Antarctick: Revision history

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21 January 2025

  • curprev 01:0801:08, 21 January 2025Admin talk contribs 5,106 bytes +5,106 Created page with "== Sources from old books == === 1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child. === <blockquote>Antarctick or Southern. * N. Guinea, Puerto Primerio. * Isles of Solomon, S. Isable, S. Jorge. * Isles, ** ...Horn, Cocos, Monches, Sansfond, Prince William, Good-hope, Traitors, Midelberg. * Eleven thousand Virgins. * Terre de Fua or Fuoga. * Stoteland. * H•rmite's Isle. * Diego Ramires I. * Kings-Isle. * Terra Australis incognita. ** 1. Carpentery. ** 2. The Cou..." Tag: Visual edit