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20 December 2024
- 05:5705:57, 20 December 2024 diff hist +11,122 N Cadurcium Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>CADVRCIVM, LE PAYS DE QVERCI. The Ecclesiastick State. (Book Cadurcium) Cadurcium doth containe two Bishopricks, namely, of Cahors, and Montalban, which are subject to the Arch..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:5605:56, 20 December 2024 diff hist +23,464 N Burgundie Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE DVKEDOME OF BVRGVNDIE· (Book Burgundie) * 1.1LET so much according to our Method suffice concerning Lotharingia. The Dukedome of Burgundie followes or lower Burgundie. The..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:5405:54, 20 December 2024 diff hist +12,178 N Burdegalia Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ARCHBISHOPRICK AND COVNTY OF BƲRDEGALIA. (Book Burdegalia) BURDIGALIA having an Archbishoprick and County belonging to it, and the head and Metropolis o..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:5105:51, 20 December 2024 diff hist +12,567 N Burbon Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE DVKEDOME OF BVRBON· (Book Burbon) THE Country and Dukedome of Burbon, or le Pays and Duché de Burbonneis, was so called from the Dukes of Burbon,* 1.1 who were Governours..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:5005:50, 20 December 2024 diff hist +1,258 N Bulgaria Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>BULGARIA is so called as it were Volgaria, because certaine people comming from Volga about the yeere of our Lord 566. did possesse this Country. Some thinke that this Country i..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:4905:49, 20 December 2024 diff hist +12,220 N British Isles Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>BRITTAINE containeth all those Ilands which lying betweene Spaine and Germany, are stretched forth in a great quantitie of Land toward France. Lhuyddus saith that not long agoe..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:4705:47, 20 December 2024 diff hist +11,855 N Bretaigne Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>BRITANY, NORMANDIE, and BELSIA. (Book Britany) BRITANNIA, commonly called Bretaigne, did receive both name, Lawes, and Inhabitants from the Brittaines, who being driven out of..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:4605:46, 20 December 2024 diff hist +10,332 N Bressia Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>HItherto wee have viewed Lombardy: now wee must describe the County of Bressia, and the Dukedome of Mediolanum. The former was so named from the noble Citty Brixia. It containet..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:4405:44, 20 December 2024 diff hist +23,520 N Brazil Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome=== <blockquote>BRAZILE is most commonly taken for the most Eastern part of America Meridionalis. In 1501 Alvarez Cabral a Portugal sailing along the Coast of Africa, in his passage to the East Indies, by a..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:4205:42, 20 December 2024 diff hist +7,664 N Boulongne Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE COVNTIE OF BOVLONGNE. VVherein are these Countries: Guines, Ardres, and the Baronry of Fiennes. Also the Bishoprick of Tarvania, and Morinea, by which the other Countries in..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:4105:41, 20 December 2024 diff hist +1,230 N Bosnia Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THe Easterne part of Liburnia they now call Liburnia, from the Bes∣si, a people of lower Moesia: who afterward being expulsed by the Bulgarians, did remove into higher Maesia,..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:3905:39, 20 December 2024 diff hist +3,395 N Borneo Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn. === <blockquote>WEst of these Celebes, lieth BORNEO, of more note and greatness, than any hitherto described in these Indian Seas. In compass after their accompt who speak most sparingly, 2200 miles; but as some sa..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:3805:38, 20 December 2024 diff hist +10,614 N Bituricum Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE DVKEDOME OF BITVRICVM. (Book Bituricum) THE Dukedome of Bituricum, or le Duché de Berry, which followeth in our Method, on the North looketh to∣ward Solonia the lower pa..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:3705:37, 20 December 2024 diff hist +11,223 N Biscay Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>BISCAY, GVIPVSCOA, NAVARRE, and Asturia de Santillana. (Book Biscay) BISCAY (as Iohannes Bishop of Gerunda affirmeth) taketh its name from the Bastuli the ancient Inhabitants o..