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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

Assyria hath on the East Media, on the West Mesopotamia, on the North Armenia minor, on the South a part of Persia; in which I find no Citie at present of any note: heere is seene to this day the ruines of that Ni•…iveh whose walles were of three dayes iourney in compasse about, one hundred foot high, and thirtie foot broad, and beautified with 1500 Towres of 200 foot high; through which ran the famous River of Euphrates, and to which place was Ionas sent to preach; heere being 120000 persons found so ignorant in the things of God, that they are said in Scripture not to know the right hand from the left.

1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.

XXIII. Assyria,

E. Media, W. Mesopotamia. N. Turcomania, where Christianity was planted by St. Jude, and corrupted by the Nestorians; hath

  1. Calach.
  2. The fruitful, well-seated, and well-shaded Sittace.
  3. Arbela, neer which they say Noah built the Ark.
  4. Apollonia.
  5. Geguamela.
  6. Rhezen, which was once delivered up, because the Inhabitants were frighted with an Ecclips of the Son.
  7. Mosul, the chief City of Assyria, raysed upon the Ruines of Nineveh, whereof there are hardly any foot-steps, and the seat of the Patriarch of the Nestorians, who call the Pope, the Reprobate Bishop.
  8. Strong Arzeri and Scheheruzal.