Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
1694. The great historical, geographical and poetical dictionary by Louis Moreri.
Cabestan, a Borough of France, in the Province of Languedoc near Nismes; whence William of Cabestan, a Provincial Poet, that lived in the 13th Age, took his Name. He was of the ancient House of Cervieres, and spent the 5 first years of his Youth with the Lord of Cabestan, where he fell in Love with a Lady of the House of Beaux, and made Verses in her Praise. The Lady, fearing he would prove inconstant, made him eat of an Herb that had like to have kill'd him, for it quite deprived him of his Senses; which when he recovered again, he left that Gentlewoman, and began to admire Tricline Carbonel, wife to Raimond of Seillans, who shewed him so much Kindness and Civility for the Verses he made for her, that the Husband became so jealous of him, that meeting him abroad in the Country, he killed him, and barbarously pulled out his Heart, which he made his Wife eat as if it had been something else; but when she found what it was, she died of Grief in 1213. Petrarque Nostradamus.