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Etymology and other names










Notable People

Sources from old books

Sources from old books:

1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.

Of SIDON and the trade thereof.

SIDON is now limited within a narrower compasse than its antient bounds, commanded by the Emir or Prince of the Drusians, the offspring of Christians, but now hardly professing any religion at all; it is seated upon the same shore as Acria, and where the Fench and Venetians maintaine consulls, and is better knowne to us then Acria: and where by their means all westerne Christians finde 〈◊〉 reasonable favourable protection in their trade.

The Countrey doth principally abound in corne, which some yeeres is hence distributed and dispersed to Marselia, Lighor•… and other parts of Christendome, with galles, woolls, waxe, &c.

Their coynes are principally Rialls of 〈◊〉 Spanish and Chicquins in gold, the Riall accounted for 72 aspers, and the chickquine 108 aspers, but the valuation alters according to the occasions of the state and course of traffique, therefore no great confidence can be given thereunto.

Their waights is the dram and Rotolo currant in these parts of Asia, 650 drams, making the Rotol. 4 li. 5½ ounces English.

Rotolo 100 is their cantar qt 433⅓ li. English.

Rotolo 1 is accounted to make there also 12 ounces.

Rotolos 110 makes Rotolos 100 common in Aleppo.

Rotolos 115 makes Rotolos 100 common in Cyprus.

Their measures 〈◊〉 〈◊〉———

In this tract lies the place where Tyre was seated, now devou•… by the incroaching Sea, of whose ancient traffique see the 66 •…pter; and also Sarepta, where Elias who had formerly lived in •…ount Carmell nigh adjoyning, was sustained in a famine by a •…dow whose sonne he raised from death: other matters of con•…ence have not falne out within my reading hapned in this •…uit, therefore hence I will travaile to the next Province.