The Isles of Asia minor
Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.
XVIII. The Isles of Asia minor,
from the mouth of the Hedespont to Rhodes; among which,
- Tenedos over against Sigeum, now Cape Janizarie, 10 miles round producing good Wine and Crab-fish, with a Town of the name;
- Lesbos 168 miles round S. W. Barren. N. E. Level and fruitful, with excellent Corn, and delicious Wine, where is Lesbos.
- Methymna.
- Mytelene, Seated on a Peninsula, a commodious Haven on the North-side for Gallies, S. for other ships, well fortified by Art and Nature, with a strong Castle, and a well stored Arsenal.
- Vasilica.
- Theodori.
- Castle-Gera. 3 Chios, over against the shore of Jonia 126 miles compass, the only place for Mastick, a gum cut out of the bark of the Lentisne tree in July and August, and gathered in September, yielding 18000 Sultanies yearly; besides, good for Corn, Oyl, Marble, some Silks, and Cotton wooll, short of those in Smyrna; Honey, and most delicious wines, with an infinite store of red tame Partridges; the inhabitants merry Greeks, and grave Genoese:
the most eminent places here,
1 Pigrine.
2 St. Elias.
3 Chios now Sio, full of Oranges, Lemons, Pomegranates, Citrons, on a good Haven, secured by a Garrison, and watch-towers on the shore, and directed to by a Lanterne.
4 Samos S. E. Chios, 85 miles about, abounding with Oyl, and Olives, with a medicinal earth, called terra samia; store of timber, on a fair and capacious Haven, much infested with Pyrats.
5 Iscaria, now Niceria. W. Samos 37 miles round, neighboured by two dangerous rocks, abounding with Pasture and Corn : no Haven, but good Roads:
6 Palmos, now Palmosa, fruitful in Wheat and Pulse, with a fair Haven.
7 Claros and Lero, where abundance of Aloes and good harbours.
8 Coos, Cos, or Cous, a level in that part of the Aegean, called the Myrtoan-Sea, now Lange, famous for Tiffanies, Vinum Cos, Cypres-trees,Turpentine, and its sweet springs, 70 mile circuit; famous for Aesculapius his Temple, and Hippocrates his Birth.
Carpathres S. Caria in the Mediterranian 60 miles compass, happy in its Marble and Ports, especially neer Scarpanto.
9 Rhodes over against Lycia 140 miles round, of a most temperate air, and most fruitfull and pleasant soyl, the Sun every day shining upon it; where is Lindum now Lindo a petty town; Rhodes on the East of the Isle, on the side of a hill near the Sea, with a safe and commodious Haven treble walled, fortified with 13 Turrets, and 5 strong Bull-works, besides sconces and outworks; Here was the Colosse 7 Cubits high, each finger as big as a man, 12 years in building, and one of the 7 Wonders, whence it was called Colossa.