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  • 19:32, 26 January 2025Cabul, City (hist | edit) ‎[1,292 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxCountry |name = |Government = |Leader = |Under the possession of =The Empire of the Mogul |Capital = |Continent =Asia |Region = |Province = Cabul |Contains regions = |Contains provinces = |Contains cities = |Population = |Languages = |Religions = |Currency = }} ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military=...")
  • 19:29, 26 January 2025Cabul, Province (hist | edit) ‎[1,312 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxCountry |name = |Government =Province |Leader = |Under the possession of =The Empire of the Mogul |Capital = |Continent =Asia |Region = |Province = |Contains regions = |Contains provinces = |Contains cities = |Population = |Languages = |Religions = |Currency = }} ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==...")
  • 19:23, 26 January 2025Cabestan (hist | edit) ‎[1,619 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1694. The great historical, geographical and poetical dictionary by Louis Moreri. === <blockquote>Cabestan, a Borough of France, in the Province of Languedoc near Nismes; whence William of Cabestan, a Provincial Poet, that lived in the 13th Age, took his Na...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 19:19, 26 January 2025Cabis (hist | edit) ‎[1,064 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1694. The great historical, geographical and poetical dictionary by Louis Moreri. === <blockquote>Cabes, Capes Cape, Tacapa, a conspicuous City on the Coast of Barbary, over against Trepano in Sicily, which has a River conveyed to it from a Lake beh...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 18:58, 25 January 2025Peking (hist | edit) ‎[6,273 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Etymology and other names== {| class="wikitable" |+ !Modern !Beijing |- | |Peking |- | |Paquin |- | |Pagnia |- | |Pequin |- | | |- | | |} ==History== ==Geography== ==Maps== <gallery> File:1701 A system of geography by Herman Moll - China.jpg|1701 A system of geography by Herman Moll </gallery> ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1652. Cosmographie in...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:17, 21 January 2025Bessarabia (hist | edit) ‎[3,948 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child. === <blockquote>BESSARABIA, Bessarabia, together with part of PODOLIA and HUNGARY. BESSARABIA is a very large Province of Europe, lying between Podolia, Moldavia and the Mo...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:08, 21 January 2025Antarctick (hist | edit) ‎[5,106 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Sources from old books == === 1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child. === <blockquote>Antarctick or Southern. * N. Guinea, Puerto Primerio. * Isles of Solomon, S. Isable, S. Jorge. * Isles, ** ...Horn, Cocos, Monches, Sansfond, Prince William, Good-hope, Traitors, Midelberg. * Eleven thousand Virgins. * Terre de Fua or Fuoga. * Stoteland. * H•rmite's Isle. * Diego Ramires I. * Kings-Isle. * Terra Australis incognita. ** 1. Carpentery. ** 2. The Cou...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:55, 21 January 2025Terra Firma (hist | edit) ‎[3,958 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child. === <blockquote>Terra Firma reaches from the Confines of Veragua to Cape Nord, or Cape Race in Carabona, about 640 Leagues from West to East, and from South to North about 200, from the Borders of Paria and Ama...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 00:45, 21 January 2025Magellanica (hist | edit) ‎[9,655 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child.=== <blockquote>MAGELLANICA takes its name from Ferdinand Magellan, who first Discover'd it in 1519. The Natives call it Chika; others term it the Country of the Patagons. It is the most Southern part of the Ameri...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 02:39, 20 January 2025New Mexico (hist | edit) ‎[2,736 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child. === <blockquote>New MEXICO is not as yet sufficiently known: It was the Country of the ancient Nivatelias, who came from Mexico and settl'd themselves there. Antony Ep•jo, who discover'd it in 1583, gave it th...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 02:35, 20 January 2025Carolina (hist | edit) ‎[3,293 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1695. A New Body of Geography by A. Sewall & T. Child. === <blockquote>Carolina, so call'd from the King of Great Britain, Charles II. is a part of Florida, and Peopl'd with an English Colony by the Proprietors, the Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarl, &c. i...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 14:43, 18 January 2025The Isle of France (hist | edit) ‎[47,831 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child.===") Tag: Visual edit
