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  • 00:59, 22 December 2024Artesia (hist | edit) ‎[10,750 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE COVNTIE OF ARTESIA. (Book Artesia) ARtesia, containeth a great part of those people which Caesar calleth the Atrebatians, from the chiefe Cittie which he calleth Atrebatum. Bu...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:58, 22 December 2024Trans-Isselania (hist | edit) ‎[4,252 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE LORDSHIP OF TRANS-ISSELANIA. (Book Trans-Isselania) THe Trans-Issilanians doe inhabite that part which was the Seate of the auncient Frenchmen; which the most learned Hadrian...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:56, 22 December 2024Groninga (hist | edit) ‎[4,293 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE LORDSHIP OF GRONINGA. (Book Groninga) GROENINGA Domin̄i (Book Groninga) GRoninga is the head Cittie of the Province of Groninga, and the fairest Cittie in Friesland. Some th...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:52, 22 December 2024Machlin (hist | edit) ‎[3,199 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE CITTIE AND PROVINCE OF MACHLIN. (Book Machlin) MAchlin is situated almost in the middle of Brabant, and is as it were enclosed within it, neere the River Dilia, which cutteth...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:51, 22 December 2024Ultrajectum (hist | edit) ‎[12,007 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE BISHOPRICK OF VLTRAIECTVM. (Book Ultrajectum) OLd Batavia was governed by Kings of their owne, but the royall line being extinct, it was divided into parts. The inhabitants of...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:49, 22 December 2024Zutphania (hist | edit) ‎[3,712 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE COVNTIE OF ZVTPHANIA. (Book Zutphania) SOme suppose that the Zutphanians were herefore called by the Romanes Vsipetes, which Iunius conjectureth in his Batavia. But Bertius th...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:48, 22 December 2024Gelderland (hist | edit) ‎[11,108 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE DVKEDOME OF GELDERLAND, Containing the Countie of ZVTPHANIA, and the Lordship of TRANSISILANIA. (Book Gelderland) * 1.1GElderland was so called from the Castell of Gelre, whic...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:47, 22 December 2024Zeland (hist | edit) ‎[11,630 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE COVNTIE OF ZELAND. (Book Zeland) ZEland signifies nothing else but a Sea-land, the name thereof being compounded from Sea and Land.* 1.1 For it is encompassed on every side wi...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:43, 22 December 2024Holland (hist | edit) ‎[10,438 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE COVNTIE OF HOLLAND. (Book Holland) SOme derive the name of Holland from the many Woods and Forrests therein,* 1.1 for we cal a Wood Holt or Hout, and Hollant signifies a woody...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:36, 22 December 2024Brabant (hist | edit) ‎[42,518 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE DVKEDOME OF BRABANT. (Book Brabant) BRabant for the most part doth containe the Countrie of the Advatians, Ambivaritians, and Tungrians:* 1.1 but it is uncertaine at what time...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:33, 22 December 2024Flanders (hist | edit) ‎[61,580 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE COVNTIE OF FLANDERS. (Book Flanders) FLanders although it be not of any great antiquitie, yet no reason can be given for the name of it.* 1.1 Some derive it from a Cittie of t...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:12, 22 December 2024Zurichgow (hist | edit) ‎[11,864 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>ZVRICHGOVV, AND THE PROVINCE OF BASIL. (Book Zurichgow) IHave spoken in generall concerning Helvetia; the parts doe follow. Which Mercator in the three following Chartes doth l...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:10, 22 December 2024Zahara (hist | edit) ‎[19,659 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== ===1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome=== <blockquote>ZAHARA, That is, DESART. IN our Africa or Libya Interior, we have placed ZAHARA, the Country of the NEGROES and GƲINY. Zahara is an Arab name, and signifies Desart; and this name is taken from the quality of the Country: so the Arabs divide the Land into three sorts, Cehel, Zahara, and Azgar. Cehel hath only Sand, very small, without any Green. Zahara hath Gravel...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:09, 22 December 2024Zagathay (hist | edit) ‎[39,256 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. === <blockquote>ZAGATHAY is bounded on the East, with the Mountain Imaus, by which it is parted from Cathay; on the North, with the main Scythick or Frozen Ocean; on the West, with Tartaria Deserta, from which sepa...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:08, 22 December 2024Wiflispurgergow (hist | edit) ‎[10,371 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>VVIFLISPVRGERGOVV. (Book Wiflispurgergow) THERE followes in our Author the Aventian Canton• commonly called Wiflispurgergow. It is so named from the Towne Wiflispurg, which h...