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The Male-Line of the Ottoman House failing, these Chams are to succeed, upon an Agreement made betwixt the two Emperours.</blockquote>
The Male-Line of the Ottoman House failing, these Chams are to succeed, upon an Agreement made betwixt the two Emperours.</blockquote>

=== 1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child. ===
<blockquote>The Allies of the TƲRKS, or Inhabitants of the LESSER TARTARY.

THE LESSER TARTARY, Tartaria Minor, aut Precopensis, so call'd to distinguish it from the Greater in Asia, is the ancient Lesser Scythia, being bounded on the North by the River Doniec or Lesser Don, which separates it from Moscovy; on the South by the Tanais or greater Don, the Sea of Zabach and the Euxine or Black Sea, on the West by the Nieper and Mountains that divide it from Poland. It is extended, in comprehending the Peninsula of Crimski, from the 46 deg. 20 min. to the 53 deg. 30 min. of Latitude, for the space of 145 leagues, and about 202 from South-west to North-east, from the 59th deg. to the 75th deg. of Longitude. The name of Tartaria Precopensis or Precopian Tartary, is taken from a Ditch dug in the Isthmus or neck of Land about half a league or 1200 paces wide, for its greater Strength and Security.

The Air of this Country is temperate, but not very healthful, neither is the Soil every where alike; for in some places it brings forth Corn, Millet, Grapes, and several sorts of Fruits; in others appear only Marshes and Pastures, wherein are fed many Herds of Cattel. In fine, some Grounds are altogether sandy. But Timber is generally scarce throughout these Territories, excepting in the Peninsula, where are found spacious Forests full of Deer, and affording all sorts of Game. The Mountains yield Mines of Gold, Silver and Iron; and the Rivers abound in delicate Fishes, altho' the Water is bitter and very unwholsom to drink. The most considerable of these Rivers are the Nieper or Borysthenes, the greater and lesser Don, &c.

The Inhabitants are robust and indefatigable, so that their Courage cannot be abated through the extremity of Labour, Hunger, Thirst, Heat or Cold. They are very just in dealing one with another, but shew little or no courtesie to strangers▪ being much addicted to Robbing and Pillaging; Jealousie and Lasciviousness often exciting them to commit enormous Outrages. These Barbarians commonly feed on the Flesh of Horses half sodden, which is sometimes cut by them into Collops, and laid under their Saddles; then they cause their Nags to run on full speed, until the Sweat exhales all over their Bodies. Afterward having left the raw Flesh covered with Foam for some time, they take it out and greedily devour it. Moreover they delight very much in drinking the Blood of their Horses, and the Milk of their Cattel. The most part of those Tartars embrace the Mahometan Doctrine, altho' there are also among them many Roman Catholicks, Greeks and Armenians. Almost all the Roman Catholicks derive their Original from the Italians, and enjoy the free exercise of their Religion.

This Country is govern'd by a Prince styl'd the Cham of Tartary, under the protection of the Emperor of the Turks; of whom he receives a Standard as a mark of his Soveraignty. The Grand Signior detains as an Hostage, the person that ought to succeed him, who is usually his Son or Brother. Moreover the Sultan himself possesseth part of Crimski, and even maintains a Beglierbeg in the Town of CAFFA, a strong Hold of this Peninsula. He is also Master of the Town of AZOPHOƲ-TANA situated in an Island made by the River Don near its mouth, and of that of THAMAN in Asia, on the Streights of Caffa. These two last are places of very great importance, and each of them affords a seat to a Sangiack depending on the Beglierbeg of Caffa.

CRIM or KRIM, Crimcea, which hath imparted its name to the Peninsula, wherein it is situated, at the distance of 25 miles from Caffa to the East, is the principal Town of the lesser Tartary, and the usual Seat of the Great Cham, who sometimes resides at BACCA-SARAIO, Baccasara which stands on the Banks of the River Kabarta, in the midst of Crimski, and is distant 55 miles from Caffa to the North-West toward Perecop.

The Peninsula of Crimski, heretofore call'd Chersonesus Taurica, is more frequently inhabited, better cultivated, and contains a greater number of Towns than the lesser Tartary that lies to the North, and is almost desert; since the Nogaiski Tartars only dwell therein under Tents or Hutts, which they fix in the most convenient places.</blockquote>

Latest revision as of 01:23, 21 January 2025

Lesser Tartary, also known as Precopensis or Crimean Tartary, lies in the European part of the Tartar Empire, a significant area with its own distinct characteristics. This region was historically linked to the larger Tartar Empire, which fragmented following the death of Tamerlane Anno1402. The European Tartars, known as the Precopenses, came under the rule of their own leaders, maintaining a degree of autonomy but often engaging in warfare with neighboring states, especially the Turkish Empire.

Lesser Tartary’s peninsula, often described as Taurica in earlier times, is located between the Boristhenes and Tanais Rivers, which were vital to the region's trade routes and military campaigns. The region’s climate is cold during winter due to frequent winds, and the land is largely flat.

Etymology and other names

Modern N/A
Lesser Tartary
Tartaria Precopensis
Crimean Tartary



Notable Rivers in the Region:

  1. Borysthenes (modern Dnieper) and 2. Tanais (modern Don): These rivers originate in the Empire of Russia, as previously mentioned, but flow into this region. The Borysthenes empties into the Black Sea at the 57th degree of longitude, while the Tanais flows into the Maeotic Swamp (Sea of Azov) at the 67th degree. Their courses give an impression of the country's length.
  2. Hypanis (Southern Bug?) and 4. Carcimitis (Dniester?): These rivers also flow into the Black Sea.
  3. Agaris and 6. Byces: These lose themselves in the swamps of Maeotis.
  4. Pasiascus, 8. Gerus, 9. Lycus (likely the Kalmius River?), and 10. Istrianus (possibly the Salgir River?): The first three flow from the mainland, while the Istrianus comes from the Tauric Chersonese (Crimean Peninsula).

The convergence of these rivers, along with many others from the Asian side, creates the expansive Maeotic Swamps or Lake Maeotis. This lake spans a circumference of at least a thousand miles, rich in fish, and retains some of the sweetness of the fresh rivers flowing into it. The lake derives its name from the Maeotae, an ancient people who once inhabited its banks and lent their name to a fine species of fish known as Maeotides in antiquity. Today, the lake is commonly referred to as Mar delle Zabahe by Italians, Mar della Tana (the Sea of Tanais), or Mer Bianco (White Sea), to distinguish it from the Euxine Sea (modern Black Sea), named for reasons explained earlier.

As one moves southward, the lake narrows into a channel only about four miles wide and 24 miles long. This passage was historically known as the Bosphorus Cimmerius—"Bosphorus" because oxen were said to swim across it, and "Cimmerius" after the Cimmerians, who lived in the nearby Asian region. Today, the channel is called the Strait of Caffa after the nearby city of Caffa (modern-day Feodosia) and is also known locally as Vospero, a name closer to its original form. From this strait, the waters of the Maeotic Swamps flow into the Black Sea, as described by the Roman poet Lucan.



Caffa (Capha, Theodosia, Kaffa)

Situated near the narrow strait known as the Stretto di Caffa, this city boasts a flourishing trade and a capacious harbor that commands the commerce of the Euxine. Formerly held by the Genoese, who monopolized Euxine Sea trade with their settlements in Perah, it fell to Mahomet the Great in 1475 and became a possession of the Turks. Despite the destruction of its Christian churches, grand towers, and Genoese merchants' houses, Caffa remains the principal city of the Chersonese, known in ancient times as Theodosia. It measures approximately six or seven miles in circumference and is largely inhabited by Christians, with Greeks, Armenians, and Romanists maintaining numerous churches.

