necessaries.

The people generally much addicted to pleasures, if not to Luxury; delighted much with Musick and rich apparel; and such as stand much upon their honour. For their instruction in good letters they have publick Schools, where their own Lawes, and the mysteries of their own religion, are taught them in their natural Language; all other Sciences in strange tongues understood by none but by the learned. To tillage they can frame themselves, and are painful in it; but by no means will follow any Mechanicall Arts, which they put over to their Slaves. In Religion for the most part Gentiles, worshiping the four Elements amongst other Gods; to each of which as they are severally affected, so are their bodies to be disposed of: either burnt, buried, hanged, or drowned, after their decease; as in their lives they were most devoted to the fire, Earth, Air, or Water. Some Christians here also in and about the parts possessed by the Portugals; but more Mahometans: who possessing two hundred Leagues of the Sea-Coasts of this Countrey, have planted that religion in most part of the Countrey now by them possessed.

It containeth in it many kingdomes, some of little note; those of most observation, 1. Malaca, 2. Patane, 3. Jor, 4. Muan•ay, and 5. Siam, properly and specially so called. Of which Malaca is now in the hands of the Portugals, Jor and Patane are possessed by the Arabians or Saracens; the other two have followed the fortunes of the kings of Siam.

1. The kingdome of MALACA taketh up the South part of the Golden Chersonese, extended towards the North from the Cape or Promontory which Ptolomy calleth Malanco•in, in the extreme South-point hereof neer unto Sabana, then a noted Emporie, for the space of 270 miles. So called from Malaca the chief City of it, of old times called Musicana, or built very neer it, from whence this Tract is called by Strabo, Musicani terra. The City seated on the banks of the River Gaza, which is here said to be 15 miles in breadth; by the frequent overflowings whereof, and the neerness of it to the Line (being but two degrees to the North) the Air hereof, and all the territory belonging to it, is very unwholsome; and for that cause the Countrey but meanly populous. In compass it is said to be 20 miles, of great wealth, because of almost infinite trading; for Spices, Vnguents, Gold, Silver, Pearls, and previous Stones, the most noted Emporie of the East. Insomuch that is said by Ludovico Barthema, who was there before the Portugals knew it, that it was traded by more ships than any one City in the world, more by far since the comming of the Portugals to it, than it was before. The People (as in all this tract) of an Ash-colour, with long hair hanging over their faces; bloody and murderous, specially when they meet one another in the Night. Few other Towns of any note in a place so unhealthy, except 2. Sincapura, situate East of Malaca, neer the Promontory of old called Magnum; supposed by some to be the Zaba of Ptolomy; and that more probably than that it should be his Palura, as Maginus would have it; Palura being a City of the Hither India, and different at the least 20 degrees of Langitude from any part of this Chersonese. But whatsoever it was called in the former times, it was in these latter ages the mother of Malaca; the greatest part of the Trade and people being removed from thence to this newer foundation: before which time it was the best frequented Emporie in these parts of the East. 3. Palo Zambilan, 120 miles on the West of Malaca, from whence to Sincapura, coasting about the Southern Cape (now called Cape Liampo) we have a Sea-shore of 270 miles, as before was said. No other habitation of any reckoning, but a few sheds upon the shore for the use of Fisher-men, and some scattered Villages in the land the People dwelling most on Trees for fear of Tigers.

This Tract in former times possessed by the Kings of Siam, about the year 1258 b• came a kingdome of it self; founded by Paramisera, and some other of the Javan Nobility, who flying the tyranny of their own king, came into this Country, where they were lovingly received by Sangesinga, then reigning under the S•amite, in Sincapura. Him they perfidiously slew, and invested Paramisera in his Dominion. Outed of which by the King of Siam, he was forced to seek a new dwelling, and after two or three Removes, fell upon the place where Malaca now standeth, which City, pleased with the commodiousness of the situation, he is said to have built. The trade of Sincapura in short time removed hither also, which so increased the wealth and power of the Kings hereof, that joyning with the Moores who began to plant themselves on the shores adjoyning, and receiving withall the Law of Mahomet, they began to cast off all subjection to the Kings of Siam, to whom the sonne and Successor of P•ramisera had submitted his new-raised kingdom, and became their Homager. Incensed wherewith, the S•amite about the year 1500 sent out a Navy of 200 Sail to distress it by Sea, and an Army of 30000 men and 400 Elephants to besiege it by land. But before he was able to effect any thing, hindred by Tempests, and the insolencies of some of his Souldiers, the Portugals, in the year 1511, under the conduct of Albuquerque had possessed themselves of it, who built there a Fortress and a Church. And though Alod•nus the sonne of the expelled King (whose name was Mahomet) endeavoured the regaining of his Estate, and that the Saracens, Hollanders, and the kings of For and Achen (two neighbouring Princes) envying the great fortunes of the Portugals, have severally and successively laboured to deprive them of it: yet they still keep it in defiance of all opposition which hath been hitherto made against them.

2. North unto that of Malaca lieth the kingdome of YOR, IOR, or IOHOR; so called of Jor, or Johor, the chief City of it. Inhabited for the most part by Moores, or Saracens, Mahometanism by their means prevailing on the Natives of the Country also. A Kingdom of no great extent, but of so much power, that joining his Land-forces with the Navy of the King of Achen, he besieged Malaca, and built a Royall Fort before it: in which, when taken by Paul de Lima, by the defeat of this king, were found 900 pieces of brass Ordnance. After this, picking a quarrel with the king of Pahan, he burnt his houses, barns, provisions, and the Suburbs of the City it self: but in the course of his affairs, was interrupted by the King of Achen (one of the Kings in the Isle of Sumatra) his old confederate, who after 29 daies siege took the City of Jor. What afterwards became of this king or kingdom, I am not able to resolve. In former times it did acknowlege him of Siam for the Lord in chief.

3. More North-ward yet lieth the kingdome of PATANE, denominated from Patane the chief City of it: but different from Patane, in the other India, as Cleveland in York-shire from Cleveland in Germany; or Holland in the Low-Countries from Holland in Lincoln hire, as hath been fully shewn before. The City made of wood and Reed, but artificially wrought and composed together: the Mesquit onely (most of the people being Mahometans) is built of brick. The Chinois make a great part of the Inhabitants of it, insomuch that in this small City there are spoke three languages, viz. the Chinese, used by that people, the Malayan (or language of Malaca) which is that of the Natives; and the Siam, to the King whereof this small Crown is Feudatary. Built of such light stuff and combustible matter, it must needs be in great danger of fire; and was most miserably burnt in the year 1613 by some Javan Slaves in revenge of the death of some of their Fellows: at which time the whole City was consumed with fire the Mesquit, the Queens Court, and some few houses, excepted onely. The Country governed of late years by Queens, who have been very kind to the English, and Hollanders, granting them leave to erect their Factories in Patane. Not memorable for any great exploit by them performed, but that a late Queen a little before that dismall fire, offended with the King of Pan or Pahan, who had maried her Sister, and reigned in a little Iland not farre off, she sent against him a Fleet of 70 Sail, and 4000 men: by which compelled to correspond with her desires, he brought his Queen and her children with him to make up the breach.

4. The Kingdom of SIAM, strictly and specially so called, is situate on the main-land (the rest before described being in the Chersonese,) betwixt Camboia on the East, Pegu on the West, the kingdome of Muantay on the North, and the main Ocean on the South. The chief Cities of it, 1. Socotai, memorable for a temple made wholly of mettall, 80. spans in height, raised by one of the Kings; it being the custome of this Country, that every king at his first coming to the Crown, is to build a Temple which he adorneth with high S•eples, and many Idols. 2. Quedoa, renowned for the best Pepper, and for that cause very much frequented by forreign Merchants. 3. Tavay, upon the Sea-coast where it joineth to Pegu. Whence measuring along the shores till we come to Champa before mentioned; being all within the Dominions of the king of Siam (not reckoning the Chersonese into this Accompt) we have a Seacoastof the length of 600 Leagues. 4. Lugor, upon the sea-side also, neer that little Isthmus, which joineth the Cherson se to the land; from whence to Malaca is 600 miles sail all along the coast. 5. Calantan, the head City of a little kingdome but subject to the Crown of Siam. 6. Siam, the chief City of this part of the kingdome, which it giveth this name to. A goodly City, and very commodiously seated on the River Menam, for trade and merchandise. So populous and frequented by forreign nations, that besides the natives here are said to be thirty thousand housholds of Arabians. The Houses of it high built, by reason of the Annual deluge, during which time they live in the Upper rooms; and unto every house a boat for the use of the familie. Those of the poorer sort dwell in little sheds made of reed and timber; which they remove from place to place for the best convenience of their markets. And yet so strong that being besiged by the Tanguan Conqueror, then king of Pegu, Anno 1567 with an Army of fourteen hundred thousand fighting men, for the space of 20 moneths together, it resolutely held good against him: not gained at last by force but treason, one of the Gates being set open to him in the dead time of the right, and by that means the City taken. The people hereof are thought to be inclining to Christianity, but hitherto so ill instructed in the principles of it, that they maintain amongst many other strange opinions, that after the end of 2000 years (from what time I know not) the world shall be consumed with fire, and that under the ashes of it shall remain two egs, out of which shall come one man and one woman, who shall people the world anew.

5. MVANTAY the last of these Kingdomes, lieth betwixt Jangoma and Siam: memorable for nothing more then the City of Odia, or Vdi•, the principal of all the Kingdomes of Siam, and the usual residence of those Kings. Situate on the banks of the River Ca•pumo, and containing in it 400000 Inhabitants, of which 50000 are trained to the warres, and in continual re•diness for prelent service. For though this King be Lord of nine several Kingdomes, yet he useth none of them in his wars but the naturall Siamites, and those of this City and the rest of his Subjects of Muant•y. It is said that for the use of this City only (being eated like Venice upon many little Ilands not bridged together) there are no fewer than 200000 skiffes, and shallops; serving to wast the people from one place to another. By means hereof of great strength, and almost impregnable. But being beleagured by the Tanguan or 〈◊〉 Conquerour with ten hundred thousand fighting men (an Army bigge enough to have bury•d a greater City than this; if every man had but cast a shovell full of earth upon it) it was wonne at last.

The Government of these kings of Siam, was absolute heretofore, if not tyrannical, he being sole Lord of all the land in his kingdomes, which he either gave to his Nobles, or Farmed out to Husbandmen, during life or pleasure, but never passed over unto any, the right of Inheritance. And these he grants unto his Subjects, besides rents in money, upon condition to mairtain a determinate number of horse, Foot, and Elephants: thereby inabled without further charge unto the Subject to leavy 20000 Horse, and 250000 Foot for present service; besides far greater numbers out of the residue of his people, if occasion be. And for his ordinary Guard he was said to keep 6000 Souldiers, and 200 Elephants, of which beasts he is reported to have 30000, of which every tenth Elephant is trained up to the war. By reason of so great a power he became Master of the Realms of Camboia, and Champa; held those of M•l•ca, J•r, Pahan, and Patane, as his Vassals and Tributaries with that of Jangoma and the Laos, under his protection. But when the fatal time was come; and that his City of Siam was betrayed to the king of Pegu, he poisoned himself upon the newes; his sonne becoming Tributary to the Peguan Victor. This sonne of his, too much a Prince to be a Subject, reuolted from a sonne of the Peguan, a vicious and tyrannical King, (degenerating from the gallantries of so worthy a Father) by whom he was besieged in Siam with 900000 fighting men. Unable to resist this Army, if he had presently declared such a resolution, he entertained the king with Treaties, and promises of delivering the City to him, till the third moneth after, (which was March) when ordinarily the River was to overflow all the Countrey for 120 miles about: by which sudden and violent inundation, and the sword together (the Siamites waiting diligently for the opportunity) there perished all of this great Army except 70 thousand. After this blow, the conquering Siamite Anno 1600 besieged and endangered the City of Pegu, of which more annon: and dying in the year 1605. left his estate unto his Brother. Whose sonne succeeding, settled a Factory in Siam of the English Merchants Anno 1612. and was in a fair way of obtaining the soveraignty of Pegu, then destroyed and wasted; if the violent and unresitable coming of the king of Barms had not crossed him in it; to whom now subject with the rest of the Indian Princes on that side of the River.

And so much for INDIA.

1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome.

INDIA, or the EAST INDIES; which (according to its form and disposition of its Estates) may be divided into three several Parts; to wit,

  • The Empire of the GREAT MOGOLL, which comprehendeth that which is upon the Main Land, wherein are contained several Kingdoms or Provinces; the chief of which are,
    • Cabul, — Cabul.
    • Attock, — Attock.
    • Multan, — Multan.
    • Candahar, — Candahar.
    • Buckor, — Buckor-Suckor.
    • Tatta,
      • Tatta,
      • Diul.
    • Soxet, — Janagar.
    • Cassimere, — Sirinaker.
    • Bankish, — Beishar.
    • Kabares, — Dankalar.
    • Naugracut, — Naugracut.
    • Siba, — Serenegar.
    • Jamba, — Jamba.
    • Bakar, — Bikaner.
    • Samball, — Samball.
    • Gor, — Gor.
    • Kanduana, — Barabantaka.
    • Patna, — Patna,
    • Jesual, — Rajapore.
    • Udessa, — Jekanac.
    • Mevat, — Narvall.
    • Pitan, — Pitan.
    • Guzurate, or Cambaya,
      • Surat,
      • Baroche,
      • Cambaya,
      • Armadabad,
      • Diu.
    • Chitor, — Chitor.
    • Malway, — Rantipore.
    • Candis, — Brampore.
    • Berar, — Shapor.
    • Gualeor, — Gualeor.
    • Narrar, — Gehud.
    • Bengala,
      • Bengala,
      • Chatigan,
      • Goura,
      • Halabass,
      • Satigan.
    • Lahor, — Lahor.
    • Jenupar, — Jenupar.
    • Jesselmere, — Gislemere.
    • Bando, — Bando.
    • Delly, — Delly.
    • Agra, — Agra.
  • The Peninsula of INDIA without the GANGES, and Westwards, and between the Mouths of the INDUS and the GANGES; with its several Kingdoms, or Countries of
    • DECAN,
      • Amedanager,
      • Chaul,
      • Visapor▪
      • Paranda,
      • Goa,
      • Doltabad.
      • Golconda,
      • Musulipatan.
      • Onor,
      • Bisnagar,
      • Trivalur,
      • Gingi,
      • Negapatan,
      • Sadrapatan, or Fort St. George.
      • Maliapur,
      • Geld•ia.
      • Madure,
      • Tutucori, and Manancor.
    • MALABAR,
      • Calicut,
      • Cochin,
      • Cananor,
      • Coulan,
      • Cranganor,
      • Cotate,
      • Cota,
      • Changanara.
  • The Peninsula of INDIA within the GANGES, and Eastwards; wherein are contained several Kingdoms, Countries, Isles, &c. the chief among which are
    • PEGU,
      • Pegu,
      • Brema,
      • Canarane,
      • Ava,
      • Tinco, and Prom.
    • SIAN,
      • Odiaa,
      • Banckock,
      • Lugor,
      • Martaban,
      • Camboya,
      • Sacortay.
    • Peninsula of MALACCA,
      • Tanasserin,
      • Juncalaon,
      • Queda,
      • Pera,
      • Malacca,
      • Ihor,
      • Patane.
      • Palocacein,
      • Keccio.
    • ISLES in the Gulph of SIAN, among which are
      • Macara,
      • Panian,
      • Goeteinficos.
    • ISLES in the Gulph of BENGALA, among which are,
      • Chubedu,
      • Chudube,
      • Durondiva,
      • Dos Cocos,
      • Andemaan.
  • The Empire of the GREAT MOGOLL; with its several Kingdoms, or Provinces, as they lie
    • Westwards, and towards PERSIA, from the first Streams of the INDUS unto its falling into the Sea, are those of
      • Cabul,
        • Cabul,
        • Gaidel.
      • Attock,
        • Attock,
        • Pucko.
      • Multan,
        • Multan,
        • Seerpore.
      • Candahar,
        • Candahar,
        • Gusbecunna.
      • Buckor,
        • Buckor-Suckor,
        • Rauree.
      • Tatta,
        • Tatta,
        • Diul,
        • Lourebander.
      • Hajacan,
        • Chatzan,
        • Dunki.
      • Soret,
        • Janagar,
        • Cacha.
    • On the North, and between the Mountains which divide this Empire from TARTARIA, or between the Springs of the GANGES and the INDUS, are
      • Cassimere,
        • Syrinakar,
        • Chonab.
      • Bankish, — Beithar.
      • Kakares,
        • Dankalar,
        • Purhola,
      • Naugracut,
        • Naugracut,
        • Callamaka.
    • On this side, or without the GANGES; where are those of
      • Siba,
        • Hardware,
        • Serenegar.
      • Jamba,
        • Jamba.
        • Balcery.
      • Bakar, — Bikaner.
      • Samball,
        • Samball,
        • Menepore,
        • Chappergat.
    • Within the GANGES, are those of
      • Gor, — Gor.
      • Kanduana, — Barakantaka.
      • Patna, — Patna.
      • Jesual, — Rajapore.
      • Udessa, — Jekanac.
      • Mevat. — Narvall.
      • Pitan,
        • Pitan,
        • Camojo.
    • Southernly, and towards the Gulphs of BENGALA and CAMBAYA, and the Peninsula of INDIA within the GANGES, are those of
      • Guzurate, or Chambaya,
        • Surat,
        • Baroche,
        • Cambaya,
        • Armadabad,
        • Agra,
        • Diu,
        • Brodra,
        • Cheytepour,
        • Bisantagan,
        • Mangalor,
        • Jaquete.
      • Chitor,
        • Chitor,
        • Chitapur.
      • Malway,
        • Rantipore,
        • Ougel,
        • Narvar.
      • Candis,
        • Brampore,
        • Mandow,
        • Pala.
      • Ranas, — Gurchitto.
      • Berar, — Shapor.
      • Gualeor,
        • Gualeor,
        • War.
      • Narvar, — Gehud.
    • Bengala, with its Parts of
      • Patan,
        • Bengala,
        • Chatigan,
        • Goura,
        • Patana,
        • Tanda,
        • Daca, and Bannara.
      • Prurop,
        • Ragmehel,
        • Holobass.
      • Bengala,
        • Satigan,
        • Mandaran,
        • Ougely,
        • Xore,
        • Bellesor, and Angara.
    • In the Middle of the EMPIRE; and are those of
      • Lahor,
        • Lahor,
        • Fetipore,
        • Temmeri, and Guzurat.
      • Jenupar,
        • Jenupar,
        • Sirima,
        • Tanasser.
      • Hendowns,
        • Hendowne,
        • Mearta.
      • Jesselmere,
        • Gislemere,
        • Moulto,
        • Radinpore.
      • Bando,
        • Bando,
        • Toury,
        • Asmere.
      • Delly,
        • Delly,
        • Acarnapori.
      • Agra,
        • Agra,
        • Secandra,
        • Fetipore,
        • Scanderbade, and Ilay.
  • The Peninsula of INDIA without the Ganges: In which are the several Kingdoms, or Countries of
    • DECAN, with its Parts of
      • Decan, particularly so called,
        • Amedanager,
        • Chaul,
        • Dabul.
      • Cunkan,
        • Visapor,
        • Soliapor,
        • Paranda,
        • Goa,
        • Pagode,
        • Zanguizara.
      • Balaguate,
        • Lispor,
        • Beder,
        • Doltabad.
      • Golconda,
      • Musulipatan,
      • Guadavari,
      • Vixaopatan,
      • Narsingupatan,
      • Orixa,
      • Palhor,
      • Calecote.
    • BISNAGAR, or NARSINGUE; with its Estates and Coasts of
      • Canara,
        • Onor,
        • Gorcopa,
        • Barcelor,
        • Baticala,
        • Magalor,
        • Bacanor.
      • Bisnagar, particularly so called,
        • Bisnagar,
        • Narsingue,
        • Vellur,
        • Cangevaran,
        • Cirangapatan,
        • Trivalur,
        • Tripity.
      • Gingi,
        • Gingi,
        • Cindambaram,
        • Chistapatama.
      • Tanjaor,
        • Tanjaor,
        • Castan,
        • Trinidi.
      • Maritim Places in BISNAGAR, GINGI, and TANJAOR, bearing and known by the name of the Coast of Choromandel.
        • Negapatan,
        • Triminapatan,
        • Trangabar,
        • Coloran,
        • Fort St. George, or Sadrapatan,
        • Maliapur,
        • Paliacate,
        • Chiricole,
        • Musulipatan,
        • Caletur,
        • Gueldria,
        • Pentapou••.
      • Madure,
        • Madure,
        • Brimaon,
        • Periapata•,
        • Punicale.
      • Maritim Places of MADURE, and called the Coast of Pescheria,
        • Jacancury,
        • Manapar,
        • Vaipar,
        • Trichandur,
        • Chereacale,
        • Tutucori,
        • Isle of Kings,
        • Bembar,
        • Calecure,
        • Mananco,
        • C•••mcir•.
    • MALABAR, with its serveral Kingdoms, or Provinces, to wit,
      • On the Sea, or Coast of Malabar, as
        • Calicut, — Calicut.
        • Cochin, — Cochin.
        • Cananor, — Cananor.
        • Coulan, — Coulan.
        • Chambais, — Chambais.
        • Montigue, — Montigue.
        • Badara, — Badara.
        • Tanor, — Tanor.
        • Cranganor, — Cranganor.
        • Porca, — Porca.
        • Calecoulan, — Calecoulan.
        • Travancor, — Travancor.
        • Cotate, — Cotate.
      • In the High Land, as
        • Cota, — Cota.
        • Auriola, — Auriola.
        • Cottagan, — Cottagan.
        • Bipur, — Bipur.
        • Coucura, — Coucura.
        • Panur, — Panur.
        • Curiga, — Curiga.
        • Muterte, — Muterte.
        • Marta, — Marta.
        • Batimena, — Batimena.
      • In the Mountains, as
        • Mangat, — Mangat.
        • Paru, — Paru.
        • Pimienta, — Pimienta.
        • Changanara, — Changanara.
        • Trivalar, — Trivalar.
        • Panapelli, — Panapelli.
        • Angamala, — Angamala.
        • Ticancutes, — Ticancutes.
        • Punhali, — Punhali.
        • Caranarette, — Caranarette.
        • Pande, — Pande...
  • The Peninsula of INDIA within the Ganges: In which are the Kingdoms, Countries, Isles, &c. of
    • PEGU, with its Kingdoms or Parts of
      • Martavan,
      • Manar,
      • Tangu,
      • Marsin,
      • Jangoma,
      • Brama,
      • Pegu,
      • Brema,
      • Canarane,
      • Pandior,
      • Mandranelle,
      • Cassubi,
      • Boldia,
      • Ava,
      • Tinco,
      • Prom,
      • Tolema,
      • Largara,
      • Tipoura,
      • Chacomas,
      • Maon,
      • Arracan,
      • Dogon,
      • Ledoa,
      • Cosmi,
      • Xara,
      • Dunbacaon,
      • Chibode.
    • SIAN, with its Kingdoms or Estates of
      • Sian,
        • Odiaa,
        • Banckock,
        • Ogmo,
        • Lugor,
        • Mirgin,
        • Sacotay,
        • Juropi•an.
      • Martaban,
        • Martaban,
        • Macur•a,
        • Cuidad de los Reyes▪
        • Macaon.
      • Jangoma, — Jangoma.
      • Camboia,
        • Camboya,
        • Ravecca,
        • Langor,
        • Carol,
        • Tarvana,
    • Peninsula of MALACCA, whose Parts
      • Towards the Gulph of BENGALA, and Westwards, are
        • Tanasserin, — Tanasserin.
        • Juncaldon, — Juncaldon.
        • Queda, — Queda.
        • Pera, — Pera.
        • Malacca. — Malacca.
      • Towards the Gulph of SIAN, and Eastwards, are
        • Ihor, — Ihor.
        • Pahang, — Pahang,
        • Patane, — Patane.
        • Singora, — Singora.
        • Brodelong, — Brodelong.
        • Ligor, — Ligor.
    • COCHIN-CHINA, with its Kingdoms, People, &c. of
      • COCHIN-CHINA, particularly so called, with its Provinces of
        • Chiampaa, — Pulocacein.
        • Ranran, — Baday.
        • Pulocanbis, — Naroman.
        • Quagiva, — Ciomoy.
        • Cacciam,
          • Cacciam,
          • Faifo,
          • Turaoh.
        • Sinuva, — Sinuva.
      • TUNQUIN, with its Parts or Provinces of
        • Bochin, whose chief place is Keccio.
        • Ghean, whose chief place is Keccio.
        • Tinhoa, whose chief place is Keccio.
        • Beramar, whose chief place is Keccio.
        • Kedom, whose chief place is Keccio.
        • Kenam, whose chief place is Keccio.
        • Kethay, whose chief place is Keccio.
      • The People called the Layes.
      • The Kingdom of Ciocangue.
      • The People called the
        • Gueyes.
        • Timocoves.
    • ISLES seated in the Gulph of SIAN, viz.
      • Macara.
      • Panian,
      • Cara.
      • Goeteinficos▪
      • Tyamciefi.
      • Cosyn.
    • ISLES seated in the Ocean, called the Gulph of BENGALA; viz.
      • Chubedu,
      • Chudube,
      • Ledoa,
      • Dos Alevantados,
      • Durondiva Siriaon,
      • Sobollas,
      • Dos Cocos,
      • Andemaon,
      • Dos Caboses,
      • Tanassesi,
      • Tavay,
      • Alta,
      • Crara,
      • Caremubar,
      • Raza,
      • Dos Sombreros de Palm,
      • Siano,
      • Sambilano,
      • Batun,
      • Pera,
      • Pinaon,
      • Ganal de St. Jorgo,
      • Nicubar.