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:07, 22 December 2024Virginia (hist | edit) ‎[26,232 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>VIRGINIA AND FLORIDA. (Book Virginia) * 1.1VIRGINIA and Florida doe follow in our method. Virginia as some suppose was so called from the Earle Viguinus, but hee that sett fort...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:05, 22 December 2024Vicentia (hist | edit) ‎[2,785 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THe Country of Vicentia followeth, the soyle whereof as it is pleasant, so it is fruitfull, yeelding greate store of Wine, and other fruites, especially Mulberries, on whose lea...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:05, 22 December 2024Verona (hist | edit) ‎[3,564 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>IN this Table the Territories of three chiefe Citties of Marca Tarvisina are delineated and described, Verona, Vicentia, and Patavium. The first is the Territory or Country of V...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:04, 22 December 2024Valesia (hist | edit) ‎[5,945 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>VALESIA. (Book Valesia) I Have not yet found whence the name of Valesia is derived, which they call Wallis, or Walisser Landt. But it is supposed that it commeth from the Latin...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:03, 22 December 2024Valentia (hist | edit) ‎[12,386 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>VALENTIA taketh its name from the Metropolis thereof, being a faire Mart-Towne, and of great antiquitie: On the South it looketh toward Murcia: on the West toward both the Casti...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:02, 22 December 2024Valachia (hist | edit) ‎[10,245 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>VALACHIA was so called from the Flaccians, a Nation of the Romanes. For the Romanes having overcome the Getes, brought thither a Colonie under the conduct of one Flaccus, whence...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:01, 22 December 2024Tuscia (hist | edit) ‎[10,729 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>TUSCIA followeth, which ancient Writers doe cele∣brate by three speciall names, Tyrrhenia, Etruria, and Tuscia: the latter of these three names it still retaineth. For it is comm...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:59, 21 December 2024Turone (hist | edit) ‎[4,487 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE DVKEDOME OF TVRONE. (Book Turone) THE Province of Turene in regard of the incomparable pleasantnesse of the place, and the abundance of all kind of fruites, is worthily cal...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:57, 21 December 2024The Turkish Empire (hist | edit) ‎[364,135 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>IN Asia, unto which we now are come, the Turkish Empire hath the first place. Mela in his first Booke maketh mention of the Turkes,* 1.1 and so doth Pliny, Lib. 6. Cap. 7. And it i...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:56, 21 December 2024Tunis (hist | edit) ‎[55,365 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. === <blockquote>THe Kingdom of TVNIS (in Latine called Regnum Tunctanum) hath on the East Cyrene, on the West the Kingdom of Algeirs or Tremesin, on the North the Mediterranean, on the South Mount Atlas. So called...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:54, 21 December 2024Transylvania (hist | edit) ‎[33,784 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>TRANSYLVANIA, OR SIEBENBVRGEN. (Book Transylvania) TRANSYLVANIA is the mediterranean part of anci∣ent d 1.1 Dacia, which the Romans called Dacia Ripensis,* 1.2 and it taketh...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:53, 21 December 2024The World (hist | edit) ‎[12,194 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>OF THE WORLD. (Book description of the world) THis Universe, which rather presents it selfe to the con∣templation of the minde of man, then to the sight of the Eyes, for the perfect elegancie, and absolute puritie there∣of, is called in Latine Mundus. This Pliny, in the 11. Lib.* 1.1 Cap. 1. of his Naturall Historie, calleth, That which cove∣ret...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:51, 21 December 2024The Princes Island (hist | edit) ‎[479 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>NOt farre from hence 3. degrees beyond the Aequinoctiall, is the Princes Iland. Which is so named, because the Prince of Portugal hath the revenues of this Iland. It is well inhabited, and yeeldeth great store of Sugar. And there growes in it a kinde of Date-tree which wee mentioned before, out of which there commeth a juyce which they drinke.</blockqu...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:48, 21 December 2024The Isles of the Sound (hist | edit) ‎[26,866 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== ===1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome.=== <blockquote> *The ISLES of the SONDE; which may be comprehended under **Great ISLES, and particularly called the Isles of the SONDE; and such are those of ***SUMATRA, with its Kingdoms of ****Achem, *****Achem, *****Daya. ****Pacem, *****Pedir, *****Pacem. ****Aru, *****Aru, *****Bancalis. ****Baras, *****Baras, *****Batham. ****Camper, — Camper. ****Guadahyri, — Guadahyr...