  • 14:23, 18 January 2025Normandy (hist | edit) ‎[33,711 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child.=== Normandy is divided into 7 Diocesses. *Diocess of Rouen in 4 Counties **Vexin-Normand **Rouanois **Caux **Bray. *Diocess of Lisieux *Bayeux *Coutance *Auranches.") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:50, 18 January 2025Liege, Province (hist | edit) ‎[10,347 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child.=== <blockquote>The Bishoprick of LIEGE, Leodiensis Ditio. THO' the Diocess of Liege be part of the Empire, and of the Circle of Westphalia; yet because of its sit...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:40, 18 January 2025Luxemburg (hist | edit) ‎[5,637 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child. === <blockquote>The Dutchy of LUXEMBURG, Luxemburgensis Ducatus. THIS Province is seated in the Lower Germany, and is bounded on the North by part of the Bishoprick of Liege and...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:36, 18 January 2025Cambresis (hist | edit) ‎[2,033 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child. === <blockquote>The Country of CAMBRESIS, Cameracersis Ager. THIS small Country is bounded on the North and East by the Province of Hainault, on the West by that of Artois,...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:32, 18 January 2025Hainault (hist | edit) ‎[11,275 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Maps== <gallery mode="packed-hover" heights="150" showfilename="yes"> File:1701 A system of geography by Herman Moll - Spanish Netherlands.jpg|alt= </gallery> ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books==") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:18, 18 January 2025Artois (hist | edit) ‎[8,456 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Maps== <gallery mode="packed-hover" heights="150" showfilename="yes"> </gallery> ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child. === <blockquote>CHAP. I. The County or Province of ARTOIS, Artesia, Arthesia, or Adartesia. THE Pr...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:12, 18 January 2025The Spanish Netherlands (hist | edit) ‎[28,634 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child. === <blockquote> THE SPANISH NETHERLANDS THE ancient Name of these Countries was Belgium, whether from an old Dutch word Balgen to Fight, or from the City Belgium, which some say wa...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 02:53, 13 January 2025Samogitia (hist | edit) ‎[6,941 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxCountry |name = |Government = |Leader = |Under the control of = |Capital = |Continent =Europe |Region = |Province = |Contains regions = |Contains provinces = |Population = |Languages = |Religions = |Currency = }} ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1695. Thesaurus...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 02:44, 13 January 2025Red Russia (hist | edit) ‎[8,984 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " === 1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child. === <blockquote>RED RUSSIA, Russia Rubra. This Province is extended from the Frontiers of Lithuania, as far as the Mouth of the Nieper in the Black Sea; which River separates it from Moscovy on the East, as likewise do the Mountains of Krempach from Hungary on the West. The Country is extremely fruitful in Corn, and is divided into 7 parts, viz. the Palatinates of Red-Russia, Podoli...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 02:17, 13 January 2025Scandinavia (hist | edit) ‎[3,070 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxCountry |name = |Government = |Leader = |Under the control of = |Capital = |Continent =Europe |Region = |Province = |Contains kingdoms = Denmark, Norway, Sweden |Contains provinces = |Population = |Languages = |Religions = |Currency = }} ==Sources from old books== ===1695. Thesaurus geographicus a new body of geography by Abel Swall and Tim. Child.===") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
  • 15:59, 12 January 2025Mallacca (hist | edit) ‎[5,552 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts. === <blockquote>MALLACCA, and the Trade thereof. Mallacca is the next Countrey to the aforenamed Siam, seated betweene the Coasts of Siam and Pegu, vpon the utmost bound of a long tract of lan...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 15:56, 12 January 2025Siam (hist | edit) ‎[5,724 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts. === <blockquote>Of SIAM and the trade of the coast thereof. VNder the title of Siam I will comprehend the Citie of Tenaserim, a famous towne of traffique, and the Metropolis of a Kingdome; also Pottan...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 16:36, 11 January 2025Wales (hist | edit) ‎[59,573 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1682. Cosmography and geography in two parts by Richard Blome. === <blockquote>WALES. THE Island of great Britain, in ancient time, was severed into three Parts; the first, fairest, and greatest, contained all within the French Seas, the Rivers of Severn, Dee, and...