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:3605:36, 20 December 2024 diff hist +12,332 N Billedulgerid Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome. === <blockquote>BILLEDULGERID, with its several Kingdoms, Parts, or Provinces, which may be considered as they lie * Southwards of MOROCCO, as ** The Kingdom of SUS, or TESSET, with its Quarters and Ci..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:3305:33, 20 December 2024 diff hist +3,431 N Bermuda Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>A DESCRIPTION OF THE SVMMER ILANDS VVHICH THEY CALL BERMƲDAS. (Book Bermuda) WEE have mentioned these Ilands in our former descrip∣tions, but now seeing they have gotten a p..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:3205:32, 20 December 2024 diff hist +8,979 N Bellovacum Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE COVNTRY OF BELLOVACƲM. COMMONLY CALLED BEAƲVAIS, OR BEAƲVOISIN. The State Ecclesiastick. THE BISHOP OF BELLOVACƲM IS A SPIRITVAL and temporall Lord, an Earle, and Peere..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:2905:29, 20 December 2024 diff hist +9,326 N Barca Created page with "==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome. === <blockquote>THE rest of the Coast of Barbary, is now known under the name of BARCA; it is bounded on the East with Egypt, on the South with the Desart of Nubia, on the West with Tripoli, and on the N..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:2805:28, 20 December 2024 diff hist +30,798 N Barbary Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>BARBARY, IN VVHICH ARE THE KINGDOMES OF TƲNIS AND AEGYPT. (Book Barbary) IN Affrick, which with Ptolemy wee make to bee the second part of the World, Barbary doth first presen..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:2705:27, 20 December 2024 diff hist +16,936 N Asia Created page with " ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>ASIA succeeds Africke in my division. This name was allotted it from the Nymph Asia (as Varro witnesseth) of whom and Iapetus Prometheus was borne: Others say it was so called either of Asius the sonne of Atys, or from Asius the Philosopher, who gave the Palladium of Troy to the custodie of the Citie, for which, that they might gratifie him, his whole..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:2605:26, 20 December 2024 diff hist +12,184 N Argow Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>ARGOW. (Book Argow) ARgonia, commonly called Argow, was a part of the Kingdome of Transtura, which comprehended all the Countries lying from the Mountaine Iura, even to the Alp..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:2305:23, 20 December 2024 diff hist +6,420 N Arelatum Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>The Kingdome of Arelatum. (Book Arelatum) THe Kingdome of Arelatum is so called from the Citie Arelatum. It containeth those Countries which lye betweene the Rivers Rho∣danus..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:2205:22, 20 December 2024 diff hist +5,217 N Aragon Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>ARAGON AND CATALONIA. (Book Aragon) ARAGON tooke its name either from the Autrigoni∣ans, a people of Spaine, as Laurentius Valla witnesseth;* 1.1 or from Tarracone an ancient..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:2105:21, 20 December 2024 diff hist +35,197 N Arabia Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome=== <blockquote>ARABIA, which may be consider∣ed in *LAND, with its three Parts, as they lie **Between the RED-SEA, and Gulph of BALSERA and ORMUS; as, HYAMAN, GEMEN, or ARABIA the HAPPY. ***Medina, ***C..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:1905:19, 20 December 2024 diff hist +5,456 N Aquitania Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>AQVITANIA, (whose Southerne part is delineated in this Table) some would have so called from the waters wherewith it doth abound;* 1.1 and some derive it from the Towne Aquis, o..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:1405:14, 20 December 2024 diff hist +10,872 N Andegavia Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>ANIOV THE DVKEDOME OF ANDEGAVIA. (Book Andegavia) The Dukedome of Anjou containeth Counties, Baronnies, and Seigniories, as C•aon 1856. 4743, &c. which I have not yet found o..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:1205:12, 20 December 2024 diff hist +11,363 N Andaluzia Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>ANDALVZIA. Jn which are the Countries of HISPALIS and GRANADA. (Book Andaluzia) ANDALUZIA is a part of Hispania Baetica, it is supposed that it was heretofore called Vandalia f..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:1105:11, 20 December 2024 diff hist +6,025 N Ancomitana Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE MARQVISHIP OF ANCONITANA, AND the Dukedome of SPOLETO. (Book Anconitana) THE Marquiship of Ancomitana was so called by the Langbards from Ancone a famous Mart Towne, where..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 05:1005:10, 20 December 2024 diff hist +10,674 N Anatolia Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>ASIA the lesse so called to distinguish it from the greater, is now to be described: for so the Romanes when they made a Province did call it after the name of the Continent. Th..." Tag: Visual edit