Preceph (Precopia)

Known in Latin as Precopia, this town and castle is an ancient city known as Eupatoria, Pompeiopolis, Sacer Lucus, Dromon Achillis, Graecida, Heraclium or Heraclia. Its historical significance as a stronghold is complemented by its role as a regional trade hub.

Chersonesus Corsunum (Cherso, Sari Germanum)

A former Greek colony known for its prosperity and large, beautiful harbor, Corsunum once dominated the Chersonese. Its current name, Sari Germanum, Yellow Castle, refers to the saffron-colored soil in the region. Although its magnificence has faded, the ruins testify to its former wealth and importance.

Cremam (Crim)

The ancient seat of the Tartar Chams, Crim was once the largest and most splendid city of the peninsula. Fortified with towering walls and a deep moat, it is considered impregnable and possibly the Taphrae or Taphros of antiquity. Located in the peninsula's center, it commands access to both the Euxine Sea and the Lakes of Maeotis.


Situated on the Bosphorus (known as Vospero by the locals), this is the oldest city of the region and considered the mother of all Greek colonies planted there.

Tanas (Tanais, Azac)

Located at the mouth of the Tanais River, Tanas is an important trading hub frequented by merchants from across the Euxine. Now under Turkish control and called Azac, it holds a garrison to secure its strategic position.


This city, perched on a lofty mountain, features a stone castle and an impressive rock-hewn church beneath it. Once wealthy and renowned, it now lies in ruin.

Oczakow (Olbia)

Near the confluence of the Borysthenes River with the Bay of Carcimitis, Oczakow likely occupies the site of the ancient city Olbia or Olbiopolis. Honored as the residence of the great Cham since the Turkish conquest, it remains an important settlement.

Jamboli (Balachium)

Although less detailed in the records, Jamboli is noted for its defensive castle and regional significance.

Mancopia (Mangutum)

Renamed Mangutum by the Turks, this city is another key location with notable fortifications.


Boasting its own castles, Circum adds to the defensive network of the peninsula.

The Moveable City of Agara

During the summer, the great Cham’s court transforms into a moveable city of wheeled houses, known as Agara. These cart-based dwellings are organized into streets and lanes, forming a temporary but functional settlement that reflects the Tartars’ nomadic traditions.







The language which they speak is their own Tartarian, but intermixt with much of the Arabick, and Turkish Tongues, and when they write, they use either Chaldaean or Arabian Characters.


Notable People

Sources from old books

1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.


THis CHERSONESVS was so called by Ptolemie from the Tauri a certaine people of Scythia in Europe. Strabo calls it the Scythian Chersonesus. Pliny in his 2 Booke and 96 chapter calleth it, after the Latines, the Peninsula of the Taurians. Appianus calleth it the Pontick Chersonesus, and Paulus Diaconus calleth it Chersenesa. At this day it is called Precopska, and Gesara by Antonius Pineti•. It is a large Peninsula, stretched out toward the East, betweene the Euxine Sea, and the Maeotick Lake, even to the Cimmerian Bosporus which divides Europe from Asia. It hath a gentle winter, and most temperate Aire. For at the end of December winter beginneth, and is at the sharpest or coldest in the middle of February, as having then most snow, which yet lyeth not above three daies vvhen the cold and frost is most constant. The Winter never lasteth longer than the beginning of March. All the whole Countrie is very fruitfull, and very fit for feeding flocks of cattell. Yet albeit the Inhabitants have a fertile soile: many of them do not till their fields nor Sow them. They have abundance of Horses, Camels, Oxen, Kine, and Sheep, on which they live. There are also great store of daintie fowle, which oftentimes the Christians, and Turkes, and sometimes the Polanders, that come thither as strangers, are wont to take. There is much hunting of Harts, Goates, Boares and Hares, both in the Tartarian and Turkish Dominions neare the Sea. This Chersonesus hath hard and rugged mountaines, that running through the middle of it do divide it into the Northerne and Southerne part; as the Apennine Mountaine doth divide Italie. Mahomet in the yeare 1475 did possesse the Southerne part, and made it tributarie to himselfe. But in the Northerne part the Tartars wandering in the broad fields betweene Borysthenes and Tanais, and continually changing their places of feeding their cattell, possessed the Towne called Crim as a royall Seat, and from thence they were called Crim Tartars. Afterward having cut through the Isthmus of the Taurick Chersonesus, when, neare unto the Ditch which they call Praecop, they built a Citie a royall Seat of the same name, they were from thence called Praecopenses. The King of these Tartars, when being joyned in league and societie with the Turkes, hee had at their request banisht his owne brother, who made warre against him, and had besieged Capha, at last both himselfe and his two yong sonnes were cut in pieces by his Counsellers, whom hee had with large gifts corrupted for the aforesaid purpose, and so gave an unhappie example of the Ottoman friendship. For hee being slaine, the Tartarians, who were hitherto free, untamed, and companions and brethren to Ottoman were now made servants, and after the manner of the other Turkish Provinces were compelled to receive and acknowledge not a King but a Beglerbeg, that is a Vice-Roy to governe them. But the Turkish Empire may be easily known by the Descriptions of Wallachia, Greece and the Turkish Empire, and therefore for brevities sake wee referre the Reader thither. Besides Cazan and Astrachan which are Kingdomes belonging to the Tartarians, who do till fields, dwell in houses, and at this day are subject to the Moscovite, and besides the aforesaid Praecopenses, there are other Field-Tartars, who live in the fields in great companies, obseruing no limits, and of these we will speake in their proper place, to wit, in the Tables of Asia. In the Southerne part of this Chersonesus is the Metropolis, Capha, heretofore called Theodosia, a famous Mart-towne, being the ancient Colonie of the Genois. It is situate neare the Sea. And hath a faire Haven. It seemes that in the time of the Genois it was very populous. But when the Turkes almost two hundred yeares since, in the time of Mahomet the Great tooke it from them, the Italians were reduced to such a strait, that there are few tokens remaining of their being there: for the Citie hath for the most part lost her former beautie. The Italian Churches are throwne downe, the houses decayed, and the walls and Towers on which the Genois colours and ensignes were placed, with Latine Inscriptions, are fallen to ruine. It is now inhabited by Turkes, Armenians, Iewes, Italians, and a few Grecian Christians; It is famous for traffique as being the chiefe Haven of the Chersonesus, and hath an infinite companie of Vine-yards, Orchards, and Gardens. Besides this towne there is Perecopia called by the ancient Greekes Eupatoria, Pompeiopolis, Sacer Lucus, Dromon Achillis, Graecida, Heraclium or Heraclia.▪ Also Cos•ovia a famous Mart-towne, and I•germenum, having a stone Castle, beneath which is a Church, and many Caves, that with great labour and paines are cut and hewed out of a rocke, for this towne is seated on a great high Mountaine, and taketh its name from those Turkish Caves. It was heretofore a faire Towne and full of wealth and riches. Here is Chersonesus Corsunum or Cherso, which is the ancientest citie of Taurica. This the Turkes called Saci Germenum, as it were, the Yellow Castle, for this Countrie hath a kinde of yellow soyle. The admirable and wondrous mines of this place do testifie that it was heretofore a proud, rich, delicate, and famous Colonie of the Grecians, and the most ancient citie of the whole Peninsula, being much frequented, magnificent, and having a faire Haven. Here is the Castle and Towne of Iamboli or Balachium, Mancopia or Mangutum (as the Turkes call it) and the Towne of Cercum with a Castle. Here is the citie and castle of Cremum, which the Tartars call Crim, having an ancient wall very strong & high, and in regard of its largenesse it is farre unlike the other cities of the Taurick Chersonesus. And in the utmost part of this Countrie is the citie Tanas neare the mouth of the River Tanais, the Russians call it Azac. It is a famous Mart-towne, unto which Merchants do come out of divers parts of the world, for that every one hath here free accesse, and free power to buy or sell. There are many great Rivers in this Countrie, running downe out of the Mountaines. The chiefest whereof is Borysthenes, commonly called Nieper a deepe and swift River which runneth from the North into the river Carcinites or Hypaciris, now called Desna, and so into the Euxine Sea neare the Towne Oczacow. Also Don or Tanais, Ariel, Samar that runneth into Don, with many others.

