Tanais, River

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Etymology and other names

Modern Don
Italians Tana

Sources from old books

1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.

Also Don or Tanais, Ariel, Samar that runneth into Don, with many others.

1685. Geographia universalis: the present state of the whole world by Pierre Duval.

The River of Dom, or Tana, formerly Tanais

1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.

Tanais, a River of Crim Tartary, which divides Europe from Asia. Called by the Neighbouring Nations, Don; by the Italians, Tana. It ariseth in the Province of Rezan, in Moscovy (eleven hundred Miles from Moscow) from the Lake Iuvanouvo Lezicro, which is five hundred Wrests broad; and flowing with a very Oblique Course through the Countries possessed by the Precopensian, or Crim Tartars; not far from the Wolga falls into the Lake of Moeotis; near a City called from it Tanais, now ruined. This City was once taken by the Russ; but now in the hands of the Turks. The River divides it into two parts, and affords it the convenience of an Haven; though now not much frequented. Long. 60. 40. Lat. 48. 09.