1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.


E. China, W. Persia, N. Tartary, with Taurus between, S. Sea; extended from the one hundred and sixth, to the one hundred sixty ninth degree of Longitude; and from the Aequator to the forty fourth degree of Northern Latitude: affording a double encrease, and blessed with Mines of Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones, with Mettals of all kind, except Copper, and Lead; and Cattle, except Horses, and Fruit, except Wheat and Vines; all Spices, Civets, and medicinal Drugs; besides that, it is famous for all sorts of Camels, Parrats, Apes, Dragons, Serpents, Rhinocerats, and Elephants: The Inhabitants, 1 Indians. 2 Moors, 3 Jews. 4 Tartars. 5 And Merchants-Portugez, Spaniards, English or Dutch: Civil, plain-dealing proud only in Perfumes, and Jewels, (living on Barley, Rice Milk, Honey, &c.) The women in Lawn, so fond, that they dye with their husbands, that bought them for a Yoke of Oxen; though they have a barbarous custome, that the Brach-mans or Priests should lye with them the first night they are married; and that of killing their Friends before they are aged. Ten Mountains of Note for precious Stones. Two Rivers, 1 Indus now Naugrocat, falling after a course of nine hundred miles into the Sea in seven months. 2 Ganges eight miles broad in the narrowest place. On this side which is called India intra Gangem. E. Gulf Bengala, W. Persia, and Arabian Sea, N. Taurus, S. Cape Commari; having eighteen or nineteen Rivers, discovered after three attempts by the Portugez, while the Spaniards were busie in making a discovery of the new World, 1502. Fifteen Provinces, and forty seven Kingdomes under the great Mogul.

Dulsinga, S. Cambaia, N. Tartary, E. Indus, W. Persia, temperate where

  1. Healthy Chusmair in a most delicate and rich valley.
  2. the Fort Roree.
  3. Sestan.
  4. Multun, three leagues from the Indus, the ordinary through-fare of the Caravans in the way from Lahor to Spahan, forced to stay there four dayes to enrich the town: good for nothing but Bows and Arrows.
  5. The Fort Duchee in the Streights of the mountains to secure the Caravans.

Over against Dulsinda Pengab, where

  1. is Lahor, on the Eastern banks of the Indus, the chief Staple for Spices, carried by land to Persia, and by water to Europe.
  2. S•ltan Puarre.
  3. Athe•, in the way you come from Lahore to China.

Mountanous Mandao, N. Pengab, where

  1. Mandao on the River Mandavo of good note, eighteen miles round.
  2. Moltan, where the women go booted and spurred.

Thievish Delly, and its swift Dromedaries, W. Mandao; hath

  1. Delly, a great City of pleasure.
  2. D•ceti.
  3. Tremel, on the W. River Mandova.

Well-watered, and rich Agra, N. Delly, and Mandao; where

  1. Agra, strong and populous on the North bank of the River Jemena.
  2. Decayed Fate-pore, or Feti-barri.
  3. Impregnable Hendee.
  4. Biant, where the best Indico; for the making whereof here are twelve Mills.

Sanga, N. Agra,

  1. Azmor, one hundred eighty miles from Agra, at each three miles end, of which there is an Inn built for Pilgrims.
  2. Citor, in the middle way between Surat and Agra.

Cambaia, E. W. Welly and Ma•da•, S. Sea, where

Insinda the first Province thereof is

  1. Lawribander in the out-let of Indus, three dayes journey from Geta Negar Tutta (on the banks of the Indus, a town of great trade, frequented by Portugez, who return Pepper for such Indian Commodities as come hither from Lahore) to which it is the Port-town; much frequented, because free from wormes, which about Surat disable the ships.
  2. Sarrama the middle Town.
  3. Nuraquimire, beyond a desart.
  4. Radempoore neer it.
  5. Calwalla, given the women to bring up their Daughters to Dance.

In Robbing Guzarate, N. Sinda. S. Sea, E. Indus, W. Persia.

  1. Diu. looking towards Persia, in the mouth of the Indus, possessed by the Spice-Traders of Portugal; the first news of the taking of which was brought to to Lisbon by Jo. Botelius from India, in a Vessel of eighteen foot long, and six foot broad.
  2. Boldra.
  3. Medabat, on the Rivers side as big as Paris, much frequented by all Merchants.
  4. Ardovat not far from it.
  5. Saringa.
  6. Poriana.
  7. Sherfo, the Sepulchre of their Kings.

In Cambaja, N. Mandao, S. Decan, Surat, W. Sea, abounding in Rice, Wheat, Sugar, Spices, and choice fruits of all sorts; great store of Silk and Cotton, Diamonds, Chalcedonies, Onyx-stone, and Cornelines, or as we call them Cornelians; and the rare Beast Abades, twice as big as a Bull, with an impenetrable skin, and a little horn on their Snouts. Where the people never marry out of their own Trades or Tribes, especially the Banians who are kind of Pythagoreans.

  1. Cambaja, three miles round, and from the Indus.
  2. Barrocho, S. of it where good Calicoes.
  3. Welfortified and orcharded Surat, with its Pomgranates, Melons, Figs and Lemmons, the residence of an English Factory, that hath a great trade in the Bay of Swalley, ten miles off.
  4. Neriand and its Indico.
  5. Daman, a pleasant town of the Portugez, upon the Sea-side over against Diu.
  6. High and impregnable Campanel and Dacaiotote.
  7. Netherby and Bandore, great Markets for Brazen ware, Beasts, and Armour.

Decan, N. Cambria, W. Sea, on the Sea-Coast for two hundred and fifty miles.

  1. Decan, and the rich and well-guarded Diamond-hill neer it.
  2. Bider, a Royal City Northward.
  3. As Visapore was.
  4. Danagur.
  5. Sintacora, on the mouth of the River Aliga.
  6. The great Empory Goa, fifteen mile round in the Island Ticuarinum over against the out-let of Mandavo, one of the Keys to the Indies, possessed by the Portugals.
  7. The Sea-town Chaul theirs too.
  8. The beautiful and well-traded town Brampore, on a great River like London, not far from the strong fort Syra.

Canara, N. Decan, S. Malabar, W. Sea hath

  1. Melinde.
  2. Onor.
  3. Patticalia.
  4. Mangalor all Ports of good trade for Sugars▪ Figgs▪ Corn held by the Portugez.
  5. Lispor and its quarries of Adamant.
  6. Solset, and its Peninsula.

Malabar, N. Canara the River Gangeraco between E. Narsinga, and the mountain Gate• between, S. W. Sea, plentiful for Ginger, Cinnamon, Cassia, Pepper, and the Dates that yields Wine, Oyl, Sugar, fine Cloa•• and Cordage; and another bearing Cotton, Cypr•ss and cobweb Lawn the leaves Sattin and Taffata, be•des Apes, Monkeyes, Parrats, and Paraquitoes.

  1. Connor, in the Province or Connor, with a fair and capacious haven, much frequented by Merchants, especially Portugez, who have a Citadel here.
  2. Cora.
  3. Peripatum.
  4. Marabia.
  5. Main.
  1. Calicute, in the Province of Calicute on the Sea three miles, a place or great trade, where the Eastern and European Merchants meet.
  2. Chale, a Fort.
  3. Chatua.
  4. Purtangale.
  5. Tanor.
  6. Cranganor, commodious for trade, at the mouth of a River in the Province of Cran Ganor on the S. of Calicate, full of St. Thomas's Christians.
  7. Cochin, a well-traded, and well-havened town in the outlet of Mangat, in a Province of that name, S. Cranganor forty leagues on the shore.
  8. Caicholam, a much frequented Port-town in Caicolam.
  9. Caulan neer Caicolam, with its commodious haven much resorted to by forreign Merchants for Pepper and other Spices.
  10. Quilacor in Trevandor, whither the Kings of that place after twelve years Reign go, and on a Scaffold cut their Noses, Eares and Lips, and at last their throats.

Narsinga, S. Trevancor, E. Gulf Bengala: here is

  1. Cael neer Trevancor, where they fish for Pearl.
  2. Golconda.
  3. Chamdagrin, a seat-Royal.
  4. Perepti, where at an yearly feast they offered two hundred thousand Crowns.
  5. Madura.
  6. Chadamburam.
  7. Maliaper, or St. Thomas re-peopled, with a Colony of Portuguez.
  8. Choromandel, a place of Trade, giving name to all the Sea-coast about it on the west side of the Gulf of Bengala, with Casta. Negapatan, Tarnassari desolate Bisnagar, and Royal Narsinga.

Oristan, S. Narsinga, Botanter, E. Gulf of Bengala, a fair Sea-coast of three hundred and fifty miles in length, i. e. from Cape Guadarino between it and Narsinga to Cape Leogorae between it and Bengala.

  1. Orissa, on the Sea side, well traded for Rice, Cloth of Cotton, the Stuff Yerva like Silk; together with long Pepper, Ginger, Mirabolins, &c.
  2. Royal Cateoba.
  3. The wel-traffiqued Port Angeli, at the bottom of the Gulf of Bengala.
  4. Poor Bacola.

Botanter, S. Onstan, W. the sacred River Guenga, E. Ganges; where the people have ears of a span length, never washing for fear of defiling the water; where is Bottia, Clamur-Kukares (a Staple for the sale of their Cloath to the Chinois, and Tartarian Merchants) Couche, where they kill not their Cattle, but keep Hospitals for them when they are old.

Patanau, N. Botanter; 1 Large, but thatched Patane. 2 Holy and Pilgrim Bannaras on the holy Ganges. 3 Siripur. 4 Ciandecan, on the bottom of the Gulf of Bergala. 5 Satagan.

Bengala, N. Patanaw, E. Pegu, S. W. Gulf of Bengala on the Gulf and River three hundred and sixty miles long hath 1 Be•gala on the Ganges, rich in trade for Silk and Cotton long Pepper, Ginger, Sugar, Wheat and Rice: the people subtil and skilled in Phylosophy, Physick and Astronomy: richer in Pilgrimages to the Holy Water of Ganges, with Gatigan, a well-traded port in the bottom of the Gulf of Bengala. 3 Taxada, decayed in trade by an alteration in the Channel. 4 Porrow Grande, and Porror Pequeno, two Lawless Asylums, with the Islands Basse, Cainam, Islas de Pracel, where was reported such store of Adamants, as drew ships thither, if they were not pinned with wooden pins.

In India Extra Gangen, or the continent beyond Ganges is

Brama, W. Ganges, N. Cathay in Tartary, E. Cauchin-china, S. Pega, now Barma, rich in mines of Gold and Silver; Rubies and Mask much traded to by Portugez: and there 1 Calam. 2 Bacan. 3. Mira•da. 4 Me•inta. 5 Prom. 6 Ava. 7 Tangu, and 8 Brama, where is the tree called Moses, which they take to be the Tree of Life.

Cauchinchina, W. Brama, E. China, N. Tartary, S. Camboia, rich in Aloes, Silks, Taffata, and other Stuffs, Gold. Silver, Porcellane earth, wrought into Chi•aware (well counterfeited among us by drawing a white crust on our Potters Earth) Powder, Guns, where is the City Cauchin-china, on a River of China, running into a capacious Bay, with the Island Aimo, where they fish for pearls, commanded by Portugez.

Camboia, N. Cauchin-china abounding in Elephants, and Rhinocerots or Abades, Aloes, Gold, and the sweet-wood Calumba, where is the well-traded City of Comboia, on the River Mecon, as the Staple for the Commodities of this Country. 2 Cudurmuch on the same River. 3 Coul on the sea-side.

Jangoma W. Pegu, E. Camboia, N. Brama, S. Siam, a barbarous place not observable.

Siam, N. Jangoma and Pegu, E. S. W. Sea, a Peninsula, called formerly the Golden Chersonesse, rich in Gold, Silver, Tin, &c. Pepper, Elephants and Horses.

  1. Malaca, a noted Empory for the space of two hundred and seventy miles, especially at the City Malaca on the River Gaza, unwholesom indeed, but of great trade for Spices, Oyntments, Gold, Silver, Pearls, and precious stones, especially since the Portugals removed the trade from Sincapura, a Mart neer the Promontory Magnum hither. 3 Palo Zambilan, whence to Sincapura, about the Southern Cape, called Cape Liampo, two hundred and seventy miles.
  2. Johor and Patane, the Queens whereof have been so kind to the English and the Dutch, as to permit them Factories there, 1612.
  3. Siam, particularly so called, where is, 1 Socatus. 2 Quedoa, and the best Pepper. 3 Tavai, Lugor on the Sea side. 4 Siam, commodiously seated, and much frequented for trade, and Merchandise on the River Menam.
  4. Muantay, between Jangoma and Siam, memorable for the third Empory of the Indies Odia or Ʋdie on the Banks of the River Caipumo, where two hundred thousand Skiffs and Shallops, attend to waft people from place to place.

Pegu, E. Jangoma and Siam, N. Barma, W. S. Gulf of Bengala, where besides 1 Verma. 2 Machin, where neither Port nor Haven; is, 3 Orachan, in which Province is; 1 Dianger ruined. 2 Sundiva, in an Island well fortified. 3 Arrachan, on a capacious River thirty leagues distance from the Sea. 4 Martavan, with its chief City Martavan, rich in Rice, Iron, Lead, Steel, Brass, Silver, Gold, Sugar-Canes, and other woods odoriferous, and medicinal, scituated on a capacious Haven all the year open; and what is rare, here free from Sands, even in the winter time. 5 Pegu, lying like a Crescent on the Gulf of Bengala, eminent for Rubies, Civet-cats, Lacca (Gum made by Ants there, as Wax is made by Bees here) Elephants, and the best Parrats; the people whereof say, they were begotten between a Dog and a China Woman cast on the shore. Here are 1 Woody Cosmi. 2 Jacabel. 3 Dian. 4 Coilan. 5 Lanagon. 6 Silvan pede. 7 Meccao, (where such goods are unloaded as are carried by land to Pegu) with its strong Castle. 8 Siriang, a strong place in the mouth of Pegu. on whose Banks most of the foresaid places lye; as doth the most beautiful, rich, and well-traded Pegu, in the Old part whereof the Merchants live, as the King doth in the New; most of these places under Kings of their own, that daily make war upon one another, but the greatest amongst them is, the rich, and absolute Prince, the Mogul.

1685. Geographia universalis: the present state of the whole world by Pierre Duval.


THe Name of India, and that of Indostan, is given to the Empire of the Mogul, and has two great Peninsula's on this, and on the other side the Ganges. They call by the Name of Indies, the Islands of the Oriental Sea, the Coasts of Persia, and Arabia, and those of Africa towards the East: The Coasts of Africa, upon the Ocean, on this side the Cape of Good Hope, and of America, are known under Name of the West-Indies, by those who frequent the Sea. The principal Tongues, that have any vogue in the East-Indies, are the Canarine in and about Goa; the Malabar, in the Countrey of the same Name; the Guzerate in Cambaia, Coromondel, Bisnagar, and Bengala; the Malaize in Malucca, Sumatra, the Java's, and the Moluccoes; that of the Maldive Isles is wholly peculiar: Arabick is employed only for Religion and the Sciences, just as Latin is in Europe. Portuguese is spoken in all the places, which were first conquered by the Crown of Portugal, tho' some of those places be at present possess'd by other Nations of Europe.

The Peninsula of India, intra Gangem.

THis Peninsula is the Countrey which is particularly call'd India. It has two Parts, separated by the Mountains of Guate, which advance from the North to the South, with several delicate Plains on their top, and which cause divers Seasons at the same time towards the East and West; Summer being on the one side, and Winter on the other. It has above fifty Kings, the most powerful of whom, do, by little and little, encroach upon the Dominions of the others. The Portugals, English, and particularly the Hollanders, have Towns near the Sea, with Fortresses, for the security of Trade, which is commonly of Spices, Jewels, Pearls, and Cotton-Cloth. It has the conveniency of several Woods for the building of Ships: the Portugals, making use of this advantage, cause several Carracks to be made at Bazaim. The Towns of the Europeans are upon the Sea; farther in the Land there are others of the same Name, which belong to the Natives of the Countrey, and are only distinguish'd from one another by their high scituation. The Fig-tree Leaves are in those parts so great, that they serve those of the Countrey for Coverlets and Table-Cloths. Amongst the several Religions, there is that of certain Christians, whose Predecessours were instructed by St. Thomas.

Decan has Visapor for its Capital, five Leagues in circuit, the abode of Idalcan, or Idal-Schach, a Mahometan King. He still defends himself against the Mogul, who had taken from him several places, and no longer pays him any Tribute. Goa is the Residence of the Portugal Vice-Roy, and the Arsenal of that Crown for the East-Indies. Some esteem the Hospital of Goa, finer, richer, and better served, than that of the Holy Ghost at Rome, or the Infirmery of Maltha. It is a spacious City, but the excessive heats are mortal to many persons: those who are bound hither, touch at two small Islands, five Leagues from the Town, and there they take in Pilots, who commonly bring them into the Port of Mormogan, one of the best of Asia.

Malabar is a very level Countrey, with a good pleasant Coast, and inhabited by people, who know no other Trade, than that of Piracy. There blows, in Winter, a Wind which so moves the neighbouring Sea, that it rouls a vast quantity of the Sand into the Entrance of the Harbours, so as then small Barks cannot come in: In Summer, another Wind, quite contrary, is so violent, that it carries away the Sand clearly, and lays open the Navigation. The great number of Rivers there, renders Horses of little use, principally for War. Those Rivers fatten the Land, nourish Crocodiles, whose flesh is good to eat, and serve for the transportation of Victuals and Spiceries. The Malabarians pass a whole day without eating, by taking two Grains of a Paste, called Anfian, which they have come from Cambaia: they are oblig'd to continue this nourishment, and if they once left it off, they could not live four days to an end. The Children in this Countrey do not succeed their Fathers; those of their Sisters inherit, as being certainly the next of Blood. The Wives burn themselves after the death of their Husbands, to shew, that they will not survive them. A few years ago, two hundred of these Women took this course, after the death of the Naique of Madura, a small Territory bordering upon Malabar; since which, that Law has been moderated, in favour of the Widows. The greatest Ears are the most beautiful, because they have room to fasten more Jewels than the small. Calecut is a trading Town, whither the Portuguese resorted with a less favourable success than at Cochim, where they obtained leave for the making a Cittadel, the first Fortress they had in the East-Indies. The Hollanders took it from them in the Year 1662. The Prince of Calecut calls himself Zamorin: He pretends a Tribute from the Kings of Malabar. Besides this Prince, there are in this Countrey the Kings of Cananor, of Tanor, of Cranganor, of Cochim, of Coulan, of Travancor, and ten or twelve others of small consideration. Tamul gives its name to a particular Language; besides the Malaize Tongue, there are others, which they call the Bagadan and the Grandonique. Cochim, which comes near the bigness of Goa, pays a Tribute to the Hollanders, who stand possess'd of its Fortress, as we have already said: The Haven of it is not good by reason of the Rocks and Shelves which are at its entrance. Coulan is now neither so rich nor so populous, as it was when it had above a hundred thousand Inhabitants. Zamorin consider'd it for its Situation, its Harbour, and Loyalty. The Sand of the Sea having stopped up its Haven, Goa and Calecut have taken from it all its Commerce. Onor has Pepper very heavy, and black Rice, which is better than the White.

After Malabar, and towards the East, is the Coast of Fishing, otherwise called Manar, where they Fish for Pearls, where the Market is held at Tuticorin. This Country, wherein are about thirty small Cities, is dry and burnt. It obeys, for the most part, a Naique of Madura; the Hollanders stand possess'd of the small Island of the Kings with some Fortresses, which render them Masters of the Passages of the Banks of Manar. They gather Amber-grease on this Coast; near Cape Comorrin was formerly found a piece of Amber-grease, which is said to have weighed thirty Quintals.

Coromandel, or Corobander, is so called from the Rice, which it produces in abundance: It has the Havens of Meliapour and St. Thomas, where that Apostle fore-told, that White People would arrive in their Country, which was verified by the coming of the Portugals. By some it is observed, in the Descendents of those who put that Holy Apostle to death, that they have one Leg much greater than the other. The Sea being here high and rough at all times, the small Vessels chuse rather to retire to Pallecate, and the great to Negapatan.

Narsinga and Bisnagar, otherwise Karnatek, have Amethists, Saphirs, and other precious Stones. The King of Narsinga, who is the Raja of Velou, whose Territories advance towards Cape Comorin, stiles himself the King of Kings, and the Husband of a thousand Wives. The City of Bisnagar is upon a Mountain with a Cittadel. There are on this Coast the Naiques or Princes of Madura, Tanaior, and Gingi; and, in their Dominions, Inhabitants, who have pleasant Imaginations: they make the number of their Gods mount to thirty three Millions. They say, that the Globe of the Earth is supported with a Serpent, arm'd with a thousand Heads, on which all the World is pois'd; that this Serpent is born by eight Elephants, who stand upon the Back-bone of a Tortoise, which of its self remains firm and motionless even with the Water. They also multiply the Seas, and make seven different ones of them; the one of Water, the other of Milk, the third of Cream, the fourth of Butter, the fifth of Salt, the sixth of Sugar, and the seventh of Wine. These small States have rose out of the ruins of that of Narsinga. The late Relations make mention of the Kingdom of Messur, bordering upon that of Madura, of the Moravan People being very Warlike, and of the Land of Thieves.

There are several Apes in the Woods of this Country, where People take the Diversion of making them fight to get Rice.

Golconda belongs to a Mahometan King, of the Sect of the Persiaens; there is a Mine of Diamonds, so abounding, that in the Year 1622. the King caused it to be stopped up for some time, for fear that the too great quantity would render them common, or that the Mogul might have a desire to possess it. This Mine is at the foot of a Mountain, where are sometimes a hundred thousand Workmen. There are also Mines of Iron and Steel, the Steel that is drawn from thence passes for the best of all the Levant. The Inhabitants of this Countrey are very much addicted to Traffick; though the Countrey be Mountainous and Sandy, yet it produces great plenty of Rice. The King has so many Customs and Imposts, that there accrue to him from thence above twenty Millions. They speak Talenga in this Kingdom, and reckon by Gauts, each of which comes to six thousand paces. The City of Golconda is one of the most beautiful and strongest of all India; it is also one of the greatest, being divided into three Citites. Badnaguar, otherwise Hidraband, where is the King's Palace, though it be without Walls; Golconda, where is the Cittadel; Emanjour, upon a River which separates it from the former. The King's Palace is the most magnificent of all those of India, it is twelve Miles compass: Gold is there employed to such uses as we employ Iron for. Mazalpatan, an unwalled Town, has narrow Streets and low Houses; it is strong by Situation, in a marshy place, where it has a Bridg of fifteen thousand paces in length. Its Harbour or Road is half a League from the City, commodious for all sorts of Ships: most Europeans have their Factors here. The Inhabitants of the Town drive a great Trade in Stained or Painted Cloaths, and other Works of Cotton, so delicately wrought, and with such lively Colours, that they are more esteemed than those of Silk. The Fortress of Condapoli has six Fortifications one upon another, each with its conveniency, and Lands capable of nourishing its Garrison. There are sixty other places of defence in the Kingdom of Golconda.