The Cimmerian Bosphorus, to which this Chersonesus (as we said before) is extended. It is a narrow Sea two miles broad, which divideth Europe from Asia, and by which the Maeoticke Lake doth •low into the Euxine Sea. It is called from the Cimmerians who dwell upon the coldest part thereof, or frō the towne Cimmerium as Volaterranus would have it. The Maeotick Lake is neare the mouth of Phasis (commonly called Fasso, and by the Scythians Phazzeth) receiving Tanais into it. The Scythians call it Temerenda, that is, the mother of the Sea, as Dionysius witnesseth, because much water floweth from thence through the Cimmerian Bosphorus into it, as also much from other places, which doth so replenish and fill the Lake, that the bankes thereof can hardly containe it. This Lake in regard it receiveth many rivers, aboundeth with fish. There is also the Euxine Sea, the upper part of whose water is sweete, and the nether part salt. This being heretofore called the Axine, and according to Sophocles the Apoxine Sea, because no Ships could arrive here, or in regard of the barbarous Scythian borderers who killed strangers, they afterward called the Euxine, by the figure which they call Euphemismus. But they called it Pontus as if it were another Ocean, for they supposed that those who sailed on it did performe some great and memorable act. And therefore saith Strabo, they called it 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Pontus, as they called Homer the Poet. There are many rugged and steepe mountaines in this Chersonesus, especially those which runne through the middle thereof. The greatest and highest of them hath a great Lake on the toppe of it. But so much hitherto concerning these things. Now let us proceed to other matters. Justice is administred among the Tartarians by the Law of Mahomet in the Cities and Townes of the Chan, and the other Sultanes. They have their Priests, their Judges in their Townes, and their Begi or Praefects, who do heare and decide private injuries. But the Chan himselfe with his Counsellers doth judge of capitall matters, as murder, and theft. In declaring whereof they need no Lawyer, neither do they use the subtiltie thereof, nor excuses, or prolonging matters by delay. For the meanest of the Tartarians or strangers do frely declare their owne wrongs and grievances before the Judges, and the Chan himselfe, by whom they are quickly heard and dispatched. They instruct their sonnes when they are children in the Arabicke language, they do not keepe their daughters at home, but deliver them to some of their kindred to be brought up. When their sonnes come to ripenesse of yeares they serve the Chan or the Sultans, & when their daughters are marriageable, they marrie them to some of the chiefe Tartars or Turkes. The best of the Tartars in the Princes Court go civilly and decently in their apparell, not for ostentation or pride, but according as necessitie and decencie requireth. When the Chan goeth abroad in publike, the poorest men may have accesse unto him, who when he sees them doth examine them what their wants & necessities are, & whence they did arise. The Tartarians are very obedient to the Laws: and they adore & reverence their Princes like Gods. Their Judges according to Mahomets Law are accounted spirituall men, and of undoubted equitie, integritie, and faithfulnesse. They are not given to Controversies, Law-suits, private discord, envie, hatred, or to any wanton excesse either in diet or apparell. In the Princes Court, none weare Swords, Bowes, or other weapons, except it be Travellers, or strangers that are going on some journey, to whom they are very kinde and hospitable. The chiefe men eate bread and flesh, drinking also burnt Wine and Metheglin, but the Country people want bread, using instead thereof ground Millet tempered with milke and water, which they commonly call Cassa. They use cheese instead of meate, and their drinke is mares milke. They kill also for their food Camels, Horses and Oxen when they are ready to dye or are growne unserviceable, and they often feed on the flesh of sheepe. Few of them do use Mechanicke Arts in the Cities and Townes, few do use Merchandizing, and those Artificers or Merchants that are found there, are either slaves to the Christians, or else they are Turkes, Armenians, Iewes, Cercesians, Petigorians who are Christians, Philistines, or Cynganians, all men of the lowest ranke. But let this which hath been spoken suffice concerning the Taurick Chersonesus, and the Northerne Countries. Let us passe to the Description of Spaine, which we have placed next, and take a view thereof.

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

In Tartaria procopensis is found the ancient City of Crim the seat of the Tartarianrulers, whence this Nation had their originall and name: also Oksacou the residence of the present Princes; and lastly Caffa the onely Sea-port of consequence in these parts, of the trade whereof it wilbe needfull I should speake a word.

1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn.

TARTARIA PRECOPENSIS is bounded on the East, with the River Tanais, now Don; on the West, with the River Borysthenes, now called Nerper, by which last parted from P•dol••, a Province of Poland; on the North, with part of Russia; and on the South, with some part of the Euxine Sea: and by this accompt lying totally within Europe.

It had the name of Precopensis, from Precopia a chief Town thereof. By some called Tartaria Minor, to distinguish it from the greater body of that people: the Inhabitants hereof most commonly passing by the name of Crim-Tartars, from the Town of Crim, in which their Cham or Emperor doth reside most usually. The Countrey by them now possessed, part antiently of Sarmatia Europaea, was inhabieed by a warlike nation called the Tauri; from whom those parts hereof which lie betwixt the Empire of Russia, and the two Rivers Tanais and Borysthenes, were called Tauro Scythia; that which shooteth out into the Sea, encompassed with the Euxine on the one side, and Palus Maotis on the other, being called Taurica Chersonesus. In the description whereof at this place and time, as formerly I made bold with some part of Asia to lay together the estate of the Russian Empire: so now to satisfie for that trespass, I shall make bold with part of Europe, to lay together the discourse and affairs of Tartary,

The whole Countrey plentiful of fruits, and the soyl indifferently disposed to tillage and grazing, though more accustomed unto the last: the people more delighting in their heards of cattel, than in the fulness of their Garners. Camels, Horse, Oxen, Sheep, and Goats they have plenty of; great store of delicate fowl, and abundance of fish, bred in the large Fennes of Moeotis: and in their forrests plenty of all sorts of Venison. Which Character as it belongeth generally to all the Countrey, so most especially to the Chersonese or Demy-Iland. United to the main land with so narrow an Isthmus, that the Tartars once went about to dig it thorow: from whence some say they had the name of Precopenses, Precoph in the Sclavonian tongue signifying a deep trench, or a digging thorow. In length not above 24 German, or 96. Italian miles; in breadth but 60 of the one, or 15 of the other. Blest with a very temperate Air, and a gentle winter: which beginning with the last of December ends the first of March. Never extreme, and when the frosts are at the sharpest, but of short continuance. Divided in the middest with a chain of hills extended from the East to West, the boundary of the Dominions of the Turk and Tartar.