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:46, 21 December 2024The Isles of West Indies (hist | edit) ‎[59,903 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>IN the West-Indies as they call it, there are many Ilands some greater and some lesser. The greater are called S. Iohns Iland, Hispaniola, Cuba, Iamayca. The lesser are of two sorts, some of which are commonly call'd Stotavento situated Southward: the other called Barlovento doe lie Northward, and were first discoverd by Columbus. The chiefe of the Majorick Ilands is S. Iohns Ilan...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:45, 21 December 2024The Isles of Larrons (hist | edit) ‎[1,200 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== ===1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome.=== <blockquote> =====The Isles of LARRONS, or THEEVES.===== *1.49WE have almost nothing to say touching the Isles of THE EVES. They are 16 or 20 different Isles, which continue from about the 8th unto the 20th and 21st degree of Latitude on this side the Equator, and are almost all under the 188 Meridian. Their names, scituation and greatness, a guess may be given of by the Char...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:43, 21 December 2024The Isles of Barbary (hist | edit) ‎[12,601 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. OF BARBARY. === <blockquote>THe ISLES of BARBARY, which make up the fifth and last part thereof, are situate neer the African shores of the Mediterranean, assigned by Ptolomy to the Province of Africa Propria. In number sixteen: 1 Hydras. 2 Calathe, 3 Dracontias, now called Chelbi. 4 Aegymnus, by Strabo called Aeginarus, and now Guietta. 5 Larunesia, now Mollium. 6 Lapedusa, now Lampedosa...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:42, 21 December 2024The Isles of Bandan (hist | edit) ‎[3,451 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. OF THE ORIENTAL ILANDS. === <blockquote>THe Isles of BANDAN are in number seven, that is to say 1. Mira, 2. Rosalargium, 3. A••, 4. Rom, 5. Nerra, 6 Ganuape, the least of all, continually burning, and for that cause deserted of its inhabitants, and 7. Bandan, bigger than any of the rest, and therefore giving name to all. Situate South of the Philippines, in the seventh degree of South...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:41, 21 December 2024The Isles of Africa (hist | edit) ‎[95,330 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== Category:Islands ===1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome=== <blockquote> *The ISLES of AFRI∣CA, as they lie and are found **In the Mediterranean Sea, And on the Coast of BARBARY, as the ISLES of ***MALTA, ****Marzasirocco, ****Vallett•, ****il Borgo, ****Madalena, ****Medina, ****St. Maria Meleca, ****St. Maria Loret••, ****Rodumifessa. ***GOZA, ****Goza Cast, ****Scilendo. ***Cumin, — Cumin. ***Forfala,...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:39, 21 December 2024Ceylon (hist | edit) ‎[33,503 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>THE Iland Zeilan or Ceilon the Arabians doe call Tenarizim and Ternasseri, that is, the Land of Delight,* 1.1 and the Indians Hibernarum. This Iland Ptolemy calleth Taprobana, as Barrius and Corsalus doe witnesse,* 1.2 which Varrerius doth also affirme. And Ortelius in his Treasury of Geography doth consent unto him. But our Mercator thinketh it to be Nan...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:36, 21 December 2024Annobon (hist | edit) ‎[1,769 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>The Iland of the Good-yeere. (Book Good-Year) THE Iland of the Good-yeere, or de Annobon, was so called, because it was discoverd at the beginning of the New-yeere. It is situate 3. degrees Southward beyond the Aequinoctiall, and it is inhabited: there is good fishing by the shore side: and flying fishes are sometimes seene here. Here are also great s...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:34, 21 December 2024The Empire of the Mogul (hist | edit) ‎[28,671 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1685. Geographia universalis: the present state of the whole world by Pierre Duval. === <blockquote>The Empire of the Mogul. THis Empire comprehends the greatest part of the firm land of India between Persia, Tartary and China. The Mogul is the Sovereign thereof;...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:31, 21 December 2024Tartaria Precopensis (hist | edit) ‎[65,174 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. OF TARTARIA. === <blockquote>TARTARIA PRECOPENSIS is bounded on the East, with the River Tanais, now Don; on the West, with the River Borysthenes, now called Nerper, by which last parted from P•dol••, a Provi...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:29, 21 December 2024Tartaria Deserta (hist | edit) ‎[30,101 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. === <blockquote>TARTARIA DESERTA is bounded on the West, with Precopensis, and the Empire of Russia; on the East, with Antiqua and Zagathay, from which last parted by the River Spane, which falleth into the Caspian...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:28, 21 December 2024Tartaria Antiqua (hist | edit) ‎[15,348 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. OF TARTARIA. === <blockquote>TARTARIA ANTIQVA hath on the South, Altay; on the West, and North, the main Scythick Ocean; on the East the Streights of Anian, by which parted from America. So called, because the firs...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:25, 21 December 2024Swethland (hist | edit) ‎[110,178 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ==Sources from old books:== 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.<blockquote>The Kingdome of Swethland is an ancient Kingdome, as Pliny witnes∣seth.* 1.11 It hath on the West Norwey, on the North Lapland and Botnia, on the East •...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