The Peninsula of India, extra Gangem.

IN this part of India is a great number of good and great Rivers, which render it fertile by their Inundations, and which afford the means of Transporting thence the same Merchandizes as from the Neighbouring Countries. The Elephants do great service, principally when Fire has seized on any place, for then they pull down, with a wonderful dispatch and dexterity, the Houses neighbouring on those which are burning; upon a certain signal from him who governs them, they take away with their Trunk the Roof of the House that is shew'd them, and Butt down the Walls that remain, without going beyond the Order that is given them. The Inhabitants of these Countries are for the most part Pagans, and live in a state of War under divers Kings, in whose Dominions are daily wrought some Changes or other, the most powerful still becoming Masters of the weakest.

Aracan is fertile in Grains and Silver-Mines.

Pegu was very considerable, when it comprehended two Emperors and twenty six Kingdoms: It is much decayed and fallen from its grandeur, through the Wars it sustain'd against the King of Siam, for the maintaining itself in the possession of a White Elephant. This Elephant was in so much the greater esteem amongst the Indians, in that they firmly believed, that their Xaca, or Prophet, was Metamorphosed into such an Animal. In the Year 1661. the Tartar, Victorious over China, push'd on his Conquests thither, in pursuing Constantin the last King of the Chineses. The Glasses of the Pagods, which are the Churches of the City of Pegu, are of Tortoise-shells, so as those of Goa are of Mother of Pearl.

The City of Siam (which is otherwise called Odia, or India) is twenty Leagues from the Sea, upon the Menan River, which overflows every six Months; the Indians call it in this manner, as if it was the Mother of Waters. This River has three Mouths, whereof the most Eastern is the most commodious. Several Ships come to the City of Bankok, six Leagues from the Sea; from thence their Boats and Pinnaces go twenty Leagues, as far as the City of Siam. The King of Siam has been very absolute; has had several small Tributary Princes; but has since own'd Homage to the Tartar, Master of China. He is an Idolater, and nevertheless allows of the Building of some Christian Churches in his Capital Cities; nay, he himself has caused some to be Built at his own cost. He himself Trades; out of his Dominons are Transported Buck-skins, Benjamin, and all other precious Merchandises of India. The Siamois, contrary to other Orientals, dispose their Writing after the same manner as do the other Orientals. Tanacerin near an Isthmus, Ligor and Patane drive a great Trade. This Country is fertile, temperate, and brings forth Fruits every Month of the Year. Hens, Geese and Ducks, lay often their Eggs twice a day; insomuch, that Victuals are in abundance, and at easie rates.

Malaca, with a strong Castle, is as the Centre of the East-Indies, where you may wait for Winds, fair for the Navigation you intend to make. Barks may enter into it by the River, but great Ships cast anchor between the two Islands that are in the mouth of the River. The City ows its rise to Fishermen of Pegu, Siam, and Bengala, who frequented it, establishing there, at the same time, a new Tongue, which is at present receiv'd in several parts of India. The Portugals gave out, that the Air hereof was unwholsome; which was to prevent all desire in other Nations of setling themselves here. In the Year 1641, the Hollanders made themselves Masters of it. People observe there, for a rarity, the doleful Tree, whose Flowers only come by Night, and fall at the sight of the Sun. Ihor in the most Southern part of India, is built upon Posts, near a River, which divides it into two Ports.

Cambodia, whose King is a Vassal of that of China, drives a great Trade: The City of the same Name, is sixty Leagues from the Sea, built in length, upon a rising ground, to exempt it self from the Inundation of its River. The Mecon, which passes by it, has two principal Mouths, which separate themselves afterwards into two others. It is Navigable; In the Year 1644, four Holland Ships entred it, and got out again, notwithstanding the endeavours and oppositions of the King of that Countrey, who would have hindred them from so doing.

Cochinchina is one of the best Kingdoms of all India: A great number of Galleys are kept there, where the Office of Rower is more sought after than in Europe; the French Bishops have been busie there to promote the Catholick Religion.

Tunquim, or Tonkin, has its peculiar King, as well as Cochinchina and Cambodia. Upon the Confines of China and India there are People called Maug, Timocoves, Gueyes, and others. The Tunquiners are the best Fire arms-men of all Asia; instead of Purses, they have little Strings, whereon they file their Copper Money, which are round pieces, pierced thro' the middle, distinguish'd from sixty to sixty, by certain marks; they carry them upon their shoulders, or else around their arms. The Country of Tunquim is boggish, watry, and interlaced with above thirty Rivers, which fall into the Sea: the Air is nevertheless very pure. They recko• they have aobut twenty thousand Villages, and six great Provinces, wherein are said to be two hundred thousand Christians.

The capital City is esteemed twenty Miles in circuit, wherein it contains above a Million of Persons. There are upon the Frontiers, Forests full of Apes, who go sometimes to the number of three or four hundred, and ravage the fields; from whence they carry a prodigious quantity of Rice, which they fasten between their skin, and a girdle of straw, which they make for that purpose. This Country has no wall'd Towns or Fortresses. The King of Tunquim has above fifty thousand Soldiers for this guard; and keeps above sixty thousand upon the Frontiers of Cachinchina, with whose Prince he is often at Dagger's drawing. He is said to have above five hundred Elephants, about as many Galleys, most of em well fitted, and finely guilt. It is by the means of the Elephants, that the Tunquiners have maintain'd themselves against the Chineses, who did domineer over 'em, for somewhile. The most modern Relations make seven Kingdoms pass under the Name of Tunquim, Tunquim, Cochinchina, Ciucanghe, or Caubang, the small Bao, the little Lao, and the Mountains of Rumoy, or Kemois, where there is a little King of Fire, and another of Water. They likewise make mention of the great Kingdom of Lao, which extends from fourteen Degrees, to two and twenty and a half of Northern Latitude, upon a breadth of fifty Miles, along a River of same Name; where Langione, at eighteen Degrees of Latitude, is the capital City. They likewise mention, that its King has for Tributaries, those of Bao, Ciocangue, Ava; and that there are full five hundred thousand Men capable of Service in his Dominions.

1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome.

  • INDIA, or the EAST INDIES; which (according to its form and disposition of its Estates) may be divided into three several Parts; to wit,
    • The Empire of the GREAT MOGOLL, which comprehendeth that which is upon the Main Land, wherein are contained several Kingdoms or Provinces; the chief of which are,
      • Cabul, — Cabul.
      • Attock, — Attock.
      • Multan, — Multan.
      • Candahar, — Candahar.
      • Buckor, — Buckor-Suckor.
      • Tatta,
        • Tatta,
        • Diul.
      • Soxet, — Janagar.
      • Cassimere, — Sirinaker.
      • Bankish, — Beishar.
      • Kabares, — Dankalar.
      • Naugracut, — Naugracut.
      • Siba, — Serenegar.
      • Jamba, — Jamba.
      • Bakar, — Bikaner.
      • Samball, — Samball.
      • Gor, — Gor.
      • Kanduana, — Barabantaka.
      • Patna, — Patna,
      • Jesual, — Rajapore.
      • Udessa, — Jekanac.
      • Mevat, — Narvall.
      • Pitan, — Pitan.
      • Guzurate, or Cambaya,
        • Surat,
        • Baroche,
        • Cambaya,
        • Armadabad,
        • Diu.
      • Chitor, — Chitor.
      • Malway, — Rantipore.
      • Candis, — Brampore.
      • Berar, — Shapor.
      • Gualeor, — Gualeor.
      • Narrar, — Gehud.
      • Bengala,
        • Bengala,
        • Chatigan,
        • Goura,
        • Halabass,
        • Satigan.
      • Lahor, — Lahor.
      • Jenupar, — Jenupar.
      • Jesselmere, — Gislemere.
      • Bando, — Bando.
      • Delly, — Delly.
      • Agra, — Agra.
    • The Peninsula of INDIA without the GANGES, and Westwards, and between the Mouths of the INDUS and the GANGES; with its several Kingdoms, or Countries of
      • DECAN,
        • Amedanager,
        • Chaul,
        • Visapor▪
        • Paranda,
        • Goa,
        • Doltabad.
      • GOLCONDA,
        • Golconda,
        • Musulipatan.
        • Onor,
        • Bisnagar,
        • Trivalur,
        • Gingi,
        • Negapatan,
        • Sadrapatan, or Fort St. George.
        • Maliapur,
        • Geld•ia.
        • Madure,
        • Tutucori, and Manancor.
      • MALABAR,
        • Calicut,
        • Cochin,
        • Cananor,
        • Coulan,
        • Cranganor,
        • Cotate,
        • Cota,
        • Changanara.
    • The Peninsula of INDIA within the GANGES, and Eastwards; wherein are contained several Kingdoms, Countries, Isles, &c. the chief among which are
      • PEGU,
        • Pegu,
        • Brema,
        • Canarane,
        • Ava,
        • Tinco, and Prom.
      • SIAN,
        • Odiaa,
        • Banckock,
        • Lugor,
        • Martaban,
        • Camboya,
        • Sacortay.
      • Peninsula of MALACCA,
        • Tanasserin,
        • Juncalaon,
        • Queda,
        • Pera,
        • Malacca,
        • Ihor,
        • Patane.
        • Palocacein,
        • Keccio.
      • ISLES in the Gulph of SIAN, among which are
        • Macara,
        • Panian,
        • Goeteinficos.
      • ISLES in the Gulph of BENGALA, among which are,
        • Chubedu,
        • Chudube,
        • Durondiva,
        • Dos Cocos,
        • Andemaan.
  • The Empire of the GREAT MOGOLL; with its several Kingdoms, or Provinces, as they lie
    • Westwards, and towards PERSIA, from the first Streams of the INDUS unto its falling into the Sea, are those of
      • Cabul,
        • Cabul,
        • Gaidel.
      • Attock,
        • Attock,
        • Pucko.
      • Multan,
        • Multan,
        • Seerpore.
      • Candahar,
        • Candahar,
        • Gusbecunna.
      • Buckor,
        • Buckor-Suckor,
        • Rauree.
      • Tatta,
        • Tatta,
        • Diul,
        • Lourebander.
      • Hajacan,
        • Chatzan,
        • Dunki.
      • Soret,
        • Janagar,
        • Cacha.
    • On the North, and between the Mountains which divide this Empire from TARTARIA, or between the Springs of the GANGES and the INDUS, are
      • Cassimere,
        • Syrinakar,
        • Chonab.
      • Bankish, — Beithar.
      • Kakares,
        • Dankalar,
        • Purhola,
      • Naugracut,
        • Naugracut,
        • Callamaka.
    • On this side, or without the GANGES; where are those of
      • Siba,
        • Hardware,
        • Serenegar.
      • Jamba,
        • Jamba.
        • Balcery.
      • Bakar, — Bikaner.
      • Samball,
        • Samball,
        • Menepore,
        • Chappergat.
    • Within the GANGES, are those of
      • Gor, — Gor.
      • Kanduana, — Barakantaka.
      • Patna, — Patna.
      • Jesual, — Rajapore.
      • Udessa, — Jekanac.
      • Mevat. — Narvall.
      • Pitan,
        • Pitan,
        • Camojo.
    • Southernly, and towards the Gulphs of BENGALA and CAMBAYA, and the Peninsula of INDIA within the GANGES, are those of
      • Guzurate, or Chambaya,
        • Surat,
        • Baroche,
        • Cambaya,
        • Armadabad,
        • Agra,
        • Diu,
        • Brodra,
        • Cheytepour,
        • Bisantagan,
        • Mangalor,
        • Jaquete.
      • Chitor,
        • Chitor,
        • Chitapur.
      • Malway,
        • Rantipore,
        • Ougel,
        • Narvar.
      • Candis,
        • Brampore,
        • Mandow,
        • Pala.
      • Ranas, — Gurchitto.
      • Berar, — Shapor.
      • Gualeor,
        • Gualeor,
        • War.
      • Narvar, — Gehud.
    • Bengala, with its Parts of
      • Patan,
        • Bengala,
        • Chatigan,
        • Goura,
        • Patana,
        • Tanda,
        • Daca, and Bannara.
      • Prurop,
        • Ragmehel,
        • Holobass.
      • Bengala,
        • Satigan,
        • Mandaran,
        • Ougely,
        • Xore,
        • Bellesor, and Angara.
    • In the Middle of the EMPIRE; and are those of
      • Lahor,
        • Lahor,
        • Fetipore,
        • Temmeri, and Guzurat.
      • Jenupar,
        • Jenupar,
        • Sirima,
        • Tanasser.
      • Hendowns,
        • Hendowne,
        • Mearta.
      • Jesselmere,
        • Gislemere,
        • Moulto,
        • Radinpore.
      • Bando,
        • Bando,
        • Toury,
        • Asmere.
      • Delly,
        • Delly,
        • Acarnapori.
      • Agra,
        • Agra,
        • Secandra,
        • Fetipore,
        • Scanderbade, and Ilay.
  • The Peninsula of INDIA without the Ganges: In which are the several Kingdoms, or Countries of
    • DECAN, with its Parts of
      • Decan, particularly so called,
        • Amedanager,
        • Chaul,
        • Dabul.
      • Cunkan,
        • Visapor,
        • Soliapor,
        • Paranda,
        • Goa,
        • Pagode,
        • Zanguizara.
      • Balaguate,
        • Lispor,
        • Beder,
        • Doltabad.
      • Golconda,
      • Musulipatan,
      • Guadavari,
      • Vixaopatan,
      • Narsingupatan,
      • Orixa,
      • Palhor,
      • Calecote.
    • BISNAGAR, or NARSINGUE; with its Estates and Coasts of
      • Canara,
        • Onor,
        • Gorcopa,
        • Barcelor,
        • Baticala,
        • Magalor,
        • Bacanor.
      • Bisnagar, particularly so called,
        • Bisnagar,
        • Narsingue,
        • Vellur,
        • Cangevaran,
        • Cirangapatan,
        • Trivalur,
        • Tripity.
      • Gingi,
        • Gingi,
        • Cindambaram,
        • Chistapatama.
      • Tanjaor,
        • Tanjaor,
        • Castan,
        • Trinidi.
      • Maritim Places in BISNAGAR, GINGI, and TANJAOR, bearing and known by the name of the Coast of Choromandel.
        • Negapatan,
        • Triminapatan,
        • Trangabar,
        • Coloran,
        • Fort St. George, or Sadrapatan,
        • Maliapur,
        • Paliacate,
        • Chiricole,
        • Musulipatan,
        • Caletur,
        • Gueldria,
        • Pentapou••.
      • Madure,
        • Madure,
        • Brimaon,
        • Periapata•,
        • Punicale.
      • Maritim Places of MADURE, and called the Coast of Pescheria,
        • Jacancury,
        • Manapar,
        • Vaipar,
        • Trichandur,
        • Chereacale,
        • Tutucori,
        • Isle of Kings,
        • Bembar,
        • Calecure,
        • Mananco,
        • C•••mcir•.
    • MALABAR, with its serveral Kingdoms, or Provinces, to wit,
      • On the Sea, or Coast of Malabar, as
        • Calicut, — Calicut.
        • Cochin, — Cochin.
        • Cananor, — Cananor.
        • Coulan, — Coulan.
        • Chambais, — Chambais.
        • Montigue, — Montigue.
        • Badara, — Badara.
        • Tanor, — Tanor.
        • Cranganor, — Cranganor.
        • Porca, — Porca.
        • Calecoulan, — Calecoulan.
        • Travancor, — Travancor.
        • Cotate, — Cotate.
      • In the High Land, as
        • Cota, — Cota.
        • Auriola, — Auriola.
        • Cottagan, — Cottagan.
        • Bipur, — Bipur.
        • Coucura, — Coucura.
        • Panur, — Panur.
        • Curiga, — Curiga.
        • Muterte, — Muterte.
        • Marta, — Marta.
        • Batimena, — Batimena.
      • In the Mountains, as
        • Mangat, — Mangat.
        • Paru, — Paru.
        • Pimienta, — Pimienta.
        • Changanara, — Changanara.
        • Trivalar, — Trivalar.
        • Panapelli, — Panapelli.
        • Angamala, — Angamala.
        • Ticancutes, — Ticancutes.
        • Punhali, — Punhali.
        • Caranarette, — Caranarette.
        • Pande, — Pande.
  • ...
    • The Peninsula of INDIA within the Ganges: In which are the Kingdoms, Countries, Isles, &c. of
      • PEGU, with its Kingdoms or Parts of
        • Martavan,
        • Manar,
        • Tangu,
        • Marsin,
        • Jangoma,
        • Brama,
        • Pegu,
        • Brema,
        • Canarane,
        • Pandior,
        • Mandranelle,
        • Cassubi,
        • Boldia,
        • Ava,
        • Tinco,
        • Prom,
        • Tolema,
        • Largara,
        • Tipoura,
        • Chacomas,
        • Maon,
        • Arracan,
        • Dogon,
        • Ledoa,
        • Cosmi,
        • Xara,
        • Dunbacaon,
        • Chibode.
      • SIAN, with its Kingdoms or Estates of
        • Sian,
          • Odiaa,
          • Banckock,
          • Ogmo,
          • Lugor,
          • Mirgin,
          • Sacotay,
          • Juropi•an.
        • Martaban,
          • Martaban,
          • Macur•a,
          • Cuidad de los Reyes▪
          • Macaon.
        • Jangoma, — Jangoma.
        • Camboia,
          • Camboya,
          • Ravecca,
          • Langor,
          • Carol,
          • Tarvana,
      • Peninsula of MALACCA, whose Parts
        • Towards the Gulph of BENGALA, and Westwards, are
          • Tanasserin, — Tanasserin.
          • Juncaldon, — Juncaldon.
          • Queda, — Queda.
          • Pera, — Pera.
          • Malacca. — Malacca.
        • Towards the Gulph of SIAN, and Eastwards, are
          • Ihor, — Ihor.
          • Pahang, — Pahang,
          • Patane, — Patane.
          • Singora, — Singora.
          • Brodelong, — Brodelong.
          • Ligor, — Ligor.
      • COCHIN-CHINA, with its Kingdoms, People, &c. of
        • COCHIN-CHINA, particularly so called, with its Provinces of
          • Chiampaa, — Pulocacein.
          • Ranran, — Baday.
          • Pulocanbis, — Naroman.
          • Quagiva, — Ciomoy.
          • Cacciam,
            • Cacciam,
            • Faifo,
            • Turaoh.
          • Sinuva, — Sinuva.
        • TUNQUIN, with its Parts or Provinces of
          • Bochin, whose chief place is Keccio.
          • Ghean, whose chief place is Keccio.
          • Tinhoa, whose chief place is Keccio.
          • Beramar, whose chief place is Keccio.
          • Kedom, whose chief place is Keccio.
          • Kenam, whose chief place is Keccio.
          • Kethay, whose chief place is Keccio.
        • The People called the Layes.
        • The Kingdom of Ciocangue.
        • The People called the
          • Gueyes.
          • Timocoves.
      • ISLES seated in the Gulph of SIAN, viz.
        • Macara.
        • Panian,
        • Cara.
        • Goeteinficos▪
        • Tyamciefi.
        • Cosyn.
      • ISLES seated in the Ocean, called the Gulph of BENGALA; viz.
        • Chubedu,
        • Chudube,
        • Ledoa,
        • Dos Alevantados,
        • Durondiva Siriaon,
        • Sobollas,
        • Dos Cocos,
        • Andemaon,
        • Dos Caboses,
        • Tanassesi,
        • Tavay,
        • Alta,
        • Crara,
        • Caremubar,
        • Raza,
        • Dos Sombreros de Palm,
        • Siano,
        • Sambilano,
        • Batun,
        • Pera,
        • Pinaon,
        • Ganal de St. Jorgo,
        • Nicubar.


  • 1.1INDIA, of which we treat at present, is that which the Ancients have known under the name of India, or the Indies, and which the Moderns call the Asiatick, or East-Indies; because they likewise call America, though very improperly, the West Indies; these lying West, those East from our Meridian. But under the name of East Indies divers Authors comprehend all the most Oriental parts of Asia, that is to say, all that is above and beyond the River Indus, from whence the Country takes its name; and likewise China, and the Isles of Asia, which are in the Oriental Ocean, pass under the name of these Indies.
  • 1.2But leaving China and the Isles of Asia apart, we may divide India, both because of its Form and the disposition of its Estates, into three several parts; of which, the first shall comprehend that which is upon the Main Earth, the rest shall be in two Peninsula's; of which, the most Western, and between the Mouths of Indus and Ganges, shall be called The Peninsula of India without the Ganges; and the most Oriental, and beyond the Ganges, shall be called The Peninsula of India within the Ganges.

We will esteem in the first part, that which the Great Mogoll at present possesses, and what is engaged in his Empire. In the two Peninsula's we shall have a great number of Kingdoms and Principalities; neither the one nor the other having less than fifty, which by little and little are reduced into a less number, the strongest becoming Masters of the weakest. Thus the great Mogoll made himself Master of 35 or 40 Kingdoms, of which some had before ruined many others.

The Empire of the GREAT MOGOLL.

OF the several Provinces, or Kingdoms, under the Empire of the Great Mogoll, as appears in the Geographical Table of the Empire apart, have their Names common with those of their chief Cities, and are all rich, and since their separation they compose fair and powerful Estates: And first with Cabul.

  • 1.3CABƲL, whose chief City bears the same name, is the most advanced towards Persia, with Ʋsbeck or Zagatha. The Springs of Nilab and Behat, which fall into the Indus, and possibly likewise of Indus, are in this Kingdom or Province. The City of Cabul is great, but the Houses low; its strength lying in the two Fortresses, and in the great Road of Lahor to Samarcand in Ʋsbeck; and to Yarchan, the chief City of Cascar, from whence they bring Silk, Musk, and Rhubarb, from China and Cathay.

ATTOCK is on the Indus;* 1.4 Its City is fair, the Fortress good; and when the Limits of the Estates of the Kings of India lay between Lahor and Attock, it was of greater consideration than possibly it is at present.

MƲLTAN is rich,* 1.5 by reason of the fruitfulness of its Soil and Traffick, which the Rivers of Indus, of Behat, of Nilab, and of Rawey, which fall into the Indus, do much enrich. The City of Multan is great, ancient, and not above two or three Leagues distant from the Indus. Its principal Commodities are Sugar, Galls, Opium, Brimstone; several Manufactures of Silk and Wool, &c.

CANDAHAR is far engaged towards Persia, its chief City being so called, which is great,* 1.6 and of some Trade.

BƲCKOR hath for its chief City Buckor-Suckor,* 1.7 which lies along the River Indus (which runs through the Province) which makes it very fertil. The City is of an indifferent extent, and of some Trade.

TATTA,* 1.8 whose chief City bears the same name, is divided by the River Indus into several Isles. In this City and Province are held to be the most industrious Tradesmen of the whole Kingdom, by reason of which here is found a good Trade, drove by Merchants of several Countries.

Buckor, there where the Rivers of Rawey and Caul fall into the Indus, and between Multan and Tatta; and Tatta where Sinde goes, between Buckor and the Sea: Lourebander and Diul serve for Ports to Tatta. Lourebander, there where the Indus begins to divide it self into several Branches; Diul on the great Sea. Moreover Diu and Diul are two different places, being distant 150 Leagues from each other. Diu in the Kingdom of Guzurate or Cambay, belongs to the Portugals: Diul in that of Tatta, is the Great Mogolls, who keeps there a Governour.

The Province of HAJACAN, Westwards of the Indus; of very small account,* 1.9 having no places worthy of note.

SORET is seated between the Kingdoms of Tatta on the West,* 1.10 of Guzurate on the East. It hath for its chief City Janagar; the Province is but of little extent, but very fruitful, rich, and well Peopled.