The people of the same complexion and composition, as the rest of the Tartars; and not much different in manners. Their diet, Roots, Cheese, Garlick, and of the poorer sort, for the most part horseflesh (none but the better sort presuming upon Beef or Venison, though of both abundance) which they eat without bread or any thing else: and therefore when they go to the wars every Souldier takes two horses with him, the one to serve upon, and the other to kill. And yet for all this havock which they make of horseflesh, there are few years in which they sell not 40 or 50 thousand in the fairs of Mosco. Towns they build none, scarce willing to maintain those which were built to their hands. Nor have they (except men of trades and manufactures) any standing houses, removing up and down with their Droves of Cattel, moving their houses with them, (which they build on wheels) from one place to another. Of money they make no esteem, preferring brass and steel before other metalls, because more usefull to them for Swords and Knives. Good Souldiers for the most part, especially at the Bow and A rows; to which so accustomed from their child-hood that they can shoot as readily backward as forward. Trained also of late times to the Harquebuse, well skilled in handling the Turkish Scymitars, and their horsemens Staves. Not to be vanquished but by death, as men that are resolved rather to die than be taken Prisoners: and if victorious, more intent upon taking Captives (especially young Boys and Girles, whom they sell to the Turks) than upon any other Booty or spoils of war.

The Religion most embtaced and countenanced is that of Mahomet, mingled with some of their old Principles of Christianity: for they confess that CHRIST shall be the Judge both of quick and dead in the day of judgement, and punish those that speak irreverently of him. In that regard more favourable to the Christians than other Mahometans, which makes great store of Grecian and Armenian Christians to dwell amongst them. The language which they speak is their own Tartarian, but intermixt with much of the Arabick, and Turkish Tongues, and when they write, they use either Chaldaean or Arabian Characters.

Rivers of most note in it, are 1. Borysthenes, & 2. Tanais, which though they have their spring-heads in the Empite of Russia (as was there declared) have their falls in this: the first in the Euxine Sea, in the 57th. the other into Palus Moeotis in the 67th. Degree of Longitude; by which we may conjecture somewhat of the length of the Countrey. 3. Hipanes, 4. Carcimitis, falling into the Euxine. 5. Agaris, and 6. Byces, which lose themselves in the Fennes of Moeotis; As do also 7. Pasiascus, 8. Gerus, 9. Lycus, from the mainland, and 10. Istrianus from the Taurican Chersonese. By the confluence of which waters, and many others falling from the Asian side, the lake or Fennes of Moeotis are of great extent, in compass at least a thousand miles, well stored with fish, and still retaining somewhat of the sweetness of those many Rivers which are emptyed into it. So called from the Moeotae who formerly inhabited on the banks hereof, and giving name to an excellent kind of fish which were called Moeotides by the Antients. At this day generally called Mar delle Zabahe, by the Italians commonly Mar della Tana, the sea of Tanais, and sometimes also Mer Bianco, or the White Sea, to difference it from the Euxine, which they call the Black, for the reasons formerly delivered. Passing directly towards the South, it is streightned by a narrow Channel not above four miles in breadth though about 24 in length, called antiently by the name of Bosphorus Cimmerius. Bosphorus, because Oxen did use to swim over it; Cimmerius from the Cimmerii who possessed the adjoining Countrey on the Asian side: but known at this day by the name of Stretto di Caffa; from the City Capha neer unto it; aud by the Inhabitants Vospero, more neer the originall. Out of this Streight that confluence of waters which do meet in the Maeotick Fennes do make their way into the Euxine. According to that of Lucan.

Qua{que} Fretum currens Maeotidas egeritundas.Where the Maeotick Pools at lastThorow a narrow Streight makes hast.

Chief Cities of it at the present, 1. Capha, or Caffa, in the Chersonese not far from the Streight called hence Stretto di Caffa; a flourishing Empory, and furnished with a large and capacious Haven. Heretofore possessed by the Genoese, who by the benefit of this Port, and the plantation which they had in Perah on the North side of Constantinople, engrossed into their own hands the whole trade of the Euxine. Taken by Mahomet the Great, Anno 1475. it became subject to the Turks, and drew into that thraldome all the Southern parts of the Chersonese which depended on it: deprived thereby of the greatest part of its former lustre, the Christian Churches being destroyed, the Towers and publique buildings razed, the houses of the Genoa Merchants which were fair and beautifull destroyed and ruined; yet still the principall of this biland, or Demy-Iland; and antiently better known by the name of Theodosia, and by that name remembred in Ammianus. 2. Precoph, in Latine called Precopia; a Town and Castle situate in or neer the place where stood the Eupateria of the Antients: called also Pompeiopolis, Heraclea, and A•hillis Cursus. 3. Corsunum, the Chersonesus of Ptolomy, antiently a Greek Colony; & then accompted for the chief of the whole Peninsula: ric•, populous, and well-traded, by reason of the Haven which was safe and large; and of great beauty and magnificence, as the ruins testifie. By the Turks at this day called Sari-Germanum, or the yellow Tower, the soyl about it being of a Saffron colour. 4. Cremam, or Crim, the antient Seat of the Chams or Princes of these Tartars; and at that time the fairest and greatest of this Bil•nd. Situate in the middest thereof, and fortified with a strong Castle, for the height of the walls, and depth of the ditch esteemed impregnable; supposed to be the Taphrae of Pliny, or the Taphros of Ptolomy. Mentioned by Florus, as then lately taken by some Roman Emperor, and so most likely to be Trajan, the first that ever extended the Roman Empire beyond Danubius and the Euxine. Situate in the very Isthmus, and so commanding both the Euxine and the Lakes of Moeotis; as Corinth betwixt the Aegean and Ionian Seas. 5. Panticapaeum, situate on the very Bosphorus, and now called Vospero by the natives: the antientest City of this Peninsula, and said by Ammianus to be the mother of all the Greek Colonies which were planted in i•. 6. Tanas, the Tanais of Ptolomy and other antients, because situate on the mouth of that River, or rather betwixt the two mouths of it, distant from one another a degree of Longitude. A town of great trade, and well frequented by the Merchants of all those Countries which border on the Euxine Sea: but subject to the Turks who hath there a Garrison, and by them called Azac. 7. Ingermenum, situate on a large and losty Mountain, and fortified with a Tower or Castle of stone, under which there is a Church, with great charge and Art cut out of the Rock: formerly of great wealth and fame, now decaied and ruinous. 8. Jamboli, by some called Balachium. 9. Mancopia, by the Turks called M•ngutum, 10. Circum; all boasting of their severall Castles. 11. Oczakow, or Ocz••covia, situate neer the influx of the great River Borysth•nes into the Bay of Carcimitis; and so most like to be built in the place of that which Ptolomy calleth Olbiah, Pliny, Olbiopolis. Honoured of late times (since the taking of Taurica by the Turks) with the residence of the great Cham: from whence these 〈◊〉 are by some called Olsanenses. 12. Metropolis as Ptolomy, or rather M•letopolis as Pl•ny calleth it; a Colony in old times of the Milesians, not farre from Olbia. Besides all which, and many others mentioned by the antient Writers of which there is nothing now remaining; the Court of the great 〈◊〉 in Summer time makes a moveable City; built upon Wheel-houses, and transported from one place to another, as occasion serveth: which houses at every station are orderly disposed of into Streets, and lanes, and by the Tartars are called Agara, or a Town of Carts.

