
From The World in 17th Century
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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

In Mesopotamia is seated Caramit a famous Towne and Bashawlike of the grand Signior whose commerce is unknowne unto us by reason of its scituation; in Genesis 12 it is called Padan Haran, and is the place where Abraham dwelt after he had left Vr; and in this Countrey was Abraham borne, and to which place hee sent his servant to choose a wife for his sonne Isaac; and here in some Authors opinion, (which in this description I followed, did Paradise stand.

1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.

E. Tygris, W. Euphrates, N. Taurus, S. Chaldea, now Dearbech, where Christianity was preached by St. Thaddeus hath these remarkable places:

  1. Strong Cologenbar.
  2. Fair Edessa on the River Scyrtas neer Euphrates.
  3. Nisibis.
  4. Ʋr.
  5. Haran.
  6. Amida, (a strong frontier town against the Persians) now Caramit, or Kara Amida, i. e. black Amida.
  7. Phalga and Seruts at the meeting of Caphoras with Euphrates.
  8. Singara, on a River of the name well fortified.
  9. Bezabde on the banks of Tygris; Virta and Merdix impregnable.