  • 1.11CASSIMERE or QƲERIMƲR, BANKISH, KAKARES, and NAƲGRACƲT, are between the River Indus and Ganges; all encompassed with the Mountains of Bimber towards the Indus, of Naugracut towards the Ganges, of Caucasus towards Tartaria, of Dalanguer which crosses them, and separates the one from the other; and they, the Forests of these Mountains, which yielded so much Wood for the Vessels which Alexander the Great caused to be builded, to descend the Indus. And these are at present those Forrests which give so much divertisement of chase to the Great Mogoll. Sizinaket, or Sirinakar, though unwalled, is the chief City of Cassimere; Beishar of Bankish; Dankalar, and Purhola, of Kakares; and Naugracut of Naugracut. In this last the Temple of the Idol Marta is paved, Wanscotted, and Seiled with Plates of Gold: And in Callamacka there are Fountains very cold, and near to Rocks, from whence seem to flash out flames of fire.

The Province of SIBA hath for its chief City Hardware,* 1.12 which gives its rise to the River Ganges; and Serenegar on the River Mansa.

The Province of JAMBA gives name to its chief City.* 1.13

The Province of BAKAR lieth on the West of the Ganges,* 1.14 and hath for its chief City, Bikaner.

The Province of SAMBAL takes its name from its chief City so called.* 1.15

This Province is likewise called Doab, that is, two Waters; its scituation being between the Ganges and Semena: which, together with the three Provinces last mentioned, are without, or on this side the Ganges, reaching almost from its Spring-head unto the River Semena, or Gemeni.

The Province of GOR takes its name from its chief City,* 1.16 and gives its rise to the River Perselis, which falls into the Ganges; the Province being very Mountainous.

The Province of KANDƲANA hath for its chief City Karakantaka.* 1.17 This Province, and that of Gor, which is beyond the Ganges, doth end the Estates of the Mogoll towards the North, meeting with the Tartars of Turquestan.

The Province of MEVAT is very barren, whose chief City is Narval,* 1.18 which ends it towards the People called Maug; and others which we esteem to be in the Peninsula of India, which is in the Ganges.

The Province of ƲDESSA,* 1.19 is the utmost of the Mogolls Territories towards the East, which is also within the Ganges; its chief place is Jebanac.

The Province of PITAN is on the West of Jamba,* 1.20 being very Mountainous, whose chief City gives name to the Province. The River Randa runs through the City and Province, and falls into the Ganges.

The Province of PATNA is fruitful, whose chief City is so called,* 1.21 seated on the River Persely; but we have a very feeble and incertain knowledge of all these Parts or Kingdoms; but those which are towards the South, and particularly Guzurate or Cambaya, and Bengala, are better known.

  • 1.22The Province of GƲSƲRATE, by the Portuguese called the Kingdom of CAMBAYA, hath more than 30 great Trading Cities, and is without doubt the noblest, greatest, richest, and most powerful Province of all the Mogolls Country, yielding a yearly Revenue of 15 or 20 Millions of Gold; and its King hath brought into the Field 150000 Horse, and 500000 Foot, 1000 Camels, &c. The Country likewise is esteemed the most fertil of all India; producing all sorts of Grains, Fruits, and living Creatures, quantity of Drugs,* 1.23Spices, and precious Stones, not having any Mines of Gold or Silver, but three Plants which bring it an inestimable quantity; as well from the Gulph of Persia and the Red Sea, as from all the Coasts of India and China. These Plants are Cotton, Anniseed, and Opium: besides which there are varieties of other rich Commodities, as Oil, Sugar, Indico, Ambergreece, Soap, Comfits, Medicinal Drugs, Paper, Wax, Hony, Butter, Salt-Peter, Manufactures of Cotton, Linnen-Cloth, Carpets, Cabinets, Coffers, Cases, with a thousand other curiosities, which its Inhabitants know how to make and sell, being the ablest Merchants of India.
  • 1.24They are likewise of a good Spirit, and addicted to Letters; serve themselves of all sorts of Arms, yet know nothing of Nobility, but by abundance of Riches: They are all Pagans or Mahometans. The Pagans for the most part are Pythagoreans, holding the immortality of the Soul,* 1.25 and that it passes from one body to another: for which reason they so much honour Beasts, that they eat them not, but keep Hospitals to receive such as are sick and lame. The Cows here are in such esteem with them, that a Merchant Banian (according to the report of Texera) spent 10 or 12 thousand Ducats at a Nuptial, marrying his Cow with his Friends Bull. This Kingdom is in part Peninsula, between the Gulphs of the Indies and Cambaya, and in part on the Main, which stretches it self towards Decan.* 1.26 This Province though of a large extent, yet hath above 120 Leagues of Sea-Coast, on which it hath several fair and rich Cities, and of a good Trade: As also great quantities of Inland Towns and Cities, the chiefest whereof are, viz. Surat,* 1.27 seated on the River Tapta, which falls into the Sea 12 miles below the City. It is a City no less great and rich, than populous and famous, and enjoyeth as great a Trade as any City in India; being much frequented by the English and Dutch, where they have their Presidents and Factories, and where they have their Houses for the negotiation of their affairs, which are spacious and well built. This City is built four square, its Houses flat, after the Persian mode, and reasonably beautiful, having the benefit of pleasant Gardens: It hath several Mosques, but none deserves commendation; it is defended by a strong Castle, and hath a strong Wall on all sides, except on that which is seated on the River, and for its entrance hath three Gates: Its Port is six miles from the City, where the Ships are unladen, and the Commodities brought to the City by Land. The Inhabitants are either Benjans, Bramans, or Mogolls; but there are several other Nations which here reside, as Persians, Turks, Arabians, Armenians, Jews, &c. driving a Trade; but none comparable to the English or Dutch. Its other places of note are. 1. Brodra,* 1.28 seated on a sandy Plain upon a small River, well fortified with Walls and Forts, the Inhabitants being for the most part Dyers, Weavers, and other workers of Cottons, for which it is the chiefest place in the whole Province. The Governour of this City hath also under its Jurisdiction about 210 Towns and Villages.* 1.29 2. Baroche, 12 Leagues from Surat, and 8 from the Sea, seated strongly on a Mountain with Walls of Freestone; it is well Peopled, most following Dying, Weaving, and making of Cottons, as they do at Brodra. About this City are very fertil Fields, which bring forth Wheat, Barly, Rice, and Cotton, in great abundance; and out of the Mountains they find the Agats.* 1.30 3. Cambaya, seated on a River, and on a Sandy place, encompassed with a Wall of Free-stone about 10 Leagues in circuit; its Streets are strait and broad, its Houses fair and large, having 12 Gates for entrance, 3 large Market-places, and 4 stately Cisterns, large enough to keep Water for the Inhabitants all the year long. They have also about this City 15 or 16 publick Gardens, for the recreation of the Inhabitants, being places of great pleasure and delight. The Inhabitants are for the most part Pagans, Benjans, or Rasboutes. This City is at the bottom of its Gulph, and so famous, and of so great Traffick, that the Kingdom sometimes bears its name, being frequented by most Nations, where the English and Dutch keep a Factory.* 1.31 4. Amadabad is the Metropolis of Guzurate, being about 7 Leagues in compass; a place of good strength, the Buildings are very stately and fair, especially the Mosques, the Governours House, and other publick Places; the Streets are large and many; is very populous, and of a great Trade, abounding in divers Indian Commodities. It is seated on a small River, which falls into the Indus about 45 Leagues from Surat, and is by the English compared to London. Here the Merchants pay no Custom; the Governour of this City is Vice-Roy of all Guzurate, being answerable for what he doth to none, but the Great Mogoll; he liveth in a greater state than any King in Europe: his Court large and stately; his attendance great, not stirring abroad without great pomp and state, as in his attendance of Nobles, and others, in his Guards of Horse and Foot, in his Elephants with brave furniture, together with several playing on certain Instruments of Musick. His Revenue is exceeding great, which by some is accounted to be about Ten Millions of Gold yearly: out of which he is at great expences, as in the maintaining the charge of the Kingdom, his own expences, and the keeping 12000 Horse and 50 Elephants, for the Mogolls service. In and about this City there are great quantities of pleasant Gardens, plentifully stored with variety of Fruit-trees. 5. Diu is in an Island of the same name,* 1.32 and lieth about 20 Leagues from the River Indus, and not far distant from the main Land. It is now subject to the Portugals, who have strongly fortified it. This City is well built, indifferent big, and hath a great and good Haven, being a place of great Trade, and having a concourse of Merchants of divers Nations, by reason of which it brings a great profit to the King of Portugal, whose chief Commodities are Cotton-Linnen of sundry sorts, which we call Callicoes, Cocos-Oil, Butter, Pitch, Tar, Sugar-Candy, Iron; several sorts of curious Desks, Chests, Boxes, Standishes, which they make of Wood neatly carved, guilded, and variously coloured, and wrought with Mother of Pearl; also excellent fair Leather, which is artificially wrought with Silks of all colours, both with flowers and figures, which is there (and elsewhere) used instead of Carpets and Coverlids. 6. Bisantagan, by reason of the fertility of the Country there adjacent, is of good repute, well peopled, having in it about 20000 Houses. 7. Cheytepour, is seated on a small River, the Inhabitants being Benjans, who by Profession are Weavers, who make great quantities of Cotton-Linnen. Here are also several other Cities of less note, as Nassary, Gaudui, and Balsara, which are under the jurisdiction of Surat,* 1.33 from which they are not far distant. 8. Agra, seated on the River Gemini, which falls into the Ganges; of a very large extent, and strongly fortified with a Wall and a great Ditch. Its Houses are fair, it Streets spacious; several being inhabited by those of one Trade, each Trade having its Street alloted it. It hath a fair Market-place, and hath for the accommodation of Merchants and Forreigners about 80 Caravanseraes or Inns, which are large Houses, wherein are good Lodgings, and Ware-Houses for their Goods. In this City there are about 70 great Mosques or Churches, besides divers little ones; in the greatest of which are several Tombs of their Saints. Here are also a great quantity of Baths or Hot-Houses, which are much used amongst them.

The Great Mogoll doth often change his dwelling; so that there is scarce any City of note, but what he hath abode in, and where he hath not Palaces, but there is none which hath his presence so much as this, it being the most delightful of all others, where he hath a sumptuous Palace, as also several Gardens and Houses for his retirement without the City. His Palace is seated upon the River Gemini, and if some Authors may be credited, is about 2 Leagues in compass; it is very strong, being encompassed with a strong Wall, and a great Ditch, or Moat, having at every Gate a Draw-bridge which are strongly guarded. For the description of this Palace, I must be beholding to J. Albert de Mandelslo, in his Book of Travels, where he saith, That being entred in at the Gate, there is a spacious Street with Shops, which leads to the Mogolls Palace; to which there is several Gates which are called by several names. Under the Gate called Cistery, is the place of Judicature, to which is adjoyned a place where all Ordinances and other Writs are sealed, and where the Records are kept: At the entrance of this Gate is the spacious Street aforesaid. The Gate called Achobarke Derwage is a place of great respect with them, and it is the place that the Singing and Dancing Women are lodged at, who are kept for the diversion of the great Mogoll, and his Family; these Women dance before him naked. There is another Gate which they call Dersame which leads to a River, to which he comes every morning to worship the Sun at his rising: Near this place it is, that his Nobles and Officers about his Court, come every day to do their submission to him; to which place he comes every day, except Fridays (which is set apart for their Devotions, (as Sunday is with us) to see the fighting of Lions, Elephants, Bulls, and the like fierce Beasts, which are here used for his recreation.) He speaketh of another Gate which leadeth into the Guard-Hall, through which, at the farther end of a Paved Court, under a Portal, there is a row of Silver Pillars, where there is a continual Guard also kept to hinder all people, except great Lords, to enter any farther, it leading to the Mogolls Lodgings, which are exceeding rich and magnificent; but above all is his Throne, which is made of massie Gold, and inriched with Diamonds, Pearls, and other precious Stones: Above the place where this Throne standeth, is a Gallery where he sheweth himself everyday, and receiveth the complaints of those who have received any injury; but they must be sure to prove it, else he runs a great hazard of his life, to trouble him vainly. But in his inner Lodgings there is no person to enter, save the Eunuchs, who wait upon the Ladies in his Seraglia, which is about 1000. Among the several fair Structures which are within this great inclosure, there is one great Tower, rich without (being covered with Gold) but not to compare to the wealth within; in which, are 8 spacious Vaults, which are filled with Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones of an Inestimable value.

  • 1.34This City of Agra gives name to a Province or Kingdom which is of a fertile Soyl, and well peopled and frequented, and ows its beauty and enlargement to Ekebar, Emperor of the Mogolls. The Palace of the Great Mogol, as I said before, is of 2 Leagues circuit; the other Palaces of Princes and Lords, which are also seated along the River, stretching towards the North, are all proudly built, but not of so large an extent; that of the Great Mogolls being the fairest, richest, and most magnificent of all the East. On the other side is the City of Secandra, about 2 Leagues long, almost all inhabited by Merchants. Fetipore, that is, Desire accomplished, 12 Leagues from Agra; and towards the West, is likewise one of the works of Ekebar, who having obtained Children to succeed his Estates, caused this place to be built for pleasure, with a very stately Palace and Musqueito or Temple; but its ill Waters have caused it to be abandoned. Biana to the West of Fetipore, hath the best Wood of all India. Scanderbad on the West of Bayana, hath been the Residence of some Kings, and the Castle above it is very advantagiously scituated, where Xa Selim kept himself, till such time as Ekebar had streightly besieged him, and forced him to retire into the Mountains.

The name of this place, and likewise this of Secandra, directly opposite to Agra, retain something of the name of Alexander.

  • 1.35The Province of LAHOR or PENGAB, is large, very fertile in all sorts of Fruits and Grains, which makes it considerable, its chief City bears the name of the Province; and I believe this City to be the same with Alexandria Bucephalus, which Alexander the Great built, and named of his name and that of his Horse Bucephalus. The Ancients place it by the River Hydaspes, which may at present be Bowey. The City hath been so much enlarged by Xa Selim, that it contains 24 Leagues of circuit. It is very pleasantly seated, especially towards the River, on which it hath many delightful Gardens: Its Fortress is good, is adorned with many stately Palaces and great Houses where their Nobles and persons of quality reside; among others, that of the Kings, which is (though seated within the City,) yet separated from it with a high Wall, being magnificent, and adorned with great quantities of fair Pictures. Here is also by reason the Inhabitants are Mahometans, abundance of Mosques and Bathing-places, for their ordinary purifications, which is a ceremony much used amongst them. Here it is by many thought, that Noah seated himself after his coming out of the Ark; and likewise, that from hence Ophir and Havilah, Sons of Joktan, removed towards the Ganges and Malacca. This Province is esteemed one of the most pleasant Countreys in all India, being so well shaded with Mulberry and other Trees, whose verdure is no less delightful to the eye of the beholder, then refreshing to the wearied Traveller, under whose Boughs he may rest, and shade himself from the shallure of the Sun. At Fetipore, not far from Lahor, the Sultan Gansron, the Son of Selim, but a Rebel, was by his Father defeated; from whence the place had its name, which signifies Desire accomplished: As the other Fetipore near Agra was built by Ekebar, after having obtained Children to succeed him in his Estates. This Countrey bears the name of Peng-ab, that is, five Waters, by reason it is watred with five different Rivers.
  • 1.36The Province of DELLY gives name to its capital City, which is on the Road from Lahor to Agra; watred by the River Gemini or Semena. Before the Mogolls descended into all these quarters, the Kings of India made it their Residence, were here Crowned, and here had their Tombs: There are yet found some very fair Obelisques, believed to have been erected in the time of Alexander the Great, and the Greeks.
  • 1.37The Kingdom of BENGALA occupies all the lower part of the Ganges, and may be divided into three parts. Prurop on this side the Ganges, Patan beyond it. The particular name of Bengala may be given to that which lies between the Branches of the Ganges, and along the Coast. This Kingdom hath been divided into 12 Provinces, which have been so many Kingdoms, and which took their names from their principal Cities; but we have no certain knowledg either of their names, or situations. Bengala likewise is placed by some between the Branches of the Ganges, by others beyond it: Some esteem Chatigan its chief City, when as others will have it to be Goura on the Ganges, higher in the Land, and more then 100 Leagues from the Sea. However it be, Bengala is of so great Traffick, and so rich, that the Kingdom and Gulf of Ganges, on which it is at present, is called the Kingdom and Gulf of Bengala. The City of Chatigan is pleasantly seated on a fair and large River, whose imbosure is not far distant from that of the Ganges. This River hath so fierce a Current, that Boats and Vessels, without the help of Sails or Oars, are driven in 24 hours about 100 Miles; so that those who have no occasion to pass up and down this River, are forced to fasten their Vessels to certain Trees or other things which are for the same purpose fixed along the shore. By which means they are sheltered from the violence of the Tides, which else would spoyl them. Here are several other Cities, as Ragmehel, Daca, Banara, Tanda, Patana, Holobasse on the joyning of Gemini and Ganges, is one of the fairest and greatest Cities of India, and I esteem it in the place of the Ancient Palibothra, where the streams of the Jomanes and Ganges do meet, with other Cities of less note.
  • 1.38This Kingdom of Bengala extends it self 300 Leagues from East to West, and sometimes 200 from North to South, having no less then 150 Leagues of Coast, which is much frequented by Merchants of several Countries, which hither come for their Commodities, which by reason of the temperatness of the Air, and the fertility of the Countrey do here abound. The Inhabitants are courteous,* 1.39 but deceivers: Their Kings have been esteemed as rich and as powerful as any in India.
  • 1.40Between the Kingdoms of Cambaya and Bengala, are those of Candis, Chitor, Malway, Berar, Gualeor, Narvar, Ranas and Berar. Brampore is the chief City of Candis, seated on the River Tapta, which descends into the Gulph of Cambaya, below Surat. The City is great, but ill built, unhealthful, and a place which hath been unfortunate to many Children of the Great Mogolls. In the old City of Mandow, are the Sepulchres and Remains of the Palace of its Ancient Kings; the new City is better built, but less.
  • 1.41The Province of CHITOR, with its City of the same name, is quite engaged in the Mountains, which meet in the way of Amedebat and Cambaya to Agra. The City was of 5 Leagues circuit, before Ekebar took it from Raja Cana, and ruined it. It hath now little more then the Remains of 100 and odd Temples, and of a great number of Buildings which have been stately and magnificent. The Castle was in a place so advantagious and strong, that the Kings of Delli could never take it; and Sultan Alandin was constrained to raise the siege, after having been 12 years before it.
  • 1.42The Province of MALWAY, hath its Territory fruitful, and for its principal place Rantipore, others put Ʋgen or Ougell. Its chief Fortress is Narvar, whose City is near the Spring-head of a River, and at the Foot of Mountains of the same name, and which stretch themselves from the Kingdom of Guzurate, unto that of Agra and Narvar; and in these Mountains abide some Princes which obey not the Mogoll.
  • 1.43The Province of GƲALEOR takes its name from its chief City, where there is one of the best Cittadels or Fortresses of the Estate, wherein the Mogoll confines such as are Prisoners of State, and those Lords of which he hath any jealousie; and where he also keeps a great part of his Treasure.
  • 1.44The Province of RANAS, hath for its chief place Gurchitto, seated on a high Hill.
  • 1.45The Province of NARVAR, hath for its chief City Gehud, seated on a River which falls into the Ganges, and touches on the Mountains of Narvar.
  • 1.46The Province of BERAR, hath for its capital place Shapor, which reaches Southward, and touches that of Guzurate, and the Mountain of Rana.
  • 1.47In the midst of all the Mogolls Estates, are the provinces of JENƲPAR, HENDOWNES, JESSELMERE and BANDO. The Province of Jenupar, takes its name from its chief City. Hendowns of Hendowns, which is towards the Indies. Jesselmere, whose chief City is so called, in whose Castle Ammer in 1548. Zimlebege, Wife of Hymayon, flying into Persia Lay in of Ekebar, who restored the Mogolls, and made their Estates so great and powerful in the Indies. And lastly, the Province of Bando, whose chief City bears the same name, is between the Cities of Jesselmere, Delli and Agra, at 70 or 80 Leagues from the one and the other, besides its City of the same name. Asmere is famous for the Sepulchre of Hogimondee, a Mahumetan, whom the Mogolls esteem a Saint, and there where Ekebar made his devotions, to the end he might obtain a Son to succeed in his Estate; and afterwards caused to be set up at every Leagues end, a Pillar of Stone, and several Lodgings to be built on the way, to receive Passengers and Pilgrims.
  • 1.48These are the Provinces or Kingdoms which the Great Mogoll possesses; whose Empire stretches from South to North 500 Leagues, and from West to East 6 or 700, is bounded either with Mountains or the Sea. Its Neighbours are the Ʋsbeck, the Cascar, the Thibet, and the Turquestan, parts of Tartary towards the North; the People of Maug, and others which have been of Pegu, towards the East; the Persians towards the West; and the Kingdom of Decan and Golconda towards the South. The Indian Ocean, where are the Gulfs of Indus and Cambaya on one side, and that of Bengala on the other side, wash the rest.
  • 1.49Of all his Neighbors, the Tartars and Persians are the most powerful: The Tartars, nevertheless, being divided into many Estates, where they border on him, are more likely to damage him by Inroads, then by open War. The Persian regained from him Candahar, some years past: which he lost not again, till he had at the same time to deal with the Mogolls, and Turks. The others have much ado to defend themselves against him; as the Kings of Golconda and Decan; this last having lost some part of his Estates, and the other giving him some present in the way of Tribute.

But the great Mogoll would make nothing to seise both these Kingdoms, if he were not often perplexed with intestine War; and if there remained not in his Estates divers Princes, which they call Rahias or Kings; and many people of whom he cannot absolutely dispose, neither the one nor the other obeying him, or paying any Tribute to him, but by constraint; and the greatest part paying it only when and how they please, and sometimes not at all. Amongst these little Kings and People are the Rahia Bossou,* 1.50 who resides at Temery, 50 Leagues from Lahor. The Rahia Tulluck Chan, who resides at Naugracut 80 Leagues from Lahor. The Rahia Decomperga is 150 Leagues from Agra, residing at Calsery; the Rahia Mansa is 200 Leagues from Agra, residing at Serimgar. The Rahia Rodorou is beyond the Ganges, residing at Camayo. The Muggi likewise beyond the Ganges to the South of Rahia Rodorou, is very powerful as well as the two last; between the Armes of the Ganges, is a Prince of the ancient family of the Kings of Delli, who likewise maintains himself. Above Cassimere the Rahia Tibbon acknowledges neither Mogoll, nor Tartar; descending often, and making incursions both on the one and the other. The People called Balloches or Bulloques, do unpunished live like Vagabonds in the Province of Haiacan; likewise the Aguvanes, and the Patanes in Candahar, likewise the Quilles or Colles, and the Resbutes in the Mountains between Cambaya and Decan, and sometimes the Colles of Decan, the Rebustes of Cambaya, and the Patanes of Candahar have raised Tribute.

These Kings and People are almost all Pagans, descending from divers Kings and People which possessed divers parts of the Indies before the Mogolls. There is one Rahia of the Colles above Amadebat; another the Rahia Partaspha near Breampure, who hath some time taken and pillaged Cambaya. The Rahia Rana resides at Gorchitto; and after having well defended himself against the ancient Kings of India, yields now some Tribute to the Mogoll.

Yet is the Great Mogoll one of the greatest, and most powerful Princes of Asia;* 1.51 he can bring into the field 200000 Horse, 500000 Foot, and 2 or 3000 Elephants; he gives pensions to the greatest part of the Princes, Lords, Nobles and Gentry of the Country, on condition that they keep for his service, some 1, some 2, 3, 4, 5, some 10, some 100, some 1000 and upwards of Horses, which are to be always in readiness; his Armies nevertheless consist for the most part of 100000 Horse, and 200000 Foot; and this besides his ordinary Garrisons. His Subjects are strong and robustious, use all sorts of Armes, go freely to all occasions, wanting nothing but Order and Policy. They have no considerable Forces at Sea, since the Portugalls hold from them in the Kingdom of Cambaya, the City and Fortress of Diu, Daman, Basaim of the Isle of Saltette near Bensaim, the Fort of Manora, and the Rock of Asserim.