The antient Inhabitants hereof were of Scythian race; for by that name some elder writers call not onely the true and proper Scythians lying on both sides of Imaus; but even the Sauromatae or Sarmatians also; and those not onely of Sa•matia Asiatica bordering next unto them, but even such Europaean nations, as lived on the Northern banks of Ister, and the Euxine Sea. And so they are affirmed to be by Ptolomy himslf, though otherwise more exact than any in distinguishing Sarmatia Europaea from Asiatica; and Asiatica from the Scythians For speaking of the Nations of Sarmatia Europaea, inhabiting on the Palus Moeotis, he ranks them thus. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, &c. i. e. And all along the coasts of Moeotis, dwell the Iazyges (distinct from those called Metanastae) and the Rhoxolani; and more within the land, the Hamaxobii and Alani, Scythians. More towards the banks of the Euxine, and in the Chers•nese it self, dwell the antient Tauri, subdivided into the severall Nations of the Sin•hi, Napaei, and Arinchi, by the said Ptolomy included in the general name of •au•o Sovt•. To none but these of all the Europaean Sarmatians doth he give this name. And therefore I conceive them to have been those Scythians against whom Darius Kings of Persia made his fruitless warre. Picking a quarrell with this people, because their King had denied to give him one of his daughters to wife; or to revenge, as others more improbably say, the inrode which the Scythians formerly had made into Asia; he drew together an army of 700. thousand. Passing over the Thracian Bosphorus, he came at last to the banks of the Ister, where it parteth Moldavia and Bulgaria; and there for the passage of his men caused a bridge to be built; to the keepers whereof he left a Cord of 60. knots: commanding them every day to untie one knot, and if he came not back before all were united, to return to their houses. This done he marched towards his enemies, who still fled before him; leading him into the most desert and unhabitable parts of their Countrey: and when they had brought him into a streight, sent Ambassadours to him with a bird, a mouse, a •rog, and an handfull of Arrows; willing the Persians, if they could, to expound that Radle. Darius willing to hope the best of his design, conjectured that the Scythians did submit unto him, by delivering into his hands their Air, Earth, Water, and Arms, Hierog•yphicall signified in their present. But Gobrias, one of the seven Princes made this exposition, that if the Persians could not flie like a bird thorow the air, or like a mouse creep under the earth, or like a frog swim over the water, they could by no means scape the Persian Arrows. And to say truth this Commentary best agreed with the Text. For these Scythians following close upon him, or rather driving him before them, and vex••g him with continuall skirmishes, forced him to make such hast to get over the River, that he lost 80000 of his men in the sight and flight. This was the onely memorable Action of these Europaean Scythians in those elder ages: more memorable in the times succeeding for their horrid cruelty, than any argument of their valour. For it is said of these Tauri, or Tauro Scythae, that for the pleasing of their Gods, especially of 〈◊〉 whom they called Orsiloche, they used to sacrifise all such strangers as they could lay hands on, and with their heads most barbarously adorned the walls of her Temples. An inhumanity with which the Christian Advocates of the Primitive times, did much use to upbraid the Gentiles; taunting them with the sacrifices of Diana Taurica (so named from hence) as inconsistent with the nature of a God or goodness: most rightly giving them this brand or censure, that they were not sacra, but Sacrilegia. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Better it was to be of no Religion, than of one so cruel.

But to go forwards with the story, in the actions of the Greeks and Romans we hear nothing of them, unless it were that the Emperour Trajan (as Florus seems to intimate) took the City of Taphre. Which if he did, he added by that action somewhat to his own honour, but nothing to the Roman Empire: this people being never reckoned amongst their Provinces. Nor hear we any thing by name of their infesting the Roman territories (as the other barbarous Nations did) except they passed in the account of the 〈◊〉 Alani, Hunnes, Avares, or other of the Scythian or Sarmatian people, by which the majesty of that Empire was trod under foot. But what the Persians, Greeks, and Romans were not able to do, was with ease effected by the Tartars: who in the time of Joccatha, or Hoccata, the next to Cingis, under the conduct of Bathu, or Roydo, one of their most renowned Commanders, subdued all these parts, together with Russia, on the North Bulgaria, and Hungarie on the East. Subject at first to the command of the Great Cham of Cathaia, as the rest of the Tartarians were, they came at last to have a Prince of their own; one L•chtan Cham, descended from the aforesaid Bathu, and (as it was pretended) of the blood of Cingis. They grew at last of so great power by conquering the Asiatick Tartars which lay neerest to them, that Mahomet the Great thought fit to keep them down before grown too strong for him: and therefore under colour of taking in the City of Capha, then possessed by the Genoese, made himself master of the greatest part of the Taurican Chersonese, and the Port of Tanais; thereby commanding both Moeotis and the Enxine Sea. In the time of Selimus the first, who had maryed a daughter of this Crim-Tartar (for so they call him) and was aided by him with an Army of 15000 men against his Father; the Turks and these Tartarians grew into a League. The chief conditions of it were, that the Tartar should aid the Turk upon all occasions, with 60000 horse, if it were required; that they shall not make war with any of their neighbours, (except the Moscovite) without leave of the Turk; that they shall pay yearly to the Grand Signieur in the way of tribute 300 Christians; that the new Cham, upon the death or deposition of his Predecessor, shall receive from the Great Turk a Royall Banner in token of his Confirmation in that estate: that in reward of these services the Crim-Tartar shall have yearly from the Grand Signieur 5500 Ducates in the way of pension; and succeed finally in the Turkish Empire, if ever the male issue of the house of Ottoman should chance to fail. According unto this agreement the Tartars have been aiding to the Turks from time to time against the Persians, Polanders, Hungarians, Moldavians, and indeed whom not, and that with great and puissant Armies, the Great Cham sometimes arming 150000 of his own Subjects (leaving but one man in an house to attend their cattel) and sometimes adding 50000 Circassians, and others of the Asian Tartars. And for the Moscovite, whom he is left at liberty to assault by this Capitulation; he hath had so hard an hand upon him, that in the year 1571 they pierced as far as to the City of Mosco, and set fire on the Suburbs: which flaming into the City built most of wood, and then reckoned to be 30 miles in compass, within the space of four hours burnt the greatest part of it, and therein no fewer than 800000 of all sorts of people: A quarrel not to be composed, the Tartar not only laying claim to the Kingdomes of Casan and Astrachan, which the Russe possesseth; but even to Moscovie it self, as hath there been shewn. Nothing so punctuall is the Turk on his part, to perform the contract, who not content to have the Tartar for his friend, or at the worst his Homager, hath of late times attempted to make him his slave or Vassall. For Amurath the third, quarrelling Mahomet the Crim-Tartar for a design to intercept Osman Bassa in his way from Persia to Constantinople; authorised the said Osman to war upon him: by whom the poor Crim and his two sonnes, betrayed by some of his own Counsellers (corrupted with Turkish Gold) were strangled with a Bow-string; Islan a brother of the Crims, first sworn a Vassall to the Turk, put into the place; and over him a Turkish Beglerbeg or Bassa to command in chief. What hopes he hath of succeeding in the Turkish Empire, if the house of O•toman should fail, hath been already taken into consideration, in our discourse upon that subject.

What the Revenue of this Prince is, it is hard to say; his subjects having little money, and living most upon the bartery of their Cattel. But besides what he hath in Lands or customes, and the 5500 Ducats yearly which he receiveth from the Turk; he hath the tenth of all the spoils which are got in the warres, and a Checkine for every Captive, for some two or three (whosoever taketh them) according unto their estates.

As for his power, what he can do in horse we have seen already; And as for foot, and Ammunition, and other necessaries, he is supplied with them by the Turk, (who doth sometimes espouse his quarrels) by whose assistance they have brought the Moscovites to some extremities. And upon confidence of the favour and protection of the Grand Signieur, the Cham then being, upon the death of Stephen Bathori (whom Amurath the 3d. commended to the Crown of Poland) sent Ambassadours to negotiate his election to that Kingdome: and to induce them thereunto promised them in his letters amongst other things, that their Pope should be his Pope, their Luther his Luther; and that rather than put them unto any charge to find his Table, he could live with Horse-flesh. His Embassie entertained with Laughter, as it well deserved.

1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.

In Tartaria Precopensis or minor, abounding in Camels, Horses, Oxen, Sheep and Goats Venison in in their Forrests, and Fish and Fowl in the Fens of Maeotis, with a temperate ayre, about ninety nine Italian miles long, and sixty three broad: on the Rivers Boristenes and Tanais, arisng in Russia in Mosco, in the chief City, of which there are 50000 Tartar horses sold yearly; besides that these people with roots, cheese and garlick, eat horses flesh, each Bowman carrying two horses with him to the wars, one for service, and the other for meat.)

