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Etymology and other names










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Sources from old books

1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.

THe Easterne part of Liburnia they now call Liburnia, from the Bessi, a people of lower Moesia: who afterward being expulsed by the Bulgarians, did remove into higher Maesia, and by changing the letter e for o, they were called instead of Bossis Bossi or Bosni: and afterward Bosna, and Besnia. There have beene the like changes in other names, as Melita, now called Malta, Langones and Lingones, Scandia and Schondia, &c. Iaitza is a Citty of Bosnia, seated on a high hill, and encompassed with two Rivers. These Rivers doe flowe at the foote of the Mountaine, and so having encircled the Citty, doe joyne together, and runne both into Savus. It was the Metropolis of Bosnia, and it hath a strong impregnable Castle. This Country also hath other chiefe Citties, especially Schwonica, and Warbosayne, which is now the Metropolis, but not walled about. The River Milliatzka doth devide it into two parts, &c.

1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child.


BOSNIA, derives its Name from the River Bosna, that runs through it, lying between the Ʋnna, the Save and the Drina, as also bordering on Servia to the East, Croatia on the West, Sclavonia and Rascia on the North, and Dalmatia on the South. It was heretofore a free independent Kingdom, but in the Year 1310. became tributary to Charles Robert King of Hungary, who changed its Royal Style into that of a Dukedom. In the Year 1415. the Bosnians threw off the Hungarian Yoke, and betook themselves to the Grand Signior's Protection. Then King Sigismund invaded their Country, and reduc'd them to their Allegiance: Nevertheless they soon revolted again, and were a second Time subdued by Matthias Corvinus. But Mahomet II. Emperor of the Turks, took Jaycza, the then Metropolis of these Territories, in 1472. and made himself absolute Lord of them, after having caused Stephen, the last Duke to be flead alive: So that since that Time it hath been reckon'd a Province of the Turkish Empire, and govern'd by a Bassa, who usually resided at Bagnaluca, till at last the victorious Prince Lewis of Baden, with a strong Detachment of Germans and Hungarians reconquer'd it, A. D. 1688.

BOSNA-SARAY, Bosna-Saraium, is watered with the Streams of the River Miglazza, and now reputed the principal City of Bosnia; which Advantage was some time peculiar to Jaycza, and afterward to Wanbosaum. It is distant 50 miles from Peter Waradin to the South-west, and 175 from Buda to the South.

Jaycza, Gieza or Gaitia, formerly the Metropolis of Bosnia, is defended by a Castle and other strong Fortifications, and situated on the River Plena, at the distance of 42 miles from Wihitz to the East, 60 from Bagnaluca almost to the North, 82 from Zara to the North-east, and 154 from Buda to the South. The King of Hungary recover'd this Town, A. D. 1463. out of the Hands of the Turks, who in vain attempted to retake it the same Year, but they afterward accomplish'd their Design, and made it the Seat of a Sangiack.