  • 1.52The whole Country is stored with several sorts of tame and wild Creatures, as Buffes, Oxen, Cowes, Sheep, Deer, Wild-Asses, Bores, Hares, &c. Variety of Fowl and Fish; here are also found Crocodiles, some of which are 30 foot long; Cormorants, and Bats as big as Crows.
  • 1.53The great Mogolls ordinary Guard consists of about 12000 men, besides 600 of his life guard; he never stirs abroad to hunt, take the Air or the like, without the attendance of about 10000 men of all degrees; besides to make his stare the greater, there are 100 Elephants richly trapt, and covered with Scarlet, Velvet, or the like; on these Elephants there are seated two men, the one to guide him, and the other which supports a large Banner of Silk, richly embroydered with Gold and Silver; but on some of the Elephants which go foremost, instead of carrying Banners, they play upon Simbretts, and other such like Instruments; after these 100 Elephants, comes the Mogoll, either mounted on an excellent Persian Horse, or else in a Coach, or Sedan, attended by his Nobles and other Courtiers, after whom come about 500 Elephants, Camels,* 1.54 and Wagons which are to carry the Baggage; for commonly he encamps in the Field, in which he takes great delight by reason of the coolness, as also by reason few Cities are able to give entertainment to so great a retinue; and besides his going thus to hunt or take the Air, he often changes the place of his abode according to the seasons of the year. The Mogoll celebrates with great pomp and state the first day of the year. They have several Festival daies which they keep in great triumph, wherein they have several divertisements of sports and recreations, and especially the birth day of the Mogoll. The language which the Great Mogoll, and most people of quality speak, is the Persian tongue. The Inhabitants are very expert at the Bow. The diseases which are common amongst them, are Fevers, and the Bloody Flux. Their Horses are not good, but their Oxen are excellent, being here used instead of Horses, which are very mettlesome. As in this great extent of ground (which we call the Mogolls Country) there are several sorts of People, so likewise are there divers sorts of Religions, some of which I shall speak a word or two of.

The Benjans are Pagans, they use neither Circumcision nor Baptisme; they believe there is a God who created them, and made the Universe; but they worship the Devil, believing that God created him to govern the world, and do mischief to mankind, to which end in all their Mosques they have the figure of him in Statues of Gold, Silver, Ebony, Ivory, Marble, Stone and Wood; this figure in shape is ugly and horrid to look on; it is placed on a Table of Stone, which serves for an Altar, and receives the Offerings which are made to the Pagode; on the right side of this Table is placed a Trough, in which those who intend to do their devotions wash and Purifie themselves; and on the other side there is a Chest in which is put their Offerings, night to which in the wall is a Vessel, out of which the Braman or Priest takes out a kind of yellow stuff, with which he marks the foreheads of them; this Braman sits at the foot of the Altar, from whence he riseth often to say Prayers. In their Mosques they always burn Lamps, and about the Walls of them are abundance of Figures, as Beasts, Devils, &c. which they adore. They much use as a part of their Religion corporal purification, bathing themselves every day. They are very ingenious, subtil, and civil, there being no trade but what they apply themselves unto, and are very expert in the adulteration of all Commodities. They are civil in their Apparel, but their Children go naked untill the age of 5 or 6 years, and at 7, 8, 9 or 10 years of age they marry them, seldom staying untill the age of 12, especially the female sex, as thinking it a great shame to live so long unmarried; and in their marriages they observe several ceremonies. The Men are not only permitted to marry twice, or thrice in case of mortality, but also if their Wives prove barren; but the first hath a preeminence as being mother of the Family; their Sons are Heirs to their Fathers Estates, but withall they must maintain the Mother, and take to Wife their Sisters.

The Bramans or Priests are of great authority, and highly respected amongst them, insomuch that the Benjans will hardly engage themselves in any matter of concernment, without the advice and approbation of them. These Priests besides their expounding the mysteries of their Religion according to their fancies (which soon take impression in the minds of these superstitious people) have an oversight of Schools where Children have their education. When the men are to go a journy they desire the Braman to have a care of their Wives, untill they return, and to supply their places; another custom they have, that when any are married, the Bride is brought to the Braman, and he is earnestly requested to enjoy the first fruits of her, without which they think the marriage is not blest, and for so doing he hath gifts presented him according to the qualities of the persons.

The Benjans believe the transmigration and immortality of the Soul, thinking that the Soul of a good man is departed into the body of a Chicken or a Pigeon, that of a wicked or cruel man into a Lion, Tiger or Crocodile, that of a glutton into a Swine, that of a crafty man into a Fox, &c. for which reason they neither eat nor kill any thing that hath life; nay they are so far from destroying them, that on the contrary they will purchase them of the Mahometans, and set them at liberty, and for those that be lame, or sick, they have Hospitals for them as in Persia.

J. Albert de Mandelslo, in his Book of Travels saith, that the Benjans are divided among themselves, into 83 principal Sects, besides an infinite number of others; those of most note as comprehending all the others, are those of Samarath, Ceurawath, Bisnow and Goeghy.

  • 1.55Besides the Benjans there is another sort of Pagans whom they call the Parsis, who for the most part reside by the Sea-coast, addicting themselves to Trades and Commerce; they believe that there is one God, preserver of the Universe, who acts alone and immediately in all things; but he hath as they fancy about 30 several Servants, to whom he giveth an absolute power over the things which he hath entrusted them with, but withall they are obliged to give an account unto him; and for these Servants they have a great veneration, who have each their particular charge, as one having the Government of the Earth, another of Fruits, another of Beasts, another of Military affairs: Others who have influences on men, some giving understanding, others wealth, &c. Another who takes the possession of the Souls departed; which conducts them to the Judges where they are examined, and according to their good or evil deeds, receive their Sentence, and are carried by the good or bad Angels, who attend the Judges to Paradise or Hell, where they think they shall abide until the end of the world, which will be 1000 years; after which time, they shall enter into other Bodies, and lead a better life then they did before. Another hath the goverment of Waters, another of Metals, another of Fire, which they hold Sacred, &c.

They have no Mosques or publick places for their Devotion; they have a very great esteem of their Teachers and Doctors, allowing them a plentiful Estate. Their Widows are suffered to marry a second time. Adultery and Fornication they severely punish. They are forbidden the eating of any thing that hath life. Drunkenness they likewise strictly punish. These People are much given to Avarice, and circumventing those they deal withal. The Mahomitans or Mogolls that here inhabit are of a good stature, have their Hair black and flaggy, but are of a clearer Complexion then the other sort of People aforementioned.* 1.56 They habit themselves something like the Persians; their Garments about their Waists, are close to their Bodies, but downwards wide; they use Girdles and their Shoos and the Covering of their Head, is much the same with those of the Turks. And they are likewise distinguished by their Glothes, which according to the degree and quality, and the person, doth exceed in richness. They are very civil, ingenious, and reserved, yet are expensive in their Appareb, Feastings, and great lovers of Women. And so much for the Mogolls Countrey.

The Peninsula of INDIA without the Ganges.

  • 1.57THe Peninsula without the Ganges, is between the Mouths of Indus and Ganges, and advances from the East of the Great Mogoll, unto the eighth degree of Latitude, on this side the Aequator. The Ocean or Indian Sea washes it on three sides; to wit, the Gulf of Bengala, once Gangeticus Sinus, on the East; the Gulph of Cambaya, anciently Barigazenus Sinus, and the Sea which regards Arabia, on the West; towards the South, that which regards Cylan on one side, and the Maldives on the other.

We will divide this Peninsula into four principal parts, which shall be Decan, Golconda, Narsingue or Bisnagar, and Malabar. The three first,* 1.58 and the greatest, have each their King; or if there be more, they depend and hold of one alone: The fourth and last part, hath likewise formerly been a Kingdom alone; at present is many, but which hold one of another.


THe Kingdom of DECAN is washed on the West, by the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Cambaya. It is divided into three others,* 1.59 which they call Decan, Cunkan and Balaguate; the two first on the Coast. Balaguate is Eastward of the other two up in the Land, and composed of Vallies which are below, and between the Mountains of Gate; beyond which, are the Kingdoms of Golconda and Narsingue or Bisnagar.

In the particular Decan, are the Cities of Amedanagar, Chaul, Dabul, &c. In Cunkan are the Cities of Visapor, Soliapor, Goa, Paranda, Pagode,* 1.60&c. Likewise in Balaguate, Lispor, Beder, Doltabad, Hamedanager, Visapor and Beder, are the principal Cities, and those where the Dealcan or Idalcan makes his residence; but none more considerable then Goa, though they are fair, well built, large, and populous.

Goa is a City as fair, rich, and of as great Traffick as any in the East; being situated in an Island of the same name, which the Rivers of Mandova and Guari make at their falling into the Sea. Alphonso Albuquerque took it in the year 1510. and since the Portugals have established themselves so powerfully, that their Vice-Roy, a Bishop, and their Council for the East-Indies have here their Residence. The Commodities found in this City (being the Staple of the Commodities of this part of the Indies, as also of Persia, Arabia, China, Armenia, &c.) are Precious Stones, Gold, Silver, Pearls, Silk raw and wrought, Cotton, of which they make several Manufactures; also Spices, Druggs, Fruits, Corn, Iron, Steel, with divers others which the said Countreys afford, but the Natural Commodities of Goa are not considerable. Besides their great Traffick with several Nations, their Riches and Policy which they observe,* 1.61Vincent Blanc makes account that its Hospital is the fairest, the best accommodated and served, and the richest of any, making it exceed that of the Holy Spirit at Rome, and the Infermerica at Malta, which are the best of all Christendom. Their Streets large, their Houses fair, especially their Palaces and Publick Buildings which are very magnificent: Their Churches are stately and richly adorned; their Windows are beautified with Mother of Pearl, and Shells of Tortoises of divers colours; which are ingeniously cut in neat Works. This City is in compass above 15 miles, and though it is without Gates or Walls, yet by reason of its Castle, Forts, and the strength it receiveth from the Island, is a place of great strength and force: It hath a great and good Haven,* 1.62 which they make their Harbor for their Indian Fleet, by which they command the Seas there abouts. The Portugals here live in all manner of delight and pleasure; and with a pride and presumption so great, that the least and most beggerly among them, take to themselves the titles of Gentlemen of the House and Chamber of the King, Knights, Esquires, &c. being very highly conceited of themselves, and exceeding proud and stately, but withal very civil and courteous; no person of quality walks the Streets a-foot, but are carried by their Slaves in a Palanquin, or ride on Horses, and the Women seldom go abroad publickly. Both Sexes are extreamly given to Venery, by reason of which, the Pox is very frequent among them, of which abundance dies: Their Women have an excessive love to white Men, and will use their uttermost endeavours to enjoy them. The Men are so jealous of their Wives, that they will scarce suffer their nearest Relations to see them, by reason they are so much desirous of the enjoyment of Men, and they so much of them.

In their Apparel, as also in the furniture of their Houses, they are very costly. The Women are here delivered without pain, and not having the use

of a Midwife, or any one but her self; and no sooner is she delivered, but she is about her occasions, not observing the custom among us, in keeping their Chamber a month together. Most of them live to the age of 100 years, and that in perfect health; but these are not the Portugals, but are the Natives which are Pagans and Benjans. To this City do resort Merchants from Arabia, Persia, Armenia, Cambaya, Bengala, Siam, Pegu, China, Java, Malacca, and from several other Countries, it being the Staple of all Indian Commodities. In the heart of the City, is a Street, where every morning, from seven to nine, not only the Merchants meet for the vending and buying of Commodities, which are here set forth for sale, like our Fairs; but also the Gentry of the City meet, as well to hear news, as to satisfie their fancies in the sight of the Commodities: And besides this Street, every Trade hath its particular Street, one Trade not intermixing with another.

Besides Goa, the Land of the Bardes, the Islles of Salsette, of Coran, of Divar, and some other Lands about Goa, are the Portugals: As likewise, the City of Chaul, on the Coast, where they have a great Trade of Silk; and from these places they have their provision brought them, and that at very easie rates; for the Island of it self is so barren, that it will scarce produce any thing.

Decan taken altogether, hath one King alone, which they call Idolcan or Dialcan. The Great Mogoll hath taken from him some places in the particular Decan, and the Portugals Goa, Chaul, and some other places on the Coast. This Prince is yet powerful, at least in regard of the Indians: He hath taken Dabul from the Portugals, and ruined it. He once besieged Chaul, and divers times Goa, leading in his Armies near 200000 men. In fine, he made Peace with the Portugals; the Vice-Roy of the East-Indies for the Crown of Portugal, having always an Ambassador at the Idolcans Court, and the Idolcan having one at Goa with the Vice-Roy. And though this Prince is so powerful in men, and so well provided with Ammunition, and his Artillery greater and better then any Prince about him, yet is he become Tributary to the Great Mogoll.

  • 1.63All the Country is good, fruitful, watered with several Rivers, hath store of precious Stones, of Cotton and Silk, of which they make divers Manufactures; of Pepper, of Fruits and other Commodities.

The Inhabitants or Natives of the Country are Pagans, and for the most part Benjans, but eat any kind of Flesh, except that of an Ox, Cow, Buffe, Swine or Wild-Bore. A Swine they abhor, but have a great veneration for a Cow or an Ox. But as to the manner of their life, as in their Marrriages, Interments, Purifications, and other Ceremonies in their Religion; as also in their Habits and Houses, which are very mean, their Houses being made of Straw, and withal, small and low; having no light but what enters in at the door, which is not so high as a mans Waist: In which, their chiefest furniture and houshold-stuffs, are Mats to lie upon in the night, on which they also eat their Meat; their Dishes, Drinking-cups, &c. are made of Fig-leaves, which they daub and plaister together. In these, and the like Ceremonies and Customs, they imitate the Benjans aforementioned, The rest of the people which here inhabit, are Mahometans and Jews, which here enjoy the freedom of their Religion, but the Subjects of the King of Portugal are Catholicks, those of the English Protestants.


  • 1.64THe name of GOLCONDA hath been known but for few years; nevertheless this is a powerful and rich Kingdom; but which hath been confounded with the name of Orixa. It is upon the Gulph of Bengala, which it regards towards the East and South, neighbouring on the Mogolls and the Kingdom of Bengala, towards the North. It stretches 200 Leagues on the Coast in length, and near 100 up in the Land in breadth. It yields 20 Millions of yearly Revenue, is very well peopled, and its People addicted to all sorts of Manufactures. They make Cotton Pintado's so artificially, and with such lively colours, that it is esteemed better than Silk. They build great Ships, trade to Mecca, Aquem, Bengala, Pegu, and throughout all the Indies:
  • 1.65There are in this Estate 66 Castles and Fortresses, where the ordinary Garrisons are kept; and these Castles are on inaccessible Rocks, which they call Conda. Golconda, which the Persians call Hidrabrand, is the chief and residence of the King; it is distant from the Port of Musulipatan about 60 Leagues, which is a fair City seated on an Arm of the Sea; adjoyning to the Kingdom of Bisnagar, and not far from Cape Guadavari. Hath its Air pleasant, its Soil fruitful, of about 5 or 6 Leagues circuit; nor doth its King yield much to the Great Mogoll in Riches, precious Stones, in store of Elephants, or all sorts of magnificence. But his Estates being much less, and his People less warlike, constraineth him to send him every year 400000 Pagodes in form of Tribute.
  • 1.66This Country moreover hath no Mines of Gold, Silver, or Copper, some it hath of Iron and Steel, but many of Diamonds and other precious Stones, so rich and abundant, that in 1622 the King caused it to be shut up, and the labour to cease, fearing lest the too great quantity should make them neglected. Others say, for fear it should draw the Great Mogoll into his Estates.

Condapoli; its chief Fortress is so great, that in circumference it contains six others; and these six are one above the other, each having Wood, Fruits, and Land sufficient to maintain the Garrisons destined for their defence, which amount to 12000 Men. Candavara is another Fortress, 15 or 16 Leagues from Condapoli; and thence at certain intervals there are Towers, on which with certain Lights they give signal of all that passes in the Country. On the Sea-Coast or Gulph of Bengala, are seated several Towns, some of which are well known by Merchants; as Guadavari, which gives name to a Cape, on which it is seated, Vixaopatan, Narsingapatan, Pulacate, Palhor, Manicapatan, Calecote, Caregara; on the Cape Segogora, or Das Palmas, Polarin, Contiripatan, and others. The Portugals have a Fortress at Masulipatan, which is one of the best Ports of the Country; the City is not walled, and belong to the Prince.

  • 1.67The Air is every where healthful, the Soil fertil, producing twice or thrice a year Grains, Fruits, &c. almost all different from ours. Their Seasons are distinguished in three manners; they have very great heats in March, April, May, and June; and that is their Summer. Much Rain in July, August, September, and October; and that is their Autumn. Fresh Weather, or little heat in November, December, January, and February, which is their Spring: For Winter they have none. One of their principal Revenues comes from Salt, which alone yields 1800000 Pagodes, or so many Crowns. Their other Revenues are drawn from several Commodities; amongst the rest Diamonds, of which all above 5 Carats belong to the Prince; nor dare any keep them on pain of death.


  • 1.68SOuth of Decan and Golconda are the Estates of BISNAGAR otherwise NARSINGƲE; these two places being the principal ones of the Realm. Narsingue, not far from the Port of Paleacate, about the midst of the Coast of Choromandel: Bisnagar, towards the Mountains of Gate, and near Canara. The whole Estate is divided into three principal quarters, and these 3 quarters into 7 Kingdoms, and extends it self on two different parts of the Indian Sea, on the Gulph of Ganges or Bengala, towards the East; and on the Gulph of Indus or Cambaya, towards the West. On this side, the Coast is 65 Leagues long; in the other 250.

The three principal quarters are called CANARA, BISNAGAR, and CHOROMANDEL. Canar• occupies all the Western Coast, between the Estates of Decan and Malabar; Bisnagar and Choromandel hold all the Eastern Coast: the last towards the Coast of the Peschery, and Isle of Ceylan; and the first towards Golconda. Canara hath the Kingdoms of Onor and Baticala on the Sea, and that of Borsopa farther in the Land, which stretches to the Mountains of Gate. Bisnagar hath the Kingdoms of Tienlique and Bisnagar; Choromandel, those of Choromandel and Tamul.

  • 1.69Onor, Baticala, and Gorcopa, are the capital Cities each of their Kingdoms; the two first to one, the last subject to a particular King; but all Tributaries to Bisnagar. Those four on the East and Gulph of Bengala, are immediately subject to the King of Bisnagar, except that the Portugals hold Maliapur and Negapatan. But moreover the Estates of the Naicques, of Tanjaor, of Gingi, and of Madure, are esteemed to be of Bisnagar, because they make part of it, and are likewise at present Vassals and Tributaries of the King of Bisnagar. Formerly these Naicques were only Governours of the Quarters they at present possesse, these Governours revolting, and each seising his Government. The Kings of Bisnagar having long made War upon them, to reduce them to their duty: They in the end remained Naicques, that is, Hereditary Lords, and absolute over those Quarters, paying some Tribute to the Kings of Bisnagar.

The City of Gingi is esteemed one of the greatest and fairest of India, in the midst of which is a Fortress, and in that Fortress a Rock almost inaccessible; they give likewise to this Naicque the City of Cindambaram, after it Chistapatama; and on the Coast of Choromandel, Coloran, the Princes of Trinidi and Salavacca, are subject to him.

The Naicque of Tanjaor hath his Estate between those of Gingi and Madure, and near the Port of Negapatan, which belongs to the Portugals. Besides Tanjaor and Castan in the Upland, the Cities of Triminapatan, of Trangabar, and of Triminavez, belong unto him.

The Naicque of Madure, besides Madure his capital City and a very fair one, holds almost all the Coast of the Pesoheria, and the little Isle of Manar near Ceylan. This Coast extends from the Cape of Comori unto the Cape of Negapatan, viewing in the Ocean the not far distant Isle of Ceylan: And the name of the Pescheria hath been given it, by reason of the Pearls which they yearly fish there for about the end of March and the beginning of April; and this Fishing endures only 15 or 21 days, there being then about 50 or 60000 Persons employed either to fish, or to keep the Fishermens Vessels from trouble. These Pearls are exposed to sale in July, August, and September. Tutucori and Manancor, are the best Cities of this Coast, which is of 75 Leagues length, where there is about 25 Cities. The people of Paravas are mixed along the Coast, and live in some form of a Republick, paying some rights to the Naicque of Madure; and these are they that fish or the Pearls: this fishing being all the riches of the Country, which of it self is neither fertil nor pleasant, but dry and scorched.

  • 1.70Yet is the King of Bisnagar very powerful, formerly marching against the Idalcan, it hath been accounted that he had in his Army 40000 Horse, 700000 Foot, and 700 Elephants. His chief City is Bisnagar or Visnagar, a City very beautiful, seated in a temperate Air, and by reason of the fertility of the

Country about it, which brings forth sundry Commodities naturally, besides the industry and ingenuity of the Inhabitants in several Manufactures; but especially in their fine Cotton-Linnen, which they make of divers colours, and interwoved with several sorts of Loom-works and flowers, which are esteemed better than Silk. Also the goodness of its Haven, hath made it a place of as great Commerce as any City on the Coast of Choromandel;* 1.71 though at Musulipatan the English have settled a Factory (both for the providing and lading hence the Commodities of the Country,) more by reason of its scituation, than for the goodness of place, it being of no beauty nor grandure; its Houses being low and ill built, and its Streets not many, and those that are, narrow and ill contrived; but above all it is seated in a barten Soil, by reason of the extraordinary Heat, which here rages from March to July; them from July to November, the great Rains and Winds, which reign continually, so that their Temperate weather is but from November to March.

Vincent le Blanc saith, That the City of Bisnagar is able to set forth 100000 Horse; next to it Narsingue, on the side of a little Hill towards the Sea; Tripity, not far from Chandegry; and Cangevaran, not far from, Maliapor, or St. Thomas Trivalur, is famous for the great number of its Idols. Cirangapatan is between Chandegry and Mangalor, which is on the Coast of Canara: the Fortress of Vellur, between Chandegry and Narsingue, was the Kings Court in 1609. All the Country is healthful, rich, and fertil in Corn and Fruits,* 1.72 breeding store of Cattel and Fowl; and Diamonds are found in the Mountains of Gate, near Chandegry, and in other places quantity of Amethysts and white Saphirs. They have all sorts of Beasts, both tame and wild: their Elephants are docil, their People healthful and well disposed, but not couragious. The Pepper of Onor is esteemed the most weighty and the best of all these quarters: the Portugals lade from thence 7 or 8000 Quintals a year. Baticala, a Port of Rice of several sorts, different both in price and goodness; the black Rice is esteemed more healthful, and better than the white.

Between Peleagate and Narsingue, there is an obscure and deep Valley full of Trees, which still drop water like those in the Isle of Ferr in the Canaries: near this Valley there is abundance of Sugars, whose Canes prest serve to feed Beasts, among which Hogs most delight in them, which makes them contract a favour rather of Sugar than Salt; yet are they worth little.