- 05:0805:08, 20 December 2024 diff hist +64,438 America No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 04:4904:49, 20 December 2024 diff hist +23 N America Created page with "Category:Continents" Tag: Visual edit
- 04:4804:48, 20 December 2024 diff hist −12 Algiers No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 04:4704:47, 20 December 2024 diff hist +29,751 Algiers No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 04:4504:45, 20 December 2024 diff hist +204 N Algiers Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books==" Tag: Visual edit
- 04:4304:43, 20 December 2024 diff hist +44,492 N Africa Created page with " == Sources from old books: == '''1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.'''<blockquote>AFRICKE followes: which was so called, if we beleeve Nisias, from Afer a companion of Hercules, who accom∣panied him even as faire as Calis. But if we trust Iosephus, and Isidorus, from one of the posteritie of Abraham, whose name was Afer: or (as Festus doth suppose) from the Greek word 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifies cold, for it is f..." Tag: Visual edit
- 04:4204:42, 20 December 2024 diff hist −1 Template:Country No edit summary
- 04:4104:41, 20 December 2024 diff hist +4,283 N Achaia Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>There remaineth in this Table Achaja, which is a Country of Greece. Ptolemy calleth it Hellades. Pliny in his Epistles calleth it Maera-Graecia, or meere Greece. It is bounderd..." Tag: Visual edit
- 04:4004:40, 20 December 2024 diff hist +32,303 Abyssin No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 04:3604:36, 20 December 2024 diff hist +30,412 N Abyssin Created page with " ==Etymology== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books:== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>THE KINGDOMES OF THE ABISSINES AND CONGƲS. (Book Abissines) THE Kingdome of the Abissines is called Aethiopia, which Ptolemy placeth beneath Aegypt. The Moores doe call the Prince thereof As..." Tag: Visual edit
- 04:3304:33, 20 December 2024 diff hist +206 N Template:Country Created page with "==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture == == Government == ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books=="
- 04:3204:32, 20 December 2024 diff hist +4,289 N Abruzzo Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books:== === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>ABRVZZO, AND TERRA DI LAVORO, A PART of the Kingdome of NAPLES. (Book Abruzzo) IN this Table two Countries of the Kingdome of Naples are to be described, Aprutium and Terra Laboratoris. The..." Tag: Visual edit
- 04:1804:18, 20 December 2024 diff hist −56 Main Page No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 03:5003:50, 20 December 2024 diff hist −97 Template:InfoboxCountry No edit summary
- 03:3503:35, 20 December 2024 diff hist −190 Tartaria Remove hyperlinks to the old website Tag: Visual edit
19 December 2024
- 23:5723:57, 19 December 2024 diff hist +371 Main Page No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 23:4723:47, 19 December 2024 diff hist +314 N Template:InfoboxCountry Created page with "{{Country | countrytitle=Example | image1=Example.jpg | caption-image1=Example | continent=Example | government=Example | capital=Example | largest_cities=Example | inhabitants=Example | languages=Example | import=Example | export=Example | current_time=Example | currentcountry=Example}}"
- 23:3023:30, 19 December 2024 diff hist −829 Tartaria No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 23:2823:28, 19 December 2024 diff hist +53,950 N Tartaria Created page with " ==Etymology== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books:== ===1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator.=== <blockquote>TARTARIE is a very large Kingdome: for besides a great part of Europe, it containeth all Sarmatia in Asia, with Scythie and Serica, which they now call [ Cathajo]. It was..." Tag: Visual edit
- 20:0520:05, 19 December 2024 diff hist +4 Main Page No edit summary
- 20:0520:05, 19 December 2024 diff hist +13 Main Page No edit summary