Sources from old books
1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child.
Antarctick or Southern.
- N. Guinea, Puerto Primerio.
- Isles of Solomon, S. Isable, S. Jorge.
- Isles,
- ...Horn, Cocos, Monches, Sansfond, Prince William, Good-hope, Traitors, Midelberg.
- Eleven thousand Virgins.
- Terre de Fua or Fuoga.
- Stoteland.
- H•rmite's Isle.
- Diego Ramires I.
- Kings-Isle.
- Terra Australis incognita.
- 1. Carpentery.
- 2. The Country of Diemens.
- 3. New-Zeland, Port S. Philip, Port S. James.
- 4. Quiri.
- 5. The Country of Browers.
- 6. The Country of Parrokeets.
- 7. The Country of Parrots.
- 8. The Kingdom of Beach.
- 9. The Kingdom of Lucat.
- 10. The Kingdom of Maletur.
- New Holland, in 6 parts.
- 1. Country of Leuvin.
- 2. Country of Edels.
- 3. Country of Nuits.
- 4. Country of Concord.
- 5. Du Wit's Land.
- 6. Country of Arnent.
These Countries are call'd Antartick from the Pole of that Name, near which they lye: They are also nam'd Southern, because the South-Wind blows from those Parts. Our Relations assure us, That they are not less than America, and as fruitful and well-peopled as Europe. They reach not farther than the 60th Degree of Southern Latitude; Magellan, who discover'd them first, gave them the Name of Magellanicans. They are situated in three several Zones. The Air is very different, according to the several Regions of it; but it may be said, That the Soil is generally fruitful in all sorts of Fruit, wild and tame Beasts, some of which are unknown to us. Fernando Quiri, the Spaniard, Mayre, Browers and Schouten, Dutchmen, observ'd several Mouths of Rivers, but durst not venture upon the Land; they only only entred some Gulphs and commodious Havens. The Streight of Magellan, discover'd in 1520. is 200 Leagues in length, and in some Places 2 or 3, in other 6 or 10 Leagues wide. Mayre's Streights, discovered in 1615. is 10 Leagues long, and as many wide. It is more convenient and less dangerous than the former. Browers Steight, found out in 1643. is much like Mayre's. The English and Dutch go that way often to the East-Indies. It is evident that the Southern Regions have more than 4000 Leagues on the Coast in the Torrid, Temperate and Frigid Zones.
NEW GƲINEE, Nova Guinea, is near the Aequinoctial Line: It is one of the biggest Isles in the World. It is so call'd because it seems to be diametrically opposite to Guinee in Africa, and because 'tis part of the West-Indies: It is separated from the Continent by a Streight or Current of the Sea of the Land of Papos; which is a very considerable Island on the East of Gilolo. It is a good Country, but little frequented by the Europeans.
The ISLES of SOLOMON are in the Pacifick-Sea, on the East of New Guinee, and in the 10th or 12th Degree of Southern Latitude; the Spaniards gave them that Name to persuade us, That Solomon fetch'd his Gold from thence. On the East and South of these Isles lye many others, of which we know little more than their Names.
TERRA de FƲOGO is on the South of America: It consists of several Islands, call'd the Magellanick, the Streights of Magellan and the Fires (which they observ'd there, gave Name to the Place.) The Air and Soil are very good.
The STATES ISLAND lyes South-East of it, and hath almost the same Nature and Air.
The Southern unknown Region, or TERRA AƲSTRALIS INCOGNITA, is a vast tract of Land, as we judge by the Coasts. I have distinguish'd the Parts of it by the several Names given it by Pilots and Captains, who have sail'd by them, which are to be seen in the foregoing Table. The Inhabitants are white, of a large Stature, strong, industrious and couragious: It is very sad to fall into their Hands, as some Europeans have found by unhappy Experience. Some modern Relations tell us, That in all that vast Country they have neither King nor Prince, all the People are only combin'd together in several Factions, in the Form of a Commonwealth. They chuse Governours only to make the lazy work, punish Offenders, and render Justice to every Man. They are Idolaters, and have Oratories to pray to their Idols in: They observe certain Fasts, and wash their Bodies on certain Days every Year.
The Country of NEW ZEALAND is Antipodes to France: The Dutch were used cruelly there. They found Men there of an extraordinary Stature. Fernando Quir, who spent 14 Years in these Voyages, discover'd it before those Republicans. He was 14 Mon hs at the Court of the King of Spain to perswade his Catholick Majesty by 8 several Petitions, to send Colonies thither. He represented a thousand Advantages that would arise to them by the Extent of it, Fruitfulness, People, and Conveniency of the Ports, but was not regarded.
The Dutch set an high Esteem upon this Country, which they call NEW HOLLAND, and have made particular Maps of it, which carry it as far as New Zealand.
The other Parts of Terra Australis are not well represented in our Relations and Maps: Time, we hope, will bring us to a more exact and perfect Knowledge of, and Acquaintance with these vast Regions.