  • 1.73Some give the King of Narsingue but 10 or 1200 l. Sterling of yearly Revenue, whereas others report him to have 10 or 12 Millions of Gold yearly, which is most likely. He entertains ordinarily 40000 Naires, 20000 Horses; and for the service of his House 12 or 15000 Persons, 1000 Horses, and 800 Elephants.
  • 1.74Almost all the People are Idolaters, some Mahumetans, and a few Catholicks. The Jesuites have two residences; one at Chandegry, and the other at Vetlur, to no small benefit. Amongst the Customs of these Barbarians, they have the inhuman custom for the Women to burn themselves with the Corps of their deceased Husbands. Texera saith, that the Naique of Madure deceasing in his time, his 400 Wives and Concubines cast themselves into the same Fire, and burnt themselves with the Kings Body. There was 375 burnt with the Naique of Taujaor, in the year 1600, and as many or more with the last Naique of Gingi.
  • 1.75As for the form and custom observed in the burning of these silly wretches, I shall borrow from Sir Tho. Herbert, as he hath it in his book of Travels, p. 362. where he saith, that the Husband being dead the Wife prepares her self for her Funeral, habiting her self in transparent Lawn; her Nose, Ears, and Fingers she adorns with Precious Stones, &c. but her Legs, Thighs and Arms she fettereth with Chains, which they hold as expressions of Love; in one hand she holds a Ball, and in the other a Nosegay of Flowers, both as Emblems of Paradise: and being thus habited, she is accompanied to the place by all her Relations, Friends, and Acquaintance; and all the way going the Branchman or Priest denotes the joys she is to possess, together with the assurance of enjoying her Husband in the Elysium: which words do much excite her to valour; so that when she cometh to the place, seeth the flame, and the Carcass of her dead Husband, whom she longeth to be with in Elysium, being as it were like a hot-headed Lover, transported with joy, she takes leave of her Friends and Relations, and jumps into the flame, in which the Corps of her Husband was first put, which soon unites in Ashes; during which time they have several sorts of Musick: and to make the Ceremony the better, their Branchman exhorts them not to quit their Husbands, casting store of sweet Wood and Oil into the fire, to take away the unsavoury smell; and this Law was made, because the Women did frequently poyson their Husbands upon any discontent, and so took others: but as Linscot says, this is only a Custom for their Nobles and Priests, it being prohibited to the meaner People. A Custom, I think, not greatly to be desired by any; and besides this Heathenish Custom, they have several others as bad and Idolatrous, Satan having here displayed his Banner of Impiety, being a People for the most part averse to Law and Morality. Likewise the Custom which they observe in their Marriages is as strange; for the Branchman, with a Cow and the Man and Woman, go together to the Water-side, where the Priest (after he hath muttered a short Prayer) joyns their hands to the Cows Tai), and having poured upon them hallowed Oil, he forceth the Cow into the River, where she continueth a good while, and being come out they unty them; and this they hold for a solemn Marriage, and sacred for ever, the Cow being a creature which by them is highly esteemed and reverenced.
  • 1.76Among the places which are on the Coast of Choromandel, Negapatan, and Maliapur, belong to the Portugals, and formerly they alone of the Europeans had all the Traffick; now the Hollanders hold Gueldria, the English the Fort St. George, called by the Indians Sadrapatan; and both have their Factors throughout the Coast. Megapatan is great of Trade, though seated in an unhealthful Climate, uttering many valuable Merchandizes: They gather Rice in quantity sufficient to serve their Neighbours. Maliapur a small, but well known Town on this Coast, is the place where those of the Country believe that St. Thomas was Martyred and interr'd; and there were many Christans who called it St. Thomas, when the Portugals entred the Indies; they are still a considerable body, and may easily be made return to true Christianity. The old City is ruined, the new was rebuilt by the Portugals, where there is a Chapel dedicated to St. Thomas; and it is erected into a Bishoprick under the Archbishop of Goa.


  • 1.77MALABAR is the last of the four parts we have proposed in the Peninsula of Indus without the Ganges; the least in Continent, but not in goodness. All the Country is healthful, fruitful, and rich: It hath little Wheat, but instead of it, it hath great plenty of Rice, Mayz, and other Grains, Fruits, quantity of Drugs and Spices, Precious Stones, Silk, Ginger, Cassia, and abundance of all sorts of Beasts, yields Wood, and such fair Trees for the Masts of great Ships, that Norway boasts not better; yet its greatest Riches consists in its Pepper and Precious Stones.
  • 1.78Some extend Malabar from the River of Aliga, or from the Cape of Ramos unto that of Comorin; but all that is between the River of Aliga and Cangerecora, having already passed under the name of Canara, where the Kings are Tributaries to him of Bisnagar; we will follow the others, who limit Malabar between the River of Cangerecora and the Cape of Comorin; where there are many Kings, all once subject to the Samorin of Calicut: At present those of Calicut, Cochin, Cananor, and Coulan, are the most powerful.
  • 1.79The Coast of MALABAR is about 125 Leagues in length, and is divided into several Kingdoms, of which the King of Cananor holds 20 Leagues, he of Calicut 25, he of Cochin 15, and he of Coulan with Travancor, 40 and odd; the rest is possessed by many. Those of Chambais, Montigue, and Badara, are very near one another, and between Cananor and Calicut: Those of Tanor and Cranganor, are between Calicut and Cochin: Those of Porca and Calecoulan are between Couchin and Coulan; and he of Travancor, between Coulan and Cape Comorin, near which the Country is not so good as the rest of Malabar.

In the High-lands are those of Cota near Cananor, of Auriola, of Cottagan, of Bipur, of Coucuran, of Panur, and of Curiga; above Calicut, Tanur and Cranganor; Those of Muterte, of Marta, and Batimena, towards Cochin: In the Mountains are those of Mangatt, of Paru, of Pimienta, of Changanara, of Trivilar, of Panapelli, of Angamale (where there was an Archbishop of Christians of St. Thomas, reduced to a Bishoprick; and transferred to Cranganor:) two of the Ticantutes, of Punhali, of Caranaretto, and others. The people called Maledus, and those of the Mountains Pande live in the form of a Republick Cotate, near Cape de Comori, is of the Kingdom of Travanco, and hath good trading. Calicut is esteemed able to bring more than 100000 men into the Field; Cananor few less, Cochin and Coulan each 50000. They use little Cavalry, because the Country is low, moist, and divided by many streams. Calicut pretends to have some authority over all the Kings of Malabar, for which those of Cananor, Cochin, and Coulan, to which Travancor is sometime past united, seem to care little at present, a good part of the rest still hold for him.

Cananor, besides what it possesses in the firm Land, holds likewise some Islands among the Maldives, for having assisted one of their Kings against his Rebells; he possesses for the same reason the Isle of Malicut, 35 or 40 Leagues to the Northward of the Maldives: and the five Isles of Diavandorou, likewise 30 Leagues North from Malicut. All these Isles are small, Malicut of only 4 Leagues circumference, the others each 6 or 7: they are more healthful than the Maldives, their Inhabitants rich, and trade to the Continent, to Malabar, and to the Maldives, and elsewhere.

Cochin hath gained some reputation since it allied it self with the Portugals, by whose means it is freed from the tribute it ought to the King of Calicut, and hath drawn to its Estates the greatest trade of all Malabar; and the City is so increased, that it is not now inferior to Calicut.

  • 1.80And in all these Kingdoms aforementioned, contained in (and along the Coasts of) Malabar, there are several good, large, and well built Cities, being well inhabited, rich, and of a considerable trade; but those of most note in the said Kingdoms are called by the same names, as that in Calicut, Calicut; that in Cananor, Cananor, &c.
  • 1.81The Original Inhabitants of Malabar, are divided into Bramenis, Nayres, and People. The Bramenis are the priests, Sacrificers to Idols; some addict themselves to Arms with the Nayres, others to trade; but to whatsoever vocation they apply themselves, they have a particular manner of living. The Nayres addicted themselves wholly to Arms. The People meddle only with labour, Manufactures, Fishing, &c. and are like Slaves.

Besides the Natives, there are many Strangers, who live only on the Coast, and these are called Malabares, whence the name is communicated to the Country. These Malabares are Mahumetans, whereas the others are Pagans, and very Superstitious, worshipping an Idol seated on a Brazen Throne, and Crowned, but of a horrid form, enough to fright one; and unto this Idol, besides their Religious Ceremonies, they offer up the Virginity of all their Daughters before they are married, or else to their Priests. This Idol having in the place of his Privy parts, a sharp bodkin of Gold or Silver fastned, on which the Bride is forcibly set, which by reason of the sharpness forceth great store of blood to come; and if, though by her Husband, she proves with Child the first year, they believe this Idol got it, which they highly esteem; but by reason of the pain, the Priests by enjoying them first, doth quit them from the other, out of which two, all are served: they commonly marry at 10 or 12 years of age; they are very black, and well limbed; they wear their Hair long, and curl'd about their shoulders; they go naked, having only a cloth about their middle to hide their nakedness, which hangs down to their knees; they are treacherous, cruel and bloody-minded; there are likewise some Jews, and since the Portugals have set footing, many Christians, besides those which they call of St. Thomas; these being of the Mountains, and those of the Coast.

The Peninsula of INDIA, within the GANGES.

THE Peninsula of India,* 1.82 which is beyond or within the Ganges, is our third and last part of the Asiatique, or East-Indies. We will give unto it all that rests of India unto China, and bound it on the East by China, and by the Sea of the Philippine Islands; on the South with that Sea, which flows amongst the Islands of Sonde; On the West by the Sea or Gulf of Bengala, and by the Estates of the Mogoll; and on the North we will stretch it as far as the Tartars: so that it will take up all India beyond the Ganges, what is possessed by the Mogoll excepted.

  • 1.83We have in this Peninsula a great number of Kingdoms, which we will consider under the three Principal ones; viz. Pegu, Sian, and Cochinchina. Under the name of Pegu we will range all those Estates and Kingdoms which lie upon the River, which descend from the Lake of Chiamay unto Pegu; under the name of Sian, all the Estates and Kingdoms which are about Sian; and under that of Cochinchina, all that is nearest to and on the West West of China. This last part is most Easterly of the three, the second most Southerly, and the first more to the West; and this hath almost all been subject to the King of Pegu; the other to the King of Sian, and the last was part of China.


  • 1.84THE Kingdom of PEGƲ when in its splendor was so rich and powerful, that some would equal it to China. Vincent Blanc saith that it contained two Empires, and 26 Kingdoms or Crowned Estates; I believe that the two Empires were Pegu and Siami, or possibly Sian, this having been subject or tributary to Pegu: and the Kingdoms are Martavan, Manar, Tangu, Marsin, Jangoma, and Brama, whose chief Cities are Pegu, Brema, Canarane, Pandior, Cassubi, Ava, Boldia, Mandranelle, Tinco, Prom, Dunbacaon, Tolema, Maon, Arracon, Largaray, Cassubi, Ledoa, Tipoura, Xara, and Chacomas. The greatest part of these Estates taken apart, are rich, and powerful, being able to set forth to War, some 2, some 3, some 400000 men. They have in many places Mines of Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones, besides Grains, Fruits, Herbs, Fowl, and Beasts, which are here found excellent. The Kingdoms of Tangu and of Brama are the most powerful; since this hath sometime seized, and the other with that of Arracan ruined the Estates of Pegu.
  • 1.85Brama besides its Mines of precious Stones, hath Benjamin, India-Lake, and certain Herbs, from which they take Silk; they make divers Manufactures, particularly Caps much esteemed. Ava abounds in all sorts of Victuals, hath divers Metals, Musk, and Rubies. Canelan hath the finest Rubies, Saphires and other Stones. Prom hath Lacque and Lead. Tinco fetches many Merchandizes from China. Vincent Blanc esteems the City of Canarana as rich and magnificent as any in India; he places it between the Rivers of Jiama, and of Caypoumo or Pegu, giving it four Leagues Circuit, and making it Metropolis of the Kingdom of Caypoumo, which is likewise called Canarana. This Country hath Turquesses, and Emeralds the fairest of all the East. Cassubi is in a Plain, bounded with high Hills, from whence descend many streams, which water the Plain, where there are excellent Fruits, among the rest Pomegranates the largest and best of India, excellent Raisins and Manna, which must be gathered before Sun-rise, which else dispatches it. Their Mountains are filled with savage Beasts, where they get the Skins and Furs of Ermines and Sables of divers sorts, all very exquisite. The people of Transiana are fair, and white; the Women exceeding beautiful, and the Men very proud: They have Mines of Gold, Silver, and Diamonds; their King keeps ordinarily 50000 Horse, 1000 Elephants, and paies his tribute to the King of Pegu in Horses, which are very excellent. Their Forests have many Wild Beasts; among the rest, that which gives the Bezoar. The Inhabitants of Boldia are esteemed the most honest and civil of all these quarters: So that they cannot but be people of Trade; and indeed all these Kingdoms have divers Commodities which make them rich.
  • 1.86The Kingdom of Pegu, which hath commanded, and had for Subjects or Tributaries almost all these Estates, and likewise others towards Sian, and Sian it self, cannot but be extreamly rich and powerful. And truly, Gold, Silver, Pearls, and Precious Stones, have been as common in the Courts of the Kings of Pegu, as if all the Orient had brought all its Riches thither. The Floors of Buildings, the Moveables, and the Vessels, with which they served themselves for divertisement, were so inriched within and without, with Gold and Azure, that it is not imaginable, if we did not know this to be the Aurea Regio, and likewise the Argentea Regio of Ptolomy: Yet this must be believed to have been long since; but however, that it is at present the richest Country of all the Indies: And for the same reason, one of the best peopled, and most powerful.
  • 1.87This Country, by reason of the overflowing of the River Pegu, which runs through the Kingdom, makes it become exceeding fruitful, and of a fat and rich soyl; so that it produceth great abundance of Grains, Fruits, and other products of the Earth in great plenty. Also Beasts, Fowl, and Fish, great store of Civet-Cats, from whom they take Civet, Lacque, which is made by Ants, (as Bees make Wax with us) Gold, Silver, Precious Stones, Drugs, Spices, Lead, Sugar, &c. This Kingdom hath plenty of good Towns and Cities,* 1.88 its Metropolis bearing the name of the Kingdom. It is divided into the Old and the New; the one and the other together make a Square; being encompassed with a strong Wall, and a great Ditch well fortified, having on each side five Gates, besides many Turrets richly beautified. It is large, strong, rich, and stately; the King and his Nobility and Courtiers takes up the New City, which is separated from the Old by a Wall and Ditch well watered; in which are kept many Crocodils for the watching the place by night: The Wall hath several Gates on all sides, for the convenience of the people to pass in and out. The Streets are very fair, straight, and so broad, that fifteen men may ride a-breast on both sides. The Houses well built, having before every door Palm-trees, which are set, not only to make a pleasant show, but also to keep the Passengers from the heat of the Sun, which is very great.
  • 1.89The Palace Royal is seated in the midst of the City, having its particular Wall, Moat, and other Fortifications; the Palace being very stately and large the greatest part of the Buildings being sustained by Pillars of Jet, and all the Stones so shining, that those which are without, represent the Neighbouring Gardens and Forests; and those which are within the Paved Chambers, other Rooms, and the Ceilings above, so well, that one seemeth to walk on Gold and Azure. Nor doth this his stately Palace exceed his Magnificence and Pomp, without which he is never so much as seen. The Old City is inhabited only by Merchants, Artificers, and Sea-men, where there is great store of Ware-houses strongly built of Brick to prevent fire (which the City is much subject unto,) in which the Merchants keep their Goods. And for the better encrease of Trade, the King doth constitute Eight Brokers, whose Offices are to look after and sell the Goods, as well of strangers, as the Inhabitants; giving a very just account thereof: For which, they are allowed two pence per Cent. The like is observed in the buying of Commodities. And these Brokers by their places, are obliged to provide Strangers or Merchants with a House, and orders certain Maids of the City to go to him, that out of them he may make his choice; which done, he contracts with her friends to pay them a certain sum for the use of her, as they can agree, which is not great; and this Maid serveth him as his Servant by day, doing what he commandeth; and as his Wife by night: And at the expiration of the term agreed upon, he leaveth her, and she goeth to her Friends without any disgrace at all. The People are of a mean stature,* 1.90 nimble and strong, great lovers of Women, which takes them from warlike affairs, in which they are not very expert. Their habit is but mean, contenting themselves for the most part, with a piece of Linnen to cover their nakedness; they all black their Teeth, because they say Dogs teeth are white. They are generally all Pagans,* 1.91 and believe that God hath under him several other Gods; that he is the Author of all good which arriveth to mankind: But he leaveth all evils which belong to man, to the Devil; by reason of which, they so much adore and fear him, lest he should hurt them; which God, being good, they say, will not. Their Devotion they perform on Mundays, their Priests going about with Tin-basons, making a noise to waken the People, and inviting them to their devotions, in which they chiefly exhort them to Morality, as to avoid Theft, Adultery, Murder, &c. and to love Vertue. They have a great esteem for their Priests, who live a very solitary and exemplary life. They have Five principal Feasts which they observe very strictly, ceremoniously, and with greast state and pomp.* 1.92 They that Marry buy their Wives of their Parents; and when he is weary of her, he may send her home, but must lose the Money he paid for her: But if she leave him, as she may do, then he may receive the Money paid for her.


  • 1.93THe Kingdom of SIAN, and those Estates, which we will comprehend under the name of Sian, are to the North of Pegu. We may consider them in two principal parts; of which, one shall retain the name of Sian, and the other that of Malacca. This latter is a Peninsula, which extends it self from the first degree of Latitude, unto the 11 or 12; from whence the first advances it self into the Main Land, unto the 19 or 20 degree on this side the Equator.* 1.94 They reach then each 250, and together 4 or 500 Leagues from South to North. But the Peninsula of Malacca is very streight, not being above 10 or 12 Leagues broad in the Isthmus, which separates it from Sian; in other places 20, 30, 40, and some times 80. Sian is almost of an equal length and breadth.

Under the name of Sian, separated from the Peninsula of Malacca, we comprehend the Kingdoms of Sian, Martaban, Jangoma, and Camboya; under the name of Malacca, those of Tanacerin, Juncalaon, Singora, Queda, Pera, Patane, Pan, Malacca, Ihor, and others, as in the Geographical Table.

  • 1.95The Kingdom of Sian, especially so called, hath several Cities of note, viz.

First, Odiaa which some call Sian; the Metropolis being a City of a large extent, a place of so great strength, that in 1567. they stoutly defended themselves against an Army of 1400000 fighting Men, which the King of Pegu brought against them, for twenty Months together: By reason of which, together with several other mutations that have since hapned amongst them, the City hath been much eclipsed of its former beauty, splendor, and riches; yet by reason of its commodious scituation on the River Menam, is still a place of great Trade and Commerce, is rich, and populous. The Houses are built very high, by reason of the annual overflowing of this River about the Month of March: So that it covereth the Earth for about 120 Miles in compass; which renders these Countries very fruitful, as the Nile doth Egypt. During this Inundation, Its Inhabitants retire to the upper Rooms of their Houses; and to every House there is a Boat, or other Vessel belonging; by which means, they negotiate their affairs, until the River returns to her usual bounds.

  • 1.96The principal Commodities of this City, or indeed of the Kingdom, are Cotton-Linnens of several sorts, Benjamin, Lacque, of which they make excellent Hard Wax; Also that costly Wood which the Portugals call Palo Dangula, and Calamba, which is weighed against Silver and Gold; for 〈◊〉 Perfumes; and the Wood Sapon, used by Dyers; also Spices, some Drugs, Diamonds, Gold, Camphora, Bezar-Stones, Musk, Porcelaine; and lastly, that excellent Wine, or Distilled Liquod, which they call Nipe, which they make of Cocos or Indian Nuts, being of great esteem over all India, and elsewhere.

Its other places are Bankock, noted for excellent Pepper. Lugor seated on the Sea-shore, and Socotay, famous for having a Temple only made of Metal, which is 80 Spans high, and answerable in length and breadth, being adorned with abundance of Idols, built by one of their Kings at his coming to the Crown.

  • 1.97The Kingdom of MARTABAN, towards the Gulph of Bengala, is contiguous to Pegu, to which it hath been subject, at present is to Sian. This Kingdom hath many Ports frequented for Trade; for besides its Grains, Fruits, Oils, and Medicinal Herbs, it is rich in Mines of Gold, Silver, Iron, Lead, Steel, and Copper. It hath Rubies, Lacques, and Benjamin, &c. And they make Vessels of Earth, which they call Martabanes; of which some are so great, that they hold a Bushel. This is a kind of Porcelain varnished with black, and wherein they keep Water, Wine, Oil, and all sorts of Liquors; and for this reason they are esteemed in all the East.
  • 1.98JANGOMA, on the confines of Pegu, Siam, and Brama, hath been subject or tributary sometimes to one, and sometimes to another. It hath Gold, Silver, Copper, Musk, Cotton, of which they make Manufactures, Pepper, &c. Its People are more addicted to Horse than Foot service.

CAMBOJA is the last and most Southerly part of the Peninsula,* 1.99 which is between the Gulphs of Sian and Cochin-china. The principal Cities are Ravecca and Camboja, of which the Kingdom takes it name, which is under the 10th or 11th degree of Latitude, and on the principal and most Easternly branch of the River Menam, which (as it is believed) comes from China; but it should be said from some Regions formerly subject to, or which were part of China.

  • 1.100The People in their Manners and Customs resemble those of Sian, whose Subjects they have been, and whose Tributaries but lately they were.


  • 1.101IN the Peninsula of Malacca are divers Kingdoms, which are taken notice of in the Geographical Table; which all (except the City of Malacca) are likewise tributary to that of Sian. Tenasserin is a Country of Trade, by reason of its Archipelago, which contains several Islands; and of its Isthmus, which facilitates the transportation of Merchants from one Sea to another; and of its Ports, which are commodious. Its other places are Juncalaon, Zueda, Pera, and Malacca, all which places afford Nipe of burning Wines.
  • 1.102IHOR is beyond Cape de Sincapura, and on the utmost point of the Peninsula: Its chief City was taken and ruined by the Portugals in 1603, who took from thence 1500 Brass Cannons. The King of Ihor for revenge besieged Malacca in 1606 with 60000 Men, but was constrained to raise his Siege; there are some petty Kings which are his Tributaries, Pahang hath Lignum Aquila and Calamba, near to that of Cochin-china; of Camphire, like to that of Borneo: Gold, but of a lower alloy than ours; Petra Porea, of near as much vertue as the Bezoar against poyson; Diamonds, Nutmegs, Mace, &c.
  • 1.103PATANE within few years is grown famous; the Kingdom being frequented by divers Nations, particularly by the Chinois, who bring thither Porcelaine, divers Manufactures and Instruments of Husbandry; instead of which they carry back Timber for Building, Cordage made of Cocos, Rice, and divers Skins, &c. The Pepper is excellent, but dearer than at Bantam. Their Saroy-Boura, that is, the matter of Swallows Nests, which we shall speak of in Cochin-china, is much sought after. The Soil is good, producing Fruit every Month in the year. Their Hens, Ducks, and Geese, often lay Eggs twice a day. Amongst an infinite number of Fowl they have white Herons and Turtles of various colours, like Paroquetoes.

Patane, Singora, Brodelong, and Ligor, are on the same Gulph, which may be called also by Patana, and makes part of that of Sian: Patane and Ligor towards the two ends; Singora and Brodelong in the midst, and at the bottom of this Gulph; and these two last are head Cities of Provinces (others call them Kingdoms) under Sian; the two first Kingdoms are tributary to Sian: They have nothing particular above Patane, to which they are all united.

The chief City of Patane takes its name from its Kingdom so called,* 1.104 seated on the Sea-side betwixt Malacca and Siam. Its Houses are well and handsomly built, either of Timber or Canes. The Palace Royal is encompassed with a Pallisado, and its Mosques are made of Brick. This City (as also the whole Kingdom) is very populous, and enjoying a good Trade. Its People are inclined to a Swarthy brown complexion, well proportioned, ingenious, using Arts, especially Navigation; but above all, great lovers of Women. The Country affordeth most of the Indian Commodities, by reason of which it hath a good Trade.* 1.105Malacca, a City and Kingdom, is at present the most famous of all those which of the Peninsula we have comprehended under the name of Malacca: It hath been subject to the King of Sian. A particular King had made himself Master of it, before that the Portugals entred the Indies: the Country remaining still to the Kings of Sian. That which hath made this City great, rich, and powerful, (though the Air be unhealthful, and the Soil almost barren) is the advantage of its scituation, being seated on the River Gasa, which is about 3 Leagues broad, and in the center of the firm Land, and of all the Islands of the East Indies, commanding a Streight, which is the Key which makes it the Staple of all the Indian and China Commodities; by reason of which it is a place of great Traffick, and very populous, containing about 12000 Families, besides Strangers. Its Houses are low, and not over curiously built, and the Streets narrow; the City is about 2 miles in length, and of half the breadth, being a place of good strength, and defended by a strong Wall and Castle; is watered by the River Gaza, and the chiefest place of pleasure is the Buzzar. Before, and nigh to this City, are the Islands by the Portugals, called Ilha de Naos, and Ilha de Pedra. The usance of divers Nations of the Indies hath so fashioned the Malayois Language, that it is the best and most elegant of all others.

