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Sources from old books

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

Of Mallaga, and the Trade thereof.

MALLAGA is seated on the Mediterranean shore, abounding in Reasins, and Wines that are knowne by that name, and thence vented to our colder Climate, which makes this Towne famous for its plenty therein; where touching Anno 1617. I noted this observation, their monies are generall with all Spaine, the principall being

A Riall, which is 34. Mervides, and is 6. d. Sterling.

A Pistolet of Gold is 23½ Rials and the Double being 47. Rials.

Their Customes upon Merchandise here differ; for Sugar, Almonds, Wine and Oiles are found to pay Custome outwards—7½. per cent.

Cochoncale and other such fine commodities—10.

All Commodities which are found to issue out ells—5.

All Commodities transported from Port to Port—2.

Their Weight is the 100. l. divided into foure parts of 25. l. which they call the Rove, and every pound is 16. ounc. and 1. oun. makes 16. drammes, and each dramme 28. graines: and this 100. l. or Kintar hath beene found to make 112. l. 5. ounc. English; but yet I finde some that have made observations upon this place alleadge that the 100. l. of Mallaga will yeeld in London 105. l.

Their measure of length is a Vare, which is 27⅞ inches by Rule.

Their liquid Measure for Wine and Oiles is a Rove, and divided into 8. Sombres: 25. Roves makes a Pipe, and is 100, Gallons English.

Their graine Measure is a Hanocke, and is divided into twelve * 1.25 Almodos; this Hanocke is ¼ of a Bushell and twelve Gallons English, which weigheth by heape 144. l. and by stroake 29. l. English.

Note that Almeria agreeth in Weights and Measures with Mallaga above named.

In Galicia, I finde onely Saint Iames of Compostella famous for the sepulchre of Saint Iames which is worshipped with incredible devotion; and Baiona, commonly called the Groine, whereto some Trade is driven by the Merchants of England, principally of Bristoll, which I briefly thus anatomise.

The Coines are the same, as used throughout Spaine.

Here is in use two Quintals, the one proper to Iron, which is in London 122. l. and the other called the Sutle Quintall, which is 108. l. and the Measure heere in use is as in Bilboaa following.

In Biscay, I finde Bilboa and Saint Sebastians, two noted Townes of Trading, much frequented by Merchants, whereupon I have gathered these observations of the Trade of these places.

The Coines are here currant with all Spaine, which is the Spanish Riall, distinguished into white Quartiles, foure to a Riall, and 4½ blacke Quartile to a single Riall, and accounted by 34. Mervides to the said Riall.

There is heere in use two Quintars, the one proper to the Iron here made, which produceth in London 158. l. and the other being the Sutle 100. l. produceth here about 111. to 112. l.

Their Measure heere of length is the Vare; 100. yards is heere 109. Vares, and the 100. Flemish Elles, whereby Bayes are bought in England is here 80. Vares.

Corne is heere sold by the Hanega, and five Hanegaes hath beene observed to make a Quarter English.

The Customes here are 2½ per centum, and valued as they shall bee sold, and not paid till sold: but note that no Commodities payes here any Custome but what is either to be eaten, drunken, or burned: and if a Merchant hap to make a bad debt of above 500. l. the Custome thereof is not paid at all.

In Toledo is the Citie of Toledo famous for its Archbishopricke, whose Rents looke as high as 300000. Crownes yearely; it is seated in the center of Spaine, but of no great consequence in matter of Trade, knowne to us, as improper for the same by its situation, being an Inland Citie, and overtraded by Churchmen.

In Murcia, there are three Townes of note, Murcia the first as principall of the Province; Cartagena the second, as having a most excellent Haven, and agreeing in Weights and Measures with Alicant, that is the third, that hath choice Wines and good trading by its commodious situation. Of the two former I cannot say much: in the later having lived some yeares, I observed these Rules in the course and Trade of the place.