  • 23:24, 21 December 2024Sumatra (hist | edit) ‎[12,284 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. OF THE ORIENTAL ILANDS. === <blockquote>SVMATRA lieth on the North of the Greater Java, betwixt it and the Streight of Sincapura the most Southern Town of the Golden Chersonese. The Streight in that place so streight and narrow not above a musket shot in breadth, that some conccive this Island to have been formerly joined unto it by some little Isthmus, since worn away by the violence and...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:23, 21 December 2024Stralsont (hist | edit) ‎[2,285 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " == Sources from old books: == === 1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXXIX. Of Stralsont, and the Trade thereof. === <blockquote>STralsont lies also in this Tract, and is found seated on the Baltick Sea, opposite to the Island of Raugi, where the late King of Sweden first landed in his Invasion of the Empire: it is now subject to the Duke of Pomeran, and in whose cause it hath endured; long and streight Siege; but being well and strongly fort...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:22, 21 December 2024Straits of Magellan (hist | edit) ‎[17,071 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>ANd so much concerning Southerne America: Fretum Magellanicum or the Straites of Magellan are now briefe∣ly to be unfolded and described. It was so called from Magellan who discoverd this narrow Sea. Of whose skill and experience which hee shewed in finding out the Molucco Ilands by a Voyage made Westward, wee have spoken other wheres. He on the 24. of...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:20, 21 December 2024Stockholm (hist | edit) ‎[3,437 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXVIII. Of Stockholm, and the Trade thereof. === <blockquote>* 1.626BEcause I intend, upon the general Trade of Estland, to handle some particular Cities be∣longing to the Crown of Sweden, therefore I shall be the briefer upon the Trade of this City of Stockholm, the Metropolis of this Kingdom. Stockholm then being the Residence of this King, whose Arms of late were so preval...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:20, 21 December 2024Stiria (hist | edit) ‎[9,131 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>STIRIA, COMMONLY CALLED STIRMARCK, which was made a Dukedome by FREDERI OR BARBAROSSA. (Book Stiria) In it there are many Countries, among the which is WARASDEN; by the River D...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:18, 21 December 2024Stetin (hist | edit) ‎[9,636 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " == Sources from old books == === 1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXX. Of Mosco, and the Trade thereof. === <blockquote>* 1.1THIS Stetin is the capital City of Pomerania, situate upon the River of Oder, in a pleasant and delightsome Soil, and carrieth in these Northern Regions that Renown, that from hence the Dukes of Stetin in Pomerland have their appellations. The City abounds in all Commodities for Merchandize that the Neighbouring Count...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:17, 21 December 2024Spoleto (hist | edit) ‎[5,012 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THe Dukedome of Spoleto commonly called Ducato di Spoleto, is so called from the Citty Spoleto, which was heretofore the Palace of the Dukes of Lombardy. It was heretofore calle...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:17, 21 December 2024Spallatta (hist | edit) ‎[1,925 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1700. The merchants map of commerce by Roberts, Lewes. CHAP. CCXXXVII. Of Rhagusa and Spallatta, and the Trade thereof. === <blockquote>THE Trade of Sclavonia is at this day but of small Account, and little to our Mation: the two Cities of Spalatta and Rhagusa seated therein, merit the principal conside∣ration. ... * 1.6Note that the Weights and Measures of Spallatta do wholly agree with those in Venetia, therefore I need not to say fu...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 23:13, 21 December 2024Spain (hist | edit) ‎[181,791 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>SPAINE is a chiefe Country of Europe, and the first part of the Continent, it was so called, as Iustine noteth from King Hispanus.* 1.1 Some would have it so called from His∣pa...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
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