  • 1.106Among the Rarities of Malacca, or rather among the wonders of the World, may be counted Arbortristis, or the Sad Tree, which bears Flowers only after Sun set, and sheds them so soon as the Sun rises, and this it doth every Night throughout the whole year. These Flowers are almost like to (but faire• and more odoriferous than) Orange Flowers. Some of these Trees have been transported and brought as far as Goa, and some other places of the Indies; but no care could ever preserve them unto Europe.

The Provinces of thin Kingdom of SIAN are very populous,* 1.107 especially those which have the benefit of the Sea or navigable Rivers; but inhabited by different People, but for the most part well proportioned, of a Swarthy complexion, more addicted to Venus than Mars; ingenious, but lazy, unconstant, and deceivers. Their habit is a painted Cloth, which they wear about their middle, and hangeth down to their knees; besides which the Men wear short Shirts, and the Women cover their Breasts with a piece of Linnen, which they tie about their Necks, all observing one fashion; the Persons of Quality being only known by their attendance. Their Marriages, Burials, and other Ceremonies, are much the same as those aforesaid; they bring up their Children very well, instructing them in Arts: by which, according to their abilities, they are advanced to preferment. In their Punishments they are severs and different,* 1.108 according to the nature of the crime. His Army doth consist of his own Subjects in the nature of our Trained-Bands, which are to be ready upon all occasions, and not of a standing Army. Their Arms are Bows and Arrows, Swords, Pikes, and Bucklers; they have no Fire-Arms; their Horse is not good, their chief strength consisting in their Elephants.

  • 1.109The Kings of Sian are esteemed absolute Monarchs in their Dominions, making and breaking Laws as they please; imposing Taxes on their Subjects; punishing, condemning and seising the Estates of those who speak or act contrary to their minds; make War and Peace as often as they please. These and the like actions he doth of himself, without consent of any; yet he hath a Council, which are his Nobles, of whom he will hear their Opinions and Advice, but act as best pleaseth him. He hath but one Wife, who bears the title of a Queen, but hath many Concubines. In his Apparel and Attendance he is very magnificent and stately, not stirring abroad without great pomp; by reason of which, as also through his austerity, he hath great veneration shewed him. His Revenue is very great; he bestoweth his Honour or Preferment on those who best please him, not regarding Birth and Education, it being not hereditary. For the administration of Justice, most Cities have their Jurisdictions and Judges.

This great Kingdom is not in all places alike; for in some parts it is covered with Wood, in others Mountainous, and to the Sea-side, Marshy, Flat, and Fertil, affording divers and rich Commodities, as aforementioned; and being plentifully furnished with Rivers, Bays, and Harbours, for the conveniency of Shipping.


  • 1.110I Esteem under the Name of COCHIN-CHINA taken in general, all that lies to the Eastward of the Kingdoms of Camboja, Sian, Pegu, and Ava, &c. to the Westward of China, and the Gulph of Cochin-china; and which is washed on the South with the Oriental Ocean, and bounded on the North by those high Mountains which limit Tartary; extending it self from the 9th degree of Latitude on this side the Equator, unto the 34th or 35th towards the North, which make more than 6000 Leagues; the breadth not being above the 8th or 10th part of its length.
  • 1.111The name of Cochin-china, according to some, signifies West China: so the Natives of the Country call it Onam or Anam, that is, the Occidental Quarter; and this extends to the view of China, of which it was once part, and whose Language, Manners, Customs, Government, Religion, and other Ceremonies they yet retain, (which having occasion to treat of in China, as more convenient, for brevities sake I omit them here, referring the Reader to the description of China.) But these Quarters being retired from the subjection of the Chinois above 800 years ago, were a little after as easily divided into divers Estates. The name of Cochin-china being kept in the most Southern parts; that of Tunquin having taken the middle and more Northernly parts, passing under the name of the People called Lays, the Kingdom of Ciocangue, the People Gueyes, Timocoves, &c. who have in part taken and received the manners and barbarousness of the Tartars, their Neighbours.
  • 1.112Cochin-china likewise is divided into Chiampaa and Cochin-china: Chiampaa, between Camboja and Cochin-china, regards the Isles of Sonde towards the South; the Philippines towards the East, and touches on Tunquin to the North. Its principal City bears the same name, according to most Authors; but according to others, Pulocacein. It hath nothing which is not common to Cochin-china, and therefore we shall say no more.

Cochin-china particularly taken, is better known than all the neighbouring Countries, because it is wholly upon the Sea, having 150 Leagues of Coast, and not above 40 or 50 in breadth, between the Mountains of Kemois (a barbarous People) and the Sea. Its Provinces are descending from North to South: Sinuva, Cacciam, Quangiva, Quingin or Pulacambis, and Ranran. The two first touch upon Tunquin, the last touch on the Kingdom of Chiampaa. The King makes his ordinary residence in the Province of Sinuva, or at Cacciam, Cities of the same name with their Provinces.

  • 1.113All the Country is fertil, abounding in Rice, Fruits, and Herbs, breeding many Fowls and Beasts, and the Sea excellent Fishes. It produces Cinnamon, Pepper, Lignum Aquilae, Calamba, and Benjamin. Its temperature is pleasant, though under the Torrid Zone; the Air healthful, and the Soil so abundant in all things, that the Inhabitants have no knowledge either of Contagion or Famine. They have Gold, Silver, Silk, Porcelain, and divers other valuable Commodities. All sorts of Nations frequent its Coast, by reason of the goodness of its Ports; and because its Inhabitants are Courteous, Liberal, kind to Strangers, and faithful in their dealings.

They are couragious, and more warlike than those of Tunquin or China, handling all sorts of Arms with no small activity. They are Idolaters: Christianity was introduced in 1620, and began to flourish; but their Kings have of date very much persecuted them.

Amongst the particularities and rarities of the Country, we must place the Lutt, an Inundation, which in Autumn covers with its Waters almost all the Country; it renews from 15 to 15 days, remaining only 3 days at a time, making the Earth so fruitful, that it brings forth its increase twice or thrice a year. Their Saroy-Boura,* 1.114 or matter wherewith certain Swallows make their Nests, which after those Birds leave dry and hardned, they gather in great quantities, which being steeped and moistned in Water, serves for Sawce to all sorts of Meat; and as formerly Manna communicating such a variety of taste, that it seems to be composed of Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, and other Spices. Their Lignum Aquilae and Calamba come from the same Tree; the first from the Trunk of a young Tree, the last from the Trunk of an old Tree: but this last is much more esteemed than the other, both for its odour and vertue. A pound of it on the place where it is beaten down is worth 5 Ducats, being brought to the Port, 15 or 16; and if transported to Japan, 200. If some piece be found to make a whole Pillar, it is worth 3 or 400 Ducats the pound. The Lignum Aquilae amongst other things, serves to burn the dead Bodies of their Kings, Princes, and Priests.

  • 1.115Among the Wood they use for Buildings, there are two sorts which they call uncorruptible, whether in Water or Earth; their Trees they call Thins: the Wood of the one is near as black as Ebony, the other near the colour of Yew. Both the one and the other taken out of the Bark is smooth and glib, so solid and weighty, that it sinks to the bottom of the Water, and serves also for Anchors for Ships. They make Pillars, on which they erect their Buildings; and before the time of the Lutt, they drive Joists and Planks between those Columns, and with Canes and Reeds accommodate divers Apartments, which they take away in the time of those Inundations, that the Water may run the freer.


THe Kingdom of TƲNQƲIN is part on the Sea, and part on the Main Land;* 1.116 it bounds on the Sea at the bottom of the Gulph of Cochin-china, there where it divides China from Cochin-china, and hath about 150 Leagues of Coast. On the Land it extends it self from the seventeenth degree of Latitude, on this side the Equator, unto the twenty third, which are likewise 150 Leagues from North to South: Its breadth being only about 100 Leagues from East to West.

  • 1.117This Kingdom contains Seven Provinces, of which the three most Southernly are, Bochin, Gehan, and Tinhoa; the four most Northernly are, Beramar, Kedom, Kenam, and Kethay. Bochin touches on Cochin-china, and the two other advance along the Gulph towards the North; amongst the four last, Beramar and Kedun are towards China, Kenan and Kethay towards the People Layes.* 1.118 The King of Tunquin ordinarily entertains a Militia of 50000 Men, taken from the three Southernly Provinces, and paid by the four Northern, because these last lately revolted, and the other remained in obedience.
  • 1.119Kecchio is the chief City of the Kingdom, where the King ordinarily resides. It is not above twenty miles in circuit, but hath a Million of Inhabitants. Some Authors will have it called Tunquin, that is, the Court of the West, and that the Kingdom took its name from it. The Land hath beautiful Plains, and watered with many great Rivers; which with the Rains and melting of the Snow, which descends from the Mountains that separates it, from the Layes, the Kingdom of Ciocangue, China, and Cochin-china, make it fruitful by their Inundations, rendring it better and more abundant than Cochin-china. Yet hath it neither Corn, Vines, nor Olive Trees;* 1.120 but they gather Rice twice a year, of which they make Bread; they fetch in Wine, and instead of Oil make use of the matter taken from Swallows Nests, of which they have no less quantity than Cochin-china. They have neither Asses nor Sheep, but many Horses, Elephants, and Rhinocerotes, whose Flesh, Skins, Bones, Teeth, Nails, and Horns, serve for Antidotes against Poyson; they have so much Pullain, Pigeons, Turtles, and other Fowl, that they give them almost for nothing.

Amongst their Fruits they have fair Pomgranates, which beyond the ordinary excellency of that Fruit hath here a particular and delightful Juice. For Fish they make account, that in the Seasons there daily goes 10000 Barks out of their Ports to Fish.* 1.121 The Catholick Religion was so introduced here some years past, that there was esteemed to be more than 200000 Christned Souls, 200 great Churches, and a great quantity of Chapels and Oratories: there hath since happened divers changes. In these Kingdoms the Portugals have several Towns and Cities, by which they have a great Revenue.

  • 1.122In the Gulph of Sian are seated several Isles, some of which are well known; as the Isle of Goeteinficos, about 27 Leagues long, and 15 broad, seated about three or four Leagues from Ligor and Bordelong, in the Peninsula of Malacca; and between this Isle and the Land of Malacca lieth several small Isles. The next of note are the Isles of Macaria and Panian; then the Isles of Cara, which are four in number; and the Isles of Cosyn, which are three in number; with several others of no account.
  • 1.123In the Gulph called the Gulph of Bengala, are likewise seated several Isles; the chief of which are the Isles of Chubedu, Chudube, and Ledoa, of Dos Alevantados, Aligada, and Durondiva, whose chief place is Siriaon; the Isles of Andemaon, which are 10 in number, two of which are indifferent large; likewise the Isles dos Cocos, dos Caboses, Tanasseri, Tavay, Alta, and Craro, which said Isles are not far distant from the Sea-shoar of the Land of Sian, two of which are each about 20 Leagues in length; and the one 10, and the other about 7 in breadth. Also in this Gulph are the Isles of Caremubar, of Raza, dos Sombreros de Palm, Siano, Sambilano, Batun, Pera, Pinaon, Canal de St. Georgo, Nicubar, and others; many of which are well known and frequented by Merchants, affording several of the Indian Commodities.

1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child.

The Peninsula of INDIA within GANGES.

THIS Peninsula is divided almost into two equal parts by the Mountains called Gate, which reach from North to South, having several fine Plains on the top of them, where they have variety of Seasons at the same time. It is bounded on the North by the River Guenga and Gulph of Cambay, which parts it from the States of the Mogul. On the West, South and East by the Indian Ocean, between the 7th Degree 30 min. and 22d Degree of Latitude; which shews it to be from South to North 290 Leagues; and between the 112th Degree and 126th Degree of Longitude: So that it is 240 Leagues from West to East.

The Air is very hot, unless it be on the tops of the Mountains. The greatest part of the People go almost naked. The Soil is very fertile of all things necessary for Humane Life. It abounds with Mines of Diamonds, especially in the Kingdom of Golconde. They also fish for Pearl, but chiefly about the Streights of Manar.

The Inhabitants are very dull, lazy and ignorant; none but Slaves work.

The greatest part of the Inhabitants are Mahometans, as well as their Princes; but principally upon the Coasts. They that dwell on the Mountains are Idolaters. Others of them are Catholicks or Protestants, as the Nations of Europe are, that are allowed to dwell and trade with them. The Jews live here in great numbers, using the Trade of Brokers and Merchants, as they do in the other parts of the World.

This Peninsula is divided into two Parts, as we have said, by a Ridge of Mountains which run from North to South; so that we may consider it in Two Parts or Peninsuloe. 1. The Western. And, 2. The Eastern; wherein I shall observe the Kings and People which possess it, as is more plainly to be seen in this following Table.

The Peninsula within Ganges hath Two Parts.

  • 1. The Western in which are,
    • 1. Decan.
      • Visapor, Solapur, Rasiapur, Debul, Danda, Bacaim, Centapur, Cariapatan, Goa, Bardes, an Isle.
    • 2. Canata.
      • ...Onor, Mangalor, Barcilor, Baricala.
    • 3. Carnatica.
      • ...Kanticota, Tripiti.
    • 4. The Coasts of Malabar.
      • 1. Calicut.
        • ...Calicut, Canamor, Manigale, Grungamer.
      • 2. Cochin.
        • ...Cochin, Porca, Calecculan, Coulan, Angamale.
      • 3. Madura.
        • ...Madura, Tutucori, Mamancor, Jacancori.
      • 4. Mesul.
        • ...Mesul.
  • 2. The Eastern, in which are,
    • 1. Coasts of Coromondel.
      • 1. Tanajor.
        • ...Tanajor, Nagapatan, Frangabar.
      • 2. Gingi.
        • ...Gingi, Coloran, Candabaran.
      • 3. Bisnagar.
        • ...Bisnagar, Narsingue, Pentapouli, Geldua, Senepgond, Melour.
    • 2. Golconde, a Kingdom.
      • Golconde, Orixa, Candavara, Guadavart, Masulpatan, Nasingapatam, Cantapoli, &c.

The City of Goa is the most considerable of this Peninsula, the chief City of that part of the East-Indies, which the Portuguese possess, and the Seat of the Vice-Roy, giving also the Title to an Archbishop. It stands in the Kingdom of Decan, in an Isle, which the Rivers Mandoua and Guari make at their Fall into the Sea. Alphonsus Alberquerque took it for the Portuguese in 1510. who have here a Council for the Government of the East-Indies, besides their Trade, Riches, and Government of the City. Here is one of the finest Hospitals in the World. The Churches are very magnificent. This City is fullest of Trade of the East, being filled with a vast number of Merchants from all places.

The Kingdom of Decan produces all things in abundance. Something more than a League distant from the City of Decan, is a Mountain, where the People find great quantities of Diamonds, which is therefore encompassed with an high Wall, and a continual Guard kept there. These Diamonds are the best and finest in the World. They also Trade in Rubies, Emeralds, Topazes, and other precious Stones.

The Portugese have built in this Country two or three Forts to maintain their Trade in Pepper, which they gather there in abundance. They have good Masts for Ships, of which they have such plenty, that they furnish their Neighbouring Country with them. Here is also Sugar, Ginger, Cassia, Amber-grease, store of Jacinth, Pomegranats, Saphires and Rubies about the City Cananor. This Country also produces Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Elephants, Buffles, Parrets, Indian Cocks, and several other Birds. In their Ponds and Lakes they have much Fish, and great Lizards like Crocodiles, whose back is covered with Scales, impenetrable with any Weapon. They kill Men, and their Breath smells as sweet as Amber-grease. On the other side there are a sort of Serpents which kill Men with their breath only. The City Cananor is very large, but without Walls, under the Command of a King of its own, who is very potent, and chosen out of the Princes of the Blood: He can upon occasion furnish out an 100000 Men for War. Here is Ebony, Areca, Palms, and other sorts of Fruits in abundance, and several Christians have their Habitation in this City.

From Cananor to Calicut is counted four Leagues. The King hath a Palace about a Mile and half from this City, which is a Mile round. Calicut was heretofore the most famous City of the Indies, the Metropolis of Malabar, and the Imperial Seat of the Samorin, or Emperor, but it is much decayed since the Portugese have possessed Goa, and other places. Cochin also is inhabited by the Portuguese, and by their means is grown so great, that the King of it is become more potent than the Emperor himself. It is about 26 Leagues distant from Calicut, and about an 100 from Goa.

The City of Visapor, or Visapur, is five Leagues about, encompassed with High Walls, with a great Ditch, and several Batteries, wherein are mounted above a 1000 Pieces of Canon of all sorts and sizes, both of Brass and Iron. The King's Palace is in the middle of the City, from which it is parted by a double Ditch; it is a large League about. This City has five large Suburbs, in which the greatest part of the Merchants dwell, especially one that's called Schampour, were the greatest part of the Jewellers dwell; it is the chief City of Decan, and the Residence of the Idalcan, or King of Decan.

The City of Bisnagar. Bisnagaria is six or seven Leagues round, and encompassed with three Walls, standing on the side of an Hill, and in the midst of the Kingdom of the same Name. Here are two or three Mountains, whence they dig the clearest and best Diamonds, a great number of Amethysts, white Saphires, which the Rivers bring down from the Rocks, which are broken by the force of their Waters. The King of it is rich in Gold, Silver, and Quarries of Stones, and very strong in Men; he is said to have carried an Army against his Enemy Idalcan, consisting of 40000 Horse, 300000 Foot, and 700 Elephants.

Narsingue, or Narsinga, is the Head of the Kingdom so called, well built, standing on a Mountain, and three Leagues round. It is encompassed on the one side with the Sea, and on the other with a great River. The King hath a magnificent Palace in it, so well fortified, that it is very formidable to his Neighbours, and no Man can dwell there without his permission. It is very safe and happy dwelling there, paying the ordinary Customs, because of the exact administration of Justice there used, and the regular Government which is exercised in it.

The Country of the Naique of Gingi, pays Tribute to the King of Bisnagar, and is near the City of Pech•rie. The chief City of the Kingdom is Gingi: Gingis, a very large City, having a Castle in the midst of it, like a City it self, encompassed with high Walls of hewn Stone, and a Ditch full of Water. In the Castle is an high Rock, and almost impossible to be ascended, where they have formed their Bastions and Towers for defence. The King hath two fine Palaces in it fortified with several Towers.

This Peninsula is governed by more than fifty Kings, and divers sorts of People, the more potent subduing the other. The Portuguese, Dutch and English have their Factories on the Coasts for the maintenance of their Trade there, which consists in Spice, Pearl, several sorts of Stones, Cotten-wool, and other Merchandize. The Kings themselves love to converse with the Christians to encourage their Trade, and to secure their assistance in times of War.

The Coast of Malabar is a very low Country, inhabited by Pirates, for whom 'tis very convenient. The Portuguese Landed at Calicut first, but with less success than at Cochin, where they got leave to build them a Castle, but lost it by the Dutch in 1662. Besides the King of Calicut, there are upon these Coasts the Kings of Cananor, Tanor, Cranganor, Cochin, Couhan, Travancor, and ten or twelve more, less considerable. In Onor there is a very weighty sort of Pepper, and black Rice, which is better than the white.

Next to the Coast of Malabar is that of Manar, or the Fishing-Coast, where they fish for Pearl in April and September for three Weeks together. This is all the profit that they make in thirty little Cities of that Country; for which they have a Fair at Tuticorin. The Dutch are Masters of the King's Isle, where they have built a Fort, by which they command all the passage of the Streights of Manar, where they get Amber-grease.

There is a prodigious quantity of Rice upon the Coasts of Coromandel, or Corobander, and the best in the Indies. Here stands Meliapour, or St. Thomas, where this Apostle is said to have done many Miracles. This City stands upon a small River, which hath six Arms at the Entrance of it into the Sea; all lying within the reach of the Canon of the City, which causes the smaller Vessels to put in at Pallacate, and the greater at Negapatan.

The King of Narsinga calls himself the King of Kings, and hath a thousand Wives. Upon the same Coasts are the Naiques, or Princes of Gingi, Madure and Tanior. These three little States have risen from the destruction of that of Narsinga. The Kingdom of Messar is near that of Madure; the People of Marara, which are not far distant, are accounted good Warriers. The Country of Pirates is sixteen Leagues about, with its Cities.

The Kingdom Golconde and Orifia, or Orixa, are Mahometans, of the Sect of the Persians; it pays Tribute to the Great Mogul, because it can't free it self from him. In this State there is a Mine of Diamonds about two Leagues from Golconde at the foot of a Mountain; it is so large an one that the King enclosed it in 1662, for fear by yielding too great Quantities, they should become too common, or that the Great Mogul might not desire to get it. The King reserves to himself all the Diamonds that weigh above ten Carats; and there are some that weigh thirty or forty; of others they have taken out above three Millions. The City of Golconde is two Leagues about, divided into three Cities, viz. Badnagner, or Hidrabant, in which stands the Kings Palace. 2. Golconda, in which is the Castle. 3. Emanpour, which is on the River which parts it from the first. The King's Palace is a very Stately one, having Gold in all places instead of Iron. The City Masulpatan which is subject to this Kingdom is situated among the Fens, and hath a Bridge 1500 Paces long: The Haven or Harbour is about half a League from the City, and is very convenient for all sorts of Vessels; most of the Merchants of Europe have their Factors here: In this City are made the finest Painted Cloaths of all the East. The Castle of Candapoli hath six Fortifications, one above another. In this Province there are also sixty other considerable places.

The Peninsula of INDIA, beyond GANGES, or Zirbad.

THIS Peninsula is bounded on the North with China, and great Thibet on the West, on the South and East by the Indian Ocean: The Extent of it from South to North is 460 Leagues, from the 1. Degr. to the 24. of Lat. and from West to East 332. from the 133. Degr. to the 150. of Long. which must be understood in the largest extent of it.

The Air and Soil is different according to the different Situation of it, as the Description of each particular will shew, as well as their Religion, Manners and Government.

This Peninsula is divided into three Parts: 1. The Northern, from the States of the Great Mogul to the Kingdom of Siam: 2. The Southern from the Kingdom of Pegu, and Cochin-China to the Sea: 3. The Eastern which contains the Kingdoms of Tunquin, and Cochin-China, of which more particularly in the Table.

The Peninsula of India beyond Ganges hath Three Parts.

  • 1. The Northern in Seven Parts, or Kingdoms.
    • 1. Tipra.
      • ...Tipra, Azo.
  • 2. Ava.
    • ...Ava, Prom, Totay, Tolema, Melintay, Boldia, Transiana.
  • 3. Brema.
    • Brema, or Brama, and Barma, Coromoria.
  • 4. Aracan.
    • ...Aracan Sandar, Sore, Cadouascan.
  • 5. Pegu.
    • Pegu, Ladoa, Taqualla, Ambuaro, Chubode, Tangu, Manar, Siarion, an Isle.
  • 6. Martaban.
    • ...Martan, Tuguala, Macaon, Macaria del Rei,
  • 7. The Coast of Asem.
    • ...Asem.
  • 2. The Southern in three States.
    • 1. The States of the King of Siam in Nine Kingdoms:
    • 2. Camboya, or Cambodia.
      • ...Camboya, Racol, Lavech, Taruano.
        • 1. Siam, properly so called,
          • Odia, or India Juropisan.
          • ...Bankok, Sacatacy.
      • 2. Tenasserim.
        • ...Tenasserim, Ligor.
      • 3. Juncalaon.
        • ...Juncalaon, Bordelong.
      • 4. Patana.
        • ...Patana.
      • 5. Queda.
        • ...Queda.
      • 6. Pahan.
        • ...Pahan.
      • 7. Pera.
        • ...Pera.
      • 8. Malaca.
        • ...Malaca.
      • 9. Jhor.
        • ...Jhor.
    • 3. Siampaa.
      • ...Siampaa, Pulocaccim.
  • 3. The Eastern in two Kingdoms.
    • 1. Cochin-China.
      • Cacciam, Bochin, Neghon, Tinhga, Caubanch, which is St. Joseph's Port. Cuaceva, where is the Queen's Harbour, Faifo, Bedaya.
    • 2. Tunquin.
      • Tunquin, Korcio, Cuaday, or Codem, Kebach, Ketra, Ciucham, Tandang, a Tower of Tunquin.

The Peninsula of India beyond Ganges. The Northern Part.