  1. Caffa neer the Streights [Sterto de Caffa] a flourishing Empory, with a capacious haven, commanding the trade of the Euxine.
  2. Preceph.
  3. Weltraded and harboured Corsunum, now Sari Germanum, from the yellow earth thereabouts like Saffron.
  4. Welfortified Crim (whence Crim Tartars commanding the Euxine, and Lake of Maeotis.
  5. Panticapaeum, on the Vospero or Bosphorus.
  6. Tanas on Tanais, frequented by the Merchants of all Nations on the Euxine under the Turks.
  7. Ruinous, but high Ingirmenum.
  8. Oizakow, the residence of the Cham, whose Court in Summer time makes a moveable City of Wheele-houses, called Agara, or the town of Carts neer Podolia in Poland, and part of Muscovy, under the protection of the Grand-Seignior, who recommanded one of the Chams to be King of Poland, in a letter to this effect, that their Pope should be his Pope, and their Luther his Luther, and that he would not put them to the charge of housekeeping, for he could eat horse-flesh.

1685. Geographia universalis: the present state of the whole world by Pierre Duval.

Of Lesser Tartary.

Lesser Tartary, which lies in Europe, is so called for distinction sake from the Great, which makes part of Asia. It is also named Percopense and Crimee from its principal Cities scituated in the Peninsula, called formerly Taurica. The Nogay Tartars may be there comprehended between the Tanais and the Boristhenes, the Tartars of Ocziakou, between the Mouths of the Boristhenes and the Niester, and also the Tartars of Budziack above mentioned on the East of Moldavia, between the Mouths of the Niester and of the Danube: Besides all these Tartars, there be those who inhabit in Lithuania and the Ukrain. This Region with Commania, which is in Asia, made up the Kingdom of the Bosphorus, possessed by Mithridates. Lesser Tartary is a plain Country, very cold by reason of the Winds. Its Peninsula is so advantagiously scituated, that several States had formerly a design of sending Collonies thither. Besides seven or eight good Cities, it has full fourscore thousand Koys, that is to say Wells or Villages. Its Neck is half a League broad, its Circumference seven hundred Miles. There be some salt Marshes, where any man takes as much salt as he has occasion for. The Inhabitants boast of never having been subdued. Tho' they be descended of the Great Tartars, they do not hold of them; they only assist the Turks in such expeditions they think to get booty in. Their Tongue comes near the Turkish, but they gabble it out faster. It was their Predecessors, known under the name of Scythians, who sent formerly to Darius, who would have subdued them, a Rat, a Frog, a Bird and five Arrows, for to declare to him, that he would find it a hard matter to retire out of their Countrey, wherein he had imprudently engaged himself. Yet they could not then draw any great advantage from their Cavalry, wherein now consists their principal strength, by reason of the braying of the Asses, which were in the Persian Army.

The Lesser Tartars have in all times made incursions upon their Neighbours, for which reason all their Frontiers is a desart. After they have made a great number of Slaves, they go to sell them in the Sea-Ports, from whence they are commonly transported to Constantinople. Their Country is very populous; several of the Inhabitants have often there each forty or fifty Children in a year: they go almost all to the War: principally the Nogays, from the age of seven years, that they go out of their Gantares, which are Huts or Portative Houses, they alwaies remain in the field. These Huts are of Ozier, of a round form, two Fathoms in Diameter, they put them upon Wheels, and use them in Summer more than in Winter. Few Houses in Lesser Tartary are built with Stone and Mortar, most of them are only of Wood, covered with Planks, upheld with Posts fixed in the Earth, and interlaced with Branches of Trees. Robbery is there tolerated, and there needs no more for any ones justification upon that account, than to say they stood in need of what they stole. The Inhabitants do not much care for the Sciences, they learn what they know by common Sence; it is said of them, they have eaten their Books and carry them in their Stomacks. They have several Horses very swift, small, lean, who live commonly on Roots and Leaves of Trees; the greatest Lords have of them very good, they take so much care of their Horses, that it is become a Proverb amongst them, That to lose ones Horse is to lose ones Head. They make sometimes up a hundred thousand Horse, and go easily Marches of four Months without Baggage; the Bow of their Saddle serves them for a Pillow, the Horse-Cloth which is of Pressed Wool or of Felt, serves them for a Coverlet, their Cloak for a Tent: each Trouper carries a Pickax; their Servants sleep in the open air, let it be never so cold. The know no other Trade than that of War, th• long experience they have had therein has taught them all the Secrets and Stratagems of that Art. Some of them pass, without any inconveniency, for three or four Days together without eating, after which they glut themselves like Hogs, to sleep as long as they have fasted. Their Provision is a little flower, steeped in Water, the use of Bread goes against their Stomacks. When they regal and treat one another, they roast a whole Colt. They have so much of the Beast, that they are born blind, and do not see clear until five dayes end. Their eyes are but little open, very black, with long lashes, and so piercing, that they always discover their Enemies soone• than they are perceived by them; they are much shorter than tall, have large Members; they have a high and big Breast, a short Neck, huge Head and Cheeks, their Face almost round, a flat and Saddle Nose, a small Mouth, white Teeth, tawny Complexion, very black and harsh Hair, like the main of a Horse. When they are Children their Mothers take care to bath them once a day in Water, wherein Salt is dissolved, to harden their Skin, and render them less sensible of the cold, when in Winter they are obliged to pass Rivers by swimming. Each Tartar has a Whistle, a Gamelle, which is a Porrenger of Wood or of Copper, a Whip, a Knife, an Awl, Packthread, Thread, Points and little Cords of Leather, a Marriners compass; every ten have a Chaldron and a little Drum. Their King is called Kan, and his Successour Galga. The Residence of the Kan is at Baccassaraium, otherwise Boston-Seraglio, sometimes at Crim. Mancup is his strongest Town, and the place where his Treasures be kept. He says himself allyed to the Grand Seignior, who gives him a Pension, and deposes him when he thinks fitting, or rather when he has the Power so to do; and who for that purpose seizes often on the Kans Relations, for the having him elected of that Family who is most his Creature. The Confederacy between the Turks and the Lesser Tartars bears among other things, that the Race of the Ottomans coming to fail, that of the Kans of the Lesser Tartars shall succed to the Turkish Empire. The Grand Seignior did this to engage those Princes to the maintaining their Dominions, as expecting to possess them one day themselves. The Turk is master of the City of Caffa, the best and most important of this State. His Predecessours took it from the Janizaries in the year 1475.

The Lesser Tartars assisted the Polanders in some of their late Wars, but to the cost of their Guests; besides some Money those gave them annually, some Rouls or Sheep-skins to cloath themselves with. Though their Shape makes them resemble Apes when they are on Horseback with very short Stirrups, yet they fail not of having the advantage of their Enemies in the Campaign. The Cossacks fight 'em when they can go in Tabort, that is to say when they can march between two rows of their Waggons, having eight or ten in the Front, and as many in the Rear, with Fuzils, Half Pikes, and long handed Scyths, while that the best mounted go round about with Sentinels on all sides for a Quarter of a League distance. The Lesser Tartars are so cruel, that they give Axes and Knives to their little Children for the killing those Prisoners outright, whom they mean not to carry away. They have themselves sometimes filled great Sacks with the ears of Christians, to show the greatness of their Victory.