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:30, 11 January 2025Magadoxo (hist | edit) ‎[619 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquote>Magadoxo, a City on the East of Africa, in the Kingdom of Zanguebar; which has a strong Castle, and a convenient Port. This City lies four hundred and f...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:27, 11 January 2025Maestricht (hist | edit) ‎[1,695 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquote>Maestricht, Trajectum ad Mosam, Trajectum superius, is a City of Brabant; upon the Western Bank of the Maes, (which is here covered with a beautiful Sto...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:24, 11 January 2025Masacum (hist | edit) ‎[574 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquote>Maeseyck, Masacum, is a City of the Lower Germany, in the Bishoprick of Liege; in the County of Losse, in the Borders of the Ʋpper Guelderland; five Leagues be...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:21, 11 January 2025Maes (hist | edit) ‎[1,468 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |+ !Modern !'''Maas''' |- |17th |Maes |- |17th |Mosa |- |French, 17th |la Meuse |- |Dutch |die Maes |- | | |} ==Etymology and other names== ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquote>Maes, Mosa, a vast River in the Low-Countries; called by the French, la Meuse; and by the Dutch, die Maes: it ariseth in the Mountains of Vauge, (Vogesus) in Champagne in Franc...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:16, 11 January 2025Maeander (hist | edit) ‎[1,191 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Etymology and other names == Maeander, Madre Mindre, Bojouc Mindre; that is, the Great Mindre ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquote>Maeander, a great River in the Lesser Asia, in the Greater Phrygia. Now commonly called Madre Mindre, and Bojouc Mindre; that is, the Great Mindre; in opposition to that at Ephesus, which is called the Little Minder. It sp...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:01, 11 January 2025Celebes (hist | edit) ‎[10,172 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Etymology and other names== {| class="wikitable" |+ !Modern !Sulavesi ! ! |- | |Celebes | | |- | |Macascar | | |- | |Macassar | | |- | |Macasaria | | |- | | | | |} ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquote>Macascar, Macassar, Maca...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 02:54, 11 January 2025Macao (hist | edit) ‎[9,982 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== Macao, Amacao, Amacum ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquote>Macao, Amacao, Amacum, a City in China, in the Province of Quantum; upon the South part of that Kingdom; in Long. 141. 30. Lat. 23. 0...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:50, 8 January 2025Paphlagonia (hist | edit) ‎[527 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.=== <blockquote>Paphlagonia now called Rom, E. River Haly, and Cappadocia. N. Pontus, where there are such poor places, as # Gangra where Concilium Ganyrense 339. # Conrula. # Pompeiopolis. #...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:44, 8 January 2025Mysia (hist | edit) ‎[1,394 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.=== <blockquote>Mysia E. W. Phrygia the greater and less N. S. Bythinia Hellespont, Lydia and the Aegean, where be∣sides the Mountain Olympus, and the Rivers Caicus, and 2 Granicus: 1 Pergamus...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:37, 8 January 2025Asia Minor (hist | edit) ‎[3,118 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.=== <blockquote> ==== Asia, properly so called, now Sarchan or Procon∣sula; ==== Asia E. N. Lydia and Mysia S. W. Caria and the Aegean; where # Pitane on a River of that name, where th...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:21, 8 January 2025Curia, Province (hist | edit) ‎[927 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.=== <blockquote>N. E. Lycia, Lydia, and Ionia S. W. the Aegean and Carpathian Sea, where Auguty was first invented, and Astronomy: Here besides the River Salmacis, that weakens those...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:14, 8 January 2025Lycia (hist | edit) ‎[765 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.=== <blockquote>Lycia environed on three sides, with the Mountain Taurus (and shut in on the 4<sup>th</sup> with the Mediterranian) famous for that branch of Taurus, here called Chymaera; and #...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:10, 8 January 2025Lycaonia (hist | edit) ‎[610 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.=== <blockquote>S. E. Armenia minor, and Pisidia N. W. Cappadocia, and Phrygia major; where is, # Iconium, now Coynri, scituated advantagiously in the Mountain...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:08, 8 January 2025Pasidia (hist | edit) ‎[529 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.=== <blockquote>N. Lycaonia, E. Armenia the less, W. Lycia, S. Pamphilia and Cilicia; where is # old Antioch, Acts 4. # Impenetrable Seleucia, and Termessus # Fruitfull and pleasan...