THE King of Ava is a Potent Monarch, having besides the Kingdom of Ava, the States of Pegu, Aracan, Asem, & Tipra subject to him. The Ancient Kingdom of Brama, or the Brachmans pay him Tribute, as do also divers other People which live on the West parts of China, as the Layes, Gueyes, Timocoues, and Ciocangaes: So that his Kingdom from South to North reaches about 300 Leagues; and from East to West about 200. The Country of Great Tartary is on the North, the Gulf of Bengal on the West, and the States of the King of Siam on the South, and China on the East.

The Air •s very temperate, the Soil produces plenty of Wheat, Grapes, Millet and Fruits, as also divers kind of W ld and Tame Beasts, as Elephants, Camels, Horses, Sheep, Civet-cats, Sables, and Ermins. It hath also Mines of Gold, Silver, Iron, Lead and Copper, a great quantity of Rubies, the best of all the East, Saphires, Emeralds, Turquies, and other Precious Stones. They have also Musk, Bezoar, Benjamin, Lacca of the Aigle, Wood Calemba, and Aloes-Trees, and Canes as big as great Trees.

The Chief Rivers that Water this Country are Six, of which four rise out of the Lake Chiamay in Great T•ibet, and run cross the Country from North to South. The first and most Eastern is Menan, which empties it self into the Gulf of Siam near the City Bankok. The 2. Pegu, or Caypumo, which runs into the Ocean near the City Ambu•ro. 3. Cosmin, which runs through the Borders of the Kingdoms of Tipra, Aracan, and Bengal, and falls into the Sea of Bengal. 4. Caor, which runs into the same Gulf through one of the Branches of Ganges. 'Tis true, this last is not in the Kingdom of Ava. 5. C•abares is a Branch of the River Pegu, which runs between the said River and Cosmin. It is a great River, and falls into the Gulf of Bengal, a little below the City Aracan. 6. There is another River on the East of the River Menan, which crosses the Countries of this King from North to South, and runs into the Sea below Camboya.

The City of Ava is the Chief City of all the States of this Monarch: It is his Seat: It stands upon the River of the same Name, which runs into the River Pegu. The Inhabitants are for the most part Idolaters, and worship the Sun. There are but few Christians or Jews.

The City of Pegu, Pegicum, or Triglinton, stands upon the River of the same Name, and is the Head-city of the Kingdom of Pegu, it is divided into two parts: 1. The Old. 2. The New. The King and his Court dwell in the New, and the Merchants and Traders in the Old. The most part of the Houses are built of Canes. Their Store-houses are Vaults to keep their Goods from Fires. The New City hath Bastions and Ditches full of Water, wherein they nourish Crocodiles to hinder Men from passing them to surprize the City. They bring their Elephants to drink at them, because they are not afraid of them.

Casubi is a Kingdom which takes its Name from the Chief City, which is large fine, and full of Trade.

Transiana is subject to the Kingdom of Pegu: It is a Country very temperate, but excessive hot in Summer. It hath one considerable Mine of Diamonds, as also Gold and Silver, abundance of Corn, Fruit, and several sorts of Palm-Wine. The Inhabitants are white. In times of War the King hath 1000 Elephants, 50000 Horse, and a vast Number of Foot. He goes to Hunting with Lions and white Wolves, which are made tame, and fit to catch their Fellows.

In the Country of Brama there are many Quarries of Stone, Benjamin and Lacca. The Kingdom and the Head-city bear the same Name.

The Kingdom of Aracan, and the chief City of it, which bears the same Name, is situate on the South of Java. The City stands upon the Bank of the River Chabeus, about 15 Leagues distant from the Sea, with a very strong Castle. This Prince is very potent in Men, Horse, Elephants and Money.

The Coast and Kingdom of Martaban is so plentiful a Country, that they ordinarily have three Harvests, and send every year 15 or 16 Ships to Cochin laden with Rice, and as much to Malaca. Martaban is the chief Port of this Kingdom. The City is very fine and well Peopled. In this Kingdom are plenty of Mines of Gold, Silver, Lead, Steel, Copper and Rubies. Here is the finest Lacca in the World, and whole Mountains of Fire-stone.

The Southern part of the Peninsula of India beyond Ganges.

THE States of the King of Siam take up almost all that part; they are Bounded on the North with the Kingdoms of Pegu, and Cochin-China; on the West, South and East with the Indian Ocean. The Extent of it from South to North is 340 Leagues, and from West to East about 180 in the widest place.

The Air is very temperate, altho all this Country be in the Torrid Zone, which arises, as some think, from the narrowness of the Country, being refreshed by the Winds and Dews, which make the Ground fat, and plentiful in Rice, Barley, and other Grains and Fruits. They have much Pepper, Aloes, Benjamin and Musk, also Mines of Gold, Silver, Tin, Copper, and other Metals, as also a great Number of Horses, and Elephants. In the Coasts of Cochin-China there are great Forests, which are an Harbour for Tigers, Lions, and other Wild Beasts.

The People of Siam believe a Metempsycosis, and Worship the four Elements.

The City of Malaca is the only place free from Tribute: It stands on the narrow passage of the Sea of the same Name, over against the Isle Sumatra. It is well Peopled, and hath a good Trade, altho the Air of it be unwholsome. The Dutch in 1641, took it away from the Portuguese, who had been Masters of it 130 years.

The City of Odia is the Metropolis of this Kingdom: It is Fortified with Walls made of Brick and Morter, and hath 600000 People, without Reckoning the Suburbs. This City stands upon the Banks of the River Menan, which makes it an Isle. It hath many fine Streets, and Channels made very exactly. For the River passes through the City in several places, so that there is scarce an House but may take Water in a Boat at their own Door. There are in it near 300 fine Mosques. every one having a Bell, and a Steeple Gilt over, and a great number of Pagods, with Idols of all sorts of Metal. The King's Palace is a Castle almost impregnable. This City stands upon the Water like Venice, insomuch that they say there are 200000 Boats, and 30000 Moors Houses. It can send out 50000 fighting Men in time of War.

This King is so powerful, that he doth often send out into the Field 250000 Foot, and 20000 Horse; and yet for all this great strength he is subject to the King of China, to whom he sends every year an Embassage to pay him a kind of Homage.

Juncalaon, or Jangoma, abounds with Gold, Silver, Copper, Musk, Cotten, Pepper, and every thing necessary for Man's Life.

The Country of Pa•ana is plentiful in all things: They have New Fruits every Month, their Ducks and Geese lay Eggs twice a day, their Woods are full of Wild Beasts and Birds, and their Seas have abundance of Fish, which differ from ours in shape and taste.

Malaca is the chief City of the Kingdom of the same Name: It stands upon a River that ebbs and flows as the other Rivers do, which are near the Sea; it hath a very spacious Bridge. In 1640, or 41, the Dutch took it from the Portuguese, by which the Catholick Religion was banished out of it. The Air is very unwholsome. This City is famous for Trade, the greatest Mart of all the East; and the Dutch know very well how to advance and improve it.

Ihor, or Johor is the farthest Country of this Peninsula, called Laurea Chersonesus by the Ancients. The chief City which hath the same Name, stands upon the River Ihor, which divides it into two parts; the Houses in it are built upon Piles, which raise them nine or ten Foot above Ground, because the City stands so low, that the High-tide flows it twice a day. It may be easily made a very strong place, by means of the River. The whole Country belongs to the King, who gives any leave to manage and till it, who desire it of him. The Soil brings forth plentifully Lemmons, Banana's, Potato's, Anana's, and Citrons as big as a Man's Head, and other Excellent Fruits. When the Portuguese took Ihor, it had 1500 Brass Cannon.

Camboya, Cambodia is a Kingdom in the most Southern parts of this Peninsula, between the Gulf of Siam and Cochin-China. It is a very Fruitful Country. The Inhabitants are very simple. They have no dealings with the Mahometans, which makes them not very backward to receive Christianity, so that many of them are become Catholicks. The chief City of it is Camboya, or Rebecca, standing upon the more Eastern Branch of Mecon, near the mouth of it, upon a kind of Lake. This great River divides the City in two parts.

Chiampa, or Tsiompa, is a Kingdom situated between Cochin-China, the Kingdom of Camboya and the Indian Sea. This Country produces all sorts of Food, and also the true Calamba, a sweet Wood of as great worth as the Lignum Aloes, which is prized at its weight in Silver.

The Eastern Part of the Peninsula beyond Ganges.

COchin-China is a Kingdom adjoyning to the Gulf of the same Name. The Inhabitants call it Cachu, or Kachokiu, i. e. the Western China. It hath five or six Provinces, every one of which hath its Governour, a particular administration of Justice, and about fifty Sea-Ports.

Caccia is the chief City. The King's Residence is there, and his Court is very Magnificent. The chief Trade they have is for Gold, Silver, Calambe, Porcellane-Earth, Wood of the Aigle, Silk, Cotten, and Rice. The Romish Priests have had good success in converting them, notwithstanding the Persecution which the latter Kings have inflicted upon the Christians. They employ a great number of Ships. During the Months of September, October, and November, all the Kingdom is overflowed every 15 days, and that for three days together, by which the Air is cooled, and the Ground enriched so that it brings forth abundance of Rice, the common food of the Country. The People of Cochin-China are much given to the Sciences, and Arms. The King hath above 200 Ships at all times Equipped.

Tunquin, which is on the North of Cochin-China, hath a King of its own, as well as Cochin-China, Cambodia, and Tsiompa. It is near the Borders of China, and of the Peninsula, inhabited by a certain People called Maug, Tomocoves and Otteyes. The Country of Tunquin i• very wet, because it lyes among several Rivers, which make the Air very foggy and unhealthy. It hath above 20000 Towns or Villages, besides small Hamlets, and six Provinces, wherein there are about 200000 Christians. It is a very strong Kingdom for the number of Inhabitants, Riches, Trade, and Fruitfulness of the Soil, abundance of all things necessary for humane Life, the Magnificence of the King's Court, and great Armies, which the King maintains both by Land and Sea.

They have such great numbers of Pools, and Fish-Ponds, that every House hath one or more belonging to it. It hath 35 Rivers, which have all their several Channels. Their Forests are furnished with several sorts of odoriferous and lasting Trees, that will not rot, as Ebony, Cinnamon, Calamba, and Calambuco, which are there common, and stored with great numbers of Tigers, Wild Boars, Elephants, Rhinoceros's, Bears, Wolves, Deer, and Goats. They have also several sorts of excellent Fruits, as Citrons, Oranges, and Apples; great quantities of Cotten, Silk, Flax, Rice; nor do they want Mines of Gold and Silver in several places. The Men and Women have a Custom to black their Teeth. The King hath always 300000 well disciplin'd Soldiers, which are ready to march whither he pleases upon his first Order, except 50 or 60000 of them, which are always kept about his Person to guard him, and ordinarily wait about his Palace.

The Kingdom of Lao extends it self from the 14th Degree to the 22th Degree, 30 min. of Latitude; but is not of so large an Extent from West to East. It is a Country very fruitful, compact and delicious: It hath the Best Rice and whitest Salt in all the East, and that in greatest abundance, which is made after a miraculous manner After the gathering of the Rice, there ariseth a South Wind, which lasts till their Rains are over, which produceth a kind of Foam, with which a great part of the Country is covered; the Sun hardens it, and turns it into Salt, in such great quantities, that it supplies not only the Kingdom, but the neighbouring Countries. Their Benjamin, Honey, Wax, and Cotten, are excellent good. They have several Mines of Iron, Lead and Tin. They labour continually, and gather Gold and Silver enough out of their Rivers by certain Iron Nets. They trade much in Musk and Red Amber. Oxen and Buffles are very common there; and their Rivers supply them with several sorts of Fish. Their chief City called Langione, stands in the middle of the Kingdom, upon the Banks of the River Lao. The King's Palace is in it. It is of a prodigious bigness.

Of the first Voyages from EUROPE to the EAST-INDIES.

THE Coasts of the East-Indies were first discover'd by Vasco de Gama, whom Emanuel King of Portugal sent for that purpose, and whose Father Stephen had been before nominated by King John for the like Employment. This valiant and prudent Commander set Sail from Lisbon, on the 9th Day of July, A. D. 1497. with Four great Ships (one whereof only carried Provisions) and 160 Men; doubled the Cape of Good Hope about the latter end of November following; pass'd beyond the Equinoctial Line, and came to an Anchor at the distance of two Miles from Cal•cut, on the 20th of May, 1498. where he spent some time in treating with the King of that Country, cruised about the adjacent Coasts, and at last return'd to the Port of Lisbon, having finished his Voyage in somewhat more than two years time, to the great Advantage of the Portuguese Nation, who have been very powerful ever since in those parts. In the next Year another Fleet was set out by King Emanuel's special Command, consisting of 13 Ships, and 1500 Soldiers, besides Mariners, under the Conduct of Pedro Alvarez de Cabrale, not so much to make a Discovery, as to establish a Trade in the Indies; where being arriv'd, he batter'd the Town of Calecut with his Cannon, to revenge an Outrage committed there on some of his Men by the Saracens and Arabians, but enter'd into an amicable Treaty with the Kings of Cochin, Coulam and Cananor, and came back to Lisbon on the 2d of August, 1501. In the mean while John de Novo being sent with a small Fleet of Four Ships to recruit the said Alvarez, was attack'd by a Navy of above 80 Men of War, belonging to the Zamorin or Emperour of Calicut; but he vigorously repuls'd them, sunk five of the larger Vessels, as also nine of the lesser, and kill'd above 400 Men. Whereupon he continued his Course to Cochin, left a Factory at Conanor, and return'd to Portugal on the 11th of September, Anno 1502. About that time the King of Portugal assum'd the glorious Title of Lord of the Navigation, Conquest and Commerce of Aethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and India: And Vasco de Gama was deputed to undertake a Second Expedition into the Indies in quality of Admiral, with a greater Fleet then had ever as yet been equipp'd on the like occasions; insomuch that he made the King of Quiloa Tributary to the King of Portugal, took a huge Ship of the Saracens richly laden, and bound for Mecca; and continuing his Course to Conanor and Cochin, renew'd the League with the Princes of those Territories. Thus having dispatch'd his Affairs, he sail'd from thence, but was met with in the way by 20 stout Ships from Calecut; nevertheless he order'd two of his Vessels, that were not so much laden as the rest, to engage the foremost of the Enemy, and struck such a Terror into their whole Navy, that many leap'd over-board, and above 300 were destroy'd in the Water before they could reach their Boats. At the same time Gama took two of their Ships with a considerable Booty, and leaving Vincent Sodra on those Coasts, with Six Ships under his Command, to hinder the Intercourse of the Arabians and Saracens, return'd to Portugal. Thus the Portugueses got footing by degrees in the Indies, and still retain in their possession divers rich Cities and Places of considerable Importance; particularly on the Western Coasts, Damaon, the Forts of St. John, Kielme, Matri; Tarampor and Bandera, sometimes called Manora, besides Dio, Basaim, Tana Asterim, Chaul, Morra, Caranga and Messagan, together with the Islands of Coran and Divar, Ougueli upon the River Ganges, and Larantoca in the Isle of Solor. But Goa is the Metropolis of their Empire, and the Seat of the Governour of these Plantations, styl'd a Vice-Roy, the first of whom was Francis de Almeida, advanc'd to that Dignity A. D. 1505. The Portugueses in like manner maintain a Traffick at Agra Amanadabar, Cambaya, Baroche Bengala, Galconda, Surat, Aracam Pegu, Tanacerim, Ligor Odia, and other places in Siam, Camboya, and the Island Timor. However, the Gain of what is now exported by them has very much declin'd of late Years, by reason that the English and Hollanders furnish most parts of Europe with those Commodities that were wont to make their richest Return; as, Indian Cloaths, Calicoes, divers sorts of Drugs, &c. Nay, their Trade has been so far impaired, that whereas their Fleets have formerly brought in Merchandizes to the value of 200000 Pieces of Gold, the whole Cargo of them scarce amounted to 3000 Crusadoes in the Year 1646. and probably has been much more diminish'd since that time.

The first Discovery of the East-Indies by the Portugueses, happen'd in the time of Henry VII. King of England, &c. yet none of our Neighbours made any Voyage thither, until that of Queen Elizabeth, who having prosperously settled Affairs at home, had leisure to promote Trade abroad, and to defend her Kingdom against Foreign Enemies, more especially the Spaniards, with whom she was often at variance; on which account she readily granted Commissions to single Ships, or to two or three under one Commander in chief, •o infest the Spaniards on the Indian Coasts, and to make Free Prize of as many of their Vessels as fell into their Hands. Among these brave Adventurers were Sir Francis Drake and Thomas Candish Esq both famous for encompassing the whole Globe of the Earth. Afterward, in the Year 1600. the East-India Company was erected, and endowed with many Priviledges; insomuch that a Fond was soon rais'd, and their first Fleet fitted out, the Command whereof was given, together with a Commission of Martial Law, to Sir James Lancaster, who arriv'd at Sumatra on the 5th Day of June, A. D. 1602. and obtain'd Leave of the Prince of the Country to Trade with the Natives. Then having got a sufficient Cargo for two of his Ships, he sent them back to England, but set Sail with the other two remaining for Bantam, and settled a Factory there. In the year 1608. a Factory was likewise establish'd at Surat, within the Dominions of the Great Mogul, and divers Priviledges were granted thereto upon the Negotiation of Captain Hawkins, who resided many Years in that Court, as Ambassador from the King of Great Britain. Thus in process of Time the English Merchants promoted Traffick throughout most part of the Indies, and have obtain'd an absolute Soveraignty at Madraspatam, a place situated on the Sea-Coasts, not above a Mile and an half from Meliapur or St. Thomas; so that this Town has in a manner lost it's own Name, for that of the Castle, commonly call'd St. George's Fort, which is indeed the strongest Hold we have in the Indies, and wherein constantly resides a Governour, authoriz'd by the King's Commission; as also a General Factory for all the Affairs of the East-India Company beyond Cape Comori, on the Continent of Golconda, Bengala, and Pegu. A great number of the Inhabitants are Portugueses, who abandon'd St. Thomas, and have a Church here, enjoying the free Exercise of their Religion. The Island Bombaya has been in like manner possess'd by the English ever since the Year 1662. or 1663. when the Portugueses put it into their Hands, conformably to the Articles of Marriage between King Charles II. and Donna Catherina Infanta of Portugal, the present Queen Dowager of England. Indeed it has the Advantage of the best River and Haven in all the Indian Coasts, as being capable of holding Ships of the largest Bulk, altogether free from those Shelves and Beds of Sand which obstruct the others; save that toward the North a Bank extends it self about half a League in length, which may be easily shun'd by Sailers. The River at it's Entrance is two Leagues Broad, afterward growing somewhat straighter, but not much, during its whole Course through the Island. The Town, while it remain'd in the possession of the Portugueses, was very small, and the Houses scatter'd here and there, scarce contain'd above Eleven Families of that Nation, together with about 70 Negroes. But it is now well fortify'd, and adorn'd with a most magnificent Palace. It is certain that the English might easily have made themselves Masters of divers other Places, as the Portugueses and Hollanders have done, but that they always chose rather to carry on a peaceable and quiet Commerce with the Inhabitants, than by violating the Laws of Nations, to enslave and rob them at the same time both of their Wealth and Liberty. On which account they have been every where k•ndly entertain'd, and preserv'd an unspotted Rep••ation, having settled divers considerable Factories on the Continent, viz. at Surat, Agra Amadabat, Cambaya Brodra, Baroche, Dabul Pettapoli M•tsulipa•an, Balasor Ougueli, Dacca, Pattana and Cassambazar; as also in Siam, Camboya and Tunquin; besides those in the Island Sumatra, Priaman, Achem, Tycho and Jamke; in Java, Bantam, Celebes, Macasser, the Isle of Formosa, Borneo, Succodana, Bandermassin, &c.

The States of Holland having been formerly very desirous to share with the other European Nations in the Advantages that arose from their Traffick to the Indies, as also more especially to annoy the Spaniards, at that time their Enemies, or at least to disturb their Trade in those Parts, at first endeavour'd to find out a new and nearer Passage thither by the North, along the Coasts of Norway, Lapland, Nova Zembla and Tartary; but their Attempts at several times proving unsuccessful, in the Year 1595. they fitted out Four Ships, under the Command of Cornelius Houtman, who having been before employ'd in the Service of the Portugueses, not only learnt the Method of Sailing to those Coasts, but was also well vers'd in the manner of Trafficking. Thus he set Sail the common way to the Cape of Good Hope, continuing his Course to Madagascar, Sancta Maria and Antongil, and came to Sumatra on the 12th of June, 1596. Afterward he pass'd to Bantam and Tuba in Java Major; as also to the Islands of Madura and Bally; and loosing from thence, after a tedious and difficult Voyage, arriv'd in Holland in the Month of August, 1597. without making a Return of Profit answerable to the Expectation of the Merchants. However, they were not at all discourag'd from the like Adventures, but rather animated thereto by a Prospect of Gain; insomuch that the next Year, 1598. no less than 80 Ships Sail'd out of the Ports of Holland and Zealand, either for the East or West Indies, of which Five were sent out by the Authority of the States General, under the Conduct of Balthasar Musseron. Divers considerable Voyages were likewise made by Oliver Nordt, George Spitberg, and James Van Neck, besides other of lesser note, undertaken at the Expences of Private Persons, or petty Companies of Merchants of Amsterdam, Roterdam, Zealand, Brabant, &c. until the States thought fit to unite all the Adventurers into one Society, to Trade upon a common Stock; freely permitting any Persons to come in at first, but prohibiting all others to Traffick, or repair to any Harbour from the Cape of Good-Hope to the Coast of China for 21 Years, to commence from the 20th of March, 1602. Whereupon, within a little while was rais'd a Fond of 700000 Pounds Sterling, which in Six Years time was augmented to near five times as much, i. e. 3500000, besides a yearly Dividend of 30 or 40, and seld•m so low as 20 per Cent. Thus the Hollanders, having in process of time settled themselves in the most remarkable Places of the East Indies, and engross'd almost the whole Spice-Trade, began to found a Commonwealth in those parts, govern'd by a Stadt-Holder, as potent as the other in the Netherlands; although his Office, which was formerly for Life, now continues only during three Years,; nevertheless in State and Grandeur he exceeds not only the Stadt-Holder of the Ʋnited Provinces, but even most Princes in Europe. Indeed, the Strength and Greatness of the Hollanders are at present come to so high a pitch, as to dare to contend with the most powerful Monarchs of the Levant, being able to put to Sea a Fleet of 40 or 50 Men of War, and at the same time to maintain an Army of 30000 Men on Land. For in the Province of Malabar they possess Onor, Barcelor, Mangalor, Cananor, Cranganor, Cochin, Coulam: In that about Coromandel, Tuticorin, Negapatam, Karkalle and Pa•leacate, which they commonly call Gueldria. In the Peninsula, Malacca. In the Island of Ceylon, Negumbo, Columbo, Galla, Baticala Trinquilimala, and Jaff•iapatam. A Fortress in the Isle of Manar. In Java, Batavia, anciently known by the Name of Jaccae•a. In Borneo, Celebes, and divers other places, besides the entire Islands of Bima, Amboyna and Banda, several Forts of the Molucca's, &c. They likewise keep Factories in almost all the Trading Towns throughout the whole Continent of India, endeavouring, if it were possible to get into their Hands the Monopoly of all manner of Commodities, even sometimes without having respect to the known Laws of Nature and Nations, or the common Principles of Justice.

The Danes and French, in emulation to other European Kingdoms, have likewise sought for a Share in the Traffick in the East Indies. The former indeed have establish'd a considerable Trade in the Bay of Bengala, and on the Coasts of Pegu; as also in some little Islands toward the South, being Masters only of two Places whereto they repair, both lying on the Coast of Coromandel, viz. Krankebar and Dansburgh. The French in the Year 1664. erected a Company for the Commerce of the East Indies, which having sixt their chief Residence and Factory in the Isle of Madagascar, on the Coast of Africa, should from thence traffick into Persia, India, China, Japan, &c. But they have not been as yet able to carry on their Design with Success, according to their Expectations, although they still continue earnestly to prosecute it, and have lately got some Interest in the Court of the King of Siam.