Etymology and other names
Notable People
Sources from old books
1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.
THE LORDSHIP OF TRANS-ISSELANIA. (Book Trans-Isselania) THe Trans-Issilanians doe inhabite that part which was the Seate of the auncient Frenchmen; which the most learned Hadrian Iunius, doth largely and accurately declare. And the name of Frenchmen signifies as much; for the Low countrey men being wearie of servitude, when they increased in wealth, would needs be called Franci, because they had gotten their liberty and enfranchised themselves; whom Agathias a Greeke writer, did place about Rhene, in these words: The Frenchmen doe dwell about Rhene, and doe inhabite the adjacent Countries round about, and they were next unto the Sicambrians; which Claudianus and Sidonius Apollinaris doe expresly shew, as also Gregorie Turonensis, and Venantius Fortunatus. It is now called Trans-Issulana, because it is situate beyond the River Isela. It was also the seate of the auncient Salians, and also of the Tencterians, which are now thought to be the Drentinians, and the Tubantum, which, as Iunius writeth in his Batavia, were the Tuentenians. This Countrey is now divided into three parts, that which is neere to Isala is called Salandia, that which is beyond V•t•h•• is called Druenta, that which is next to Westphalia, is called Twenta. But Druenta and Twenta were conferred on the Bishop of old Trajectum, after the yeare of Christ 1046. Also Amelandia, Gora, Daventria, and also all Trans-Issulana, by the donation and guilt of the Emperour, and so it continued for many yeares under his governmen, even untill the yeare 1528; when being wearied with warre they yeelded themselves to the Emperour Charles the fifth, on certaine conditions, as Duke of Brabant, and Earle of Holland. Trans-Issula, hath on the North West Friesland, on the South the Countie of Zutphania, on the East Westphalia, and on the West the River Isela. The Countrie is plaine and fruitfull, and full of Corne. It containeth eight walled Citties, which have their owne priviledges and immunities, as Meppela, Geelmuda, Coevordia, Hardenberga, Omma, Almeloa, Gora, Diepenhemium, Delda, and Enscheda. The States doe consist of two members, the first whereof are the officers and nobles, the latter are the Magistrates of the three capitall Citties. Daventria is seated by the River Issela, which is the Metropolis of the Country, which is a large Cittie, and beautified with many publike and private buildings, and fortified with walls, Towers, and Bulwarkes: heretofore it was a famous place of studdie, from whence came Gerardus surnamed the Great, whose workes are much esteemed by Divines; also Alexander Heggius, who first revived the Greeke tongue in Belgia, and may worthily boast of his scholler Erasmus. In this Cittie also there were borne Iames of Daventria, an excellent Geographer, Everard Bron•korst a Lawyer and Professor at Leiden; also Ortui•us Gracius, Ioannes Dorrius, Iohn S•nthemius, and Rodolphus Pythopaeus, and others. It is now the chiefe Cittie of the Ansuarians, whom they commonly call A•se steden. Campi is on the left hand bancke of the River Isela, not farre from the mouth thereof, being foure miles distant from Daventria. This Cittie is also very large, lying lengthwayes, and hath faire houses in it: here Albertus Pightus was bone, also Iohn Campensis a Divine, Harmanus Cruserus a Physitian, and Theodore Peter were borne heere. Heretofore it was more famous for merchandising in regard of the depth of the Haven than it is now. Swolla is a pleasant Cittie, and fortified with a double ditch. It hath on one side the River Isela, on the other Vetchta, which are not farre from it. There are also other lesser walled townes: as Volenhovia by the Lake Fl•vum, Steenvicum by the River Aa, and Hasseletum by the River Vidrum or Ve••ta. Also Oetmersia and Oldensalia, the last of which is an auncient Towne of the Salians, which Baldericke of Vltrajectum walled about, and did found there a Colledge of Cannons.