1694. The great historical, geographical and poetical dictionary by Louis Moreri.

Tartarie in Europe, call'd Little Tartary, comprehends not only the ancient Taurica Chersonesus, but also divers Countries between the Borysthenes or Nieper and the Tanais. It generally goes by the Name of Crim or Precop Tartary. High Mountains divide this Peninsula in 2 Parts: Its Name of Precopensis comes from a Ditch dug in the Isthmus or Neck of Land about half a League or 1200 Paces wide for its greater Strength; and it is this Tartary which is divided into the Precopensian that comprehends the Peninsule and Crimee, which reaches far beyond it, and takes Name from a City called Crim: the capital Town is Bavesarai. We may add to these the Tartars of Nogais of Budziack in Bessarabia, the Tartars of Dobruce in Bulgaria, and those of Oczacow, about the Euxine Sea, all in Europe. The Chersonesus Taurica, where now are the Little Tartars, in the Beginning had its particular Princes, until it was subdued by the Fauro-Scythians, who gave it their own Name. Mithridates took it from them, and join'd it to the Kingdom of Pontus. The Romans depriving him of his Kingdom, established Sovereigns in Chersonesus, which were call'd Kings of the Bosphorus. After this, these Provinces belonged to the Eastern Empire; and the Genois subdued a great part of it, but were forc'd to pay the Tartars a Tribute, who came to settle here in 1250. So that they were sole Masters of all this Country until Mahomet II. took Caffa in 1452, and beat them quite out of it. The Little Tartars were always great Robbers and Plunderers of their Neighbours; so that their Frontiers are very desert. They have a Prince called Kam, who is Tributary to the Turk, and employ'd by him very often to make Incursions into Poland and Muscovy. If we believe Relations, their Customs are very odd. They put no Value upon bread, which they call Beasts Food, and eat nothing but Flesh, which they stew under their Saddle.

Tartars Nogays, Neighbours to those of Perecops, inhabit the Peninsula of Crim towards Circassia, Moscovy, Poland, and Moldavia. These have no Towns, but a great number of Cabins, which they carry upon Chariots, and obey particular Princes called Cankariers, that is, Chief of the Hordes or Tribes, who can raise above 50000 Horse. Though they are Mahometans, yet they are no strict Observers of the Laws of that Sect. The Coggia or Doctors and Priests come not amongst them, because they cannot accustom themselves to their way of living; they live on Flesh and Milk without Bread; their Drink is sower Milk and Water; and upon Holy-days they drink Mares Milk prepared with Barley: They have abundance of good Pasture in their Plains, and Cattel in great numbers, as also wild Horses, Deers, Wolves, Elks, Foxes, Bears, &c. Skins, Slaves and Butter, are their chief Commodities, which they truck for Cottons, Cloth, Maroquins, Knives, and such other Ware, for they do not care for Mony. They are very deform'd, and have neither Honesty nor Civility. Their Children do not see well a long time after they are born, their Eyes are so little, and so much sunk in their Heads: They have neither Books nor Writing: He that Commands administers Justice. Peter of Luca. But others make a more exact Division of the Tartars, saying, the Crim Tartars possess the Peninsula, and are above 60000 Men. The Nogays possess the Country which begins at Perecops and reaches on one side to the River of Nieper, and on the other to the Town of Oczakar, and can raise 12000 Men. The Tartars of Oczakou, and the Neighbourhood of Don, are about 2000 fighting Men, otherwise called Bessei, that is, paid or hir'd. The Tartars of Budziack live about the Town of Bilogrod upon the Frontiers of Moldavia or Bessarabie, and can make up 15000 Men. As for Nogaye it's divided into greater and lesser: The Greater Nogaye, whose Hordes made frequent Incursions to the West, was quite over run by the Cham of Tartary who forc'd the People into the Peninsula; and the Lesser Nogaye, which lies between Donets and the Sea of Limen from the Perecops to Oczakou, is under the Protection of the same Cham. The Orbey or Governour of Perecops is their Chief and Judge. M. Thevenot.

Tartars of Precops or Crim Tartars, People that inhabit the Peninsula between the Black Sea and the Sea of Limen, formerly called Chersonesus Taurica, which joyns the firm Land by an Isthmus half a League broad. This Place is about 700 Miles in Circuit, comprehending 800000 Coi or Villages, eight Towns which are Perecop or Or situated upon the Isthmus: Baciesarai or Baccasarai in the middle of the Country, where they build their Galleys and other Vessels; Criminda or Solar, Kersi or Karasu, Mancop, Coselow and Caffa, where the Grand Signior puts a Bascha; but his Jurisdiction does not reach into the Country, whereof the Cham is sole Sovereign. This Prince takes the Title of King of the Tartars, Nogays, Circassia and Malibase. The Perecops is a very plain, but cold, Country, by reason of the Wind it is exposed to.

There are four Rivers called Alma, Cabarta, Bejesula or Kacia, and Carasu. These Tartars have such great Quantities of Wheat and Millet, that they fell a Cart loaden with as much as two Oxen can draw, for two Crowns: Besides these they have good Pasture and vast Numbers of Cattel, good Horses, great and double-bunch'd Camels. Other Provisions are so cheap, that a Hen is sold for four Aspers or two Pence, fifteen Eggs for an Asper or a Half-penny. Their Water is good, but best near the Sea: They have so much Fish, that it's far cheaper than Flesh; nor do they want Fruit Trees either in the Plains or along the Sea and Rivers sides The Salt they use is gather'd without any Trouble in the Fens and Marshes, where People may have and take as much as they please. They make a great Quantity of Earth-Oyl, which they call Oyl of Stones. Here are no ravenous Beasts. Wine is dear, as also Oyl of Olives. They eat but little Bread, but devour a great deal of Meat, especially Horse-Flesh. When a Murse or Country-Lord makes a Feast it's not regarded if they have not a young Colt. Mares Milk pepared with B•rley is their ordinary Drink, mixing a little Wine sometimes with it: This Preparation is made by putting the Vessel near the Fire, or exposing it to the Sun for about three Weeks to boil and purifie the Liquor. They eat, sitting on the Ground upon Carpets or Mats. Their Tables are round, and covered with Leather. They entertain Strangers pretty civilly, for when any comes into their Villages they send him to the Mosque, where he has Meat sent him; but if he be one they know, they take him to their House, and lodge him in an Apartment kept for Strangers. Their Marriages are made in Presence of the Coggia or Priest of their Law, and they take as many Wives as they can maintain, besides whom they have Slaves, called Cuma, that is, Concubines. The common sort make a Traffick by selling the Children of those Concubines. The Crim Tartars are generally at War with the Polanders, Muscovites, Russians, Circassians, and Moldavians, and carry a great many into Slavery from those Countries. They know no other Calling but War, whereof their long Experience has taught 'em all the Secrets: Sometimes they are above a hundred thousand Horse, and march for four Months together in Deserts, for all People quit their Dwellings at their Approach: Each carries a Bag of Barly-Meal upon his Horse, with some Biskets and a thing they call Cuscum, which is a kind of P•ste fry'd in Butter. They take greater care of their Horses than of themselves; it being a Proverb amongst them, That to lose ones Horses is to lose ones Head. The Horses are most of them very small and lean, but will do great Service, and endure Fatigue. The Murses or Gentry have very fine Horses, yet they never house them in the depth of Winter nor greatest Snows. Their Saddles are very light, and serve them for many Uses: The under-part is a woollen Cloth well folded, which they spread and lye upon; the Back serves for a Bolster, and their Cloak hung upon Pikes, which they always carry, makes a Tent: Their Arms are a Sword and Bow, with Head-pieces of Mail, much esteemed in Tartary They can shoot their Arrows behind them, as the ancient Parthians us'd to do. The Cham has no standing Troops, except five hundred Fusiliers that are his Guards. He takes a Tenth of what Booty his Subjects make. The Towns of most Trade in Tartary are Caffa, Corasu, Caslow, and Bachasarai, where there are always Slaves to be sold, which the Turks, Arabians, Jews, Armenians, and Greeks do buy; for there are of all these Nations in this Country that pay Tribute to the Cham of Tartary and Bascha of Caffa. The Precopites are great Observers of their Religion, and go four or five times a day to their Namas or Mosques, and render Justice upon the Place whether in Criminal or Civil Matters. Their Houses are generally of Wood, built without any Observation of the Rules of Architecture. In Summer they have round Cabins made of Willow, which they put upon their Chariots and carry from one Place to another for the conveniency of Pasture. They speak the Turkish Language, with some other mixture. The King has five Seraglio's, pretty well built: His Treasure lies in a Town called Mancop. built upon a Mountain and inhabited by Jews that obey a Tartar Governor. Hither the Cham retires when there is any Trouble or Rebellion in the Country, or that he is in War with the Grand Signior, who possesses and keeps a strong Garison in Caffa, the best Town in his Dominions. M. Thevenot in his Relation of the Tartars, vol. 1.