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:04, 8 January 2025Isauria (hist | edit) ‎[510 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1676. A most exact and accurate map of the whole world by Donald Lupton.=== <blockquote>E. S. Cilicia on both sides Taurus, plentifull in Vines and other rich products, about the River Calecadnus, where besides the ruined Isauria, is the rich and well-traded Sele...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 01:19, 8 January 2025Tangut (hist | edit) ‎[442 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Tangut is a Kingdome within Cathay part of Great Tartary. ==Etymology== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books:== ===1615. The estates, empires, & principallities of the world by Pierre d'Avity.===") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:14, 7 January 2025Mataman (hist | edit) ‎[630 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mataman, a Kingdom of Africa, to the West of the Aethiopick Ocean, betwixt Caffreria and the Kingdom of Angola; and towards the River Verte. ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquot...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:40, 6 January 2025Rivers (hist | edit) ‎[76,567 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Empires collapse, borders shift, and cities are leveled to the ground. New settlements rise upon the ruins of past civilizations. Yet rivers continue to flow, descending from mountain peaks along their ancient, unchanging courses. As we study old maps, we encounter many unfamiliar names of settlements. These maps lack the state boundaries we are accustomed to, as such concepts were absent in their time. Even mountains were seldom drawn by ancient cartographers. But river...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:38, 6 January 2025Chesel (hist | edit) ‎[78 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==Sources from old books== Category:Rivers") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:29, 6 January 2025Jaick (hist | edit) ‎[460 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== {| class="wikitable" |+ !Modern !'''Ural''' |- | |Jayck |- | |Jayck |- | |Rhymnus |} ==Sources from old books== ===1693. A geographical dictionary representing the present and ancient names by Edmund Bohun.=== <blockquote>Jayck, Rhymnus, a River of the Asian Tartary, which falls into the Caspian Sea, between the Rha and Jaxartes: Olearius placeth it in the middle of the North end of that Sea.</blockquote> Category:Rivers") Tag: Visual edit
  • 02:55, 6 January 2025Tanais, River (hist | edit) ‎[1,368 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Etymology and other names == {| class="wikitable" |+ !Modern !Don |- | |Tanais |- | |Don |- |Italians |Tana |} == Sources from old books == === 1635. Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas. London. by Gerhard Mercator. === <blockquote>Also Don or Tanais, Ariel, Samar that runneth into Don, with many others.</blockquote> === 1685. Geographia universalis: the present state of the whole world by Pierre Duval. === <blockquote>The River of Dom, or Tana, formerly Tanais</bl...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 03:53, 5 January 2025Tripoli, Syria (hist | edit) ‎[1,802 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== === 1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts. === <blockquote>Of TRIPOLIS and the Trade thereof. THE next and last of note in this Countrey is Tripolis, and to distinguish it from that in Barbary commonly called (in Syria) it hath in former t...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 22:27, 4 January 2025Cambaia, Province (hist | edit) ‎[7,067 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn.=== <blockquote>CAMBAIA specially so called, hath on the North, Mandao; on the South, the main Ocean, and some part of Decan; on the East, Delly, from which parted by a ridge of Mountains; on the West, the Main Ocean,...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 22:25, 4 January 2025Cambaia, Region (hist | edit) ‎[7,975 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1652. Cosmographie in four bookes by Peter Heylyn.=== <blockquote>7 CAMBAIA. CAMBAIA hath on the East Delly and part of Mandao; on the West, Gedrosia a Province of the Persian Empire; on the North, Dulsinda, and the rest of Mandao; on the South, the m...") Tag: Visual edit
  • 22:04, 4 January 2025Pegu (hist | edit) ‎[24,263 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Etymology and other names== ==History== ==Geography== ==Demographics== ==Economy== ==Culture== ==Government== ==Military== ==Education== ==Transportation== ==Notable People== ==Sources from old books== ===1638. The merchants mappe of commerce wherein by Lewes Roberts.=== <blockquote>Of PEGU, and the coast thereof with the trade. IN order having passed the coast and gulph of Bengala, the next in this tract, is the Sea-coast of Aracan, Pegu and Sian, stretching it self...") Tag: Visual edit
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