New Mexico

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Sources from old books

1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child.

New MEXICO is not as yet sufficiently known: It was the Country of the ancient Nivatelias, who came from Mexico and settl'd themselves there. Antony Ep•jo, who discover'd it in 1583, gave it the name of New Mexico. The situation of it according to the newest Maps, is between the 243 Degree, and 270 of Latitude; and between the 30 Degree and the of Northern Latitude; for the extent and bounds of it on the North-side a•e not well known. On the West it is bounded with the Sea of Vermio; called herefore the Red-Se•, which parts it from Cali∣fornia; on the South by New-Spain, and on the East with Canada and Florid• The Air is sweet and healthy. The Soil tho•gh Mountainous, is very fruitful in good Pasturage, Maize, Melons, Goards and Pulse. They have Mines of Silver, Turkish Jewels, Emeralds, Crystal and Pearl; plenty of tame and wild Beasts; Fish in their Lakes and the Sea of Vermino; great Forests of Pines and Cedars, which afford Horses, Cows, and very large Sheep, Deer, Goats and Hares. The Inhabitants are very sociable and gentle, they live upon Hunting and Tillage. They are Govern'd by their Captains, whom they call Caeique, whom they chuse themselves. The Spaniards are settl'd in some places, and have a Go∣vernor at St. Faith. There is a People in this Coun∣try which live without Religion, and others that Worship the Sun. Some of them carry Meat for their Idols to eat, which they have set in little Chap∣pels. The Spaniards follow their own Religion, and have Converted some of the Natives with great ease, for they are naturally good and tractable.

The Division of these three Countries.

  • 1. Virginia hath,
    • Painejoc, or
    • ...Tragabigzanda,
    • ...Martland,
    • ...Powhatan,
    • ...Pensilvania,
    • ...Secotan.
  • 2. Florida hath two Parts.
    • ...Apalaches.
      • ...Melilot
      • ...Edekano
      • ...Omitaqua.
    • ...Tegeste.
      • ...S. Austin
      • ...S. Matthew
      • ...Aqueca
      • ...Mucoco.
  • 3. New Mexico hath,
    • ...Nova Gallia, Savern.
    • ...Anien, Quivira, Civola.
    • Tejago, Cahamo, or Camaca.
    • ...New Mexico Propria.
    • ...Apaches, Compana de Bonaquia.
    • Sumanes, Tobores Passaquates and Gonches.


  • Tegujo in New Mexico.
  • Apalta, or in Florida.
  • Palaria in Florida.


  • Sasquahanoughk in Virgina Lakes. May, &c. in Florida.
  • Delnord, James, in Virgina Lakes. May, &c. in Florida.
  • Cedres, May, in Florida.
  • Prifac Sancto, in Florida.
  • Delnord and Brava, in New Mexico.