1694. The present state of the universe by John Beaumont.

Tartaria Precopensis, or the Lesser Tartary. (Book Tartary)

I. ITS probable that upon the breaking of the great Empire of the Tartars into pieces, upon the death of Tamerlane, which hapned An. 1402. The Precopenses or European Tartars submitted to a Prince of their own Nation, under the Power and Government of whose Successors they still continue.

The name of the present Cham of the Lesser Tartary, or of the Crim Tartar, is Nuradin Kiery. He has a Wife, call'd the Chamine and four Children, to all whom the Emperour of Germany sent Presents some years since. He is call'd the Crim Tartar from the Town of Crim; the Ancient Seat of the Chams, and at that time the fairest and greatest of the Country, situate in the midst thereof, and fortified with a strong Castle; and for the hight of the Walls, and depth of the Ditch esteem'd Impregnable.

The Country is also call'd Tartaria Precopensis from Precopia, a chief Town thereof.

II. He bears Or, three Grissins Sable, arm'd Gules. His Livery is of a _____ colour. The Religion there most Embrac'd and Countenanc'd is that of Mahomet, mingled with some few of their old Principles of Christianity: for they confess that Christ shall be Judge both of the Quick and Dead, in the day of Judgment; and punish ••ose that speak irreverently of him: which makes great store of Grecian and Armenian Christians dwell among them. The Language which they speak is their own Tartarian; but intermixt, with much of the Arabick, and Turkish Tongues, and when they write they use either Chaldean, or Arabick Characters.

III. A late French Writer tells us, he resides at Baccasarium, which stands in the midst of his Countries; perhaps the same with Crim, before mention'd. But the Court of the Great Cham in the Summer time makes a moveable City, built upon Wheel-Houses, and Transported from one place to another, as occasion serves; which Houses at every station, are orderly dispos'd of into Streets and Lanes, and by the Tartars are called Agara, or a Town of Carts. They remove also their droves of Cattle up and down with them. Within these Territories there is a Town call'd Capha; but it belongs wholly to the Turk, he keeping there a Governour. It was taken from the Genoeses, An. 1475. Its six or seven Miles about, being, in a manner, wholly inhabited by Christians. The Greeks have twelve Churches there. The Armenians thirty two, and the Romanists one, Dedicated to S. Peter. The Town is of great Trade.

IV. The Revenues of this Prince are uncertain, his Subjects having but little mony, and living most upon Bartering of their Cattle: beside what he has in Lands and Customs, and five thousand five hundred Ducats yearly, which he receives from the Great Turk, he has the tenth of all Spoils which are gotten in the Wars.

The Male-Line of the Ottoman House failing, these Chams are to succeed, upon an Agreement made betwixt the two Emperours.

1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child.

The Allies of the TƲRKS, or Inhabitants of the LESSER TARTARY.

THE LESSER TARTARY, Tartaria Minor, aut Precopensis, so call'd to distinguish it from the Greater in Asia, is the ancient Lesser Scythia, being bounded on the North by the River Doniec or Lesser Don, which separates it from Moscovy; on the South by the Tanais or greater Don, the Sea of Zabach and the Euxine or Black Sea, on the West by the Nieper and Mountains that divide it from Poland. It is extended, in comprehending the Peninsula of Crimski, from the 46 deg. 20 min. to the 53 deg. 30 min. of Latitude, for the space of 145 leagues, and about 202 from South-west to North-east, from the 59th deg. to the 75th deg. of Longitude. The name of Tartaria Precopensis or Precopian Tartary, is taken from a Ditch dug in the Isthmus or neck of Land about half a league or 1200 paces wide, for its greater Strength and Security.

The Air of this Country is temperate, but not very healthful, neither is the Soil every where alike; for in some places it brings forth Corn, Millet, Grapes, and several sorts of Fruits; in others appear only Marshes and Pastures, wherein are fed many Herds of Cattel. In fine, some Grounds are altogether sandy. But Timber is generally scarce throughout these Territories, excepting in the Peninsula, where are found spacious Forests full of Deer, and affording all sorts of Game. The Mountains yield Mines of Gold, Silver and Iron; and the Rivers abound in delicate Fishes, altho' the Water is bitter and very unwholsom to drink. The most considerable of these Rivers are the Nieper or Borysthenes, the greater and lesser Don, &c.

The Inhabitants are robust and indefatigable, so that their Courage cannot be abated through the extremity of Labour, Hunger, Thirst, Heat or Cold. They are very just in dealing one with another, but shew little or no courtesie to strangers▪ being much addicted to Robbing and Pillaging; Jealousie and Lasciviousness often exciting them to commit enormous Outrages. These Barbarians commonly feed on the Flesh of Horses half sodden, which is sometimes cut by them into Collops, and laid under their Saddles; then they cause their Nags to run on full speed, until the Sweat exhales all over their Bodies. Afterward having left the raw Flesh covered with Foam for some time, they take it out and greedily devour it. Moreover they delight very much in drinking the Blood of their Horses, and the Milk of their Cattel. The most part of those Tartars embrace the Mahometan Doctrine, altho' there are also among them many Roman Catholicks, Greeks and Armenians. Almost all the Roman Catholicks derive their Original from the Italians, and enjoy the free exercise of their Religion.

This Country is govern'd by a Prince styl'd the Cham of Tartary, under the protection of the Emperor of the Turks; of whom he receives a Standard as a mark of his Soveraignty. The Grand Signior detains as an Hostage, the person that ought to succeed him, who is usually his Son or Brother. Moreover the Sultan himself possesseth part of Crimski, and even maintains a Beglierbeg in the Town of CAFFA, a strong Hold of this Peninsula. He is also Master of the Town of AZOPHOƲ-TANA situated in an Island made by the River Don near its mouth, and of that of THAMAN in Asia, on the Streights of Caffa. These two last are places of very great importance, and each of them affords a seat to a Sangiack depending on the Beglierbeg of Caffa.

CRIM or KRIM, Crimcea, which hath imparted its name to the Peninsula, wherein it is situated, at the distance of 25 miles from Caffa to the East, is the principal Town of the lesser Tartary, and the usual Seat of the Great Cham, who sometimes resides at BACCA-SARAIO, Baccasara which stands on the Banks of the River Kabarta, in the midst of Crimski, and is distant 55 miles from Caffa to the North-West toward Perecop.

The Peninsula of Crimski, heretofore call'd Chersonesus Taurica, is more frequently inhabited, better cultivated, and contains a greater number of Towns than the lesser Tartary that lies to the North, and is almost desert; since the Nogaiski Tartars only dwell therein under Tents or Hutts, which they fix in the most convenient places.